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4 nouns ? lld
g t![
grammar summary
Nouns are mostly words for things and people - for example house, tree, driver, child, water, idea, Iesson.
Most nouns can come after fhe.

English nouns can be countable (we can say two houses) or uncountable (we can't say twe#a+ers).
Countable nouns have plurals (houses), and we can use o/an with them (c house, an idea).
Uncountable nouns have no plurals, and we can't use o/on before them.
Some English uncountable nouns are countable in some other languages (like furniture).

We can join two nouns:

+ with a possessive 3 or s'(for example my brother'swife, my parents'house).
* with a preposition (for example a piece of coke).
* directly one after the other (for example chocolate coke, a shoe shop).

key ring
g lass \/
ing finger

plate glass

nail file
n finger nail

number plate


singular and plural nouns c#r, r*fs; &nx, tu*xes
Countable nouns have different forms for singular and plural.
onecor fourcars oneday tendays oneboby fourbabies onechild sixchildren


* most nouns: + -s book ---*" books home *-* homes cor -*+ cars
* -s, -sh, -ch, -x: + -es bus *-* buses wish - -* wishes church ---l- churches fox ---* foxes

ffi write the plurals.

/ boss / box brush cat chair church class dress garden

apple gas
glass hotel plane ship table time tree watch wish
+-s: ..mP!g.q

+ -E5: . .9.qssps

a -ol,-€y,-oy,-uy:+-s day -** days monkey ** monkeys toy *-r- toys
* -by,-dy,-fy,-g!, etc:-y -*> -ies boby ---> babies lody ---* ladies lorry ---> lsvvisg

ffi write the plurals.

boy / cily / copy country family guy holiday key party way

+ -s: ..9.r.A5.
-Y --i" -,Es: ..?*19?.


mouse **> mice child ---> children half --+ halves shelf *-*- shelves
feet penny * * pence
foot ^-x
tooth * -* teeth person *** people
-* knives
leaf *-* leaves
thief --* thieves
wife ---* wives
man ---*- men Iife *"> lives
woman women
-* pototo **> potatoes loaf - -> loaves sheep ^-+ sheep
tomato **> tomqtoes self .*> selves fish ---* fish

Simple present verbs have different forms after singular and plural nouns (see page 16).
This bus runs ot weekends. Most ofthe buses run atweekends.
My brother hos a small flot.
Both my brothers have good jobs.

ffi eut in plural nouns or simple present verbs.

) Theirhomes ..?.Y9............. inScotland.(be) 7 My......... aregivingmetrouble.(rooth)
I Our .. play a lot of football. (child) 8 Those .. cost too much. (razatch)
2 Those .. don't look English. (student) 9 Most .. cry at night. (baby)
3 Some people .. to talk to you. (want) 10 The .. are all wet. (rnotch)
4 Big ........ are always dnty. (city) 1 Who are those
1 ..? @uy)
5 Their are travelling with them. (wife) 12 My parents .. at home. (work)
6 These knives ...................n't cut very well. (do) 3 How many .........
1 live here? (person)

singular/plural f*,'r;*;,,i*r:;ily; i{i{-}r?s, s*rss*r:

Words for groups of people can have singularor plural verbs in British English.
We often use plural verbs when we talk about personal actions (for example play, wont, think).
The teom is/ore playing badly. My fomily want/wonts me to study.
The government think/thinks taxes qre too low.
Note the difference between England (the country) and England (the football team).
England has got a new prime minister. England have got a new manager.
Police is always plural.
The police ore looking for a tall 3}-yeqr-old woman. (Nor Thepotiee+Jeeking ...)

Group nouns (/) or not (X)?

ur^y .!.. audience ..{.. beach ..{.. class ...... club ...... Communist Party ...... company ......
crowd...... idea...... lunch...... question...... room...... school ...... train......

Put the beginnings and ends together, and put in pluralverbs from the box.

are have haven't need / play say want

0 The club A her to go to university. . .....

1 The company B only classical music. ......
2 Her family C scored a goal this year. ......
3 The orchestra D that they're losing money. ......
4 This team E ..*99.4...... a bigger room for their meetings. ..?.
5 England F asking for information about the accident. ......
6 The police G just lost against GermanY. ......

Some nouns are always plural. Some common examples:

trousers jeans tights shorts pants pyiamas glasses scissors

Those trousers are too short. (not That+reaser ...) Where are my glasses?

Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

black trousers blue jeans / dark glasses scissors shorts silk pyjamas tights

Every time I see her she's wearing ..9.t*gigl*:t..

