Basics Concrete Construction (2015) PDF
Basics Concrete Construction (2015) PDF
Basics Concrete Construction (2015) PDF
Katrin Hanses
Katrin Hanses
Katrin Hanses - Sebastian El Khouli
Bert Bielefeld
Foreword _7
BUILDING material _9
Constituent materials _9
Kinds of concrete _12
Reinforcement _14
Material properties _20
Deformations _22
Defects _23
In conclusion _73
Appendix _74
Standards and guidelines _74
Literature _75
Picture credits _75
The author _75
As a monolithic, cast material with a high loadbearing capacity, con-
crete is used in many areas of building. When combined with reinforce-
ment steel in the form of reinforced concrete the material can bridge
large spans and is very durable. Surfaces that differ in terms of structure
and colour can be produced using different formwork elements and
admixtures. A good knowledge of this material, its properties and the
process by which it is made is indispensable for the architect’s creative
Reinforced concrete has been tried and tested over a long period and
is widely used in both architecture and civil engineering. Generations
of architects have discovered ever new and creative ways of using the
material. In recent years, thanks to innovative reinforcement elements
and processing methods, marked progress has been made in building
with concrete, so that the diversity of this material has increased sub-
stantially, and it has proved possible to develop new areas of use.
It is at this point that this new book Basics Concrete Construction
begins and gives the reader an understanding of the special qualities of
concrete and the constructional possibilities that it offers. From the
development of knowledge about the material, to the special production
methods of concrete building parts, to the connections between these
parts, it gives the architecture student the means for reflecting on crea-
tive solutions and developing new approaches to the construction of
Concrete is one of the most important materials in architecture and
civil engineering. As a poured material it offers a variety of possibilities
for architectural design and in making loadbearing building parts. Con-
crete allows monolithic ways of building – i.e. buildings which are “poured
in one cast” and through the use of various additives and composite
materials its abilities are extremely varied. The concrete mix has a great
influence on the later qualities of the material and can be adapted to meet
the individual demands made on the building element. In designing con-
crete a great deal is possible – from the small to the extremely large scale.
As a material it has a strength that allows it to be used in primary
and secondary constructions as prefabricated elements so that, with con-
sistent planning, economic, high-quality execution is possible. When de-
signing concrete buildings various building parts must be fitted together,
different means of production combined, and the relationship between
the details and the structure of the whole must be resolved. A wide range
of knowledge about the fabrication, construction and later treatment is
indispensable. To explore the potential and possibilities of the material
this basic knowledge about concrete is conveyed here, opening the way
for an intensive examination of the material.
Building material
Constituent materials
Concrete is traditionally made of water, cement and aggregate. To
these can be added air and various additives and admixtures, which are
being continuously developed. Consequently, concrete’s capacity and
the range of areas in which it can be used are growing all the time.
The proportion of water to cement and the consistency of the cement
paste produced in this way have a major influence on the quality and
workability of the fresh concrete. Mixing causes the concrete to become
malleable. The duration of the mixing process is strictly laid down for
each kind of concrete mix. The cement paste must surround the aggre-
gate, holding the pieces together and filling any hollows.
In terms of amount, the aggregate plays the major role in concrete, Aggregate
and is most important for the quality of the concrete. A fine-grained
aggregate should be chosen particularly for exposed concrete building
elements or those on which great demands are made.
The aggregate can consist of broken or unbroken pieces. Natural
mineral materials are traditionally used but waste products or byprod-
ucts from industry can often also be employed. They need to have a cer-
tain grain strength and it must be possible to combine them with the
paste so that the durability of the concrete is not impaired.
The aggregate is differentiated according to its origins, structure,
unit weight, grain form and grain size. There are also different demands
in terms of durability and the geometrical, chemical and physical prop-
erties of the grain, as well as with regard to frost resistance. In this re-
spect there are special grain groups, compositions or forms.
Depending on the nature of the particular material, the aggregate Grain size distribution
must be processed for use in making concrete. The grain size distribu- curve
Tab. 1: Kinds of cement
Blast furnace cement (CEM III) is used for the production of ultra high
performance concrete (UHPC). Alongside its low porosity (which protects
against ingress of liquid) it has numerous other positive qualities. Less
primary energy is required to produce it, and it saves on natural resources.
Cracking due to thermal stress is rare and it is more resistant to chem
icals and salts.
Water-cement value What is called the w/c value should be determined at the planning
stage in accordance with the appearance required and the particular
function. This describes the proportion of water to cement and influences
the properties of the concrete. The higher the w/c value, the lower the
strength. The proportion of water to cement can also have an effect on
the colour: a lower w/c value makes the surface appear darker, whereas
a higher value produces a lighter-coloured surface.
In order for concrete to cure (= hydration), it must have a w/c value
of at least 0.4 (which represents 40% water). If more water is added the
cement can no longer bind the water, and the liquid emerges (“bleeds”).
If the proportion of cement is too high there is a danger of too rapid dry-
ing and shrinking.
Admixtures Admixtures can be in liquid or powder form or can also be added as
granulate or a paste. They influence the quality of the fresh or solid concrete
by chemical or physical processes. For example, they can change workabil-
ity or air content. > Tab. 2 The admixtures have only a minor effect on the mass
● of the fresh concrete and their volume can therefore be ignored.
Additives Additives are different materials that are added to concrete to influ-
ence or achieve certain properties. A distinction is made between two
different groups:
Type I: Almost inactive concrete additives (stone dust, pigment)
Type II: Pozzolanic or latent hydraulic concrete additives (fly ash,
silica dust)
Tab. 2: Standard concrete admixtures
Admixtures Function
Concrete plasticiser and Gives the concrete a more plastic consistency despite the low water content so that it
super plasticiser flows better. This makes it easier to distribute the fresh concrete in the formwork.
Air-entraining agent Leads to the formation of air bubbles by means of chemical foaming. A higher
proportion of air improves concrete’s thermal insulation properties.
Sealant Makes the solid concrete waterproof.
Retardant Delays the curing of the fresh concrete, important in large building parts that are to be
produced without construction joints.
Accelerator Accelerates the curing and hardening process, is particularly important in sprayed
concrete to ensure that it quickly reaches a basic stability and does not drip (for
example, when used in building work overhead).
Pressing aids Improves the flowability. Used primarily in prestressed concrete.
Stabiliser Prevents “bleeding” (emergence of water) and ensures better cohesion of the mix.
● Example: A plasticiser based on PCE (polycarboxyl ◼ Tip: Additives can also be used for design purposes.
ate ether) is added to the concrete to improve its For instance, pigments can be used to colour concrete,
flowability when being poured. In addition, through the translucency can be achieved, or the surface can be
material itself, air is removed. Later compacting is given a structure. For coloured areas of concrete it
therefore unnecessary, even in the case of compact makes sense to test the effect of additives and the
geometries or high amounts of reinforcement. A amount to be used on sample areas.
smooth, almost pore-free surface and a very efficient
concrete is achieved.
Tab. 3: Classes according to flow table spread
Kinds of concrete
Distinctions are drawn between different kinds of concrete based on
the composition, additives, surfaces, production process, or the nature
of the reinforcement > Tabs. 5 and 6 This always affects the planning and de-
sign of a building made of (reinforced) concrete. For example, building
parts must be produced or maintained differently depending on the kind
of concrete used.
