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TFN Module Revised Version

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Module descriptor: This module covers relevant nursing and non-nursing theoretical concepts
and principles used in providing safe, quality, and holistic nursing care
grounded in caring science.
Nominal duration:
Program outcome:
1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural, and health sciences and humanities in
the practice of nursing;
2. Provide safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals, families, population,
group and community utilizing nursing process;
3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence – base practice in the delivery of care;
4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal ethical and moral
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using culturally –
appropriate language;
6. Document to include reporting up-to-date client care accurately and
7. Work effectively in collaboration with inter-, intra-, and multi – disciplinary, multi
– cultural teams;
8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills in the delivery of client care;
9. Apply techno – intelligent care systems and processes in health care delivery;
10. Adopt the nursing core values in the practice of the profession;

Course outcome:
1. Apply knowledge of nursing theoretical concepts and principles for humanistic
practice of nursing;
2. Utilize nursing process to develop safe, appropriate, and holistic care plan to
individual person using various theoretical nursing frameworks or nursing models;
3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence – based practice in nursing care of an
individual person.
4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal ethical and moral
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using culturally –
appropriate language in the practice of nursing.
6. Report and document up-to-date client care accurately and comprehensively;

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7. Collaborate effectively with inter-, intra-, and multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural
8. Integrate knowledge of theoretical concepts and principles in the management of
nursing care of an individual person;
9. Relate the interrelationship among theory, practice, and research;
10. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes for humanistic practice of
11. Uphold nursing core values in the practice of profession.

Learning outcomes:
1. Integrate relevant nursing and non-nursing theoretical concepts and principles for
humanistic practice of nursing.
2. Apply knowledge of theoretical concepts and principles in collaborating with other
member of the healthcare team in the delivery of safe, quality, holistic care to
individual client.
3. Apply various nursing theories in provision of nursing care.
4. Integrate evidence-based nursing care relevant to various nursing theoretical
5. Integrate nursing theoretical concepts of technology in the humanistic practice of
6. Demonstrate caring as the core of nursing
7. Demonstrate therapeutic techniques of communication
8. Adhere to protocol and principles of confidentiality
9. Identify legal and ethical issues of patient-care based from group presentation.
Self-Directed Learning (SDL) Activities and Output:
The learner should perform and/or submit the following evidence of learning:
1. Structure your own inquiry approach or mechanism to expound learning. Document the
approach and provide brief description of the processes when asked to share self-study
2. Create something out of your learning experience (i.e., build own personal learning
syllabus, information sheet, algorithms/flowcharts, mnemonics, etc.) and be able to share
such output with other learners.
3. Build and maintain network of learning colleagues who pursue knowledge and value
progress over grades and performance.
4. Post response on questions developed by instructor at identified online learning platform.

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Outcomes-Based May 2020
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for BSN Program Developed by:
5. Post response on selected views/opinion of classmates on posed questions at identified
online learning platform.
6. Create short video to simulate theory-based provision of nursing care.
7. Articulate your personal definition of nursing and philosophies out of your learning
8. Share peer-reviewed article as basis for evidence-based practice of nursing.
Performance indicators:
1. Integrate relevant principles of social, physical, natural and health sciences and
humanities in a given health and nursing situation.
2. Apply appropriate nursing concepts and actions holistically and comprehensively
(add other performance indicators of applicable program outcomes – refer to CMO 15 s. 2017)
Learners must have the following:
1. Workplace location: simulate varied health care settings
2. Equipment: Personal laptop and/or smart phone with internet connectivity;
3. Tools/Apps, accessories, and supplies: Facebook app; school & art materials
4. Outcomes-based teaching and learning resources: module; e-books or peer reviewed
article; course-syllabus; rubrics; activity instructions & guidelines; videos;

(Update as needed to reflect needs based on OBTL strategies and required output of applicable
learning outcomes)
Assessment method:
1. Portfolio: written output (online/offline) and other evidences of learning.
2. Written test
3. Self-assessment study questions
4. Oral questioning or interview
5. Observation
Learning outcomes Content
Integrate relevant nursing and non- Evolution of Nursing
nursing theoretical concepts and A. An Introduction to Nursing Theory
principles for humanistic practice of 1. Nursing Theory and the Discipline of Nursing