1 I can't see very well with these
2 It's hot today. l'm going to put on ........
3 These ......... don't cut very well.
4 You d better put on your best ........... for the interview.
5 5he always sleeps in
6 l've got a hole in my ............ ........ again.

We can also use the expression a poir of with these nouns.

There is a pair of scissors on your chair. (NoT .. . a-seissers .. .)

three poirs of jeans (NoT f#reeFens) two poirs of pyjomos (Not twopyianas)

ln some answers, both contracted forms (for example /m, don't) and full i\ii."lriifrr '197
forms (for exam ple I am, do not\ are possible. Normally both are correct.
lg countable and uncountable nouns
Countable nouns are words like car, book, chair.They can be singular or plural.
Uncountable nouns are words like petrol, rice, water.fhey are only singular.

Circldthe uncountable nouns.

cup dog flower guitar love meat music ear oil photo nver
salt snow sugar women wool

The following words are uncountable in English (but countable in some other languages). They are
normally only singular. We can use some with them, but not o/an. (Not a+avet, a+anitare)
advice baggage bread furniture hair information knowledge luck
Iuggage news spqghetti (and macaroni elc) travel work
I need some odvice. Thisfurniture is too expensive.
His hoir is very long. Travel teoches you a lot.

Put d with the countable nouns and sorne with the uncountable nouns.
bread cheque baggage ............ fridge fu rniture
handbag holiday knowledge ............|uck
newspaper problem station ............ travel work

Put in suitable uncountable nouns from the box.

advice baggage furniture hair information / news spaghetti travel work

) Can you give me some ..y*fpfyh.L.q*................. about the school?

1 'Haveyougotmuch......... ...........?"No,justonesmall bagJ
2 I live 50 kilometres from my work, so I spend a lot of money on .............
3 This ... isn't very good. You've cooked it for too long.
4 l've stopped reading the papers. The ............... ..... is always bad.
5 I don't know what to do. Can you give me some .................... ?
6 All this ... is from my mother's house.
7 l've got too much ... and not enough free time.
8 I like your .......... when it's long like this.

To give a countable meaning, we usually use a longer expression or a different word.

Can you give me a piece of advice? Did you have a good journey?

Put in words or expressions from the box.

a piece of advice a piece of baggage / a piece of information

a piece of news a job a journey

a suitcase ..q#p.qg.pf .9.q99199........

1 selling cars
2 driving from London to Edinburgh
3 'Don't marry him, dear.'
4 'The next train leaves at 'l 0,151
5 'There has been a big train crashJ

For articles with countable and uncountable nouns, see page 1 53.

198 i'ri,il ti'i1:

Some words can be countable or uncountable, with different meanings.
A light was on in the house. (='a lamp') Light travels at 300,000 km a second.
l've seen thqt film three times. Time goes fast when you're having fun.
I had o strange experience yesterday. We need a secretary with experience.

Three coffees, please. (='cups of coffee') ldrinktoo much coffee.

Look at the pictures and put in descriptions from the box.

a chicken chicken a chocolate chocolate a glass glass

an iron iron a paper paper


1 ................... 2................... 3 ................... 5 ...................

6 ...................
7 ................... 8 ................... 10


Make sure you know the words in the box. Use a dictionary if necessary. Then use them
to complete the descriptions under the pictures.

bag bottle box can cup glass jar jug mug packet

3 i


a .. .. ......... .. a . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . a ........... ., . . 4 a ...............

of water of water of chocolates of tea

6 a ...............
wa ............... B a ...............
. *rr.j$

a ............... 10 a ...............
of honey of soup of onions of orange juice of biscuits

l-,. .." ... .. ,, ,.. .. ..... . .... .i. i- , ., ,.." 1.," ,,.. ,; ,.
one and anes l;
J..:/ry {i}'?1"' jI'it..} iil,ii.,r,i, iliI II!r:i I ' r,,.- I.i.lj.,iJ{'
1,...i rt..lr,

We often use one instead of repeating a countable noun.
'What sort of car would you likeT' A big one; (='A big ca() (Nor 'A+ig!
That was a great party. Let's have onother one soon.
The plural is ones.
'Which ore your glovesT' 'The ones on the chair.'

Complete the sentences with one(s), using words from the box.

another green / blue last new this small

I bought a blue shirt and two ..9f9q* 4 That bus is the .......... . tonight.
1 That shop isn't as good as 5 'Another piece of cake?'
2 MyTV's broken. I must get Just a .........
3 She's finished her apple. She wants Idon't like the red shoes. I prefer
the ............