There are a wide variety of different types of concrete. They are dif-
ferentiated according to several criteria:
—— Unit weight
—— Compressive strength
—— Application
—— Special properties
Tab. 5: Kinds of concrete according to unit weight and strength
Tab. 6: Kinds of concrete
Concrete is a freely formable building material and is used in combi-
nation with very different materials. Most often it is used as part of a
composite construction together with steel, and is known then as “rein-
forced concrete”. As with every composite construction, the materials
that make up reinforced concrete are used in accordance with their spe-
cific properties.
Concrete is characterised by a high compressive strength, while steel
can handle high tensile forces. Together they form a highly efficient
material that can handle heavy loads and bridge considerable spans. At
the same time the combination of these two materials balances out their
potential weaknesses. Steel tends to rust (corrode) but when completely
covered by concrete it is protected from this process.
Fig. 1: Reinforcement steel Fig. 2: Spacer made of plastic
concrete cover
Concrete cover Concrete cover means the distance between the outer surface of the
concrete and the outermost layer of reinforcement in the concrete. > Fig. 3
Concrete cover does not have a structural function; its purpose is to pre-
vent damage occurring to the building part. It ensures that the concrete
encases the steel on all sides so that it is not exposed to the external air.
If the cover is insufficient the concrete can flake off. The steel is then no
longer covered and may corrode. The building part is damaged funda-
mentally in the long term and this can lead to failure. Cover should not
be less than 15 mm, and is generally between 20 and 25 mm.
The concrete cover also ensures fire safety, as the concrete keeps
the heat away from the sensitive steel. As with the outside cover, a dis-
tance must be kept within the building part between the steel bars. This
distance must be at least 2 cm, and it should never be less than the dia
meter of the largest bar. Depending on the aggregate size, even greater
distances may be necessary. If an internal vibrator is to be used to com-
pact the concrete, sufficiently large gaps must be provided.
Spalling If concrete carbonates in the course of time, moisture, CO2 and acid
solutions can be absorbed. The reinforcement begins to corrode, increas-
ing in volume in the process. The expansion causes the concrete cover
◯ to flake off (= spalling), exposing the reinforcement.
Corrosion Corrosion is the term used to describe the rusting of steel reinforce-
ment. The hardening (hydration) of cement produces calcium hydroxide,
which is responsible for the alkaline milieu in concrete. The alkalinity in
concrete protects the steel against corrosion. Both the pH of the con-
crete and the concrete cover are of fundamental importance in ensuring
◯ that a reinforced concrete building part functions properly.
Corrosion can be divided into two kinds depending on whether it is
caused by carbonation or by the entry of chlorides. > Tab. 7 The demands
made on a building part define its exposure class, which lays down the
minimum cement content, the highest permissible water-cement value,
and any post-treatment of the concrete.
Tab. 7: Exposure classes for reinforcement corrosion
Prestressing offers a way to make even better use of the fundamen- Prestressed concrete
tal material properties of steel and concrete. In prestressed concrete the
steel reinforcement is prestretched according to precise calculations,
creating high compressive stress in the concrete building part. This func-
tions above all through the off-centre position of the reinforcement in the
cross section of the building part. When mounting the part, the prestress-
ing means that there are no tensile forces in the concrete. Highly effi-
cient building parts are made with high stiffness and low deflection that
can bridge considerable spans. > Fig. 4
◯ Note: Carbonation = through contact with CO2 the ◯ Note: Alkalinity describes the strength of an alkali.
alkaline milieu in the concrete is neutralised. The pH Milieus with a pH above 7 are regarded as alkaline.
sinks and the steel is no longer protected from corro- Cement stone has a pH of ≥ 12, a very high alkalinity.
normal condition
high compression
Other materials for Alongside steel reinforcement and its further developments, there
reinforcement are also other reinforcing materials that help concrete play its loadbear-
ing role. These are at different stages of development and some of them
do not yet have official authorisation. Many can be used as fibre addi-
tives, in the form of textiles or mats. > Tab. 8
Fibre concrete Fibre reinforced concrete is evenly reinforced with fibres that are
generally made from steel, plastic or carbon. This kind of reinforcement
can be used for different purposes. It improves the tensile strength or
also the resistance to impact. In this case, additional steel can some-
times be dispensed with. In conjunction with standard steel reinforce-
ment, fibre reinforcement can be used to ensure less deformation or to
minimise the formation of cracks.
In selecting the fibres it is important that the material can be used
permanently in the alkaline milieu of the concrete and that it connects
with the concrete. Different production processes are used depending
Tab. 8: Reinforcement materials
upon the fibre type, and they can to some extent be adapted to the flow
of forces in the building.
Exactly as with concrete reinforced with steel, the tension forces in Textile concrete
textile reinforced concrete are taken up by the reinforcement. The tex-
tiles are produced from individual fibres (filaments), which, similarly to
fibre concrete, generally consist of glass or carbon. The filaments are wo-
ven into yarn and processed to form mats or meshes. The precision with
which the reinforcement can be positioned is also the great advantage
compared to fibre reinforced concrete: there is no danger of clumps or
concentrations forming or of the fibres being unevenly distributed. The
textiles can also adapt three-dimensionally to the flow of forces. The fili
gree material is prefabricated precisely to meet the specific requirements
and consequently is utilised in an almost perfect way. The concrete that
is used for textile reinforced building parts must be flowable and fine-
grain (maximum grain size 1 mm), to ensure that it settles evenly around
the textile and in the mesh.
In contrast to steel reinforced concrete, textile concrete is not sub-
ject to threat from corrosion and therefore no minimum amounts of cover
are required. It is also characterised by its low weight, slender and pre-
cise building parts and an accordingly high efficiency. At present it is
used in maintenance work or in improving building parts. Production
costs are higher than those for steel reinforced concrete.
Thermal insulation The nature of a building material determines its properties in terms
of building physics. The thermal capacities of concrete influence the val-
ues of, for instance, the material’s density, thermal conductivity and wa-
ter content. Concrete is the decisive material in the composite reinforced
concrete. It has a high density and therefore stores heat well. The solid
nature of concrete ensures that this heat is given off after a lapse of time,
allowing possible extremes of temperature to be evened out.
Thermal conductivity defines how easily heat is conducted through
layers of a building part. Concrete has a high thermal conductivity, which
is why the concrete parts of the thermal envelope must be given addi-
tional thermal insulation. > Tab. 9 The concrete mix and the additives can
also be altered in order to avoid high heat transmission losses. One
example of this is aerated concrete, in which a high proportion of air voids
ensures a better thermal insulation effect. > Chapter Building material, Kinds of
Sound insulation Concrete also has good sound insulation properties on account of
its high bulk density. The denser and heavier a building material is, the
better the sound insulation. Airborne sound is well absorbed by concrete
building parts, while structure-borne sound can be reduced by decoupling
or separating building parts (for instance, by a floating screed). > Fig. 5
Fire protection One of concrete’s excellent properties is its resistance to fire. It is
essentially regarded as a non-flammable building material (Flammability
Class A1). Under heat, concrete retains its strength and does not con-
duct fire. It does not produce smoke or toxic gases either.
