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Sam Ovens Anotar cient suoceas sty, This lent went rom sling $250 1ont coaching to high end leverage group ‘coaching ands aleacy at $25,000 ronth WITHOUT even having her funn ve. now | usual taka ot about my cons geting to $100,000 month pls (have 9of hese case tule now) but thinks Impotant oak about ALL ‘of my cons successes and nt jus the big ones, Every single day my conts are crushing wih my advice are growing thor businesses exponential Ityou havea coaching or consuting business and ae loking ramp things up men shoot me as prvate message Nee on FB ana t's tk! ———— "haven even had the funnel vend tn to 25k this ‘month just wa aunching my rogram you ot me to and runing stratogy cals ke you recommend! te Comment are ©0 kur cso Romeo else ads otters ‘Sam Ovens ‘Another one of ny clots making back her investment wihin 3 weeks “Ts cont had boen doing strategy session els or 5s years aes that ‘tis is the most power raining that she hes soon, Not just nice words to say but cold hard resus too. A m3 waka it the progiam and ve saad mace back my investment ‘Ad ve got 9 moe stategy sessions booked for this Weck ve done AON of strategy sessions ovr the course of vo years ants iby forthe most power ITS WORKING. Thanks, Sam Ovens tte Comment 1 tke Comment Saae OBO kin isp, ames rots a $0 oars Sam Ovens men your olen compares your onine program tothe $250k Stanfors ceeaton ‘The wo i dtetely changing an the cracks inthe wratonaledueston system are starting 1 shou more ae more every single day. ''am so grattl for his Consting Accelerator program Why di goo Stanford ‘and gol myself ang parents in 250k n det ‘Thank yous mach Sant etme Comment Share (0 tr ctegow net wopassngerand 79 aes ‘Sam Ovens ‘One ofthe reasons why my cents get such ile resus is because of my "7 Figure Sales Serr. vary week people reach outa me and el me how good tis. Olen these peopl have been trough “everyting” when comes io sales and they stil ‘Say tat heise Best hat they have eve sen, Here's some nd words fem a new cont oa Uke Comment Share 0 run ctapon, same oat an 40 oa ‘Sam ovens ‘Ancterclont of mie cackng the $100k month mark. Mark Fra Hey Sam Ovens, Paul yan an! ust ld $19K this week in coaching see, Based on whare tinge are racking for net week, believe we ae (ong to it break $100K nex marth ust neaaehng sales. Thanks fo ‘othe help Sam. 1 tke Comment > Share © kre wena, 2a a 7 ober ‘Sam Ovens ecsed9 naw photos he money butts rings Ike this mean so much mare Andrew Argue tai working with mein January tis year and | heped im ‘90 rom $17,000 /month to $135,000 month (ness than 4 months. His wile Arana Argue Saw what Andrew Was doing so she docded to qu ho flim ob and star ig it to and now she's aready a $7,000 in hor very fest month They just moved out of hod apartment where they had even purchased couch o save money and now theyre inti ream place in Ma You can read thor story and see thor new place inthe images bol. [have some openings er new cient ght now aif youre inerestd in ‘goting results ke ts then reach out here on FB andes a ia Andrew Argue with Amand Arve, In January 2014, my wie ar only had 1,500 let in cur bank acsount sna 855K n tudor ans. We freaked out ‘Wi sarod to got crazy and saved insanely. We even wets far as 6 nat buy couch fran one yoar (You can see me tera sleeping onthe ground) But whe wo got our sponding under contol, wo could never neroas0 out Decombar 2015 was eur best month and we made S19. Than we mat Sam. ‘This mons ou biggest moh yo. We've ocked $195K in sales JUST ‘THIS MONTH! (Ou postok nt wots now about to beak 250K. | honesty beleve my ‘Aether clon mine making an easy $25 this Wook '$25k eek is $100k month and $1.2 oa ‘Nota baa inprovemant om 83k per month which is whee this nt stares trom when he began working wih mo. | capped