Look at the pictures and answer the questions. ,4: :>a:r5

Use words from the box.


big black blue fast glass,/ green red * .$ffirell

slow small white wooden / yellow
> Which table do you prefer? @ ,,ffiP
oR ..lp.vpp.4.qry.p.ryg
Which house do you prefer?
-*ffi. ,:4=Et\,


maximum speed maximum speed

2 Which sweater do you prefer?
250 km/h 50 km/h
3 Which car do you prefer?
4 Which dog do you prefer? )\--p
5 Which flower do you prefer?
\/ \ i
*g*e*- i?;,

We say onet notaone, when there is no adjective.

'What sort of cake would you like?' 'One with a lot of cream.' (NoT Aone with-)
'ls there a garage near hereT' 'There's one in Weston Street.'

Write some true sentences. Use the expressions in the box.

l've already got one. I haven't got one. I need one. I need a new one.
I don't need one. I'd like one. I don't want one.

a computer ..!.4.q*.' !.ry9p.4..0.ry9,.. 4 a cup ofcoffee

1 a bicycle 5 a tennis racket
2 a fast car 6 a raincoat
3 a camera 7 a rich uncle

We only use one for countable nouns (see page 198).

'Would you like some coffeeT' 'Yes, black (coffee), please; (not 4egblaekone:)

200 " ','l

's and s'possessive: forms -l*:r:lt, ${}r?.$i rx*ru's
e singular nouns: + 's my son's car John ond |ris's flat
the cot's leg
s most plural nouns: + ' those boys' passports the babies' toys our wives' stories
* plurals without s + 's most children's poems three men's names the people's voices

:.i;t Make possessive forms by adding 3 or '.

) mymother.l9... not" 10 myauntand uncle...... shop
) mysisters.i.... names 11 Patrick...... books
1 Alice and John...... house 12 a photographer...... job
2 artists...... ideas 13 our postman...... cat
3 my dog...... ears 14 postmen...... uniforms
4 those dogs...... ears 1 5 Joyce...... pen
5 those men...... faces 16 the thief...... bag
6 his girlfriend...... piano 17 the thieves...... car
7 their grandchild...... birthday 18 that woman... '.. brother
8 their grandchildren...... school I9 most women...... desks
9 ladies...... hats 20 your mum and dad...... bedroom

i5:$ Correct the mistakes and write the correct sentences.

> rhis is the effirens' room. ..!y:.y:.y)y.q\y!4rpry':.fp?Y.'............
1 That big building is a girl's school.
2 ls this your mothers'office?
3 May I speak to the bosses secretary?
4 What's Jane and Peters'address?
5 This is a picture of my grandparent's wedding.
6 Do you know John'new girlfriend?
7 She writes for a womens'magazine.
8 ls that Roberts'car?
9 Let me have Ruth's and Jack phone number.
10 What's your wive's job?

We can use more than one possessive noun together.

John's mother's cat Helen's boss's car My father's secretory's sister's baby

r+t!i wrlte the possessive expressions.

) My son has a teacher. she has a husband. ..yI.:?*.'r.t??*9.Y.'.:.\*r.99*1.........'
1 My sister has a secretary. She has an office
2 Jane has children. They have bicycles.
3 Rob has a family. They have a holiday flat.
4 Olivia has a boyfriend. He has a cat.
5 The Prime Minister has a wife. She has a problem.
6 Luke has an uncle. He has a farm.
7 Mr Patterson has a doctor. She has a car.
8 The President has a niece. She has a business.
9 Charlotte has a boss. He has a wife.
10 The Director has a husband. He has a friend. She has a mother. She has a cousin.

lnsomeanswers,bothcontractedforms(forexample/m,don't) andfull NOUNS 201

forms (for exam ple I am, do not\ are possible. Normally both are correct
's and s'possessive: use lsnk rtrry ffue boss's eevr
Possessive nou ns with 3 or s' take the place of the.
the car that belongs to lon ---> lan's car (NoT le+s+he<ar) the shoes that belong to Jo Jo's shoes
But a possessive noun can have its own article.
the carthat belongs to the boss *-v the boss's car
the shoesthat belong to the children - the children's shoes .*

ffi tvtat e 3 or s'possessive structures.