However, under great heat certain stresses arise in concrete that
can cause spalling. The reinforcing steel is then exposed, and can begin
to melt, which may result in the failure of the entire building part. A simi
lar effect can occur when a fire is being extinguished; the water used to
put out the fire makes the building part cool down dramatically, and the
stress that ensues can cause concrete to flake off.
Without the need for any additional measures concrete can meet the
requirements for fire resistance classes from F30 to F180. Even at high
temperatures it is regarded as resistant to smouldering fires and it also
provides protection against the heat. Concrete is the most suitable build-
ing material for escape stairs (staircases, walls and ceilings). Concrete’s
resistance to fire can be even further improved through additives. What
is called “fire concrete” can withstand temperatures of 500–2000 °C.
Protection against Concrete is essentially permeable to water vapour. This means that
moisture it takes up water or moisture from the surroundings and releases it again
after a certain time. It can, however, be made almost water impermeable
(waterproof concrete). The relationship to moisture depends upon the
concrete mix and proper compacting. A watertight construction made
from waterproof concrete is called a “white tank” (> Chapter Building parts, Foot-
ings/foundations). Waterproof concrete can also be produced in such a way
Tab. 9: Overview of typical building physics properties
that it is resistant to frost and de-icing agents. There are four exposure
Concrete can also be made in such a way that it can resist chemical Resistance to
attacks for a certain period. To some degree it can be described as acid- chemicals
Deformation can occur in solid or liquid concrete as a result of vari-
ous physical properties and compositions. Changes in temperature, with-
drawal or absorption of water cause the material to change its form
considerably. A number of such changes are listed below that can harm
concrete and hinder the building part in fulfilling its function.
These processes often cannot be stopped completely, but forward
planning can prevent serious losses of function. Alongside the planning,
the causes of harmful deformations are generally to be found in the con-
struction or execution, which should always be properly supervised. In
particular, care should be taken to ensure that the concrete mix is appro-
priate and that the concreting process is correctly carried out; the influ-
ence of water, air, salts or chemical pollutants must be monitored. The
concrete’s own movements must be calculated to ensure that the flow
of forces can take place unhindered.
Shrinking Shrinking means the shortening of concrete as it cures and hardens,
causing it to lose volume, when hair cracks can develop. The amount by
which the volume is reduced is known as shrinkage. Shrinking depends on
the moisture levels in the surroundings, the size of the building part, and
the concrete mix. With slow curing, shrinkage ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 mm/m.
Early or capillary In contrast to normal shrinking this process starts immediately after
shrinking water is added and is strongly dependent on the water-cement value.
Swelling Swelling is the opposite of shrinking. It describes the increase in the
volume of the concrete as the result of absorbing water.
Attacks An attack is a chemical reaction and takes place in solid concrete. It
results in an increase of volume (example: sulphate attack).
Creep and flow Creep and flow are deformations that take place under a sustained
load. They can be permanent or can diminish over the course of time.
They occur primarily with compressive loads, and are caused by the move-
ment of water in the cement stone.
Creep describes a reversible deformation, which diminishes over the
course of time and eventually stops. After the structural load is removed
the building part returns to its original state (creeping back). Flow is an
irreversible deformation that remains even when the load is removed.
The amount of creep is of particular importance for the structural
calculations of different building parts. With prestressed concrete, the
prestressing means that there is already great compressive load before
the element is inserted, the expansion of the stressing steel is reduced
and with it the pretension force of the building. In creep, the modulus of
elasticity (E) usually plays an important role. It gives the relationship of
tension to elastic deformation, which disappears once the load is re-
moved. The modulus of elasticity for normal concrete is between 22,000
and 39,000 E.
Fig. 6: Efflorescence
Defects can arise in both fresh and solid concrete during the produc-
tion and curing process, but can also be due to long-term external influ-
ences. Structural loads or temporary loads can also cause defects. These
effects generally weaken the entire building part if they exceed the cal-
culated movements in the material. They can arise as the result of mis-
takes in planning, construction or execution.
One example is lime efflorescence. During the curing process the Efflorescence
cement in the concrete separates out hydrated lime. This can dissolve in
water and be deposited on the surface. When the water evaporates it re-
mains on the surface and changes into limestone (calcium carbonate).
> Fig. 6 The limestone is visible as cloudy patches on the surface of the
concrete. Efflorescence occurs above all when water (e.g. rainwater)
enters concrete from which the formwork has just been struck or runs
between the formwork and the surface of the concrete, when the weather
is damp and cold or when other effects cause a temperature difference
in the concrete. It can be avoided primarily by introducing measures to
protect the fresh concrete. Water should not be allowed to enter the form-
work and striking the formwork should only be done in dry weather.
Where subsequent treatment of the surface is necessary, foils should be
inserted between the concrete and the formwork and damp mats, or
appropriate post-treatment agents used.
Cracks or cracking patterns are included in the calculations of the Cracks
building parts. > Fig. 7 They result from internal stresses and external
forces, i.e. through deformation or the addition of loads. Particular crack
patterns are created depending on the consistency or composition of the
concrete . It is desirable to create as fine and even a crack pattern as pos-
sible, so as to weaken the building part as little as possible. A difference
is made between cracks that are close to the surface and separating
Fig. 7: Cracks Fig. 8: Rock pockets
cracks. The latter generally affect the entire cross section or large areas
of the building part, whereas surface cracks of 0.1 to 0.4 mm are accept-
able. Surface cracks generally only have to be visually removed and have
no serious structural implications. Cracks with a structural impact must
be avoided from the start by means of adequate reinforcement, incorpo-
ration of joints, and the correct concrete mix.
Rock pockets A rock pocket develops when separation of the aggregate occurs in
the fresh concrete. Coarse pieces of aggregate collect at one place. > Fig. 8
They should be avoided by suitable grading of the grain, allowing suffi-
cient mixing time, and by proper compaction.
Concrete bleeding Bleeding is the term used to describe the appearance of water on
the surface of the concrete during the concreting process. By this time
the concrete has generally separated. This can be avoided by minimising
the w/c value, choosing dense aggregate compositions, and compact-
ing intensively. In addition, the grain size distribution curve should be
optimised and a finely ground cement used.
Construction method
As concrete is generally used in the form of reinforced concrete, the Constructional
concrete building parts are usually loadbearing and form the primary con- qualities
struction, even in large and complex buildings. But concrete can equally
be used as a non-loadbearing element that encloses space, and indeed
it is even used in furniture for indoors and outdoors. Vertical and hori-
zontal concrete parts can also span large distances. Depending on the
shape of the building part, reinforced concrete can be used to take loads
that are applied across an area, or point or linear loads. > Fig. 9
There are different ways of producing concrete building parts. Essen Production process
tially, the elements of the concrete must be mixed together and additives
added according to requirements. This mixed, liquid raw state is called
“fresh concrete”. The proportions of the various contents determine how
the concrete is to be worked, the feel of the finished concrete, and
whether it suits the requirements at its later location.
