U Value Calculator
U Value Calculator
U Value Calculator
2-5 Pearl Projects - RE-2: Cool Building Strategies, Presc
This tool provides a simple means of calculating elemental U-values for opaque building constructions (walls, floors &
requirements and forms part of the submittal requirements for the Prescriptive Method in PVRS RE-2: Cool Building S
This tool provides the capability for assessing one U-value for each envelope element (wall, floor & roof). If more th
value calculation must be provided in separate U-value calculators. The supporting credit narrative must clearly out
summarising the overall elemental performance.
Given the simplifications made this procedure is solely applicable for assessment of U-values for constructions consis
outside to inside
In reality all building components will have some non-uniformity, including but not limited to:
joints between masonry units;
timber joists with insulation between;
structural framing elements;
metal penetrations/fixings/ties
This tool is intended as a guide to aid in preliminary assessment of materials and thicknesses required to achieve
part of the design development to assess the impact of non-uniformities.
The following standards and references offer some guidance for more detailed considerations, although this list is no
This tool is for design guidance only and provides no guarantee of in service performance. It is intended for use
Rating requirements.
aque building constructions (walls, floors & roofs). It is intended for use in projects going beyond the mandatory 1 Pearl
ptive Method in PVRS RE-2: Cool Building Strategies.
e element (wall, floor & roof). If more than one construction build-up is used within the villa then each additional U-
pporting credit narrative must clearly outline the location and use of the various construction types as well as
sment of U-values for constructions consisting of plane, parallel, uniform layers subject to linear thermal transfer from
rials and thicknesses required to achieve the target U-values, however detailed analysis should be undertaken as
vice performance. It is intended for use with the Pearl Rating System only and to demonstrate compliance with the Pearl
alue Calculator
s that may be changed by design teams
that controls thickness of fabric elements
Fabric Performance Summary
Overview Summary Wall U-value Floor U-value Roof U-value
Roof U-value Glazing Spec Materials Glossary
W/m2.K No No
Wall U-value Calculator
Overview Summary Wall U-value Floor U-value Roof U-value Glazing Spec Materials Glossary
Entering the required information will enable calculation of the wall U-value. The Category and Material for each layer can be selected and the thickness varied to match the proposed design. Variations in material properties can be achieved via the materials
tab, once they have been entered below. Any material not in the database should be entered as "Miscellaneous", "Other" and the Thermal Conductivity defined in the Materials tab. Full supporting documentation should also be provided.
Thermal Thermal Orientation of Total Area of
Surface Finish Layer Thickness Conductivity, k Resistance, R Façade Opaque Façade
Light (m) (W/m.K) (m2.K/W) (m2)
Category Material 0.050 m .K/W External Surface Resistance
2 North
Cement/plaster/mortar cement plaster, 1900kg/m3 Cement/plaster/morta 0.015 1.500 0.010 North-East
Concrete blocks/tiles block, aerated Concrete blocks/tiles 0.200 0.240 0.833 East
Cement/plaster/mortar cement plaster, 1900kg/m3 Cement/plaster/morta 0.015 1.500 0.010 South-East
Thermal Thermal
Slab on Grade Floor Layer Thickness Conductivity, k Resistance, R
(m) (W/m.K) (m2.K/W)
Category Material 0.097 m2.K/W Internal Surface Resistance
Cement/plaster/mortar cement mortar Cement/plaster/mort 0.015 0.720 0.021
Concrete blocks/tiles block, aerated Concrete blocks/tiles 0.023 0.240 0.096
Cement/plaster/mortar cement mortar Cement/plaster/mort 0.015 0.720 0.021
Thermal Thermal
Exposed Floor Layer Thickness Conductivity, k Resistance, R
(m) (W/m.K) (m2.K/W)
Category Material 0.097 m2.K/W Internal Surface Resistance
Overview Summary Wall U-value Floor U-value Roof U-value Glazing Spec Materials Glossary
Entering the required information will enable calculation of the roof U-value. The Category and Material for each layer can be selected and the thickness varied to match the proposed design. Variations in material properties can be
achieved via the materials tab, once they have been entered below. Any material not in the database should be entered as "Miscellaneous", "Other" and the Thermal Conductivity defined in the Materials tab. Full supporting documentation
should also be provided.
Internal Design Temperature
Thermal Thermal
Surface Finish Site Exposure Layer Thickness Conductivity, k Resistance, R
Black Exposed (m) (W/m.K) (m2.K/W)
Category Material 0.039 m2.K/W External Surface Resistance
Concrete, cast roofing slab, aerated Concrete, castroofing 0.150 0.160 0.938
Light coloured surfaces help reduce heat gain through the fabric, particularly in hot Middle Eastern climates. Consider 0.167 m2.K/W Internal Surface Resistance
changing the Surface Finish.
Building Total Roof Area m2
SRI of Roof Materials 90
Orientation of Total Glazed Area Glazing U-value
Façade of Façade (m2) (W/m2.K)
Total Glazed Area (m2) 0.00
On the East and West façades:
Does the shading comply with the credit requirements?
On the South façade:
Does the shading comply with the credit requirements?
Roof U-value Glazing Spec Materials Glossary
cation. The performance quoted should be for the whole system inclusive of frame, fixings, coatings and cavity.
lso be summarised using the options below.
Compliance with
Glazing Solar Heat RE-R1 Target Compliance with Conditioned Floor
Gain Coefficient SHGC RE-2 Target SHGC Area of Villa (m2)
ings, coatings and cavity.
Material Properties
Overview Summary Wall U-value Floor U-value
Once materials have been selected for each of the elements their thermal properties can be edited by entering valu
Should the performance entered exceed a certain range the value will be highlighted
Wall Elements Roof Elements
Thermal Conductivity, k
Material Typical Material
cement plaster, 1900kg/m3 1.500 roofing slab, aerated
block, aerated 0.240
cement plaster, 1900kg/m3 1.500
Roof U-value Glazing Spec Materials Glossary
properties can be edited by entering values in the highlighted cells below.
rmal Conductivity, k
Overview Summary Wall U-value Floor U-value Roof U-value Glazing Spec Materials Glossary
This section provides definitions for some of the terms used in this tool.
Ratio of solar gain entering the zone through the glazing relative Sheltered: surrounded by
to incident radiation on the external surface. similar height or taller buildings
Solar Reflectance Index (SRI)
The relative temperature of a surface with respect to the
standard white (SRI = 100) and standard black (SRI = 0) under the
Length of Exposed Edge of Floor Slab (also known as Exposed Perimeter (Pf)) standard solar and ambient conditions.
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