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Effect of Drip-Fertigation On Performance of Tomato Under Assam Conditions

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Indian J. Hort.

67(1), March 2010: 56-60

Effect of drip-fertigation on performance of tomato

under Assam conditions
Sanchita Brahma*, Deepa Borbora Phookan, Pankaj Barua and Luchon Saikia
Department of Horticulture, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat 785 013

A study was carried out to find out the effect of fertigation level of N & K through drip irrigation on growth,
marketable yield, fruit quality and economics in semi-determinate tomato cultivar Arka Abha. Results indicated
that plant height, branch number, fruit setting percentage, fruit number per plant, individual fruit weight and
marketable yield were maximum with cent per cent fertigation of recommended dose of N & K at the rate of 75:60
kg/ha. Regarding the quality parameters, fruit length, fruit girth, percentage of placenta, edible portion, juice
percentage, total soluble solid and ascorbic acid were highest similarly in cent per cent fertigation level, whereas
the highest titrable acidity was recorded by fifty per cent fertigation level. Study on fertigation efficiency and
economics of cultivation revealed that fertigation with cent per cent recommended dose of N & K was the most
efficient treatment with fertigation efficiency of 43.24% and cost: benefit ratio of 1:2.28. It is concluded that drip
fulfillment at 100% evaporation replenishment throughout the crop season with cent per cent supplementation of
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recommended dose of N&K (75:60 kg /ha) through emitters of 2 l/h discharge rate with emission uniformity of 89-
91% corresponding to 27 drip cycle with the last drip coinciding at 15 days before harvest was found to be
optimum for profitable cultivation of tomato with optimum quality and economic return.
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Key words: Tomato, marketable yield, fruit quality, economics, fertigation.


INTRODUCTION fertigation of recommended dose of N & K through drip

Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is one of irrigation for commercial production of tomato under
the major commercial fruit vegetables grown field conditions.
throughout the N.E. region particularly Assam, where MATERIALS AND METHODS
it is grown in an area of 16,000 ha with an average
productivity of 16.5 t/ha, far below the world average Fertigation study was carried during winter (rabi)
of 25.09 t/ha. Its production is characterized by season of 2004-05 and 2005-06 at Horticulture
inadequate irrigation and fertigation practices, Experimental Farm, Department of Horticulture, Jorhat.
especially due to lack of knowledge on proper The soil of the experimental plot is sandy loam in
fertigation and irrigation scheduling. Application of texture, medium in available nitrogen (281 kg/ha) and
fertilizers along with irrigation water supply and available phosphorus (57 kg/ha) and low in available
maintain an optimum level of nutrients within the root potassium (96.4 kg/ha) with slightly acidic in reaction
zone (Fen and Mackenzie, 3). Fertigation improves (pH = 5.2). Thirty-day-old Arka Abha tomato seedlings
fertilizer use efficiency, saves fertilizers, time and were planted in crop geometry of 75 cm row-to-row
labour and also helps in uniform and precise application and 60 cm plant-to-plant spacings. Treatments
of nutrients in the effective root zone resulting in higher comprised: T1- 100 % of recommended dose of N & K
yield and quality production. (75:60 kg /ha) through drip, T2- 75 % of recommended
Numerous studies have been reported on crop dose of N & K through drip, T3- 50 % of recommended
response to fertigation. Singh and Saxena (10) reported dose of N & K through drip and T4- Drip irrigation with
maximum chilli yield at 180 kg N/ha applied through conventional application of 100% recommended dose
drip system. Tomatoes (Locascio et al., 7) have of NPK. In conventional fertilization, half dose of N,
responded with increased production with N and K full dose of P2O5 and K2O were applied one week before
injected into the irrigation water in contrast to preplant planting and remaining half dose of N applied one
application. Scientific information on fertigation at month after planting.
different growth stages is lacking. Hence, the present The recommended dose of P2O5 (60 kg/ha) for T1,
study was undertaken to determine the effect of T2 and T3 were applied manually one week before
planting. Thus, four treatments were laid down in
*Corresponding author’s present address: KVK, Kokrajhar, Gossaigaon 783360
(Assam); E-mail: brahma.sanchita@gmail.com randomized block design with five replications. For
Effect of Fertigation in Tomato