Fig. 10: Compacting concrete
Compacting After mixing, the fresh concrete is poured into a formwork or shut-
tering in which the reinforcement has already been placed. > Chapter Build-
ing material, Reinforcement and Chapter Construction method, Formwork After the concrete
has been poured or pumped into the formwork it must be compacted in
order to avoid air pockets. There are a number of tried and tested meth-
ods of doing this. They include vibrating, tamping and rodding. For these
methods an additional compacting appliance is used (e.g. an internal
or external vibrator, or a tamper). > Fig. 10 Compacting prevents voids
developing between the aggregate and shrinkage cavities between the
concrete and the shuttering. Current developments in self-compacting
concrete > Chapter Building material, Kinds of concrete mean that tamping may some
times no longer required. The special properties of this concrete allow
◯ an entirely new work process.
The concrete must be introduced in layers and constant care must
be taken that it does not separate during concreting or compacting. Tamp-
ing should not be carried out for too long but must still fulfil its function.
The concreting process should not be interrupted.
During the first few days the freshly introduced concrete must be
protected from the weather and environmental influences using films or
isolation layers. This not only provides protection against external influ-
ences but also contributes to the curing process. The water on the sur-
face must not be allowed to evaporate. Drying out must be prevented by
covering, or by introducing water from elsewhere.
concrete cover
construction joint
oration. This can be prevented by covering. In the case of frost the cement
lime no longer hardens sufficiently and the water in the concrete, which
has not yet set, can freeze and cause damage. Here, the use of warm con-
crete heated in the works or antifreeze agents can help. However, they
alter the colour of the concrete, which must be taken into consideration,
particularly with exposed concrete.
Wind can also contribute to accelerating the evaporation of the wa-
ter in fresh concrete. Accordingly, the concrete should not be exposed
to excessively strong winds. The same applies to protection against rain
to prevent the water content from changing too greatly in the part that
is curing.
Within the first 24 hours, concrete sets from a wet to a solid state.
It reaches its standard hardness under normal conditions within 28 days
and is then described as hardened concrete. During the curing process
the concrete is called young or green concrete.
Depending on the size of the building part, the concrete cannot all Construction and
be poured in a single process but the part must be broken up into differ- movement joints
Checking the The parameters for the composition of the concrete that were
concrete ecided upon in the planning must be monitored and checked during the
construction work. This can be done by checking the concrete supplier
and by taking samples on site.
The bulk density of fresh concrete (kg/dm3) allows a first assess-
ment of the concrete quality to be made immediately after it has been
put in place. It describes the mass of fresh, compacted concrete includ-
ing pores. It is calculated by weighing a sample piece. Low density means
lower strength. The greater the amount of water and pores in the con-
crete, the lower the bulk density.
The manufacturing process can vary according to the location and
the circumstances. Concrete building parts are either produced on site
at their final place of use or are precast in a prefabrication works under
standardised conditions and later transported to the building site.
In-situ concrete
Manufacture In-situ or cast-in-place concrete means what is called “building site
concrete”, which is mixed and processed on site. Due to the lack of pre-
cision, building site concrete is used only in small amounts and is not the
standard case. The term in-situ concrete is now used above all to de-
scribe transported concrete that is used most commonly in the building
sector. > Fig. 12 This is mixed precisely in the works and then delivered as
fresh concrete to the building site where it is poured into the formwork.
Special properties/ The advantages of a building part made of in-situ concrete are the
advantages and possibilities for strong monolithic connections and the economic use of
the material. In-situ concrete is generally used for parts of the building
that are not visible or on which there are few demands for the surface
appearance. However, this method of construction also has disadvan-
tages. The entire curing process takes place on the building site, i.e. even
under unfavourable weather conditions, which can have a major impact
on the results of concreting and on the progress on the building site.
Extreme temperatures or rainfall often lead to considerable delays and
require the construction process to be flexibly planned.
The formwork or shuttering is the negative form of the concrete build-
ing part. The reinforcement steel is placed in it and the liquid concrete
then poured into it. It must therefore be dimensioned to withstand the
pressure resulting from the introduction of the concrete.
Formwork consists of different parts, generally a formwork system
and formwork sheeting. To ensure that the concrete can be released from
the formwork after hardening, the sheeting must initially be treated with a
release agent (oil, wax, varnish etc.). With standard orthogonal formwork
for a wall or a ceiling slab, prefabricated formwork panels are generally
used as the formwork sheeting. They are held together by formwork
Fig. 12: Concrete mixer and mixer vehicle Fig. 13: Exposed concrete with regular anchor holes
3 4 5
1 threaded rod
2 nut
6 plastic plugs
3 formwork
4 connecting cone
5 sliding sleeve
6 reinforced concrete
a nchors that take the pressure off the concrete. When the formwork is
struck (removed from the building part) the holes remain where the an-
chors were. In building parts that will be visible, the position of these
holes should also be considered at the planning stage. > Figs. 13 and 14 They
can either be closed or adapted to suit the design concept, but remain
visible. The position of openings in and holes through the concrete must
also be considered before making the formwork and the necessary
5 1 formwork element
2 tie holes
4 3 spacer
4 formwork strut
5 second formwork element, back
7 reinforcement mat
7 8
8 reinforcing bars
concrete with reinforcement cage
Fig. 16: Smooth surface with a large proportion of pores. Rough surface showing marks of
board shuttering
The sheeting can be made from a variety of materials that influence Formwork sheeting
the later appearance of the concrete surface. Wood can be used as the
formwork sheeting in several different ways. Depending on how it is
worked it can produced smooth or rough structures. > Fig. 16 Wood can be
used planed, flamed, rough-cut or brushed. The absorbency of the form-
work sheeting plays a decisive role. Wood tends to be essentially absorb
ent: it takes water and air from the concrete while it is curing and thus
gives it a particular surface quality. This surface has fewer pores and a
more even appearance.
Formwork made of plastic, aluminium or steel is non-absorbent. In
contrast to wood, steel or aluminium formwork is expensive but can be
used several times. Plastic formwork is inexpensive and durable. Non-
absorbent formwork can produce particularly smooth concrete surfaces,
but also encourages the formation of pores. As a result, cloudy discol-
ouring or marbled surfaces can develop more quickly. There are also
many structured formworks that give designers the freedom to create a
structured surface for exposed or fair-faced concrete. > Fig. 17
The different formwork systems are named after the way they are Formwork systems
constructed. The most commonly used system is frame formwork. The
name is derived from the fact that the formwork panels consist of fixed
aluminium or steel frames to which the formwork sheathing (e.g. of wood
or plastic) is fixed. These modular elements are suitable for wall and ceil-
ing slab formwork. > Fig. 18 Frame formwork can be erected quickly thanks
to its modular system and allows rapid progress to be made with the con-
struction work. Generally speaking, curves or angles are possible only
with other systems.
