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Definition of Statistics

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Statistics is a branch of mathematics that deals with the scientific collection, organization, presentation,
analysis, and interpretation of numerical data in order to obtain useful and meaningful information.

 Collection of data refers to the process of obtaining information.

 Organization of data refers to the ascertaining manner of presenting data into tables, graphs, or
charts so that logical and statistical conclusions can be drawn from collected measurements.
 Analysis of data refers to the process of extracting from the given data relevant information
from which numerical description can be formulated.
 Interpolation of data refers to the task of drawing conclusions from the analyzed data.

The two major areas of statistics are descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.

1. Descriptive statistics is a numerical method concerned with describing the properties and
characteristics of a set of data.
2. Inferential statistics, on the other hand, is a statistical method concerned with the analysis of a
sample data leading to prediction, inferences, interpretation, or conclusion about the entire

Tell whether each situation will make use of descriptive or inferential statistics.

a. A teacher computes the mean score of her class in mathematics test to determine if the class
mean is significantly related to their scores in a science test.
b. A sari-sari store owner records the frequency of sales of the five leading detergent soaps.


a. The comparison requires interpretation of data which would lead to drawing of inference.
Hence, the situation will make use of inferential statistics.
b. The recording of frequency of sales would lead to describe the most popular brand. This is
descriptive statistics.

Some Statistical Terms

Some statistical terms that are often used in the study of statistics are as follows:

1. Data is any quantitative or qualitative information.

a. Quantitative data refers to numerical information obtained from counting or measuring
that which be manipulated by any fundamental operation.

Examples: age, IQ scores, height, weight, income.

b. Qualitative data refers to descriptive attributes that cannot be subjected to mathematical
Examples: gender, citizenship, educational attainment, religion.
2. Population refers to the totality of all elements or persons for which one has an interest at a
particular time. The usual notation for population is N.
3. Sample is a part of a population determined by sampling procedures. It is usually denoted by n.
4. Parameter is any statistical information or attribute taken from a population. It is a true value or
actual statistics since its source is the population itself.
5. Statistics is any estimate of statistical attributes taken from a sample.
6. Variable is a specific factor, property, or characteristic of a population or a sample which
differentiates a sample or group samples from another group.

a. Discrete variable
b. Continuous variable

Scales of Measurements

1. Nominal measurement. This type of statistical data depicts the presence or absence of a certain
attribute. This usually involves the random assignment of numbers to represent the attribute.
Examples: race, color classification, gender, civil status.
2. Ordinal measurement. This provides the degree of the presence of an attribute. Usually, data is
classified according to orders or ranks.
Examples: academic ranking, degree of illness
3. Interval measurements. The measurement where data are arranged in some order and the
differences between data are meaningful. Data at this level may lack inherent zero starting
Example: test result.
4. Ratio. This measurement is an interval level modified to include the inherent zero starting point.
Examples: physical quantities, allowance

Theorems About Summation

Theorem 1

The summation of an expression which has 2 or more quantities is equal to the sum of their summation.

Theorem 2

The summation of a constant multiplied by a variable is equal to a constant multiplied by the summation
of a variable.
Theorem 3

The summation of a constant taken from 1 to n is equal to n multiplied by constant.

Math FYI

The symbol   is the 18 th

uppercase letter of the Greek alphabet. It is read as sigma.

The first step in any statistical work after the formulation of the problem is the collection of data.

Data may be gathered by the following methods:

1. Interview. This method is referred to as the direct method of gathering data because this
requires face-to-face inquiry with the respondent.
2. Questionnaire. This method is referred to as the indirect method of gathering data because this
makes us of written questions to be answered by the respondent.
3. Observation. This method makes use of the different human senses in gathering information.
4. Registration or Census. This method requires the enactment of law to take effect because it
needs the participation of a large, if not the entire, population.
5. Experimentation. This method is usually conducted in laboratories where specimens are
subjected to some aspects of control to find out cause and effect relationships.

Data may be classified as primary or secondary.

Primary data are information gathered directly from the source.

Secondary data are gathered from the secondary sources, such as books, journals, magazines, or thesis
of other researchers.

In data gathering, information is usually taken from a sample. The number of samples is determined by
using the Slovin’s formula.

Slovin’s Formula

1+ Ne2


n = number of samples

N = number of population

e = margin of error
There are different sampling techniques, the purposes of which vary from one another.

