Leidy Esther Canoles Marrugo Proceso Dirección de Formación Profesional Integral Guía de Aprendizaje Semana 30 Marzo - 3 Abril 2020
Leidy Esther Canoles Marrugo Proceso Dirección de Formación Profesional Integral Guía de Aprendizaje Semana 30 Marzo - 3 Abril 2020
Leidy Esther Canoles Marrugo Proceso Dirección de Formación Profesional Integral Guía de Aprendizaje Semana 30 Marzo - 3 Abril 2020
1. Email addresses are essential in business, do you know how to say them correctly? My email adress is
ebeltrans@sena.edu.co How do you call these symbols in english (@) (.) (_ ) (-)
(@) At
(.) Dot
(_ ) Underscore
(-) Hyphen
GFPI-F-019 V03
A. Send
B. Reply; respond
C. To attach
D. attached document
E. Rough copy
F. Signature
G. Recipient
H. Sender
I. File
J. Inbox
K. copy
L. paste
M. Forward
3. Write formal and informal Email where you display your knowledge in the following topics: Redactar
emails en ingles uno formal y otro informal donde evidencies el conocimiento de los siguientes temas:
Greetings and personal information (formal – informal), recuerda hacer uso de los Titles en ingles
(Mr, Miss, Mrs…)
Telling the time
Opening sentences (Video Oxford english)
Vocabulary ( Invoice, Lend, Borrow, Owe, Afford)
Writing emails in english
Ending phrases
From: leydy (lecanoles@tenaris.com
To: confecciones_industriales@gmail.com
Subject: uniforms quote
My name is Leydi Canoles, head of human resources for the Tenaris company; and I am writing to
confirm that the uniforms were received.
please send physical and digital invoice.
I'm very interested in the new uniforms they released this season. Could you send me additional
information about materials and sizes? I couldn't actually find them on their website. I would
appreciate if you could attach some photos from your new collection.
leydi canoles
human resources coordinator
tenaris S.A
From: leydy (lecanoles@tenaris.com)
To: miguel payroll assistant (miguel-lara@tenaris.com)
Subject: wrong data
Hi miguel,
How are you?
Well, I wanted to tell you that I just reviewed the payroll files. I found several errors in the total
calculations of the items EXPIRED VACATION AND FOOD AID.
Why don't you check the payroll news? You should talk to monica since she is in charge. later you stop
by my office and you tell me how it went. Today we will work overtime, calm I will buy the food! (Not
really) Hahaha
lease can't afford be late.
goodbye miguel
PosData I'm sending some photos of the process for you to take a look at.
4. Relaciona las posibles personas a nivel corporativo a quien puedes dirigir un email en ingles
Ejemplo: Boss = Jefe Colleague: Colega Customer: Cliente
From: leydy (lecanoles@tenaris.com
To: Boss- Colleague- Customer- client- Counter- administrative coordinator- administrative assistant- shopping
assistant- management- Secretary- archivist- treasurer- Systems Engineer
5. De acuerdo al video de Oxford English cual es la estructura que debe manejar un email en inglés.
SALUDO (Greetings)
Hi Susan (más informal)
Hello Susan (algo menos informal)
Dear Susan (menos informal)
INTRODUCCIÓN (Introduction)
Estos son algunos ejemplos o formas habituales para comenzar un correo formal en inglés:
My name is … and I am writing to you in order to… (mi nombre es… y le escribo con el objetivo de…)
… and I address this letter to you as regards… (… y le envío esta carta en relación con…)
… and I would like to express my opinion about… (… y me gustaría expresar mi opinión acerca de…)
A lo largo del cuerpo del correo (desde el segundo párrafo en adelante, hasta llegar al cierre), recuerde ordenar su
información de forma clara y coherente. Para organizar la información, es recomendable que utilice frases que
funcionen como conectores. Esto en muchos casos demostrará dominio del idioma inglés y dará una buena
impresión a su evaluador, o destinatario.
Por ejemplo:
Although… (Pese a que…); As a consequence… (En consecuencia…); As a result of… (Como resultado de…);
Because of… (Debido a…); Furthermore/moreover/besides… (Además…);However/ nevertheless… (Sin
embargo…); In addition… (Adicionalmente…); In order to… (Con el objetivo de…); Therefore… (Por lo
tanto…); Whereas… (Mientras que…), entre otros.
