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Homework Is A Necessity.: Report Post Likereply

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 Homework is a necessity.

Homework doesn't take all day; realistically you will have time for other things. 
Homework allows practice for future endeavors, and teaches responsibility and organization skills. 
Homework allows children to work at their own pace, without peer pressure. 
Homework allows time to study for tests, and go over work that you did in class. 
Homework is a necessity!

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 We Need It

HI I am a middle school student and I am doing a report on why homework should NOT be banned.I
think it shouldn't. It exercises our minds and shows what we have been doing while the teachers
stand in front and teach.That Is why they call them Teachers. They are supposed to teach us
something. We as student are here to learn. My teachers say show what you know not what your
neighbor knows.Without it we would make some of us would make through school, get into college
and have to stand there and say " I dun no how to do that." So that is why we need homework.
From: a concerned middle schooler

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 Homework can be beneficial - T and J

-Keeping homework can raise your grade

-Classes don't give teachers enough time
-Homework can drive the lesson home (drill it into kids heads)
-Helps learn study habits
-Can keep ideas fresh for day
-Homework is good but too much is bad
-Kids learn to be flexible with their schedules
-Practice makes perfect
-Better education means a better job

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 Sorry kids. That is NOT how the real world works.

One word. Practice. Homework aims to help us master certain skills. At least, that's the homework
I've had to deal with. If there is no practice, then excellence will not be achieved. The way I
comprehend homework as well is the preparation it can help you with when it comes to the real
world. If gradually and in a proper manner I were to get used to being bombarded withWORK AT
HOME , I could virtually/theoretically prepare myself for future jobs.

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 No, banning homework will never happen.

As much as students don't like to do homework, it isn't possible to ban it altogether. Students need to
realize that the point of homework has nothing to do with teachers trying to make up for lost time or
intentionally cutting into students' personal lives. The concept of homework prepares students on the
concept of needing to put in overtime for jobs, whether white collar or blue. Yes, it sucks as a
student, but banning it altogether is not a good way to go. If it WAS banned, would you like to add a
month's worth of school days to the school year?

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 Lessen the heavy load.

I don't think homework should be banned but lessened. It is to much. Sometimes we have things to
do that is more important. We should only have to do 5 minutes for each grade.Ex 3rd grade 15 min
9th grade 45 min. We need us time but we also need work time but not too much work time.
Research shows that it is healthy to have time for our selves. All of you who don't wantHOME WORK
 it is understood. No one likes to work but it is important for our self management time
management. My thinking is that you are looking at it the wrong way, think of homework like
something fun or interesting.
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 Homework teaches us Responsiblity

Homework teaches children to be responsible and if they forget it, they will have to face their own
trouble (please excuse me for my spellings.)and that will teach them to be responsible in their day to
day life. Homework makes us think out of the box,if given a challenge this will push us to the limits or

Posted by: firebull1300
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 No, it should not be banned completely

Homework is good for students in small amounts I do agree that if your getting 5 or 6 pages per
night per subject it does get stressful and annoying but if you are only getting 1 or 2 and don't do it
you are being lazy. I believe that if it was banned you would see a rise in the number of students
failing their tests.

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 Homework Is Good People!

Homework is a way for you to practice what you are learning. If you didn't have homework, you
would have to stay in school until you finished your practice, and since everyone works at different
rates, you'd be there until the slowest people finally caught on.

Nobody likes practicing things - musicians get bored practicing scales, athletes get bored practicing
their moves, and students get bored practicing their learning skills. However, practice does make
perfect, and the more you work on your homework problems, the better you get at the skills you will
need when you get out of school.
Some students think the teachers are "mean" for giving homework, but think about it - you have ONE
assignment to do for that teacher - the teacher then has to read every single paper from every
student and give it a grade. Which one of you has more work to do?

Doing homework will not make you "smarter," but it will teach you how to use the "smarts" that you
have in your brain already - doing homework makes you faster and better at doing other things.

Homework allows students to practice the skills they learn during school. This helps the student retain
the knowledge gained during the day rather than school being a pointless waste of time because
nothing was learned or remembered.

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 Practice makes perfect

*Children are forced to repeat the lesson over again with homework. 
*It teaches children responsibility and time management.
*Teachers can make homework less boring and stressful.
*Some teachers can give too much homework and I think that the teachers who give 4-5 pages of
homework should cut-back a little bit.

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