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Nursing As An Art

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 Nursing as an Art  The purpose of the discipline and profession

of nursing is to know persons and nurture

Caring them as persons living and caring and
growing in caring.
> people, relationship and things matter
 Respect for persons as caring
Caring Practice
individuals and respect for what
> Involves connection, mutual recognition and matters to them
 Caring is a lifetime process, lived
 Nursing Theories on Caring moment to moment by the nurse
and constantly unfolding
 Culture Care Diversity and Universality
(Leininger)  Theory of Human Care (Watson)

 Caring as a nurturing behavior has been  Caring as the essence and moral ideal of
present throughout history and is one of the nursing
most critical factors in helping people
 Theory of Caring (Swanson)
maintain or regain health.
 Caring as nurturing way of relating to a
 Caring is the essence of nursing
valued other, toward whom one feels a
and the distinct, dominant and
personal sense of commitment and
unifying focus of nursing
 Nurses must understand different
 The Primacy of caring (Benner and Wrubel)
cultures in order to function
effectively  Caring is the essence of excellence in
 Theory of Bureucratic Caring (Ray)
 Caring practice requires attending
 Caring in organizations as cultures. Caring
to the particular client over time,
in nursing is contextual and is influenced by
determining what matter to the
the organizational structure.
person and using this knowledge in
 Caring, the Human Mode of Being clinical judgement.
 THE 6 C’s of CARING
 Caring as a philosophical concept and
1. Compassion – awareness of one’s
proposes that caring is the human mode of
relationship to others, sharing their joys,
being, of the “most common, authentic
sorrows, pain and accomplishments.
criterion of humanness.”
Participation in the experience of another.
 All persons are caring, and develop
2. Competence – having the knowledge,
their caring abilities by being true
judgment, skills, energy, experience and
to self, being real and being who
motivation to respond adequately to others
they truly are.
within the demands of professional
 Nursing as Caring ( Boykin and responsibilities.
3. Confidence – the quality that fosters
trusting relationships. Comfort with self,
client and family.
4. Conscience – morals, ethics, and an informed  Storytelling
sense of right and wrong. Awareness of personal
responsibility.  Music Therapy

5. Commitment – convergence between one’s  Yoga

desires and obligations and the deliberate choice to
 Communication
act in accordance with them.
 Any means of exchanging information or
6. Comportment – appropriate bearing, demeanor,
feelings between two or more people.
dress and language, that are in harmony with a caring
presence. Presenting oneself as someone who It is a basic component of human relationships,
respects others and demands respect. including nursing.
 Caring for Self and Others  Two purposes:
 Caring for Self – helping oneself grow and  To influence others
actualize one’s possibilities.
 To obtain information
 Self Care – responding to one’s own needs
to grow, is the opposite of self-complacency  Sender – a person or group who wishes to
that often accompanies egocentricity. convey a message to another

Self Care Activities  source-encoder

1. A balanced diet  Encoding

2. Regular exercise  Message – what is actually said or

written, the body language that
3. Adequate rest and sleep accompanies the words and how the
message is transmitted.
4. Recreational activities
 Channel
5. Meditation and prayer
 Receiver – the listener who must listen
 A Healthy Lifestyle
observe and attend
 Nutrition
 Decode
 Activity and Exercise
 Response – message that the receiver
 Recreation returns to the sender

 Avoiding unhealthy patterns – negative  Modes of Communication

thinking, destructive lifestyle choices like
 Verbal Communication – uses the spoken or
smoking, abuse of alcohol or drugs and
written word
misusing medications.
 Nonverbal communication – uses other
 Mind-Body Therapy
forms, such as gestures or facial expressions
 Guided imagery and touch

 Meditation  Factors Influencing Communication

 Development – knowledge of the client’s Promotes understanding and can help establish a
developmental stage will allow the nurse constructive relationship between the nurse and
to modify the message accordingly the client. It is client and goal directed.

 Gender – females and males communicate  Components:

 Attentive Listening – listening actively,
 Values and Perceptions using all the senses

 Values – standards that influence  Physical Attending – the manner of being

behavior present to another or being with another

 Perceptions – personal view of an  Therapeutic Communication Techniques

 Using silence – accepting pauses or silences
 Personal Space – the distance people for several seconds or minutes without
prefer in interactions with others interjecting any verbal response

 Intimate – touching to 1 ½ feet  Providing general leads – using statements

or questions that encourage the client to
 Personal – 1 ½ ft to 4 feet verbalize, choose a topic of conversation
and facilitate continued verbalization
 Social – 4 to 12 feet
 Being specific and tentative – asking broad
 Public – 12 to 15 feet
questions that lead or invite the client to
 Territoriality – concept of the space and explore thoughts or feelings
things that an individual considers as
 Using touch – appropriate forms of touch to
belonging to the self
reinforce caring feelings
 Roles and relationships – between sender
 Restating or rephrasing – repeating
and receiver affect the communication
thoughts or feelings
 Seeking clarification – making the client’s
 Environment – temperature extremes,
broad over-all message more understandable
excessive noise and a poorly ventilated
environment can all interfere with  Perception checking or seeking
communication consensual validation – verifies the
meaning of specific words
 Congruence – the verbal and nonverbal
aspects of the communication matched. If  Offering self – suggesting one’s presence,
there is incongruence, the body language interest or wish to understand the client
or nonverbal communication is usually without making any demands
the one with the true meaning
 Giving information – providing in a simple
 Interpersonal attitudes – caring and and direct manner, specific factual
warmth convey a feeling of emotional information the client may or may not
closeness request

 Therapeutic Communication  Acknowledging – giving recognition, in a

nonjudgmental way, of a change in
behavior, an effort the client has made or a  RESTORATION OF HEALTH
contribution to a communication
 Clarifying time or sequence – helping the
client clarify an event, situation or  Increasing a person’s level of wellness
happening in relationship to time
 Growth and development topics
 Presenting reality – helping the client
 Fertility control
differentiate the real from the unreal
 Hygiene; Nutrition; Exercise
 Focusing – helping the client expand on and
develop a topic of importance  Stress management
 Reflecting – directing ideas, feelings,  Lifestyle modification
questions or content back to client to enable
him/her explore their own ideas and feelings  Resources with the community
about a situation
 Summarizing and planning – stating he
main points of a discussion to clarify  Health screening (e.g., blood glucose level,
relevant points discussed. Useful at the end blood pressure, blood cholesterol, Pap test,
of the interview. mammogram, vision, hearing, routine
physical examinations)
 Communication and the Nursing process
 Reducing health risk factors (e.g., lowering
 Communication is an integral part of the cholesterol level)
nursing process
 Nurses use communication skills in each
phase of the nursing process  Specific protective health measures ( e.g.,
immunizations, use of condoms, use of
 Communication is also important when sunscreen, use of medication, umbilical cord
caring for clients who have communication care)
 First aid
 Communication skills are even more
important when the client has sensory,  Safety (e.g., using seat belts, helmets,
language or cognitive deficits. walkers)


 a system of activities intended to produce  Information about tests, diagnosis,

learning. The teaching-learning process treatment, medications
involves dynamic interaction between
 Self-care skills or skills needed to care for
teacher and learner
family members
 Areas for Client Education
 Resources within health care setting and


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