CONCLUSIÓN (Conclusion)
Para finalizar se debe redactar un último párrafo a modo de conclusión antes de despedirse. Para distintos tipos de
correos, este párrafo deberá incluir diferentes clases de información. En los casos de cartas con motivo de
agradecimiento o que incluyen un pedido o solicitud de cualquier tipo, es bueno concluir el último párrafo con un
agradecimiento final:
Algunos ejemplos:
I would be grateful if you could attend to this matter as soon as possible… (Estaría muy agradecido/a si pudiera
atender este asunto tan pronto como sea posible…)
Luego de su conclusión, es momento de la despedida. Aquí debemos regresar por un momento al principio del
correo y revisar el encabezado.
Si conoce el nombre de su destinatario (Dear Jhon Smith,/Dear Jane Doe,), la despedida será:
Yours sincerely,
Yours faithfully,
6. Investiga la diferencia entre CUSTOMER AND CLIENT
7. Completa el cuadro de la columna B de acuerdo a las opciones que se encuentran en las villetas para
completar el cuadro de acuerdo al tipo de E
You have an exam next week. You want to invite your friend Terry to your house to study together.
Write an email to Terry
Invite Terry to you house
Tell Terry why and when to come
Suggest what you and Terry can do after finish studying
From: www.miguel12@live.com
To: terry_218@gmail.com
Subject: Study Day!!!!
Hey, terry
well, you know that next week we have an english test, you know that I’m not very good in english (in
truth I am very bad hahaha) I need help :(
I invite you to my house, to study together. After we finish studying we can play video games and
watch the latest Avengers movie in 4K.
10. De acuerdo al material estudiado y teniendo en cuenta la estructura aprendida escriba un Email no
mayor a 100 palabras que responda la siguiente situación
Su Jefe el señor Claude le envía un email solicitando un reporte de la base de datos de los empleados de la
compañía SENA Support, le exige que sea enviado a su email claude@sena.edu.co el día 3 de abril de 2020,
pero usted que es su asistente personal no puede enviarle el reporte debido a que la base de datos que usted
maneja no está actualizada, pero cree tenerlo listo para el sábado 4 de abril al medio día.
From: lecanoles@misena.edu.co
To: Sr Claude (claude@sena.edu.co)
Subject: report request from the SENA Support. April 3.
I am writing about the report request from the SENA Support company employee database. since the database
from which the information for the report will be extracted is out of date, for this reason the report will not be
ready by April 3.
I assure you that no later than April 4 at noon you will have the report in your email.
Best wishes
Yours sincerely, or
laydi canoles (administrative assistant)
SENA Support
Hi Simon
Sorry I haven’t written till now. Since I got here I’ve been really busy with the course and making new
friends. I’m speaking english all the time and going out in the evenings with my classmates. We’re a real
mix of nationalities: chinese, russian, thai, italina, spanish, brazilian.. we all talk in english but I’m
learnig loads about other languages and countries too.
My host family are really nice. The parentes, Suan an paul, are very friendly and kind. The children are
called Lewis and amy, they’re both in primary school and are very sweet but they can be a bit annoying
too. If I have to watch the film Frozen with them one more time, I’m going to go crazy! I know all the
songs by heart now!! Ahhhh
We live pretty near the school so I walk there every day. It’s only a short bus ride from Edinburgh city
centre, and there are loads of shops and cafes there. There’s an ancient castle too and we’re going there
on a school trip next week. Edinburgh is a really interesting place to be and there’s a festival on at the
moment. It’s awesome but a bit expensive for us students, so we’ve been hanging out in the streets
watching the free Street performances from actors and musicians. Yesterday I saw a magician doing
card tricks- it was so much fun!!
I’ll send some photso of edinburgh castle next time.. Take care and let me know how you are doing
GFPI-F-019 V03
True False
True False
True False
True False
True False
True False
10. Underline the verbs you find in the email above and write affirmative sentences using simple presento or
simple past.
Simple present sentences
I write in the notebook
I'm not a lawye
I have to take out the trash
she doesn't watch tv
he knows the way
we are not going for a walk
I'm making new Friends.
I do not want to go to school
she doesn't want to talk
I want to learn to swim
I saw the shooting star
GFPI-F-019 V03