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Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

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This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data to know more about the

effects of school violence to students. It also includes graphs, tabulation, and charts that shows

the answers from the survey questionnaire.

Data Analysis

Codes were used to interpret the corresponding answers and also to calculate it in an

easier way. The codes used were; number 4 corresponds to Strongly Disagree, number 3 for

Disagree, number 2 for Agree, and the last code is number 1 for Strongly Agree. Similarities and

differences from the respondents were easily determined by using the given codes.

Table 4.1

Distribution of Students in Terms of Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 12 40%
Female 18 60%
Total 30 100%

The table shows that female got a higher frequency of 18 with the percentage of 60%

than male with a frequency of 12 with a percentage of 40%.

As shown on the tabulation, majority of the respondents were female. It can possibly

mean that most females get affected by school violence.

Physical Effects
Table 4.2

Assessment of the Ailments Due to Physical Violence Inflicted to Students

Situation 1: I feel headaches, abdominal pains and other ailments due to physical violence
inflicted to me.
Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 7 23.33%
Agree 2 10 33.33%
Disagree 3 12 40%
Strongly Disagree 4 1 3.33%

This situation wants to know if students who experienced school violence felt headaches,

abdominal pains and other ailments due to physical violence inflicted to them. The total mean of

the Table 4.2 is 2.2 with a verbal interpretation of Agree. This means that most of the

respondents agreed that they felt headaches, abdominal pains, and other ailments caused by

physical violence.

Table 4.3

Assessment of Difficulty in Sleeping and Eating

Situation 2: I had difficulty in sleeping and eating.

Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 6 20%
Agree 2 12 40%
Disagree 3 9 30%
Strongly Disagree 4 3 10%
The second situation must recognize if you can experience difficulty in sleeping and

eating due to school violence. The total mean of the Table 4.3 is 2.3 with a verbal interpretation

of Agree. This means that most of the respondents agreed that you can experience difficulty in

sleeping and eating.

Table 4.4

Assessment of Complains from Different Bruises and Wounds

Situation 3: I complain different bruises and wounds.

Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 11 36.67%
Agree 2 12 40%
Disagree 3 5 16.67%
Strongly Disagree 4 2 6.67%

Table 4.4 shows that 2 with verbal interpretation of Agree dominated 1, 3, and 4 which

are Strongly Agree, Disagree, and Strongly Agree. The total mean is 1.9 with a verbal

interpretation of Agree which means that most of the respondents have complained because of

different bruises and wounds.

Table 4.5

Assessment of Weight Loss Due to Difficulty in Eating

Situation 4: I lose weight due to difficulty in eating after I experienced school violence.
Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 9 30%
Agree 2 13 43.33%
Disagree 3 7 23.33%
Strongly Disagree 4 1 3.33%

The total mean of the Table 4.5 is 2 with a verbal interpretation of Agree. This means that

most of the respondents lost weight due to difficulty in eating after they experienced school


Table 4.6
Assessment of Sustaining Major Physical Injuries

Situation 5: I sustained major physical injuries because of physical abuses.

Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 13 43.33%
Agree 2 11 36.67%
Disagree 3 5 16.67%
Strongly Disagree 4 1 3.33%

This situation wants to perceive if there is a possibility that you can sustain major

physical injuries because of physical violence. The total mean of the Table 4.6 is 1.8 with a

verbal interpretation of Agree. This means that most of the respondents agreed that they

sustained a major physical injury caused by school violence.

Mental Effects

Table 4.7

Assessment of Difficulty in Focusing to Lessons and Studies

Situation 6: I had difficulty in focusing to my lessons and studies

Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 5 16.67%
Agree 2 12 40%
Disagree 3 8 26.67%
Strongly Disagree 4 5 16.67%
This situation intends to know if students had difficulty in focusing to their lessons and

studies caused by school violence. The total mean of the Table 4.7 is 2.4 with a verbal

interpretation of Agree. This means that most of the respondents experienced difficulty in

focusing on their studies and lessons.

Table 4.8

Assessment of Decrease in Academic Performance at School

Situation 7: I have shown a decrease in my academic performance at school.

Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 8 26.67%
Agree 2 12 40%
Disagree 3 8 26.67%
Strongly Disagree 4 2 6.67%
Table 4.8 shows that 40% of the respondents have shown a decrease in their academic

performance at school that are caused by school violence. The total mean of the Table 4.8 is 2.1

with a verbal interpretation of Agree.

Table 4.9

Assessment of Showing A Little Interest in Doing Homework and Projects

Situation 8: I have shown a little interest in doing homework and projects.

Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 7 23.33%
Agree 2 12 40%
Disagree 3 8 26.67%
Strongly Disagree 4 3 10%

This situation proved that school violence can affect the interest of students while doing

their homework and projects. The total mean of the Table 4.9 is 2.2 with a verbal interpretation
of Agree. This means that most of the respondents shown a little interest in doing homework and


Table 4.10

Assessment of Frequent Absences

Situation 9: I used to have frequent absences.

Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 11 36.67%
Agree 2 13 43.33%
Disagree 3 4 13.33%
Strongly Disagree 4 2 6.67%
The total mean of the Table 4.10 is 2.2 with a verbal interpretation of Agree. This means

that most of the respondents used to have frequent absences caused by school violence.

Table 4.11

Assessment of Having a Hard Time in Following Simple Instructions

Situation 10: I had hard time in following simple instructions.

Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 10 33.33%
Agree 2 14 46.67%
Disagree 3 5 16.67%
Strongly Disagree 4 1 3.33%

This situation intends to see if students have a hard time following simple instructions.

The total mean of the Table 4.11 is 1.8 with a verbal interpretation of Agree. This means that

most of the respondents experienced having a hard time following even simple instructions.

Emotional Effects

Table 4.12
Assessment of Deterioration of Self-Confidence

Situation 11: I deteriorated my self- confidence.

Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 6 20%
Agree 2 14 46.67%
Disagree 3 8 26.67%
Strongly Disagree 4 2 6.67%

The total mean of the Table 4.12 is 2.1 with a verbal interpretation of Agree. The result

has proven that school violence can deteriorate an individual’s self-confidence.

Table 4.13

Assessment of Difficulty in Socializing

Situation 12: I had difficulty in socializing.

Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 5 16.67%
Agree 2 12 40%
Disagree 3 9 30%
Strongly Disagree 4 4 13.33%

40% of the respondents agreed that you can experience difficulty in socializing. The total

mean of the Table 4.13 is 2.4 with a verbal interpretation of Agree. This means that most of the

respondents had difficulty in socializing.

Table 4.14

Assessment of Going Home Early to Avoid Bullies

Situation 13: I go home early to avoid bullies.

Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 12 40%
Agree 2 12 40%
Disagree 3 5 16.67%
Strongly Disagree 4 1 3.33%
The total mean of the Table 4.14 is 1.8 with a verbal interpretation of Agree. This means

that most of the respondents went home early to avoid being bullied.

Table 4.15

Assessment of Losing Interest to Social Activities

Situation 14: I lost my interest in any kind of social activities.

Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 9 30%
Agree 2 14 46.67%
Disagree 3 4 13.33%
Strongly Disagree 4 3 10%

The total mean of the Table 4.15 is 1.8 with a verbal interpretation of Agree. This means

that most of the respondents have lost their interest in any kind of social activities after

experiencing violence at school.

Table 4.16

Assessment of Losing Interest to Social Activities

Situation 15: I feel physically drained even in a small task.

Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 10 33.33%
Agree Σ 14 46.67%
Disagree 3 3 10%
Strongly Disagree 4 3 10%

Table 4.16 claims that the respondents feel physically drained even in a small task. The

total mean of this situation is 2 with a verbal representation of Agree. This means that most of

the respondents feel physically drained even in a small task.

Social Effects

Table 4.17

Assessment of Criticizing One’s Self

Situation 16: I harshly criticize myself for perceived faults and mistakes.
Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 4 13.33%
Agree 2 12 40%
Disagree 3 10 33.33%
Strongly Disagree 4 4 13.33%

This situation wants to know if school violence can affect an individual to criticize one’s

self for perceived faults and mistakes. The total mean of the Table 4.17 is 2.1 with a verbal

interpretation of Agree. This means that most of the respondents harshly criticize their selves due

to perceived faults and mistakes.

Table 4.18

Assessment of Thinking about Suicidal Things

Situation 17: I used to think suicidal things to escape on this violence.

Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 14 46.67%
Agree 2 13 43.33%
Disagree 3 2 6.67%
Strongly Disagree 4 1 3.33%
46.67% of the respondents have thought about suicidal things to escape school violence.

The total mean of the Table 4.18 is 1.7 with a verbal interpretation of Agree. This means that

most of the respondents used to think suicidal things to escape on this violence.

Table 4.19
Assessment of Thinking about Suicidal Things

Situation 18: I do not have ability to express my feelings.

Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 5 16.67%
Agree 2 16 53.33%
Disagree 3 6 20%
Strongly Disagree 4 3 10%

Table 4.19 had shown that a large number of respondents had agreed that students don’t

have an ability to express their feelings regarding the topic about school violence that they are

experiencing. The total mean is 2 with a verbal interpretation of Agree.