applying irrigation and fertilizers, online emitters of 2 l/ tomato (Table 2) over conventional soil application of
h capacity were fixed in 12 mm laterals at the plant-to- fertilizers. Pooled data revealed that the maximum plant
plant spacing and laid in rows. Each plant was provided height and number of branches were produced by T1
with one emitter placed 5 cm away from the base of followed by T2, which were statistically at par for plant
the seedlings. Initially life saving irrigation was applied height only. T1 has recorded significantly higher values
soon after transplanting and thereafter fertilizers were for plant height than T3 and T4 only. Increase in plant
applied through drip 5 days after planting. The schedule height with increase in nitrogen fertigation was also
of fertigation is divided into three growth stages, i.e. reported by Singandhupe et al. (9). There was no
early 30 days followed by next 30 days (mid-season) significant difference among the treatments for number
and rest 30 days (late season). The desired amounts of branches and days to first flowering. The same
of fertilizers were dissolved in 10 l of water and applied treatment, i.e. T1 has also recorded significantly higher
via ventury through drip irrigation in the fertigation values for fruit set (%) and number of fruits per plant
treatments by maintaining the following fertigation than T3 and T4 but remained on par with T2. Significant
scheduling (Table 1). effect of fertigation with 100 and 125% N and K @
Total 27 drip cycles were applied and continued 120: 60 kg/ha on growth attributes of chilli were also
up to 15 days before harvest coinciding with the critical reported by Muralikrishnaswamy et al. (8). They
stages of growth. The drip application time was reported at par result with 100 and 125% fertigation
determined as per evapotranspiration rate of Jorhat levels. The highest individual fruit weight was recorded
during the crop-growing season, which corresponds by 75 percent fertigation level, which remained
to 100% evaporation replenishment. All the agronomic statistically at par with T1 only. Kadam and Sahane (6)
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practices and plant protection measures were adopted also reported higher fruit number in tomato with cent
as per recommendation. Fruit length, fruit girth and per cent levels than 75 per cent level of N & K through
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pericarp thickness were with the help of Vernier drip fertigation.


callipers. The juice of the fruit was extracted by putting Fertigation with N&K exerted a consistent and
the crushed tomatoes in muslin cloth bag and pressing significant influence on yield of tomato (Table 2) over
with the palm end. Volume of the juice was measured conventional soil application of N & K. Pooled data
and expressed in percentage. The TSS was revealed that the marketable yield of tomato showed
determined by hand refractometer at room an increasing trend with each corresponding increase
temperature. Ascorbic acid was analyzed by 2,6- in the level of N and K fertigation. The maximum
dichlorophenol indophenol titration method as difference of marketable yield was obtained between
described in AOAC (1) and the titrable acidity was treatments T1 and T3. Cent per cent fertigation level
determined by adopting the standard methods using recorded the highest marketable fruit yield and
phenolphthalein as indicator. fertigation efficiency compared to the conventional soil
application of N & K. However, there was no significant
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION difference in marketable yield between cent per cent
Application of recommended dose of N & K through and 75 per cent fertigation levels. Restriction of
drip significantly influenced growth parameters of fertilizers to the wetted zone of soil where the active

Table 1. Fertigation schedule for tomato var. Arka Abha.

Crop stage Early (30 days) Mid-season (30 days) Late season (30 days)
Days after transplanting 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85
Duration (days) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Fertigation interval
(numbers in 10 days) 2 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3
Application rate urea
(g/plant) 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.15 0.12
MOP (g/plant) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.18 0.18 0.2 0.2 0.13 0.12
Time of operation (min.) 25 20 30 30 30 30 25 20 20
Fertilizer dissolving
rate (g/l) 14.18 17.74 17.74 17.74 17.74 17.74 24.18 13.30 10.64
Number of drip cycle 5 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3

Indian Journal of Horticulture, March 2010

Table 2. Growth and yield parameters of tomato as influenced by N & K fertigation levels.
Treatment Plant No. Days to Days to Fruit No. Fruit Yield Marketable Ferti-
height of first first set of fruits weight plant-1 yield gation
(cm) branches flowering fruiting (%) plant-1 (g) (kg) (t/ha) efficiency
T1 = (100% RD of
N & K through
drip) 97.20 12.20 42.0 49.34 74.65 49.34 98.23 3.59 85.53 43.24
T2 = (75% RD of
N & K
through drip) 95.50 11.60 42.56 48.96 74.14 48.96 102.06 3.39 80.79 35.30
T3 = (50% RD
of N & K
through drip) 84.65 10.80 41.60 47.48 69.06 47.48 67.04 1.91 45.43 (-)23.92
T4 = (100% RD
of NPK as
soil application) 94.40 10.80 37.80 44.54 64.96 44.54 81.75 2.51 59.71 -
CD0.05 2.13 2.38 NS 1.70 1.76 1.70 6.24 0.23 5.37 -
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roots are concentrated leads to better utilization of vegetative growth, leading to enhanced accumulation
nutrients might be the probable reason for higher yield of solids and more conversion of organic acids to sugar
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in fertigation treatment over conventional soil with increase in nitrogen level. Similar increase in TSS