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nursing. 2. A guide for the study of Nursing Theories for
3. Choosing, Evaluating, and Implementing Nursing
Theories for Practice

B. Science and Philosophical schools of thought

1. Received view (empiricsm, positivism, logical
2. Perceived view (Human science, phenomenology,
constructivism, Historicism)
3. Nursing philosophy, nursing science, and
philosophy of nursing science

C. Structure of the Nursing Knowledge

1. Structural level
2. Metaparadigm
. Person
. Health
. Environment
. Nursing
3. Philosophy
4. Conceptual Models
5. Theory
6. Middle-Range Theory
Apply knowledge of theoretical
concepts and principles in Nursing Theorist and their Works
collaboration with other member of the A. Nursing Philosophies
healthcare team in the delivery of safe 1. Nightingale’s Environmental Theory
and quality care of an individual 2. Watson’s Theory of Human Caring
person. 3. Benner Benner’s Stages of Nursing Expertise,
Nursing Philosophies
4. Eriksson’s Caritative Caring Theory

B. Nursing Conceptual Models

1.Roger’s Science of Unitary Human Beings
Nursing Conceptual Model
2. Orem’s Self-care Deficit Model
3. King’s General Systems Framework Nursing
Conceptual Model
4. Neuman’s Systems Model

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5. Roy’s Adaptation Model
6. Johnson’s Behavioral System Model

C. Nursing Theories
1. Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relationships
2. Orlando’s Theory of Deliberative Nursing Process
3. Travelbee’s Human to Human Relationships
4. Hall’s CORE, CARE, CURE
5. Abdellah’s 21 Nursing Problems
6. Henderson’s Need Theory
7. Pender’s Health Promotion Model; Nursing
8. Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care Diversity and
9. Newman’s Theory of Health as Expanding
10. Parse’s Theory of Human Becoming
11. Watson’s Theory of Human Caring
12. Orlando’s Nursing Process
13. Locsin’s Technological Competency as Caring

Local Theories and Models of Nursing

Interventions (Philippine Setting)
1. Locsin’s Technological Nursing Care as Model
2. Agravante’s CASAGRA Transformative
Leadership Model
3. Divinagracia’s COMPOSURE Model
4. Kuan’s Retirement and Role Discontinuity Model
5. Abaquin’s PREPARE ME Holistic Nursing
6. Laurente’s Theory of Nursing Practice and Career
7. Synchronicity in Human- Space- Time: A theory
of Nursing Engagement in a Global Community

Theories Relevant to Nursing Practice

1. Maslow’s Human Need Theory
2. Sullivan’s Transactional Analysis
3. Von Bertalanffy’s General Systems Model
4. Lewin’s Change Theory
5. Erikson’s Psychosocial Development

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6. Kohlberg’s Moral Development

Apply various nursing theories in Discuss nursing process.

provision of nursing care. 1. Overview of nursing process.
2. Group Presentation for the application of nursing

Integrate nursing theoretical concepts Nursing theories and healthcare technology.

of technology in the humanistic 1. Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing
practice of nursing. (TCCN) – (Locsin, 2005)
2. Transactive Relationship Theory of Nursing
(TreToN) – (Tanioka, 2017)
3. Humanistic Nursing’s Collaborative Caring
Model (HuNCC) – (Sahiron & Akbar, 2018)

Demonstrate caring as the core of Discuss ‘nursing as caring’

nursing 1. 6 C’s of caring
2. Boykin & Schoenhofer’s – Nursing as Caring
3. Jean Watson’s caring theory

Demonstrate therapeutic techniques of Discuss therapeutic techniques of communication

communication within Transcultural theory of nursing

Discuss APA guidelines in writing scholarly report

(written requirements for the course)

Adhere to protocol and principles of Provide an overview for reporting and documenting
confidentiality client care and discuss some ethical principles

Identify legal and ethical issues of Discuss overview of RA 9173, and Nursing ethics
patient-care based from group

Integrate evidence-based nursing care Overview of evidence-based practice in nursing

relevant to various nursing theoretical 1. Overview of EBP
frameworks. 2. Characteristics of EBP
3. Theory and EBP

Introduce ways how nursing theory can be used for

development of nursing knowledge to inform

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nursing practice and education.