it atten peope, filed up 9 spots wih one more inthe pipeline. Pretty easy 25k which in Canadian dliarsis tke a milion ‘bucks ll, Proved thatthe model works and that ther is never the perfect tim. ‘The crazy hing i that his was wthout any of my own promation or ‘unnels. Scary to think what I could accomplish | eid so. Soi Continued at this rate, | went from $3kimonth in coaching to ‘Sokmonth minimum Al hanks fo you Sam! Ue Comment Share O08 rests Monee Jun Aguayo and 47 abere ‘Sem Ovens Po 19h ‘Ancter clon making $100k per month | sed think that this evel play ws reserved forthe oto of he eit and was unatinable fr most people but now soe that his is what shoul be ‘expected you are doing things ho right way. Marti Amos 18 hrs $118k for March. Happy days © . ‘Uke Comment Share OW rrr Forest stn cro ans 67 oes ‘Sam Ovens 5 ays ago stared working wih anew cant Semaine Ho's already made $81,200 anc he's only daysin. "Nox wook he wil the same, maybe even betir..And the next week aftr ‘hat he same again and he sare again and he wil continue todo these numbers evry week fora ong as he's In busing. |1used to make big dea! about case studs ke his but he truth have become numb o them bocause hese things now happen ALL THE TIME when peop start working wih me, ‘Scroll back trough my Facebok newstoed here ad just look athe backto- ack sucess stores of dozens a peope adding igh 6-igures to ther ‘monty incomes just in the past 3 months on, He's the facts 1). ts obvious hat you run a coaching or consuting business that ean help you 2¢20x yourbusinoss win the nas 8 wooks. 2. Lhave helped 8 people his year ade over $100,000 to thelr monty incomes anahave the documentation ar alle poopl a prove that. 3). This no longer a game of chance and "maybe wil work’ fat out works and have mattered it and tiled ths don to a precctable and ‘epetabl process. ‘Those are the facts ‘Sothe question i why arent you doing anything bout? ‘To next 8 weoks or you can look the samo (or worse.) OF they can ook ko the ests that my cients are geting. “The decision is yours, ‘Reach aut hereon FB youre lnterestad in geting some reat the hese, ‘omit you wanto slay where you ae and just read sores of oer doing hat you wart to be don. ‘sam Ovens ‘Avoter7-igure case study added tothe Bock. How mach grow has your business hat over he past 8 weeks? ‘Yu cant do anything about the past but you can make @ decision about he ex 8 weeks. ‘hing stay the same for you? Wil hy mere sgh? Or wil you acd ‘an eta $80,000 to your monthly revenues. “The choice i yours, ‘Shoot mea PM hereon Facobook if youre interested In making @ "wancormaton he Ps n your business. | Andrew Argue Its hao balve | stated woking wih Som os han 90 days 290. went ‘rom ow 6 igure (over malng mec than 620K/me) to having he beget ‘mont of my if again March 898100. sil yo prch msl every 23 ‘ays tomake sre Im nt creaming, warts Te gow even mere Maret but ha some nceup wih my ad go Pat ated frag Ap Crazy tat even whe chatenges his isthe new norm fox me, THANK YOUSem! tte Comment © ves ren accion ‘sam Oven Cong atom eg hate ase! 1 ep stron ‘Sam Ovens Heals some kind word tom one a mylene Brandon, ‘Brandon had worked with alot of coaches and spent ver $20,000 botore he stated werking wih me, ‘Wiis his st 3 wooks he has learned more and aciavod more compared to lof the cer cosches combines. What do your next $ weeks look tke? How are things going to change for you? 10 you want o continue puling rabbis out of hats and tying on "hope ‘marketing’ odo you wart to folow a proven process to get high ae cents Cn demand and wih ota precesabiy? ‘you havea coaching or consulting business and youre locking to scale itto ‘he $100,000+ month point then reach out here on FB aa’ ak about making it happen! Qn ‘Sam, ust want to thark you for evrything ofr ve spert ove 20,000, working