Fig. 17: Design of different surfaces
Fig. 18: Frame formwork
formwork sheeting
girder system
within a building should therefore have the same cross section if pos
sible. Even though this may mean that more concrete is used it saves on
labour costs and time. The individual formwork can be used several times
and the system does not have to be readjusted each time. Round columns
are even more difficult as matrices have to be inserted in the sheeting,
Fig. 20: Supporting a ceiling slab formwork
Fig. 21: Columns in cardboard formwork
hydraulic jack
work platform
(1.20 m)
moves in 5 cm steps
Concreting process
Pouring The actual concreting process is one of the many factors that have
a lasting impact, not only on the appearance of the concrete but also on
its performance. The standard kind of in-situ concrete is pumped into
the formwork on site. Care must be taken in pouring that the drop into
the formwork is not too great. In favourable situations concrete can be
transported to the place where it is to be used either directly from the
Fig. 24: Pouring concrete
Fig. 25: Principles of strengthening a ceiling slab with shotcrete
existing slab
sprayed concrete
existing slab
of the oldest ways of concreting, and is carried out by introducing con-
crete layer by layer into the formwork and also compacting it layer by
layer. The height of the individual layers should not be greater than 15 cm.
After the formwork is stripped, the lines of the tamped layers are visible,
creating the characteristic visual effect. We can also see certain irregu-
larities, such as denser and less dense areas or collections of aggregate.
Tamped concrete can be used only without reinforcement and there-
fore the building parts can only handle compression loads or can be used
in non-loadbearing situations. Nevertheless, its special aesthetic means
tamped concrete is still often used outdoors. Today it is generally not
produced in the traditional way but instead a low-mortar concrete is used,
which leads to porous areas that create the visual effect required. The
aggregate is no longer completely enclosed and is visible externally. This
surface can be created by tamping but equally well by compacting in
Spun concrete is produced by compacting the concrete in a hollow Spun concrete
mould. The procedure is the same as with pouring concrete, in that the
reinforcement is fixed in the formwork and the concrete then added. The
rapid rotation of the mould around its own axis presses the concrete
against the outer walls. The centrifugal force drives the heavier elements
outwards and lets the water flow off inwards. This produces a low water-
cement value. Through the compacting process, the concrete acquires a
void at the centre of the cross section and an external surface free of
This method of production is particularly suitable for masts, piles,
piers or columns. Steel tubes can also be coated with concrete in this
way and protected against corrosion. The internal void created is always
round, even if the external shape is orthogonal or of a different form. The
void is also suitable for taking service runs.
Precast elements
Precast concrete elements are produced in the factory and delivered Special properties/
to the building site ready to be fitted into position. The advantage of this advantages and
production method is the precise, clean nature of the process and the
quick assembly it allows. Setting times and the weather conditions on
the building site need hardly be taken into account at all during the build-
ing process. A disadvantage, however, is that the dimensional tolerances
are far lower than with in-situ concrete. Precise planning and coordina-
tion are required. On the other hand, the precast building method makes
it considerably easier to produce fair-faced concrete surfaces. The
qualities of the surface can be far more precisely planned and a uni-
form appearance created, as in the factory the precast concrete parts
can be produced under constant conditions without exposure to the
Fig. 27: Hall-type building made from precast elements
Fig. 28: Filigree elements
in-situ concrete
lattice girder
A distinction is drawn between concrete that is used purely for struc- Fair-faced concrete
tural reasons and is later covered with other layers such as plaster, and
what is called fair-faced or exposed concrete.
As already mentioned in > Chapter Construction method, Formwork, achieving
a smooth exposed concrete surface requires special planning and exe-
cution. The composition of the concrete also influences the effect made
by the surface. The choice of aggregate tends towards increasingly fine
kinds. Different classes are explained in > Chapter Building material, Constituent
materials. ◼
The quality of fair-faced concrete is also divided into classes; the
relevant class should be stated in the specifications. > Tab. 10 The individual
criteria for the execution and the surface quality are defined by giving
the planned fair-faced concrete class. This is the only way to ensure the
quality of the result. The individual criteria also help to achieve the desired
overall impression and, where necessary, to introduce changes during
the execution phase.
Texture The texture and formation of the element joints are divided into the
criteria T1 to T3. The closed quality of the concrete surface and visibly
defective areas along loose joints in the formwork sheeting, which later
turn dark, are classified.
Porosity The porosity of the surface is difficult to check. Classes P1 to P4 limit
the maximum amount of porous areas on a test area of the building part.
As porosity can differ considerably according to the formwork sheeting
used, a distinction is made between absorbent and non-absorbent form-
Evenness of shade Differences in shade are referred to, independently of their cause,
by FT1 to FT3. These are only textual formulations that cannot be fixed
by precise parameters. Here, too, a distinction is drawn between absorb
ent and non-absorbent formwork.
Evenness Evenness classified E1 to E3 relates to general dimensional toler-
ances in building construction and, where necessary, is adapted to the
relevant national standards.
Construction and The designations AF1 to AF4 primarily limit the surface offsets be-
formwork sheeting tween two formwork elements that are acceptable.
The formwork sheeting is divided into the classes SHK1 to SHK3.
Test surface and They describe the condition of the sheeting and are relatively clearly dis-
formwork sheeting tinct from each other. The relevant construction firm is responsible for
maintaining the sheeting class. To enable architects to define their con-
cept for the finished surface as precisely as possible, the sheeting class
can be determined individually and further criteria added.
Additives The nature of the surface and the visual appearance of the building
part can be manipulated by the use of additives. In general these do not
have any major effects on the basic properties of the concrete but have
a considerable impact on the design. For instance, pigments can be used
Tab. 10: Fair-faced concrete classes and their relationship to demands
Evenness of
Test area
SB 1 Low Basement walls, T1 P1 FT1 FT1 E1 AF1 Optional SHK1
demands walls of rooms with
commercial use
SB 2 Normal Staircase walls, T2 P2 P1 FT2 FT2 E1 AF2 Recommended SHK2
demands retaining walls
commonly used class)
SB 4 Especially Representative T3 P4 P3 FT3 FT2 E3 AF4 Required SHK3
high design building parts in
demands building construction,
for representative
prominent buildings
(built on the basis
Very high
of SB 3 with somewhat
more stringent
Fig. 30: Translucent concrete Fig. 31: Examples of surface patterns and
The addition of marble or glass, for example, can also place special
features. Shimmering effects or special kinds of surfaces can be achieved,
depending on the grain size of the additive and the mix proportions.
Formwork The formwork sheeting plays an important role in the design of the
concrete surface. Depending on the material chosen it can, through its
absorbent or non-absorbent quality, produce a smooth or a structured
surface. Non-absorbent sheeting generally produces a smooth surface,
which, however, tends towards a certain degree of porosity. Clients and
architects often require the concrete to have a particularly even appear-
Absorbent formwork sheeting ensures that the structure of the ma-
terial used for the sheeting is transferred to the surface of the concrete.
For example, the grain of wooden formwork can be shown on the con-
crete or other materials imitated.
