Physical Therapy Research in Professional Clinical Practice
Physical Therapy Research in Professional Clinical Practice
Physical Therapy Research in Professional Clinical Practice
Movement and manual methods have always been the core of physical therapy practice. Since physical therapy
is basically practical, this evokes the question of how well the field fits in with the scientific culture of higher education.
The knowledge base of physical therapy should be based on science, supported in practice, and further methodically
developed. The physical therapy performed within the health care system is shaped both by the professional community
and by research findings. The aim of this study was to give a view on science in physical therapy professional practice
and present aspects of difficulties to transfer research knowledge into clinical practice. Clinical practical skills and
theoretical knowledge are both necessary components of physical therapy treatment. Physical therapists agree on
the importance of research. Bringing science closer to clinical practice is required for the development of the physical
therapy profession. However, there are barriers to incorporating research evidence into clinical practice, including lack
of time and skills in searching for, and evaluating, research literature. This requires that the content of the educational
programs is relevant and that sufficient time, understanding, and education are provided in clinical settings. The
scientific basis in professional practice could further be strengthened through enhanced scientific skills and more easily
accessible presentation of the research results. As yin and yang, research and professional practice should inter-relate
to one another in a dynamic system and give rise to each other as an indivisible whole.
Keywords: Clinical skills; Medical discipline; Physical therapy; impairments and prevent physical and psychological disabilities.
Professional practice; Research In addition, the physical therapist has tasks of an educational and
administrative nature, along with teaching and research. Qualified
Introduction physical therapists are expected to act in accordance with scientific
The hallmark of physical therapy, throughout history has been knowledge and proven experience. The profession has been divided
treatment by means of movement. The manual methods have always into specialties and subject concentrations, but maintaining the core
been the core of professional practice in physical therapy [1,2]. Manual of general physical therapy is still vital [6].
methods have been passed down from one pair of hands to the next. There has been no clear-cut definition of physical therapy until
As the physical therapy profession is fundamentally practical, the 1999, when the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT)
question is how well this does coincide with the scientific training adopted its policy statement “Description of Physical Therapy,”
pursued in higher education and scientific demands in health care which was revised in 2011 [3]. While this definition facilitates the
systems? Physical therapists are responsible for both the indication “scientification” of what is called physical therapy practice, there are
and arrangement of treatment. Analysis, assessment, treatment, and further needs to clarify the meaning of the term physical therapy
evaluation are all part and parcel of the physical therapist’s work [3]. The itself. The physical therapy community is striving to be recognized as
responsibility imposes demands for clear justification and objective a profession. There is a belief within the professional community that
arguments for possible interventions. Higher standards for education physical therapists own a shared knowledge base, although the field
and research in professional practice are being imposed. Physical is difficult to define. Physical therapists agree that movement and the
therapists are expected to possess the skills necessary to modify the science of movement are central concepts that constitute the core of
professional practice so that it aligns with new demands. Increased physical therapy. In order to describe the field of knowledge, we need
knowledge about the scientific basis of the field and awareness of well-defined terms and concepts. Ethical rules for physical therapists
current research, as well as knowledge about implications of this has been issued, as well as descriptions of professional requirements
connection on professional practice is warranted. In the present study for physical therapists, which are aimed at making the physical
a discussion about research in professional physical therapy practice therapist aware of the ethical issues associated with professional
is given. practice and guaranteeing patients dignified and objective service [2].
Today, a doctor’s referral is no longer required for seeking physical
The Physical Therapist’s Scope of Practice therapy in some countries and physical therapists are responsible for
Physical therapy is concerned with identifying movement potential both the diagnosis and the planning of treatment. The responsibility
and maximizing quality of life within the spheres of promotion,
prevention, treatment/intervention, habilitation and rehabilitation
[3,4]. Physical therapy is often described as a profession based on *Corresponding author: Elisabeth Westerdahl, Centre for Health Care Sciences,
Orebro University Hospital, PO Box 1324 SE-701 13 Orebro, Sweden, Tel: +46 19
specific knowledge, university education, and independence. Physical 6025847; Fax: +46 19 6113818; E-mail:
therapy is founded on a view of health that is specific to the profession,
Received May 07, 2013; Accepted June 12, 2013; Published June 14, 2013
and on its mission of promoting health through movement. Movement
can be both the means and the goal of treatment and traditional Citation: Westerdahl E (2013) Physical Therapy Research in Professional Clinical
Practice. J Nov Physiother 3: 158. doi:10.4172/2165-7025.1000158
physical therapy has evolved from passive to active treatments.