1. Probability sampling. It is a sampling procedure where every element of a population is given an

equal chance of being selected as a member of the sample.
a. Random sampling. This basic sampling procedure may be done by lottery or with the aid of a
Table of Random Numbers, or the random function of a scientific calculator.
b. Systematic sampling. This is an alternative to simple random sampling especially when the
population is too big that random sampling becomes tedious. Random starting point is
selected from the list of population. The samples are determined by choosing every nth
element on the list until the desired number of samples are drawn.
c. Stratified random sampling. This is done by creating different classes or strata within the
population. The grouping may be done based on grade level, income groupings, and gender,
among others.
d. Cluster sampling. If the population is too big, a sampling method may be employed to a
smaller area. The population may be divided geographically into regions, divisions, or
districts. To these smaller areas, other probability sampling procedure can be employed.
2. Nonprobability sampling. This is a sampling procedure in which not every element of the
population is given an equal chance of being selected as sample. The drawing of samples purely
on the researcher’s objectives.
a. Convenience sampling. The researchers’ convenience is the primary concern in using this
method. For instance, if the convenience of having internet connections will be considered,
not every element of a population is given the chance to be chosen as a sample since not
everyone has access to this technology.
b. Quota sampling. This is similar to stratified sampling but the drawing of samples in quota is
reached, the drawing of samples is terminated.
c. Purposive sampling. This is used when the specific objective under study requires a
particular sample which may not cover the entire population.

Math FYI

Multi-stage sampling is like cluster sampling that involves selecting samples within each chosen cluster.
From this chosen samples, the final samples may be chosen using other probability sampling technique.

Activity 1

Identify the most appropriate methods of collecting data to be used in each of the following research
topic. Explain your choice.

1. The effectiveness of Filipino as medium of instruction in teaching mathematics.

2. The changes in the behavior of drug dependents.
3. The physical and behavioral changes in guinea pig subjected to a new medicine for SARS.
4. The number of private and public utility vehicles in the country.
5. The reaction of some celebrities to the announcement of the presidential bid of an actor.
6. The recreational activities of third year students and its relative effects to their study habits.
7. The values that are acquired by some teachers from watching telenovelas.
8. The learning styles of students.
9. The characteristics, problems, and need of the Filipino people.
10. The average temperature in Baguio City from December 1 to February 1.

Activity 2

Determine the sample size to be considered for a research work that will involve a population of 6,000
students if the desired margin of error is: ( Choose 5 show your complete solutions )

1. 10%
2. 5%
3. 1%
4. 3%
5. 7%
6. 15%
7. 2%
8. 8%
9. 12%
10. 6%

Determine the sample size to be considered for a research work with a margin of error if the
population involved is:( Choose 7 show complete solutions)

1. 100
2. 150
3. 335
4. 400
5. 750
6. 888
7. 1,200
8. 3,500
9. 10,000
10. 25,500
11. 30,250
12. 32,750
13. 39,211
14. 48,723
15. 51,137
16. 79,856

Determine the sample size for the given population and margin of error.

1. N = 1,000, e = 5%
2. N = 1,000, e = 5%

The readers’ sustained interest should be the primary concern of the researcher in presenting the
gathered data. The presentation may be done in different manners:

1. Textual presentation. The data are presented in paragraph form.

Illustrative example
There are about 54,000 Filipinos who joined the ranks of job seekers. Based on government
data, the number of jobless Filipinos last July reached 4.35 million, an increase of more than half
a million Filipinas from the same period last year.

The unemployment rate last July was 12.7% compared to 11.2% of July last year.
2. Graphical presentation. The data are presented in visual form. It is a picture that displays
numerical information.
3. Tabular presentation. The data are presented in tables to show the relation between the
column and row quantities.

Bar Graphs

 A bar graph is used to show relative sizes of data.

 Bars drawn proportional to the data may be horizontal or vertical.
 Bar graphs are used to show the comparison of nominal data, such as nationality, sex, religion,
month, etc., and numerical data – discrete or continuous, such as population and other
frequency information.

In constructing bar graphs, the following pointers are suggested:

1. Write the appropriate title for the graph indicating important information.
2. Label both axes. For double or multiple bar graphs, use legend to identify the bars. The zero
point should be clearly indicated.
3. Bars must be proportional to the quantities they are representing. The width of the bars must be
4. There must be uniform space between bars.
5. If necessary, highlight sources and footnotes.

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