wit oer "High Toke coaches and consular have ler ‘mote and nave doe more with youn only 3 weeks than arned wi al tte ther eoeches and conautans combined! My new gh Text ‘unnelisup and running in es han 3 weeks because of yeu ar he program you have ceatd! Fm sure speak or everyone inthe program, at ust wate to ay thank you. The work you nave puro this program 'Sinceate ara wy wih woul have ‘Sam Ovens [Nooo fice is complete wthout a custom Haley ie tke comment Share O08 hart ciasgon, a and 38 cers ‘Sam Ovens ‘$241,500 within 7 wooks. Jo Samis & Jessica Sami started working wth me nthe scond week of “anuery this year and now 7 Wook later they have cloed $283,500 wort of business Jo stared working with me when he was a genera coneutant offering a ‘ange of diferent things to difrent people and srugging to keep up wi 1 complet of his business. "helped Jaf refine his business to riche an oe and hen we setup a precetabie system o ake strangest cents inthe fastest tinetame possble. ‘The results? $241,500 In sales win 7 wosks and ust his wook alone he tases $10,500. ‘A fake? Not ky since Ihave helped 5 people tis year acd more han {100,000 to her month income. Were ony 2 month ni 2016 and have personally helped 5 people gett 7 gues. ‘Tre eazy ting about al fh sha Jet wanted to "thnk bout his decision ro work win me. Jot cached out and wo talk on the phone an he couldnt make he Gocison, he ward t thnk about itor afew days. Lusky the decision ended up being a“YES" because itwasn' he would have Maral le lens of lars onthe abe that coud have changed ‘everything fx rim and ns tama. ‘So ht now wo¥e 2 month nto 2016 and Ve hepod § people goto 7- figures wih thee coachnglconsutingbusinastos, the queston is are you gong tobe the next on a re you jst going to continue to ead about other oop’ sucess? "you want to make 2016 YOUR year ad you want to grow your coaching or coneutingbusingss to Gt 3 menth then reach out here on FB and ‘Sam ovens ‘Wha do your Tueséays look tke? ‘Today | osed $90,000 worth of gh tke als for myse and hen | umped Into my Facebook group o ee how my cents wee going, Frank stated working wit me 2 wooks ago and he's already had aS-Figure Wook ti week. ‘content tat win € wake Fran willbe at 6-igues per month and be another 7-igue case study. ‘amazes me how people ignore message ike his and continue to bash thet head agains! the wal dong the same things but expecting te situation change. "you wat to make a change in your business you nes to co things Jo [a [aaa] [rata] [= set9058.-— 13,212 trom @ see Your sales aaa ‘Sam Ovens How much of transformation can you mako in 8 wooks? [Andrew Argue started werkng wih me on January Sth 2016 when he was dong “done or you" and "ton" work for sccountares and making $17,000 oath "elped andrew craft high ket group coaching ofr, sotup an inbound ‘markt systom to gonerto strategy seston calls and then trined im on how {odo thecal and close cans ino ha trlnng program. ‘The results? Win B weeks Andrew has gone om doing Ton work ar making $17,000 ‘nth to ful tevragod group coaching where he is row making $82,000 month, ‘Yes. A wanslermaton om $204,000 year -TO - $984,000 in jst 8 weeks time. Thats @ 6 rgures to 7 wnsormation within B weeks. ‘A fuke? Not holy since Ihave 6 other cate ste jut ike it whore the same thing has happened ‘Seviousy.. Take alook at where your business was a on January Sth 2016 land then take a ook at where sight now... Wat change has happened for you since then? Ukoly noting. And. Weshing happened then | can assure you tha thing Is evor going to happen i yer unless you mako a change and sook ‘mentorship and aavioe. Every single month my lnts make transformation ike hs and they wil continue to make taneloemation ike hs. ‘Te questions: Do you want obo one of th? Or do you ust wat to ea about them hae inthe neweec? ‘nave