Table 4.20

Assessment of Experiencing Anxiety and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Situation 19: I experienced anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder due to school violence.
Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 8 26.67%
Agree 2 16 53.33%
Disagree 3 5 16.67%
Strongly Disagree 4 1 3.33%

The total mean of the Table 4.20 is 2 with a verbal interpretation of Agree. This means

that most of the respondents experienced anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder due to school


Table 4.21

Assessment of Feeling Empty, Lonely and Hopeless

Situation 20: I always feel empty, lonely and hopeless.

Measurement Scale Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 8 26.67%
Agree 2 12 40%
Disagree 3 6 20%
Strongly Disagree 4 4 13.33%

There are 40% of the respondents who agreed on this situation. The total mean of the

Table 4.21 is 2.2 with a verbal interpretation of Agree. This means that most of the respondents

feel empty, lonely and hopeless due to school violence.

Table 4.22


Effects of School Violence to STEM Students and Their Coping Mechanisms

Weighted Verbal
Situation Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. I feel headaches, abdominal pains and other
2.2 Agree 14
ailments due to physical violence inflicted to me.
2. I had difficulty in sleeping and eating. 2.3 Agree 18
3. I complain different bruises and wounds. 1.9 Agree 6
4. I lose weight due to difficulty in eating after I
2 Agree 7
experienced school violence.
5. I sustained major physical injuries because of 1.8 Agree 2
physical abuses.
6. I had difficulty in focusing to my lessons and
2.4 Agree 19
7. I have shown a decrease in my academic
2.1 Agree 11
performance at school.
8. I have shown a little interest in doing homework
2.2 Agree 14
and projects.
9. I used to have frequent absences. 2.2 Agree 14
10. I had hard time in following simple instructions. 1.8 Agree 2
11. I deteriorated my self- confidence. 2.1 Agree 11
12. I had difficulty in socializing. 2.4 Agree 19
13. I go home early to avoid bullies. 1.8 Agree 2
14. I lost my interest in any kind of social activities. 1.8 Agree 2
15. I feel physically drained even in a small task. 2 Agree 7
16. I harshly criticize myself for perceived faults and
2.1 Agree 11
17. I used to think suicidal things to escape on this
1.7 Agree 1
18. I do not have ability to express my feelings. 2 Agree 7
19. I experienced anxiety and post-traumatic stress
2 Agree 7
disorder due to school violence.
20. I always feel empty, lonely and hopeless. 2.2 Agree 14
Interpretation of Data

Figure 1

Assessment of the Ailments Due to Physical Violence Inflicted to Students

I feel headaches, abdominal pains and other ailments due to
physical violence inflicted to me.

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Figure 2

Assessment of Difficulty in Sleeping and Eating

I had difficulty in sleeping and eating.

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Figure 3
Assessment of Complains from Different Bruises and Wounds

I complain different bruises and wounds.

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Figure 4

Assessment of Weight Loss Due to Difficulty in Eating

I lose weight due to difficulty in eating after I
experienced school violence.

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Figure 5

Assessment of Sustaining Major Physical Injuries

I sustained major physical injuries because of physical


Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Figure 6
Assessment of Difficulty in Focusing to Lessons and Studies

I had difficulty in focusing to my lessons and studies

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Figure 7

Assessment of Decrease in Academic Performance at School

I have shown a decrease in my academic performance at

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Figure 8

Assessment of Showing A Little Interest in Doing Homework and Projects

I have shown a little interest in doing homework and


Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Figure 9
Assessment of Frequent Absences

I used to have frequent absences.

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Figure 10

Assessment of Having a Hard Time in Following Simple Instructions

I had hard time in following simple instructions.

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Figure 11

Assessment of Deterioration of Self-Confidence

I deteriorated my self- confidence.

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Figure 12
Assessment of Difficulty in Socializing

I had difficulty in socializing.

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Figure 13

Assessment of Going Home Early to Avoid Bullies

I go home early to avoid bullies.

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Figure 14

Assessment of Losing Interest to Social Activities

I lost my interest in any kind of social activities.

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Figure 15

Assessment of Losing Interest to Social Activities

I feel physically drained even in a small task.

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Figure 16

Assessment of Criticizing One’s Self

I harshly criticize myself for perceived faults and


Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Figure 17
Assessment of Thinking about Suicidal Things

I used to think suicidal things to escape on this violence.

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Figure 18

Assessment of Thinking about Suicidal Things

I do not have ability to express my feelings.

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Figure 19

Assessment of Experiencing Anxiety and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

I experienced anxiety and post-traumatic stress

disorder due to school violence.

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Figure 20

Assessment of Feeling Empty, Lonely and Hopeless

I always feel empty, lonely and hopeless.

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

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