application of N&K with drip irrigation. Hebbar et al. with increase in nitrogen level was also reported by
(5) also reported significant increase in fruit yield with Ashcroft and Jones (2). However, the highest titrable
cent per cent fertigation of recommended dose (water acidity was recorded by 50 per cent fertigation level.
soluble fertilizers) over drip irrigation control. The Alterations in ascorbic acid and titrable acidity
highest fertigation efficiency was recorded by the cent among fertigation treatments were reported by Hebbar
per cent fertigation level compared to other fertigation et al. (4).
treatments (Table 2). The economics of cultivation (Table 4) revealed
Fruit quality parameters were significantly that the highest cost: benefit ratio was recorded in the
influenced by fertigation treatments (Table 3). Cent per cent per cent fertigation of recommended dose (75:
cent fertigation of recommended dose of N & K 60 N & K kg/ha) followed by 75 per cent fertigation
recorded the highest fruit length, fruit girth, pericarp level of recommended dose, whereas the lowest cost:
thickness, edible portion, juice percentage, total soluble benefit ratio was recorded by 50 per cent fertigation
solids and ascorbic acid content. The highest TSS in level. Corroborative findings were also reported by
cent per cent fertigation level might be due to enhanced Tumbare and Bhoite (11) in chilli.

Table 3. Quality parameters of tomato as influenced by N & K fertigation levels.

Treatment Fruit Fruit Pericarp Placenta Edible Juice TSS Ascorbic Titrable
length girth thickness (%) portion (%) content (o Brix) acid acidity
(cm) (cm) (cm) (%) (mg/100g) (%)
T1 = (100% RD of N & K
through drip) 5.75 6.90 0.90 28.28 71.72 72.88 4.29 15.29 0.47
T2 = (75% RD of N & K
through drip) 5.00 6.45 1.80 39.09 60.92 69.14 4.28 12.45 0.57
T3 = (50% RD of N & K
through drip) 4.42 5.88 0.62 37.29 62.71 68.19 4.29 10.31 0.65
T4 = (100% RD of NPK
as conventional
soil application) 4.07 5.62 0.55 37.40 62.60 57.05 3.28 7.84 0.38
CD0.05 0.26 0.16 NS 1.42 1.42 1.02 0.01 0.44 0.02

Effect of Fertigation in Tomato

Table 4. Cost economics (Rs.) of tomato var. Arka Abha as influenced by N & K fertigation levels.
Treatment Avg. yield Gross Gross Net C: B ratio
(t/ha) investment income income
T1 = (100% RD of N & K
through drip) 85.53 1,30,271 4,27,650 2,97,379 1: 2.28
T2 = (75% RD of N & K
through drip) 80.79 1,29,403 4,03,950 2,74,547 1: 2.12
T3 = (50% RD of N & K
through drip) 45.43 1,28,535 2,27,150 98,615 1: 0.77
T4 = (100% RD of NPK as
conventional soil application) 59.71 1,30,271 2,98,550 1,68,279 1:1.30
Sale price = Rs. 5.00/kg (Farm gate price).

Table 5. Meteorological parameters during the crop growth period.

Month Temperature RH Total Rainy Evaporation BSSH Wind
(oC) (%) rainfall days (mm) speed
(mm) (No.) (km/h)
Max. Min. Morning Evening
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November 2004 27.1 15.0 94 80 6.0 3 8.3 2.1 2.0

December 2004 24.0 11.4 94 71 2.5 1 6.0 1.6 1.8
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January 2005 21.6 10.5 95 73 38.8 4 5.5 1.3 1.9

February 2005 24.2 13.9 91 75 32.3 6 5.4 2.0 3.3
March 2005 24.9 17.4 92 81 223.7 20 3.2 2.4 3.9
November 2005 27.1 15.7 95 70 6.0 4 7.3 1.9 1.6
December 2005 24.7 10.1 96 65 0.0 0 7.4 1.3 1.6
January 2006 22.9 9.8 96 7272 2.5 2 5.3 1.1 1.4
February 2006 24.0 14.9 93 7373 83.3 9 5.2 1.5 2.7
March 2006 27.7 16.3 88 7171 41.3 6 6.4 2.3 3.1

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