Questionnaire On Challenges Encountered in Learning Mathematics: Basis For Action Plan
Questionnaire On Challenges Encountered in Learning Mathematics: Basis For Action Plan
Questionnaire On Challenges Encountered in Learning Mathematics: Basis For Action Plan
Instruction: Please put a check mark (√) in the space provided for your choices
for each of the following items.
1. Sex
______Elementary Level
______Elementary Graduate
______High School Level
______High School Graduate
______Vocational Course
______College Level
______College Graduate
______Post Graduate
3. Parents’ Occupation
Father: Mother:
_____Farmer _____Housewife
_____Fisherman _____Housekeeper
_____Carpenter _____Vendor
_____Construction Worker _____Beautician
_____Government Employee _____Government Employee
_____Private Employee _____Private Employee
_____Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) _____OFW
_____Others (Please specify) _____Others (Please specify)
______________________ _______________________
4. Household Size
______1 - 5
______6 - 10
______11 and above
_______Below P5,000
_______P 5,000 to less than P10,000
_______P 10,000 to less than P15,000
_______P 15,000 to less than P20,000
_______P 20,000 to less than P25,000
_______P 25,000 above
The learning of mathematics has entailed challenges to students that may affect
their performance. A list of challenges is provided below, check ONE answer that
would best describe the extent of each challenges (as expressed in each of the
statements) that you have encountered. Each response option on the scale is
rated as in the following:
Rating Description