> The dog belongs to Joe. .J?9':.d.?9...
> The dog belongs to the postman. ..yh9.P?2\Y?.(.+.4p.9.......
1 The house belongs to Astrid.
2 The house belongs to the doctors.
3 The book belongs to Oliver and Carla.
4 The car belongstotheteacher. .............
5 The money belongs to the girls.
6 The money belongs to Susan.
ffi ctrange the sentences.
) The classes are using the new books. (the Fre nch teachers)
. .fr p.
F:.e* v). yq ?.?b 9r.r: . ?V :, 9: . ?y 9. r ri * s. y4 I .*?Y..? p.q
ls*, .......

1 The car is parked in front of the house. (the builder; Anna)

car is parked in front of .............. .... house.
2 Do you know the address? (the tall womon)

3 Their bedtime is eight otlock. (the children)

4 The brothers are all in the army. (Alice ond Pat)

We use possessive 3 and s'mostly to talk about people and animals, not things: for example their possessions,
experience, relationships (family, friends etc), parts of the body.
Ann's purse Ann's English lessons Ann's holidoy
Ann's husband Ann's friend
my dod's book(nor the-beekefmy4ad) my horse's ears (Nor t@f$orse)
BUT the roof of the house (Not *ehoase3+eefl the top of my desk (Not my4eskS+op)

Write two sentences for each item.

) ls the door open? (Pau| the library)
..!:.F.9*!::.4.q?.r.2p9*.?.....t:IY.e.{qp.r.pf .r1.e.ly.u.rgru.qp.q*.?.......
1 What's the name? (your brother; that book)

2 ls there anything in the pockets? (the children; that coat)

3 You can see the church from the window (Emma; the living room)

4 Why are the arms so dlrty? (John;your chair)

With some common time words, we add 3 to say how long something takes.
a second's thought o minute's silence
S Choose a time expression for each sentence. Use the words in the box.

second / minute hour day week year

'Who was it?'l asked. There was a pause before she answered. ..?..r9.2?.ry4':tg*:q
1 After university, Les took a course lo become a teacher.
2 Lin had a holiday with her mother earlier this year.
3 Oxford is nearly 600 km from Edinburgh - that's a journey.
4 Sita's new job will mean a drive to work every morning.
5 There was a wqit while the computer started up.

We can use noun + 3 or s'without another noun, if the meaning is clear.

'Whose coat is that?' 'Horry's; My hair is dork, but my children's is fsir.

We also use noun + 3 or s'without another noun for offices, churches and some shops.
I bought this at Soinsbury's. I hate going to the dentist's. She sings at St. John's.

i{$ I-oot at the picture. There is some confusion. Complete the sentences as in the example.

.s /.-.,

K@ Mr Brown

The rope is probably

Sergeant Harper Aunt Matilda

The handbag is probably

Texas Joe Queen Lobelia Oleg

2 The 9un ...........

3 The crown .........
4 The big shoes
5 The document case ...........
We often use noun + 3 or s'without another noun to talk about people's homes.
I saw Monica at June ond Borry's on Friday. Lee is going to his sister's next weekend.

ffi Other people's homes: write about two or more things in your past. Use ot ...'s or at ...s'

ln some answers, both contracted forms (for example /m, don? and full NOUNS 203
forms (for example I am, do not) are possible. Normally both are correct.
noun + noun ': ' .," I . rjiiiq, ;:, li riJrii] r:i f i:r":r {},il.iir:}.

We can put one noun before another when we are talking about a kind of thing or person.
The first noun is usually singular, even if it has a plural meaning.
milk chocolate = a kind of chocolate, with milk in it chocolate milk = q kind of milk, with chocolate in it
flower shop = shop that sells flowers (not ftowers:hep) corner shap = a shop on a corner
hotel receptionist = a receptionist in a hotel history teacher = q teacher who teaches history

Use the words in the box to make noun + noun structures. You can use some of the
words more than once.

army aspirin business corner email flower garden home

jazz kitchen milk opera perfume police pop prison village
>3 k d s of o p .flpw .*
i n s h .
p.". p.tu. 9.Q Y.*? Y. .s.\etu .Y.L.llq.q.q .:.4 p.p,

13 kinds of address
23 kinds of bottle
33 kinds of singer
42 kinds of wall
53 kinds of uniform
62 kinds of chair
Change the expressions in the box to noun + noun structures, and put the beginnings and ends
together. Remember: don't make the first noun plural.

clothes for babies make-up for eyes / building with offices in it food for dogs
engineer who works on computers school of languages drawer for knives

0 Judy wea rs too much ..?H9.Y4.&9..TP.... to the offi ce A but he couldn't repair it. ......
1 They're going to put a big B I want to learn Japanese. ......