Identify various nursing theoretical issues or agenda

for future topics of research study.

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Outcomes-Based May 2020
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An Introduction to Nursing Theory

Learning objectives:
Upon completion of the unit of instruction, the learners are able to:
1. Describe milestone towards nursing theory development of the 21st century.
2. Describe nursing theory, elements, and various classification.
3. Analyze implications of theory to nursing praxis – education, practice, and
research for nursing knowledge development.
4. Identify essential guidelines in application of nursing theoretical works for
humanistic practice of nursing.
(Copy paste content from reliable references for time being only! If not available in MS word
format, print required references from e-book and attached to module)
Smith, M.C. & Parker, M.E. (2015). Nursing theories & nursing practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia:
F.A. Davis Company

Expanded learning opportunities:

I. Advancing learning:
 For advanced learner - identification of activities such as those done in graduate
education (for excellence graduate attribute criteria indicator and a curriculum
that prepare students for next level of education).
 Additional readings and may include links to video on youtube pertaining to
course content – make sure you have checked the content for validity).
II. Provision of appropriate support to special group of learners:
 Creation of academic support system among learning participants – peer-tutoring
or mentoring. Assign advanced learner to assist other students.
 Referral to available academic support system and services.
 Others – which will be specified once identified by the teacher along the process.

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Outcomes-Based May 2020
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Written test: develop at least 5-15 multiple choice questions or any other type of test. Self-
assessment questions should be specified under this section. Student will submit their answer as
private message to FB account or email of teacher or as a post in FB closed group page.
Answer key (provide answer key but keep it to yourself)

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Outcomes-Based May 2020
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Science and Philosophical schools of thought
Learning objectives:
1. Describe various philosophies of science from which nursing theories’ conceptual
foundation were realized.

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Nursing Theorist and their Works

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Local Theories and Models of Nursing Interventions (Philippine Setting)

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Theories Relevant to Nursing Practice

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Nursing theories and healthcare technology

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Nursing is caring

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Therapeutic techniques of communication within Transcultural theory of nursing

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Overview of RA 9173 and Nursing ethics

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Overview for reporting and documenting client care and discuss some ethical principles

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for BSN Program Developed by:
Overview of evidence-based practice in nursing

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Outcomes-Based May 2020
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for BSN Program Developed by:
A. Rubrics
Rubrics: append all rubrics as part of the module so learners understand the bases for assessment
of learning (scoring/grading)
Rubrics on posting response on posed question/views

Note: when making rubrics, please fit criteria to elements based on performance

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Outcomes-Based May 2020
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B. Schedule of OBTL output and assessment
Requirement Date due
Formative: _____
Personal introduction (for freshmen and new students or
advancing students under new faculty in-charge)
Answer written test:
Instruction for submission:
Posting response on questions related to course-readings: LO 1 -

Instruction: LO 2 –
LO 3 -

Participation: posting response on classmates’ opinion/view LO 1

Instruction: LO 2
LO 3
Peer-reviewed article
Simulation video on application of theory (terminal output)
Premidterm exam To be scheduled
Midterm exam
Prefinal exam
Final exam

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Outcomes-Based May 2020
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*include instruction on offline submission for learners with no internet connectivity and specify
allowable days for delayed submission as appropriate.
Grading system:
Pre- Pre-
Sources of scores Mid Final Weight
mid final
1. Term examinations 50% 50% 50% 50%
2. OBTL output (quizzes, postings, etc.) 40% 40% 40% 40% 80%
3. Attendance/Participation/Decorum 10% 10% 10% 10%
4. Terminal requirement (application of
20% 20%
Final Grade 100%

Note: this sample includes interrelated program outcomes for sense of ‘wholeness’.

Date developed: Reviewed by:

Outcomes-Based May 2020
Teaching and
Learning Materials
for BSN Program Developed by:

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