Preventing, reversing, as well as managing lifestyle-related conditions Copyright: © 2013 Westerdahl E. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
are issues warranting physical therapists attention in the future [5]. The use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
physical therapist is supposed to examine, analyze, and treat physical source are credited.
J Nov Physiother
ISSN:2165-7025 JNP, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 3 • 1000158
Citation: Westerdahl E (2013) Physical Therapy Research in Professional Clinical Practice. J Nov Physiother 3: 158. doi:10.4172/2165-7025.1000158
Page 2 of 5
imposes demands for clear justification and objective arguments for expanded and deepened in following semesters, often culminating in
possible interventions. an independent essay project in the advanced course in the final year
Knowledge Borrowed from Other Disciplines
There is widespread consensus among teachers concerning
The discipline of physical therapy does not yet have clearly the importance of connections to research, but time and resource
defined boundaries from other fields [2]. The theoretical basis of constraints can make this difficult to accomplish. There are also high
higher education in physical therapy is taken from various scientific expectations for teacher accessibility and it requires a great deal of
disciplines such as medicine, behavioral science, and the human time and commitment to keep abreast of the latest research findings,
sciences [7]. This knowledge, however, must be carefully adapted especially within broad fields of knowledge [15]. Ever higher standards
so that it aligns with the scope of physical therapy practice. If the are being imposed on teaching. The teacher’s subject knowledge, the
profession is not meticulously described and delimited, there is risk time devoted to the task, the characteristics of the student group
that another professional category may assume physical therapists and educational methods are all critical to teaching outcomes [16].
tasks. If physical therapists’ level of knowledge is low, there is risk Teaching should preferably emanate from broad and current subject
of competition from closely related disciplines. A low degree of knowledge, scientific foundations, and a scientific approach to the
specialization among practitioners’ permits closely related groups teaching process. Interest, concern, and respect for the students, as
within the health care system to encroach and take over certain well as appropriate feedback and knowledge testing are prerequisites
tasks. This can be parried with specific professional expertise, for optimal learning in higher education [17].
unique competencies and a more distinct “product declaration” for
physical therapy. Research within physical therapy as an independent The scientific foundations of physical therapy are still weak [10].
discipline is necessary, and this is predicated on consensus about what The work being performed within the health care system has often
physical therapy is. The knowledge base must become the object of been shaped by the professional community and not by research
studies that enable the description and systematization of the subject findings. There may be certain disconnect between researchers and
[2,7]. practitioners [15,18]. The quantity of information is so vast that it is
impossible to pass on complete packages of skills and knowledge. As
Physical therapists should perform research on the subject of a result of the evolution of physical therapy based on medicine and
physical therapy in order to promote the knowledge development. the tradition of doctors as teachers, physical therapists’ treatment
As the subject of physical therapy is changeable and hard to define, techniques are often based on medical science. Clinical education
it is difficult to establish strict boundaries for the areas to be is a fundamental component of a physical therapist’s professional
researched [8]. In a recently performed literature study of Nordic education. “Knowing how” involves the ability to do, but also
doctoral dissertations in physical therapy reported that certain areas understanding what you are doing. Physical therapists must therefore
of physical therapy are more thoroughly researched than others, be better equipped to answer the questions: “What do we do?”, “How
while no dissertations at all have been written within other areas do we do it”, and “Why?”