A further way of creating a surface structure is to insert matrices
into the formwork. Generally made of plastic, these elements can pro-
duce almost any kind of motif or pattern. There are almost no restrictions
to a designer’s imagination. Other objects from the everyday world or na-
ture can also be inserted into the formwork for design purposes. > Fig. 31
Later surface Even after production the appearance of the surface of a concrete
treatment building part can be manipulated. Such treatment methods can be
roughly subdivided into chemical, manual, technical and mechanical pro-
cesses. > Tab. 11
Chemical treatment methods include acid washing or the commonly
used exposed aggregate process. In acid washing a diluted acid is used
to remove the outer cement skin. Exposed aggregate concrete, in con-
trast, is ground with retarders allowing the different aggregates to ap-
pear. > Fig. 32 Photo concrete can depict precise graphic designs. Using a
Fig. 32: Exposed aggregate concrete facade
Fig. 33: Droved (left) and bush-hammered (right) surface
Ageing and soiling When planning a building part that is to be constructed thought
should also be given to its ageing process. Soiling through environmen-
tal effects, fumes, rainwater or similar can cause massive changes to the
appearance after just a short time. In planning, the orientation and wind
directions should be taken into account as well as the flow pattern of
rainwater in order to avoid smears. The same applies to the inclination
of the building part and the nature of its surfaces. In addition to their de-
sign effects these can also be manipulated in terms of their capacities.
For instance, a watertight surface can be created by using silicone
resins that impregnate the pores close to the surface. This process is
called hydrophobing. The building part still remains permeable but the
water simply runs off.
There are certain treatments that can be used to provide protection
against graffiti, which cannot generally be covered over by a simple coat
of paint. What is called a “sacrificial coating” involves the treatment of
the concrete surface with waxes. It is easy to clean but this layer is “sac-
rificed” to the cleaning process. After cleaning has been carried out the
wax layer must be reapplied to the entire surface. An alternative is a per-
manent coating. It lasts for longer than a sacrificial coating but reduces
the diffusivity of the wall.
Building parts
As with other building materials, many requirements for concrete are
regulated by standards and guidelines. The building parts must be
planned, checked and approved, before they are finally constructed. The
individual building parts are considered below and their nature explained.
Placing building parts together always involves connecting different
layers such as seals or protective films and ensuring that they function
perfectly. With regard to concrete, there are a number of special aspects.
The constructional connection of two building parts made of reinforced
concrete is generally done by means of connecting or projecting rein-
forcement. This varies according to the production method. Precast
elements and in-situ concrete can be easily connected with each other,
as can two in-situ concrete parts. To connect two precast elements, spe-
cial bearing parts must be formed.
Footings / foundations
The function of the foundation is to transfer the load of a building to
the ground. Here it is necessary to investigate the bearing capacity of
the soil or the loadbearing layer. Together with the structural system of
the building, a suitable foundation for transferring the building loads to
the ground is then planned.
Every foundation must be made frost free. In central Europe a depth
of 80 cm from the surface of the ground must be guaranteed. If a foun-
dation does not itself reach this depth, either a frost skirt must be added
or the foundation must be made deeper. > Fig. 34
ground level or
ground level
≥ 80 cm
≥ 80 cm frost skirt
Tab. 12: Possible kinds of water in the ground
Non-pressing water
Soil moisture Moisture that is bound into the soil. Arises, e.g. by infiltration of rainfall into water permeable
Seepage water Water that gravity causes to move in the direction of the groundwater.
Non-accumulating Flows off almost unobstructed (gravel or sandy soils).
seepage water
Standing seepage Water accumulates at times above less permeable layers of ground.
Pressing water
Back water Water that accumulates in less permeable ground layers and, unlike seepage water, does not soon
flow off, but exerts pressure on the building part.
Layer water If in soil with generally poor permeability there are layers with better water permeability, the water
flows in such a layer towards the building and exerts pressure on it.
Ground water Water table in the ground, exerts pressure on the building where it extends down into the ground
water area.
Demand class 1 Pressing and non-pressing water and at times standing seepage water
Demand class 2 Wet ground and non-accumulating seepage water
Use class A No ingress of water
Use class B Damp areas at joints or cracks are accepted
Sealing/ The parts of the building in contact with the ground must be pro-
waterproofing tected against moisture. In general a distinction is made between non-
pressing and pressing water. > Tab. 12
In the case of non-pressing water a normal seal against ground mois-
ture, for example, a bitumen coating, can be used. Where there is press-
ing water the foundation must be protected against the entry of water.
This can be done by means of a bituminous sealant (black tank) or
watertight reinforced concrete parts (white tank).
A black tank is produced by constructing the building parts in con-
tact with the ground in several layers. In addition, (black) sealing mem-
branes must be applied – giving the black tank its name. > Fig. 35
A white tank is made from waterproof concrete and essentially needs
no further sealing layer. Diffusion or capillary effects can, however, influ-
ence the watertightness of the white tank. It is not absolutely watertight
and, depending on the demands made on it, must be augmented by spe-
cial additives and very precisely made joints. There are different ways of
making watertight joints. Thermoplastic or elastomeric joint tapes can
be used or metal waterstops can be inserted; on the other hand, joints
are often sealed after they have been made.
additional wall layer
ground level ≥ 30 cm
external wall
base plate
granular subbase
Joint tapes protect against the entry of water into building joints with-
out continuous reinforcement, whereas waterstops (coated or uncoated)
are generally used for building parts with continuous reinforcement,
where they are concreted into the adjoining building parts. > Fig. 36
A white tank must meet particular requirements. The base slab and
the sides must be at least 25 cm thick and, depending on the function
and the soil condition, the criteria for particular demand and use classes
must be met. > Tab. 13 ◯
in-situ concrete
connecting foundation
Fig. 39: Sleeve foundations
min. 25 cm
for “white tank”
external wall
(“white tank”)
ground level
base plate
granular subbase
(lean concrete)
min. 25 cm
for “white tank”
drive by boring, ramming etc. insert reinforcement fill with concrete while
until a loadbearing layer is reached withdrawing the tube
Pile footing In soils with poorer bearing capacity or where the bearing layer lies
deeper, pile footings are used. > Fig. 42 The piles can be precast, or made
in situ or as composite piles. With the in-situ method the concrete is
poured directly into the bored hole. Prefabricated piles are made in the
factory as a whole or as individual parts. In the composite system a bear-
ing member of steel or concrete is inserted into the bored hole and
grouted with cement mortar. The bearing members are inserted by means
of ramming, boring, flushing, pressing, vibrating or by using screws. The
depth of the piles can also be combined with the use of geothermal
energy. Depending on the nature of the ground and of the building there
are various special forms of piled footings and they can be combined
individually with other kinds of footings.
min. min. min. min. min. min.
min. 10-12 cm
10-12 cm 8-15 cm 6 cm 8–15 cm 4 cm 6 cm
loadbearing layer
air layer
facing layer
In accordance with its shape, a wall takes up linear loads and can be
made in different ways. In additional to vertical loads the plate effect of
a wall enables it to provide bracing and to take horizontal loads. Concrete
walls can also be made as space enclosing, non-loadbearing elements,
or as front-hung facade elements.
Where they form the external skin, reinforced concrete walls require
insulation in order to meet thermal insulation standards. The minimum
thickness of a reinforced concrete wall made of in-situ concrete is 10 cm,
as long as it is under a continuous ceiling slab. Otherwise it must be at
least 12 cm thick. For reasons of sound insulation, concrete walls in hous-
ing are generally 18 cm thick.
