Nursing As An Art
Nursing As An Art
Nursing As An Art
Caring as a nurturing behavior has been Caring as the essence and moral ideal of
present throughout history and is one of the nursing
most critical factors in helping people
Theory of Caring (Swanson)
maintain or regain health.
Caring as nurturing way of relating to a
Caring is the essence of nursing
valued other, toward whom one feels a
and the distinct, dominant and
personal sense of commitment and
unifying focus of nursing
Nurses must understand different
The Primacy of caring (Benner and Wrubel)
cultures in order to function
effectively Caring is the essence of excellence in
Theory of Bureucratic Caring (Ray)
Caring practice requires attending
Caring in organizations as cultures. Caring
to the particular client over time,
in nursing is contextual and is influenced by
determining what matter to the
the organizational structure.
person and using this knowledge in
Caring, the Human Mode of Being clinical judgement.
Caring as a philosophical concept and
1. Compassion – awareness of one’s
proposes that caring is the human mode of
relationship to others, sharing their joys,
being, of the “most common, authentic
sorrows, pain and accomplishments.
criterion of humanness.”
Participation in the experience of another.
All persons are caring, and develop
2. Competence – having the knowledge,
their caring abilities by being true
judgment, skills, energy, experience and
to self, being real and being who
motivation to respond adequately to others
they truly are.
within the demands of professional
Nursing as Caring ( Boykin and responsibilities.
3. Confidence – the quality that fosters
trusting relationships. Comfort with self,
client and family.
4. Conscience – morals, ethics, and an informed Storytelling
sense of right and wrong. Awareness of personal
responsibility. Music Therapy