[9]. More knowledge is needed about how research findings can
best be implemented in clinical practice. Research performed in the The universities are providing higher education in an increasing
researcher’s own clinic cannot always be implemented directly in the number of fields and in an increasing number of professional training
researcher’s own practice. A broader perspective is necessary wherein programs. How students learn is of high concern, according to Ramsden
the international research base must be taken into account. [17]. Deep approaches to learning are encouraged by teaching and
assessment methods that foster active and long-term engagement with
Physical therapy lies in the border zone between the natural and learning tasks. A variation in learning patterns has been identified in
human sciences [10]. It is possible that the biomedical paradigm of
students’ experience of learning to be a physical therapist. Intrinsic
the natural sciences is necessary but not sufficient for physical therapy
motivation is important and the assessment methods, govern how the
research as a separate discipline. This should be augmented with a
students learn, e.g., by reproducing, understanding, or memorizing
human science paradigm by which means the methodology of physical
[19]. Focus on real learning objectives in evaluations is moreover
therapy becomes interdisciplinary. There is an advantage to the fact
that physical therapy has now been defined [3,11]. There is a cohesive, important [16]. Interest, concern, and respect for the students, as well
central concept to start with, a hallmark of what physical therapy as appropriate feedback and knowledge testing, are prerequisites for
is. As practitioners, physical therapists must limit themselves to the optimal learning in higher education [17]. Continuous professional
field of knowledge for which they have been trained. It is important development, after the entry level education, is moreover important,
to differentiate between certain knowledge and opinion. Absent this, but there are barriers to physical therapists’ education at Master
physical therapists could end up doing a little bit of everything and level. Underuse of professionals’ potential in the clinical setting, an
risk crossing the line into alternative medicine. unrewarding career structure, negative attitudes, and resistance to
change by forces at the workplace have been described [20].
Physical Therapist Education
Art or Science?
The education of physical therapists has historically been taken
place in hospitals, taught mainly by doctors affiliated with faculties Physical therapy treatment was from the outset mainly manual
of medicine [12]. Tasks were initially controlled by doctors, who and consisted of movements and massage. Most of the knowledge
prescribed appropriate treatment methods. The physical therapy used in various practices has long and deep roots in the past and
profession has successively changed since then. Physical therapy is a prerequisite for the development of new knowledge [19]. How
training has evolved into a higher education program with courses physical therapy treatments are actually performed is important, but
at the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels. Aimed at theoretical arguments for how, when, and to whom treatment should
shaping a critically thinking, evaluating physical therapist, training be applied are also necessary. There is a risk that scientific knowledge
in scientific methods often begins in the very first semester and is is being regarded as a phenomenon apart, separate from its actual
J Nov Physiother
ISSN:2165-7025 JNP, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 3 • 1000158
Citation: Westerdahl E (2013) Physical Therapy Research in Professional Clinical Practice. J Nov Physiother 3: 158. doi:10.4172/2165-7025.1000158
Page 3 of 5
practical use. The use of scientific evidence is necessary and physical research methods are needed, and mixed methods research is
therapists report a positive attitude, even if implementing research in warranted to generate evidence to support best practice [29].
clinical practice is difficult [18,21]. The attitude towards research is
It helps if physical therapists personally believe in the efficacy of
gradually changing and physical therapy research and development
the treatment methods used. But at the same time, there should be a
are more and more regarded an integral part of the clinical work [22,
scientific basis to what the physical therapist has to offer. Nowadays,
documentation and evaluations of what is done and what the
Practice itself constitutes a central source of knowledge. What practitioner is aiming to achieve are required in order to describe and
theory and practice have in common is that the value lies in the actual prove the effects of physical therapy. The emphasis has been shifted
activity. The various types of knowledge are necessary to each other. in the direction of science. It is important that a gap does not develop
Truth embedded in fact is intertwined with the act that brought it between clinical physical therapy and research.
about [8]. Physical therapy emerged through practical experience
and knowledge about the human body. This has been passed down Moving Research into Practice
from one pair of hands to the next. If only tacit knowledge is used, Physical therapists are expected to possess the skills necessary to
opportunities to develop the profession may be reduced. It is difficult modify their professional practice so that it aligns with new demands.
to identify precisely the paradigm upon which physical therapy is The knowledge base of physical therapy is required to be based on
based because the field is constantly evolving [2]. The theoretical base science, supported in practice, and methodically developed. A
of the profession needs to be expanded and we need to attach more challenge is to properly translate the research evidence into patient-
importance to the knowledge translation process into clinical practice specific clinical practice [28,30]. Moreover, there may be a certain
[24,25]. In many cases, there is still lack of agreement between theory disconnect between researchers and practitioners. Respect for various
and practice [18,21]. types of knowledge and an understanding that each of these forms of
Through greater awareness of method and treatment evaluation, knowledge enriches the other are prerequisites to such an enrichment
the physical therapy field can be better clarified, and set the taking place [15, 24]. Many physical therapists agree with the notion
boundaries of the physical therapy field. Art and science are both that scientific evidence should be utilized to guide practice decisions.