a couple of spaces let fornew cont ovr the next 8 wooks and if yOU'e a good ft love 0 hel you transform youre and busines, ovens: Not single day goes by without one of my clans resching oxo me and tong me about hl success. tone thing sta consuting business rom nahing and row ito '350,000 month within years» BUT - it another thing to help your tents got massive success as wo Most coaches shout fom the rotops about her own success an thats reat but the best cosches shout about cats reaula moe than they do Tei own... See More oh and btw...it fing worked! He asked how to pay and | was like ‘holy shit!" Shocked at how easy the call was. ‘Sam Ovens ny do youn coach to help you with your business? Will 1day one of my lens Anckow talked to me onthe phone ard old me ‘that ho just ha acl with somebody who was the prec ft or his ofr tut the call didnt end wo an he was boating hima up about gure out what wont wong and then advised Andrew to cal back he prospect mediately ater ou cal and tol im exactly what ty 0 him, ‘Seo More 2:55PM Called the guy back from this morning just like you said - CLOSED. You are the FUCKING man - THANK ‘a You! (© cy vy, Oe Eva 4 hee ‘Sam Ovens ‘Wat tanstomaton has happened fo you inthe as 6 wooks? Dave started werking wih me 6 weeks ago when he was making S28k inonth and now hes seady done $70,000 this morsh of February and the months only halt way Bough. you havent improved your busines inthe past 6 weeks lean tl you hat natin is going to happen fr you in the next 6 wooks. ln business you are ‘ether moving feward or you af sping backwards here sno staying stationary... ee Nore wl (On pace for $70k this month haha bad ass. what were you ‘on when you started with me? Ha | think like 25k. 6 weeks ago f Bw Not too shabby! sf tne comment 7 te sam ovens “These words changed my fe 9 years ago whan i stopped tying to free y eas onto other peop inthe marketplace. Heaned to tind he dstes ina marketplace and then crete products and sevies that sone hose cess. ats gett the bear ofthe mate The owe, the, the verning ug aw ‘Scag os ce ft mat a fm te Oy {taeda nthe as fans of epee aay sig ies ‘por oc Tse apy weak nto rate ts ase ee ‘eedamel andre tke Comment are (© brarcon om, xoytek oye nc es ‘Sam Ovens How many poople have the hry of having to STOP thelr pa averting campaigns bocause thoy have oo many cin. Jet start working wih me lte December 2015 an onthe weaker he had to STOP hs campalgne because he haa too many cient and needs to hie othe person belore tuning them back on berate the sles volume i 100 srueh, ‘Most people roam of having tis issue or dont avon below that his could posobly be an“isue"... S20 More ——_ tno neous ot stig down because bua bis manent unk erght move tw oyou money phase compote, ma top aig ness ‘Sam ovens fe te Comment Share © vac we, Frank Keeney a 18 thers Sam Ovens “Tne3 reasons why poopl hie coaches and constants. 1. RABLUTY to ge there on theleowe 2. Want ou a PROVEN SYSTEM an have ve Ue Comment Share © Mepase Kru, Oe Ears 228 oa Sam Ovens ust ecasual coworsaton between mse and acon thet stated weeking ‘ar me 2 weaks 390. It you want change stop wating forthe perfect time ofr things to happen on thoi own bocause the perec ie wil never come a things wil ver happen on thor own Ityou want resuts tke this in your coaching or consulting business then ach ‘ut nore on FS anders tak ow ech ron recang even nave you iso ye 7 511.500 eouths ‘es! 2 at $198,009 ———-_ Ya, petyaosame mani We ely neds ook i yea 29 wove gotsome work ahaa ous bt nat ye song si ave ‘Sante nate get hee (© sane Fras, Can Maina 28 oar ‘sam ovens How would you bk to make back to back elas on a Monday? Most coaches and constants stat the week of by worrying abou where their next cert is going o come tom. My cionssreagy nave their woek kl ol scheduled calls and dont have to thik