2 Our dog won't eat ...........; C - does she think she's at a party? ..?.
3 The ........... looked at my printer, D he only wants fresh meat or fish. ......
4 Do you know of a good ............................ ? E when my brother was born. ......
5 My aunt made some lovely ......... F at the corner of our street. ......
6 Why are the spoons in the ............................ ? G And who put them there? ......

We often use noun + noun structures to talk about what things are made of.

Write noun + noun names for these.

> soup with chicken in it ..glygPg*.:g.*
1 a box made of metal
2 cakes with chocolate in them
3 a fork made of plastic
4 soup made of vegetables
5 a jacket made of leather
6 shirts made of cotton .............
7 a plate made of paper
8 salad with tomatoes in it
9 a wall made of stones .............

204 i':::' i\i'i

We often use noun + noun structures when the second noun is made from a verb + er.
a truck driver = a person who drivcs a truck a hair dry*r = a machine for tlrying hair

What do we call these people or things?

> This person drives a bus. ..q..9*:.4.fry.qY...............
1 This person manages an office.
2 This machine makes coffee.
3 This person drinks coffee.
4 This person loves animals.
5 This stuff cleans floors.
6 This person plays tennis
7 This thing opens letters.
8 This person smokes cigars.
9 This person climbs mountains.

We mostly use 3 or s'when the first noun possesses, experiences or has a relationship with the second noun.
We use a noun + noun structure for other kinds of meaning. 5o things do not usually lake's / s'. Compare:
the dog's narne (possession: the dog has a name) Rita's arcidenf (experience: Rita had an accident)
Ed's brother (relationship: Ed has a brother) Annie's se$etary is Ellen's best f riend. (relationships)
BUf a shoe brusft (the shoe doesn't possess or experience the brush; shoes don't have relationships)

Circle the correct answers.

1 Could I borrow your telephone's book / telephone book for a minute?
2 ls that your teacher's book / teacher book, or is it yours?
3 Elizabeth's journey I Elizabeth journey took her to five continents.
4 Thetrain'sjourney/trainjourneyfromHuntsvilletoVictoriawasveryboring.
5 My aunt's home I aunt home is full of beautiful furniture.
6 Our holiday's home / holiday home is in the French Alps.
7 My brother's interview / brother interview with the president will be on the radio today.
8 I was very nervous about mylob's interview / iob interview.

GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY: one-word noun + noun structures

Some short noun + noun structures are so common that we write them as one word, for example:
armchair bathroom bedroom bookshop businessman businesswoman hairbrush
handbag raincoat postman postwoman schoolchild suitcase toothbrush toothpaste


li nouns: more practice

ffi Countable or uncountable? Putin a/an or some.

) Weneed..?........... newbed. 5l'vegot difficultjobtodotoday.
) We need ..r9ry9..... newfurniture. 6 Ann gave me ............... good news.
1 Can you give me ............... advice? 7 I need a taxi, because l've got
2 I found money in the street heavy luggage.
this morning. 8 Did you have ............... good journey?
3 Can you buy bread while you're out? 9 just had ............... good idea.
4 I've got work to do this evening. 10 I must give you important information.

ffi Special plurals. Put in three different plural nouns which have no singular.
I a pair of 2 a pair of 3 a pair of

ffi Singular or plural? Correct (/) or not (x)?

1 The team are playing well. ...... 6 People are all different. ......
2 ...... 7 Are those your pyjamas? ......
The police don't usually carry guns in Britain.
3 Myfamily have moved to Manchester. ...... 8 I need a new pair of glasses. ......
4 He buys too much clothes. ...... 9 I don't like that people very much. ......
5 lboughttwonewbluejeansyesterday....... 10 Thegovernmentareintroubleagain.......
ffi Possessive forms. Correct the mistakes.
> What's your pftethe++phone number? ..Y?y.nqf.:?...
1 That's the Peter's house.
2 She writes childrens'books.
3 That building is a boy's school.
4 This is my fathers office.
5 I want to talk to the boss secretary's.
6 We're going round to Jane's and Peter place.
7 Heret a photo of my parent's wedding.
8 ls this the teachers book?
9 Johns'friends are all here.
l0 He only reads mens'magazines.
ffi, tttoun + noun. Write shorter descriptions of these people and things.
) chocotate with fruit and nuts in it ..f."y1J.f.ry\.**y.9Y.q9.q\!.e...................
) a person who makes toys ..?. F.?A..ry.qP?f................
1 a shop that sells shoes
2 juice taken from oranges
3 a jacket made of leather
4 a person who drives trains
5 a table where you can drink coffee
6 a person who cleans windows
7 people who read the news (on TV)
8 a magazine about computers
9 a market in the street
10 a watch made of gold

Noun + noun. What are these people? Put together words from the two boxes and
write the descriptions.

bird bus butterfly computer dog glass hockey /

maths mountain road tennis

blower climber collector driver player / player

programmer sweeper teacher trainer watcher

. ?. .4 e. ?.9.e.Y .P.lq.Y 9 r. .