necessary components of treatment and knowledge development. Physical therapists are dependent on research results and report that
Multiple dimensions must be considered in physical therapy practice. research is helpful in the professional practice [21,31]. However, there
Intuitive knowing and a sense of the situation are interesting aspects are barriers to overcome, such as time limitations, difficulties in
of the encounter between patient and physical therapist; intuitive accessing journals, and lack of skills in searching for and evaluating
knowledge of what is right may be difficult to precisely describe in research evidence [18,21]. It is widely accepted that the use of scientific
words in a situation where a craft is being taught [26]. evidence in practice is necessary [21,30,32]. Swedish physical therapy
students reports that “reading research literature to update knowledge
In clinical practice, the physical therapist approaches each patient, and to apply research findings to improve practice” as being the
and each practical problem as a unique case, where experience and most important research activity [32]. Stevenson et al. [23] conclude,
knowledge are interwoven into a decision about the approach, and that changes of attitudes in the clinical environment are a complex
reflection-in-action occurs. Since every patient case is unique, it is issue. Even if physical therapists are reported to be positive towards
impossible to apply standard theories and techniques without further research, they are reluctant to change their practice [23]. Uncertainty
reflection [26]. When solving a problem, a “reflective conversation” about what the research reports conclude, lack of literature sources,
can be used in teaching and the teacher may comment on how the and skepticism about the value of research are mentioned barriers
student is approaching the problem [16]. Upon reflection, knowledge that constraint on uptake of research results in practice [18,30,33]. The
and understanding are deepened in a spiral-like way. A repertoire clinical applicability of research results is furthermore important to
of examples, images, understandings, and actions is built up [26]. consider. Patient recruitment, appropriate interventions, and optimal
The consequences of various interventions are used to decide how outcome measures to determine effectiveness of physical therapy
treatment should be planned and that it is within the disciplinary treatments are required [34]. The ability to critically evaluate the
confines of physical therapy. research findings is important with regard to the spread of knowledge.
A theoretical approach is necessary to improve quality of the For the researchers, receiving feedback on their research findings is
work and development of the profession. Theory is needed in order important, both in terms of motivating them to research and to
to understand physical therapy treatment methods and understand stimulate the development of new research ideas. The knowledge
the context of the work. Theory is also essential in research in order innate in practice should be transferred and applied, and should
to be able to ask the right research questions. Implementation of influence the direction of research. Theoretical and methodological
new research findings is important and how the science should be points of departure are often the same, but one goal for the future
looped back to the clinic in purely practical terms is a science in would be to bring about synergy between physical therapy in practice
and of itself [25,27,28]. The ability to evaluate the research findings and the scientific research pursued.
achieved is important with respect to the spread of knowledge. For the
Development of the Physical Therapy Profession
researchers, getting feedback on their research findings is important
both to motivate and stimulate the development of research ideas [28]. Requirements of standards for quality and documentation in
physical therapy practice have increased and this responsibility
Clinical practical skills and theoretical knowledge are both
imposes demands for clear justification and objective arguments
necessary components of physical therapy treatment. Intuitive
for possible interventions, and this includes improved standards for
knowing and a sense of the situation are interesting aspects of the
education, research, and general flexibility in professional practice [8].
encounter between the patient and the physical therapist. Intuitive
knowledge of what is right may be difficult to precisely describe in Theory and practice are not interchangeable, since each is the
words [26]. According to Shaw et al. both qualitative and quantitative prerequisite of the other. Assigning greater value to one must not be
J Nov Physiother
ISSN:2165-7025 JNP, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 3 • 1000158
Citation: Westerdahl E (2013) Physical Therapy Research in Professional Clinical Practice. J Nov Physiother 3: 158. doi:10.4172/2165-7025.1000158
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J Nov Physiother
ISSN:2165-7025 JNP, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 3 • 1000158