abou a single thing, they just get on the cals and CLOSE... See More @ &e5es rome @ intros 921 ne bse closes fun monday! {good stuff man ‘Sam Ovens sce 4 now photos ‘Spent the last wo days masterminding wth awesome people an awesome space about some ty ewesome tings! Its been aprivlege to work with my cients and they have echeved some ‘neresbie ngs. ‘Sam Ovens you want a predictable, proven system fr geting high value clon evar ‘ingle woek for your coaching or canaulting business then reach out and ets ‘ak very wook you walt you ae iter leaving ono housands of dlrs on 0 Reynolds (0x0 end of he waek repo trom me! (Ads iin est made) BUT 12 eratgy booked 9 suatergy cae 4 signups. ‘Very happy wi na. Nex week want to dole these numbers. tke Comment hare (© be acon No Mae and 2 cere Sam Ovens ‘One ofthe things t's more rewarding to ee than my lnts making money is gsning more FREEDOM to spend ine with he lames a do the things that ney ove, Jotruns a igtl agency and he used te gt lon em what! al"andom ‘ts of marktg’ of hope marketing” Dont gt me rang, he ran potable businoss but he never know ware hinext lent was ging to come rom and he eortaniy ent heve away 0 ‘et cSets coming ohm on autepio2. Se More Jett Hudson. Not ba for @ Sunday (S43sategy session) lve when your business is running wl you sur and span tne w family. ‘au, Teves Fasaro Lent rs, Nomi Kraan Gates Seon 46 ‘Sam Ovens What tho biggesthilrof your potential? Te retreat tf’ "honesty se this every single day. Somebody gts a boost of conidenco ‘and beleves hat th ie can be beter of ara the rc Out me 0 ak about making happen. See More Thanks for giving me a dose of reality a few weeks ago. yeah well its painful to watch you repeat the same patterns of "retreating to fine" for a few years now tke Comment Share (© sera Fras, Daa Sal Vik a 20th: ovens: ‘nd anaes one ‘This lent stated woreng wih mo last wook and wila the fst 7 days he has ‘tosed a dea worth $94,000 AND go 2 rte Most coaches dont eam shit and ae do broke wih broke students too, Seo More Finalized a bigger real estate client today. 7k a month recurring for 12 months. Told him we were going to narrow our focus to just serving world class realtors and he loved it! Wants to discuss partnering on another site this week and gave us two referrals to his peers in other markets that needed help. We should have | niched down a long time ago lol. Sam Ovens Messages ke this are startg to become a daly thing, Andrew Argue started working wth me on January Sth this yar and now by ‘da 300 ho Na: “Ineoasod his pring by over 200%... S20 Nore 2:35PM Caught fire the last week of month. 21 strategy sessions and 5 sales just this week. Doubled my original goal of 4 and had 8 sales this month (9 total). | should hit my first 10 clients early next week! fai Thanks for all your help. © that's awesome. Congrats the Comment > Share {© Marga Kroury Bay Brom ar 30 tars ‘Another "Figure Per Mont” success sox tom one of my elns “Tore aro only 5 ays tin January. How did you 7? you want fo gonrate a constant steam of righly quad, ready to buy leads fer your coaching or corsulteg business thon reach out ae’ get you some resus tke ts. cowie Evans Whats up overbody. My busines partner Taylor and | jst started working ith Sam his month. Werking wih Sam has hoped us crate maor shits ‘our busines. This is ur fest mont fle working on our coschingloonuting program ard well oa out wh over sic figure in revenue. Looking ferward learning om you guys a8 wel fee Your sales tke Comment 4 Shae © Lets Act Hendon an 28 oer ‘Sam Ovens 3 years ago | wes broke and operating & consulting business out o my parents garage in New Zealane co callng lca businesses pitching thom my ‘serves for sub 1,000. “Today im iting n my apartment overooking Manhattan and ive coeed over $250,000 worth of business this month “The