Intelligent Mirror Published Paper in Journal
Intelligent Mirror Published Paper in Journal
Intelligent Mirror Published Paper in Journal
A smart mirror is a mirror that has been
The Project has been developed with the idea developed by innovation. It is an extremely
of making consumer’s home smart and to basic idea that is outlined. A screen is set
look more attractive using latest technologies behind a two-way reflect mirror. By utilizing
by connection the normal mirror with the a highly contrasting graphical UI (GUI) just
Internet through Raspberry Pi’s Wi-fi they will infiltrate the mirror, bringing about
connectivity. The Internet transformed our the display of the expected output.
is a common problem for almost everyone, wide variety of disciplines, smart pixel
especially for lady, that they have serious technology has progressed from individual
difficulties to make decision on which clothes optoelectronic devices to hlly operational
to wear, or match their clothes, every time, photonic information processing systems.
every day. But now, a gospel, named the Similarly Micro-Optical Electro-Mechanical
Smart Dressing Mirror, designed by the Lab Systems (MOEMS) have recently been
of Intelligent Computing at Beijing Institute proposed which utilize Micro Electro
of Technology, China, appears for you, with Mechanical Systems (MEMS) in the design of
some of fantastic functionalities that you photonic systems. In this paper we present the
need. This is also what we introduced today, a design concepts of such a system.
future ideas of your life in the new era of
smart. Generally, this Smart Dressing Mirror Third International Conference, User
is nearly the same as the traditional full-length Interaction, Pervasive Computing. Based on
mirror in every home in appearance, and the innovations from a wide variety of
only difference is that the smart dressing disciplines, smart pixel technology has
mirror has some smart functions, which can progressed from individual optoelectronic
interactive with you or be friend with you. devices to hlly operational photonic
Given that all your clothes are digitalized information processing systems. Similarly
firstly after you bought it, and the digitalized Micro-Optical Electro-Mechanical Systems
image can be captured from the homepage of (MOEMS) have recently been proposed
the clothes shop or pictured and normalized which utilize Micro Electro Mechanical
by the camera hidden in the top of the smart Systems (MEMS) in the design of photonic
mirror. After that, with simple gestures, you systems. In this paper we present the design
can interactive with the smart mirror, and concepts of such a system.
picking those digitalized clothes as you wish.
AlpayKasal and Sam Ewen . 2008 A project
You can see whether it fits or not.
of interactive mirror with artsy visuals in Lit
Furthermore, with its equipped machine Studios. In a fully operational smart pixel
learning and computer vision technologies,
system the input data could be loaded by
the Smart Mirror will recommend you a illuminating the detector array with optical
bunch of fashionable and suitable upper/lower
data in a bit serial fashion. After the input data
clothes for you. For example: 1) when you is loaded, optoelectronic processing is
choose an upper/lower clothes, the system
performed by the smart pixel array. To
will recommend you a bunch of matched complete the optoelectronic processing each
lower/upper ones; 2) when you tell the mirror
pixels output connection directs data (via a
which scenario you will go for, it will also deflectable micro-mirror) through the shuffle
suggest you a series of clothes. At the same
network to the input of another smart pixel.
time, clothes from e-Shopping stores will also Thus a recirculating architecture is realized.
be recommended. You can buy it
Clearly this smart pixel architecture is well
immediately, and it will be delivered to you as suited for implementing recursive algorithms
soon as possible. This is what we offer, a
such as sorting. While our long range goal is
fantastic smart dressing mirror, to replace the to implement such a system, this paper will
traditional mirror in every home, in the near
focus on the mirror design and evaluation of
future. mirror arrays for a folded perfect shuffle
K. Fujinami, F. Kawsar and T. Nakajima, interconnection.
“Aware Mirror: A Personalized Display
Using a Mirror,” Based on innovations from a
surface of the wafer and the fixed mirror. interconnected devices on a global level, led
Figure 2 plots the micro-mirror deflection to a growth of smart homes as smart
angle (e) vs. the fixed mirror height (h) and technology ecosystems, whose purpose is to
the lateral separation (S) between the micro- coordinate and optimize our daily activities.
mirror and corresponding detector. The Recently there has been a new development
separation, is given by S = 2 h.tan(213). of smart mirrors which became part of the
When the mirror is actuated, it will bend until smart homes. This is mainly used for
it touches the underlying micro-structures. controlling energy usage, organizing daily
Therefore, the deflection angle is limited by human routines, navigating, monitoring of
the micro-mirror's elevation above the buildings, entertainment etc. One of the most
substrate, and the size of the micro-mirror. If important applications of the proposed smart
the micro-mirror is square, with a side of mirror is the ability to track health status over
lengh L, and is elevated above the substrate a time. The aggregated data can be further used
distance E. to detect health issues patterns, i.e. repetition
of health problems during specific periods,
B. El-Sayed et al., “A novel mobile wireless and make lifestyle recommendations. Early
sensing system for real-time monitoring of detection of health issues is essential for on-
posture and spine stress”, 1st Middle East time prevention on further medical
Conference on Biomedical. In this paper we complications. A smart mirror can be used as
propose a smart mirror model whose main a device to monitor and observe the physical
feature is early health issues detection in order health of the people and provide reliable
to assist the people’s wellbeing. Additionally healthcare experiences.