Prefabricated wall elements can consist of one or more layers. A Prefabricated wall
common element is the sandwich element, which, when delivered from elements
the factory, meets all the structural, building physics and design de-
mands. It consists of a loadbearing layer, insulation and a facing layer;
an air layer can be added if required. Openings and conduits for services
can also be made in the factory. > Fig. 43
Reinforced concrete walls produced as precast elements must, if
under a continuous ceiling slab, have a minimum thickness of 8 cm, and
if outside at least 10 cm.
If the precast element consists of a bearing layer, insulation and fac-
ing layer, the bearing layer must be between 8 cm and 15 cm thick,
depending on the load. It is dimensioned according to structural require-
ments, and reinforced. The facing layer is generally around 6 cm thick. If
the surface is to be treated later > Chapter Construction method, Surfaces, the outer
layer must be made somewhat thicker so that, despite the surface re-
moved, the necessary concrete cover is still provided.
The maximum dimensions of precast elements depend on the means
of production, transport and fitting. The usual dimensions are between
4 and 10 m. In fluctuating temperatures, the facing layer should not be
exposed to any stress. A panel should therefore not be any larger than
15 m², with a maximum width of 5 m. Under some circumstances there
can be more joints in the facing layer than in the bearing layer.
Reinforced columns can transfer enormous point loads. However,
they are less suitable for taking horizontal forces and should be designed
primarily to take compressive stress. The production and concreting of
a column requires a certain planning basis and guidelines that are ex-
plained in the > Chapter Construction method, Formwork and Concreting process. Depend-
ing on the formwork chosen, the design and economic constraints, there
are a number of different cross sections that can be selected for col-
umns. > Fig. 44
Prefabricated Columns can also be made as precast elements. Where there is a
columns connection to a beam or ceiling element that is also precast, the transi-
tion from column to beam or ceiling slab cannot be monolithic and bear-
ing areas must be formed instead. > Fig. 45
A further variation is the composite column, which in principle con-
sists of a steel beam section that is filled with concrete. In this version
Fig. 45: Prefabricated columns
Beams can be made in very different dimensions. They can be used
to span smaller openings (lintels) or as part of a frame construction.
Equally, a beam can serve as the bearing or substructure for a ceiling,
and can be made as an upstand or downstand beam. Where the beams
and ceiling slab are made monolithic we speak of a T-beam or slab-and-
beam system. > Chapter Building parts, Ceiling/floor slab This system is made of
in-situ concrete and generally in a single work process. The effective
structural height of the T-beams is that of the actual beam plus the thick-
ness of the slab. > Fig. 46
The beams generally have solid cross sections. To simplify produc-
tion and the formwork, rectangular cross sections are generally used. In
the prefabricated system profiles such T- and I-beams can be used to re-
duce weight. Here, thought should be given to which method of produc-
tion and type of cross section is the most economic and efficient. > Fig. 47
Recent developments in high-performance concrete allow thinner
and thinner sections, and make hollow sections possible as well; this
enables both concrete and weight to be saved.
effective structural
trapezoid cross section beam with T cross section beam with I cross section
Beams that are adapted to the form of the moment curve can also
be made, which both match the ideal flow of forces and allow other roof
forms with slopes. > Fig. 48
parallel chord girder
support for prefabricated beam in roof plane support for downstand beams double-T elements supported on
downstand beam
edge insulation strip
floor covering
separating layer
impact sound insulation
ceiling slab
Ceiling / floor slab
In concrete construction a ceiling slab can be made using different
systems. The standard method is the in-situ ceiling slab. The formwork
is made using a ceiling “table”, the reinforcement put in place, and the
concrete then poured over it. However, precast or filigree elements can
equally well be used. > Chapter Construction method, Precast elements Various lay-
ers can be used for acoustic decoupling and to make the finished floor.
> Fig. 50 A ceiling slab is a horizontal plate and therefore as well as trans-
ferring forces in a vertical direction it also always has a bracing effect in
the horizontal plane. It can be made with or without prestressing. Ceil-
ing slabs in normal multi-storey building (housing) are generally made
with a thickness of 18 cm and more. Bearing points and the formation of
monolithic connections differ according to the nature of the wall mate-
rial. > Figs. 51 and 52
Reinforced concrete can be used most efficiently in creating differ-
ent structural systems. Every form of beam, beamed ceiling slab, coffered
ceiling slab or T-beam and slab can be made. By using slender downstand
beams at close centres > Chapter Building parts, Beam, monolithic ribbed slabs
can be made. > Fig. 53 The ribs, which are spaced 30–70 cm apart, run in
the main loadbearing direction and are more slender than standard down-
stand beams. In precast construction, what are known as double T-beams
are often used. These consist of two ribs and the projecting ceiling slab.
The joints are either filled with in-situ concrete on the building site or a
top concrete layer is poured over them. > Fig. 54
If the ribs run in both directions they form a coffered ceiling. > Fig. 55
The coffered ceiling slab can span in two directions. Here, too, the mono
lithic connection with the ceiling ensures that the system has a highly
internal plaster
edge insulation strip
floor covering
separating layer
impact sound insulation
ceiling slab
30–70 cm
joint sealant
top layer
Fig. 55: Coffered ceiling slab Fig. 56: Beam grillage
section plan
strip of dowels
in which a top layer of concrete is added that either has a load distribut-
ing function or also helps to carry the load. Depending on how it is made
the slab can function as a plate and can also take horizontal forces.
Prestressed hollow core floors allow wide spans with a low slab thick-
ness. They are reinforced in the longitudinal direction with steel strands
alone; the necessary tension reinforcement is positioned near the under-
side of the slab in the continuous solid webs. The elements are usually
80–120 cm wide and 16–40 cm thick.
Thanks to the prefabrication of the elements and the ease of moving
them by means of a mobile or building crane directly from the transport
vehicle, hollow core slabs ensure a speedy and economic construction
process. They can be placed in position without propping. They can be
connected with steel, reinforced concrete or masonry walls. The continu
ous ring beam, made of concrete, is most important. > Figs. 59, 60 and 61
masonry wall
insulation plane
back ventilation
facing wall
floor construction
ring beam
joint reinforcement
stressed hollow core planks
grouted anchor
ring beam
stressed hollow core planks
extension of flange/bearing e.g. with metal sheet
bearing on composite screed for example
downstand beam in industrial building, poss. strengthening
bearing strip reinforcement in transitions
end bearing in
reinforced concrete wall
composite screed for example in
industrial building, poss. strengthening
reinforcement in transitions grouting
ring beam
Fig. 61: Connections of hollow core planks to reinforced concrete wall and downstand
Planning the openings is of equal importance in the design of both Openings
walls and ceiling slabs. They must be considered in drawing the form-
work and reinforcement plans and in the production. In positioning ceil-
ing openings in particular, the structural system must be carefully con-
sidered, as openings should not be in areas where the slab is subject to
the greatest stress. In optimised systems such as prestressed concrete
hollow core planks, the possibility of making additional openings later is
very restricted. During the planning stage careful thought must be given
to the direction in which the ceiling slab spans, how the downstand beam
and reinforcement systems run and where, if necessary, further strength-
ening has to be calculated.