best par? only the 18m day ofthe month and my calonaris booked ‘SOLID wih qualifies prospects for tho rest ofthe month. Soe More I de tke Comment Shere Sam Ovens Avoer dey, nate sucesa str rm my cents ‘me some consutants ive in constant fer of where thelr next cients ‘0ing o come from my people are geting cents almost evry sng ay. ‘Sam it cose my Sain lent $2,500. Havent wen ‘ated be rang stare Woche, cog ero ta (goaleng arate arg poole Aso dosed 2 now ating lola wo uma rears ‘Yodel hasbeen ret man-he mine ecen was ease (© dren Scronan and 8 hrs ‘Sam Ovens {ust gota message irom one of my clnts saying that he ha his 2 $1004 ay his woot James start working wih me early 2015 when hi business wa stalled at 300k yea for 8 yoars straight. Within 6 monts | helped him getto over $100k month and now is year he has ha his 2nd $1004 DAY... Soe More — > Hed my sce 81604 yong his weak ee ‘sam ovent Ua Comment hare (© cate eat, SonanPazean 20 bere ‘Sem Ovens ta good day to be one of my cient hha ‘Aros cont ha his rst $10K day today and is due to make more money this wook than his highost month ha eve boon "have boon working wth his cent since thy ware at $0 and watching them (700 0 40K in 1 week ean awesome thing Wo gee... See More Had our first $10,000 day today! 18 coaching calls from our list lined up the next 3 days. Pulling for a $40k week! Did 30k revenue in Dec and eae that was our highest yet haha hahaha awesome! ‘Sam Ovens ‘Messages ike this rom my clients are honesty more rewarding than the money! {stared workg wth Naam n December 2015 and By Jan th 2018 she hae "Create a group coaching program... See More Naomi Kune “ 7 ue cored tne 10m een ne couse il up an tart ie “ranks haps fr your hp Sam ‘Thats been ca de And vom wee sag he cous 201 ness orate see reno as ges roe ‘anges ghee sls can ely be a game changer or my snes ough anna yout hank rat. Uke Comment Share © Lise Dery, Fink Keeney an 18 oh ‘Sam ovens ‘Nathing the $125,000 anew sales before 10am on Fay before the rst ook ofthe yoaris up. How are your wook 1 sles looking? This month might bo my fst ver $500k month haha Dam ™ GE $125,480 nave inoreamed 101% mes =a (© branon Brn, ate Nebr and tare <0 tue about most people lating forthe ght time. Which. Never happens, Don't be mos! people... See More (© tsa Dernys, Toy Saker and 24 cnrs ‘Sam Ovens Nothing tke a Cuba to oelbrate another $124 day January sa fantastic moth forsale because people come back tem ‘vacation with new goals and aspratins to grow their business. Wietreareacy 1 week ito Jan and im $6 shy ct $100k forthe week See More ‘Sam Ovens “The naw office is nearing completion! tke Comment Share OO® ravincpassngr Asam Wala 78357 tae ‘Sam Ovens ove geting messages ik this rom my cents “8th €-igure month ina row and ocialy broke 7-igures in November last yea Thi i coming rom acon who was sald at $300k fo 3 years He sated werking wit me in Apt 2015 ae by November 2016 he was at 7g. See More ‘Awesomell! | see your next dates for your mastermind are coming up. Let me know if | can help you in any other way .. Broke 6 figures for 8th month in a row and officially broke 7 figures in November Want to thank you for all your ms tke Comment Snare © Lun, Pel, om Néoge and 24 ches Sam Ovens Now THAT s what you call ft day back atthe cco! 1 Monday Spm bre and ota sales forte day is $58,000. This is going tobe a6 igure week easy. Soo Moro ae eos (© rhe nab, Frank K2eney and 31ers ‘Sam ovens (Oh man thi secre msi on vaaton in Barbados hanging ou at he boach an | get back to work an heath of January. In preparation tithe ground running and make my frst week of 2018 a big ‘one turned my Facebook ad back on and within 24 hours and $297 ot spend | have 12 highly quae strategy cals echeduled in my clone. Seo nto seem stm Otaniemi

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