the model provides face recognition
authentication for better user experience and T-L. Le, M-Q. Nguyen, and T-T-M. Nguyen,
data corrections and updates with user “Human posture recognition using human
interactions at minimal levels. The mirror skeleton provided by Kinect”, International
includes some of the daily used applications, Conference on Computing, Management and
such as current time, alarm, to-do list, news Telecommunications. The model workflow
feed, current weather display, and e-mail starts with photo shoot of the user, followed
reader. The smart mirror Posture Analyzing by the authentication process. The
Model, as we name it, has the capability to authentication step is essential for tailoring
detect people’s health problems or body the user experience at highest levels, and
changes by in-depth analysis and comparison personalizing the displayed information and
of the images of the individual. One of the analysis. Once the authentication is finished,
essential steps in the general workflow model the proposed algorithm begins the analysis
is the Posture Analyze Algorithm (PAA), a and the results are evaluated, i.e. the new
new proposed algorithm used to analyze the results are compared with the old results, and
posture and visually guide the person about health progress timeline is displayed. It is
how to be positioned properly in order to have important for the smart mirror to be
accurate results. The sections that follow will waterproof, since it is intended to be placed in
introduce the proposed model and the new bathrooms. The environment for the smart
algorithm in details. mirror needs to be without steam. That is why
we are adding a sensor system that would
T.B. Byrgesen, M.L. Skov, M.J.S. Yeoman, detect steam on the mirror glass and activate
and F. Yu, “Dynamic posture correcting air conditioning. A steam sensor such as
device used for rehabilitation exercises” The Gravity’s Steam Sensor [13] can be used. This
constantly increasing usage of smart sensor can be connected to Arduino IO
Expansion shield directly. The output voltage balance points (gravitational points) are
will increase when the humidity of the sensor centered vertically on the top and bottom edge
surface increases. Once steam is detected in of the mirror.
the bathroom, a special fan can be activated to
clear the steam on the mirror. X. Fontaine, R. Achanta, and S. Susstrunk,
“Face recognition in real-world images”. The
Y. Andreu-Cabedo et al., “Mirror mirror on eHealth Wize Mirror project has purpose to
the wall… An intelligent multisensory mirror detect cardio-metabolic diseases, measure
for well-being self-assessment”, IEEE cholesterol level, oxygen level, emotions and
International Conference on Multimedia and mood, followed with suggestions about
Expo (ICME), As one of the most different lifestyles in order to avoid such
fundamental segments of the general model diseases. The analysis is done by scanning the
workflow, the PAA starts its iteration process face and the geometric features of the arcus of
after the posture points and balance points the eye and detecting missing wavelengths.
have matching positions. Over the original They used different methods to acquire the
picture, a grid overlay is placed, which is used data: face scan to detect cholesterol, green
as a coordinate system template. Each posture light to measure oxygen level on skin, mirror
point maps to its own coordinate system sensors for 3D head pose tracking, and 3D
point. The reason for this is to assign each scanner for 3D face reconstruction. The
posture point with its corresponding x, y pair individual is scanned while being in a seated
as shown in Fig.1. The straight line of the and fixed position, which is not optimal for
forehead-neck-stomach link needs to go smart mirrors that are placed in home
vertically through the center of the coordinate environment, such as halls and bathrooms.
system neglecting the posture point position Additionally, they mainly scan the
on the y-axis. individual’s face and eyes.
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, M. Deswal, and N. Sharma, “A fast HSV
Speech and Signal Processing, Besides the image color and texture detection and image
health advices and the topics of interests, the conversion algorithm”, The mirror’s
Smart Mirror keeps track of the analysis algorithm can be launched by voice control,
results over time. Every analyzed blueprint hand gestures, or by pressing a button on the
stores a hash combination of the date, time side of the mirror. After the start of the
and the unique user specific value in order to algorithm, the user is given a visual
distinct results by the time when the analysis notification of balance points and correct
was performed and the user who was upright posture. After a short period of time,
analyzed. The storage of the timestamp-user the integrated camera takes a picture and
hash combination is required in order to identifies the user using Robust Sparse
represent a visual timeline of the entire Coding (RSC) algorithm with modifications,
analysis history. The most important step in explained in [14]. The outcome of the
the general workflow model is the algorithm modified RSC algorithm, dictates the further
proposed in the paper, the PAA. The workflow of the model. If the person is
algorithm is necessary because it visually recognized, information which is relevant to
guides the person on how to be positioned the user is displayed. Otherwise, the user is
properly in order to perform accurate analysis. initialized in the storage system, optionally
The result depends on the positioning of the followed by introductory questions from
key points on the individual’s body according variety of topics. The user profile is shaped
to the balance points on the mirror. The based on the answers, as in the following
example: 1. What was your age when you combination of outsider modules and has a
first encountered back problems? (Selection functioning network that helps extending the
of age intervals to determine the age when the usefulness accessible to enchantment
first signs of back pain occurred); what is mirrors. My commitments will be a module
your occupation? (Selection of multiple work created in this system so it very well may be
activities); how often do you perform heavy imparted to other enchantment reflect
physical activities? (Selection of time clients. This area will clarify the system in
intervals). The algorithm uses the provided detail. The MagicMirror2 structure is
information and the results after each analysis
composed in NodeJS. NodeJS is a
to improve its accuracy and adapt to the daily
nonconcurrent occasion driven JavaScript
habits of every member in the household. On
each iteration, the information is updated and runtime. In straightforward terms, this
more relevant health advices are shown. We enables the product to be kept running as a
recommend two optimal time periods for the standard work area application.
analysis. In the morning, when the person is
well rested and relaxed, and in the evening,
when the person is getting ready to sleep.
Every image is compared with the rest of the
images on a daily basis in the same time
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