" *\. J, @\
!\ nu*#it
ll \

t/t f
{,td k5&,)e
.d a.
-Vr /'*' * 4IL \A'

:1i-.:: Grammar in a text. Read the text and circle the correct forms.
f n the >(ent Mappleforrl/ Mappteford centre there's a large ancient covered market with all sorts of
re of
lnteresting shops: shops of clothes / clothesshops, butchers, grocers, jewellers etc etc. But my favourite
placeinthemarketisJoe'sCaf6. lt'sareal zbusinessof family/familybusiness: Joe, : thewifeof Joe/Joe's
wife,his sons, his q son's / sons'wives, his daughter and his s daughter's / daughters'boyfriend all work there
at different times. lt's not luxurious - there are o tables and chairs of plastic / plastic tables and chairs - but it's
excellent value. Joe's caf6 is the best place in town for a full English breakfast. For a few pounds, you get a
big plate of eggs, bacon and sausages, as much toast and butter as you can eat, and an enormous cup of tea
All sorts of people t have / has breakfast at a Joe / Joe's, from professors to e drivers of buses / bus drivers /
bus's drivers.When they've all gone off to work, Joe and his family have time for a short rest. and then the
caf6 starts filling up with tourists who have come to try Joe's famous rc cake of chocolate / chocolate cake.
lf you're ever in Mappleford, take my advice and visit Joe's Caf6.

li.j lnternet exercise. Checking correctness. Use a search engine (e.g. Google). Which of the
following expressions get most hits? So which are correct?
"a heavy baggage" ..F.??......... "some heavy baggage " .3.?.2?.
"a coffee table" ....... "a table coffee "
"the President's birthday" "the birthday of the President
"a bus driver" "a bus's driver " "a driver of bus"
"a gold watch " "a watch of gold"

pronunciation for grammar NOUNS 207
nouns: revision test
Sff Write the plurals.
bus..9.*:.e.q.... fox journey match book
table foot person knife mouse
dog day family woman leaf
man child car wife babY

# Wtrictr nouns can be plural? Write the pli.rral or x.

> note ..*9.\9:.... 3 idea 7 furniture
> money ..f........... 4 duck 8 government
2 bread 6 journey I0 traffic

'r t'girclg)the correct forms.
1 My cousin is a tennis player/ player oftennis / tennis's player.
2 The police is / are looking for a tall thin man.
3 l'm going to have a sleep of an hour / an hour sleep / an hour's sleep now.
4 Do you read woman's / womans'/ women's / womens'magazines?
5 I like travelling to other countries / countrys / countreys.
6 'Coffee?' 'Yes, please. One large / Large one / A large one / A large!
7 Could you give me some information / informqtions?
8 England is / are leading by 4 goals to 2.
9 My sister works in a flower shop / flowers shop / shop flower / shop's flower.
1 0 I can't fi nd her number in the phone book / phone's book / book of phone / book of the phone.
{$ correct the mistakes.
) He's bought two new *etrs'ers. .l.q!.,.:.p.f .!f.q*:qf:........
1 I like eating chocolate milk.
2 My parents lived all their lifes in Dublin.
3 I like looking round books shops.
4 Who was the people who came to see you?
5 Peter is my son's sister.
6 I like those gloves. How much are the blue?
7 lt's a nice jacket, but d like a one with pockets.

8 You will never be a player of football.

9 Marco Polo wrote a book about his journies.
10 'Where did you buy it?' 'ln the market of streetl
1 1 We spent the weekend at my brother
l2 A vet is a doctor of animals.
13 The mother ofAnna speaks good Spanish.
'14 My father gave me earrings of silver for my birthday.
1 5 Can I have some oranges juice? ..............
16 Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester are three important citys in England.
17 I couldn't open the house's door
18 There's the Peter's house
19 Do you have the address of Emma?
20 I've got a big work to do today.

208 NOUNS ln some answers, both contracted forms (for example / m, don't) and full
forms (for example lam, da not\ are possible. Normally both are correct.

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