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Assignment 7

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08/03/2020 NBA Accreditation and Teaching-Learning in Engineering (NATE) - - Unit 9 - Week 7: Implement and Evaluate Phases (Module 2: …

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Unit 9 - Week 7: Implement and Evaluate Phases (Module 2: Course Design

and Instruction)
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Assignment 7

Assignment not submitted Due date: 2020-03-18, 23:59 IST.

Course outline Quiz 7

1) A well written Syllabus 1 point

How does an NPTEL
online course work? Improves admissions
Guides faculty and students alike
Week 0
Improves placements

Week 1: NBA, SAR and Satisfies the parents

OBE (Module 1: NBA 2) With respect to an Instructional Unit, which of the following is not true? 1 point
and OBE Framework)
One Instructional Unit must address only one competency
Week 2: POs. PSOs, One Instructional Unit must be completed in one classroom session
and Taxonomy of
Learning (Module 1: One Instructional Unit may include both theory and laboratory sessions
NBA and OBE One Instructional Unit may require more than one classroom session
3) The summative instruments should be designed to ensure that all students are required to pay attention to the 1 point

Week 3: Cognitive and attainment of what the instructor considers as important COs
Knowledge dimensions
attainment of initial COs (CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4 of eight COs of the course)
of the taxonomy, and
other Learning Domains attainment of all COs
(Module 1: NBA and attainment of the later COs (CO5, CO6, CO7, CO8 of eight COs of the course)
OBE Framework)
4) Student feedback during the semester can be on two of the following: 1 point
Week 4: Attainment of
The pace of instruction
Outcomes (Module 1:
NBA and OBE The credit load of the semester
Framework) Scope of the course content
Alignment between the COs and instruction
Week 5: ISD and
Analysis Phase (Module 5) Course Exit Survey is 1 point
2: Course Design and
Instruction) Formative in nature
Summative in nature
Week 6: Design Phase Encouraging to students
and Development
Encouraging to teachers
Phase (Module 2:
Course Design and 6) In an exit survey for a course, responses to all questions were on the scale of 1 (worst rating) to 3 (best rating). 1 point
Instruction) A total of 50 students responded to the survey. There was only one question related to CO3, and the responses to this
question were: 10 students gave a rating of 1, 35 students gave a rating of 2, and 5 students gave a rating of 3. The
Week 7: Implement and attainment value(rounded) of CO3 from this data is:
Evaluate Phases
(Module 2: Course 38%
Design and Instruction) 63%

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08/03/2020 NBA Accreditation and Teaching-Learning in Engineering (NATE) - - Unit 9 - Week 7: Implement and Evaluate Phases (Module 2: …

M2 U10. ADDIE - 95%

Implement Phase 1
7) After considering all the feedback received the instructor must do two of the following 1 point
M2 U11. ADDIE -
Implement Phase 2 Identify what went right
(unit? Modify the assessment instruments to improve pass percentages
Request for improving the access to the library
M2 U12. Exit Surveys 1 Prepare a list of recommendation to improve the instruction
unit=38&lesson=41) 8) The good learning environment is importantly characterized these two 1 point

M2 U13. Exit Surveys 2 Positive interaction between students and instructor

Students’ attendance
Teacher sharing many personal anecdotes
M2 U14. ADDIE -
Evaluate Phase (unit?
The ready availability of required learning resources
9) Specific improvements to instruction are planned using mainly these two 1 point
Quiz : Assignment 7
(assessment? Instruction schedule
name=103) CO Attainments and Attainment Gaps and Feedback from students

Lecture Presentation Profile of students crediting the course

Material_Week 7 (unit? Inputs from peers and observations by the instructor himself/herself
10) Formative Evaluate activities in designing a course as per the ADDIE model consists of 1 point
Weekly Feedback forms
Getting the output of the Analysis phase peer-reviewed and making the necessary revisions.
Video download Getting the sub-processes of all phases peer-reviewed and making the necessary revisions at the end.
Getting the output of a phase peer-reviewed at the end of that phase and making the necessary revisions.
Text Transcripts Getting the sub-processes of Design Phase peer-reviewed in the context of course being designed.

You may submit any number of times before the due date. The final submission will be considered for grading.
Submit Answers

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