Thermal separation
One common joint is the connection of a projecting element, such
as a balcony slab. Here, the thermal separation of the element presents
a particular challenge as it penetrates the outer skin. A number of manu
facturers have examined this problem and have developed elements that
can both insulate and provide the structural connection.
As with roof parapet walls there are essentially two ways in which
this connection can be made. Either what is known as an Isokorb is made
to ensure thermal separation > Fig. 65, or the balcony slab must be insulated
on both sides. > Fig. 66 Naturally, this latter solution requires additional
material and also has a visual effect on the final thickness of the slab.
concrete cover
metal flashing
Isokorb with
reinforcement sealant
(thermal separation) insulation
moisture barrier
insulation plane r.c. slab
metal flashing
wood-based panel
continuous insulation
moisture barrier
r.c. slab
insulation plane
gravel trap moisture barrier
and gully r.c. slab
continuous insulation
outside inside
height difference
floor covering
separating layer
impact sound insulation
slab with step
If the slab is not a cantilever but, for example, a loggia above a living
room, there are great differences in the construction layers between in-
side and outside. Here, the designer must react at an early stage. > Fig. 67
If, for design reasons, it is not possible to fold the reinforced concrete
slab downwards, then steps or suspended ceilings must be used.
Its particular geometry and function makes the staircase a most com-
plex building element. Heights, regulations about the dimensions of the
steps, and the choice of material play important roles. Precise execution
of the soffits and surfaces is also important. Concrete offers good op-
portunities in terms of design, loadbearing capacity and production. It
meets all the requirements for an escape staircase with regard to fire
and heat resistance, acoustic decoupling, and geometry.
Staircases made of in-situ concrete can be adapted on site to any
floor plan. The different tolerances of building parts already produced
can be handled easily. In contrast, precast staircases allow no departures
from the design dimensions, but they can be produced quickly and
cleanly. It should be ensured that the stairwell is sufficiently large to al-
low a precast flight of steps to be hoisted into the building. Naturally, the
main focus of attention is on the basic regulations about the dimensions
of treads and risers, numbers of steps without an intermediate landing
etc. > Tab. 14
separating mat
decoupled bearing
precast stairs
decoupled bearing
floor covering
separating layer
impact sound insulation
r.c. slab
in-situ stairs
bracket with connecting
floor covering
separating layer
impact sound
r.c. slab
visible joint
should be considered in design of soffit
console with connecting
elastomer bearing
In conclusion
On account of its enormous diversity and the constant improvements
that have been made in the course of past decades, concrete remains
one of the most important materials in the building industry. It consists
of a number of different elements, which can be used as factors in
determining and defining its performance. Whether the different kinds
of reinforcement materials, the additives or concreting processes, the
range allows concrete to be used in many different areas, from large
bridge structures to furniture and property.
New mixes, reinforcement materials and techniques allow us to hope
for advances in making concrete economical, sustainable and conse-
quently forward-looking. Therefore, on both the design and construction
levels, new opportunities and ways of using it will present themselves
repeatedly in the future.
Standards and guidelines
DIN EN 197-1, Cement
DIN EN 206, Concrete - Specification, performance, production and conformity
DIN EN 934-2, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout
DIN EN 1008, Mixing water for concrete – Specification for sampling, testing and assessing the
suitability of water, including water recovered from processes in the concrete industry, as mixing
water for concrete
DIN EN 1504, Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures –
Definition, requirements, quality monitoring and evaluation of conformity
DIN EN 1520, Prefabricated reinforced components of lightweight aggregate concrete with open
structure with structural or non-structural reinforcement
DIN EN 1990, Eurocode: Basis of structural design
DIN EN 1991, Eurocode 1: Impacts on structures
DIN EN 1992, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures
DIN EN 1994, Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
DIN EN 1998, Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance
DIN EN 10138, Prestressing steels
DIN EN 12350, Testing fresh concrete
DIN EN 12354, Building acoustics – Estimation of acoustic performance of buildings from the
performance of products
DIN EN 12390, Testing hardened concrete
DIN EN 12620, Aggregates for concrete
DIN EN 12812, Falsework – Performance requirements and general design
DIN EN 12878, Pigments for the colouring of building materials based on cement and/or lime –
Specifications and methods of testing
DIN EN 13055-1, Lightweight aggregates
DIN EN 13225, Precast concrete elements – Linear structural elements
DIN EN 13369, General rules for precast concrete product
DIN EN 13501, Fire classification of construction products and building elements
(the classifications according to DIN 4102 cannot be directly applied to the European 13501-1)
DIN EN 13670, Execution of concrete structures
DIN EN 14487, Sprayed concrete
DIN EN 14843, Precast concrete products – stairs
DIN EN 14889, Fibres for concrete
DIN EN 15037, Precast concrete products – Beam-and-block floor systems
Edward Allen: Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and
Methods, 6th edition, Hoboken, Wiley, New Jersey 2014
Andrea Deplazes (ed.): Constructing Architecture, Birkhäuser, Basel
Kim S. Elliott: Precast Concrete Structures, Butterworth-Heinemann,
Oxford, Boston, MA 2002
Awad S. Hanna: Concrete Formwork Systems. Civil and Environmental
Engineering Series 2, Marcel Dekker, New York 1999
Manfred Hegger: Basics Materials, Birkhäuser, Basel 2007
Friedbert Kind-Barkauskas (ed.): Concrete Construction Manual,
Birkhäuser; Edition Detail, Basel 2002
Alfred Meistermann: Basics Loadbearing Systems, Birkhäuser, Basel
Martin Peck (ed.): Modern Concrete Construction Manual: Structural
Design, Material Properties, Sustainability, Edition Detail. Munich:
Institut für internationale Architektur-Dokumentation, Munich
David Phillips and Megumi Yamashita: Detail in Contemporary Concrete
Architecture, Laurence King Publishing, London 2012
Picture Credits
Figures 11, 14, 15: from the lecture notes for the subject building
construction and design at Siegen University
Figure 31: Works by first-semester students, building construction and
design, Siegen University
Figures 1, 2, 8, 13, 17 (part), 18, 20, 21, 24, 26, 39, 45:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bert Bielefeld
All other figures: Katrin Hanses
The Author
Katrin Hanses, M.A. architect, is a research associate in the depart-
ment of building construction and design at Siegen University and runs
her own architecture practice in Cologne.
Series editor: Bert Bielefeld aterial is concerned, specifically the rights of
Concept: Bert Bielefeld, Annette Gref translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations,
Translation from German into English: recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on micro-
James Roderick O’Donovan films or in other ways, and storage in data-
English copy editing: Monica Buckland bases. For any kind of use, permission of the
Layout print edition: Andreas Hidber copyright owner must be obtained.
EPUB production: Kösel Media, Krugzell
This publication is also available as a softcover
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication (ISBN 978-3-0356-0362-0) and in a German
data language edition (ISBN PDF 978-3-0356-1252-3;
A CIP catalog record for this book has been ISBN EPUB 978-3-0356-1167-0).
applied for at the Library of Congress.
© 2015 Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH, Basel
Bibliographic information published by the P.O. Box 44, 4009 Basel, Switzerland
German National Library Part of Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston
The German National Library lists this publica-
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