Blood - Complete Notes
Blood - Complete Notes
Blood - Complete Notes
§ Monocytes – macrophages –
§ Lymphocytes – immune response
• Transporting medium for nutrients, oxygen, wastes,
• Platelets (Thrombocytes)
hormones, defense cells, antibodies and other
o Small fragments of bone marrow cells with
factors in the blood-vascular or closed circulatory
procoagulants for clotting
o Fragments of megakaryocyte
• Lymph or hemolymph for the open type circulatory
o Lack nuclei
o Block injuries to damged blood vessels and
• Transports metabolites enabling metabolic to start the formation of blood clots
• Plasma
• Transports hormones o 55% of the volume
• Transports heat from the deeper organs to the body o Liquid extracellular material
surface for dissipation o Impart fluid properties
• Essential for large animals with high metabolic rates o Serum – plasma that lacks clotting factors
• Aid in conservation of body heat o More than 90% water by weight, includes
• Transmission of force for movement and locomotion proteins, electrolytes, nonprotein nitrogen
• Used for acid-base balance with the buffers it substances, nutrients, dissolved blood gases
contains and regulatory substances
• Defense against invading foreign organisms through Blood Plasma Proteins
phagocytosis • Albumins
• Connective tissue, specialized body fluid o Osmotic balance, blood viscosity, pH
• Primary medium for sustaining life in most animals buffering, colloid osmotic pressure
Human Blood • Globulins
• Approxiamately 8% of an adult’s body o Immunoglobins for defense; non-immune
• 5 liters globulins for carrier proteins
• mean temperature of 38C • Fibrinogen
• pH of about 7.35-7.45 (slightly basic) o Precursor for fibrin, a sticky protein that
o maintained by the concentration of forms the framework of a blood clot
electrolytes Blood Cell Count
• Complex Connective tissue • Measures RBC, WBC, and platelet count, hemoglobin
o Formed elements – RBC’s, WBC’s, Platelets level and hematocrit
o Plasma – Liquid portion (90% water), • Requires all components to be in ample
electrolytes, organic molecules, soluble concentration in order to function properly
proteins in suspension • Hemocytometer
Blood Composition o Thick glass microscope slide with a grid of
• Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes) perpendicular lines
o Enucleated, biconcave, no organelles, has o Grid with specified dimension so that the
hemoglobin for gas transport area covered by the lines is known
o More dense o Raised edges of the hemocytometer
o 45% of the total volume (hematocrit) • Eryythropoiesis
o Membrane – glycoproteins and glycolipids o Production of RBC
o Cytoskeleton – proteins • Erythropoietin
o Cytoplasm - hemoglobin o Produced by kidneys
• White Blood Cells (Leukocytes) o Stimulates differentiation of precursor cells
o Part of the immune system which attacks in bone marrow
and kills foreign microbes • Adult males (4..7-61 million cell/microL), females
o Cream-colored buffy coat just above the (4.2-5.4 million cells/microL)
RBC’s o Androgens (testosterone) – stimulates
o Granulocytes erytropoiesis
§ Neutrophils – phagocytosis of o Males have more muscles mass and are
bacteria more physically active à greater need for
§ Eosinophils – allergic reactions and oxygen à greater need for hemoglobin
parasitic infections o Females have menstruation
§ Basophils – inflammatory reactions, • Infants (5.5-6 million cells/microL)
secrete histamine and heparin
o Agranulocytes
o Organs need more O2 to develop à either decrease the production of
erythropoiesis more pronounced (all sites WBC or destroy the red marrow
involved in RBC production) o Leukocytosis – above normal range
o At birth, infants acclimatize to their new § Indicate infection, allergy or
environment outside the mother womb diseases (ex. Leukemia)
with RBCs § Caused by bacterial infections that
o Adulthood – limited erythropoiesis, limited stimulate neutrophil production
the marrow in the vertebrae, ribs, sternum, o Leukemia – increase or decrease in one of
parts of the skull and proximal ends of the the 5 types of WBC
long bones Agglutination
• Physiological Alterations to RBC count • Clumping of red blood cells due to antigen-antibody
o High altitude à decrease in partial pressure reaction
of O2 in lungs à hypoxia • Based on ABO and Rh blood typing
o Increased muscle activity à more O2 • Important in blood transfusion
supplied to the muscle cells • Antigen
o Smoking à carbon monoxide exposure o Antibody generator
from cigarettes o Antigenic determinants of epitopes are
• Causes of deviations in RBC count found in the surface of the antigens
o Site of RBC production – failure of red bone o Induces immune response
marrow decrease RBC count o Molecule, substance or protein that
o Vitamin and mineral deficiencies – stimulates the immune system into
Deficiency, decrease in RBC count producing antibodies against it
o Oxygen concentration – decrease in oxygen, • Antibody
increase in RBC count o Immunoglobulin – contains an antigen-
• Abnormal Changes to RBC count binding site where antigens with matching
o Polycythemia – increase in RBC count antigenic determinants bind
§ Absolute – increase in number of o Produced by the immune system in
RBC due to RBC production response to foreign substrates
• Primary – autonomous o When bound with antigen, B cells divide
proliferation of erythroid and mature à clones containing the same
progenitors antigen-binding site
• Secondary – elevated o Chemical reaction with complement à lysis
levels of erythropoietin or phagocytosis
§ Relative – decrease in blood o B lymphocytes or B cells produce antibodies
plasma from loss of body fluids clones are called plasma cells
o Oligocythemia – deficiency in RBC count • Hemagglutination
§ Absolute – decrease in RBC o Blood also contains antigens
number in the blood o Can be recognized by antibodies in the
§ Relative – apparent decrease in blood plasma
RBC number due to the increase in o Antigen A & B and Antibody A & B
blood plasma volume o Incompatibility between blood donor and
o Anemia – decrease in red blood cells cause recipient
by decrease in precursor for RBC production, o Can cause blockages in blood vessels
massive blood loss due to hemorrhage and Blood Typing
abnormal destruction of RBC • Based on the presence of antigens on the surface of
• Normal WBC count red blood cells
o Adults (4,500-10,000 cells/microL) • Frequency of blood types is commonly dependent on
o No apparent difference in WBC between ethnicity
sexes • ABO Blood Type
• Abnormal changes to WBC count
o Leukopenia – below normal range ABO Antigen A Antigen B Antibody Antibody
§ Caused by bone marrow failure, anti-A anti-B
cytotoxic substances, AIDS A + - - +
§ Glucocorticoids, anticancer drugs, B - + + -
immunosuppressant drugs O - - + +
§ Brought about by tumors, drugs, AB + + - -
radiation or viral infections that • AB antigens are carbohydrates
• O universal donor
• AB universal recepient
Blood Type Genotype Antigen Antibody
A I I , I I A B
B I I , I I B A
O ii A, B None
AB II none A,B
• Rhesus Blood Group System
o D-antigen
o Presence (Rh+) or absence (Rh-)
o Fetal and maternal RH factor
D-antigen Anti-Rh antibody
Rh+ + +
Rh- - -
o Rh+ fetus, - mother
§ 1 baby no problem until delivery
§ intermingle of blood during
delivery, mother makes antibodies
nd • Normal clotting time = 5-8 mins
§ 2 baby Rh+ fetal blood passing
• Possible Causes
through the bloodstream of the
o Rich supplement of Vit K
mother will activate the Rh
o Estrogen medication
antibodies of the mother which
o Birth control
will travel through the placenta to
o Hormone replacement
the fetal bloodstream, binding with
o Error in experiment
the RBCs and casuing their
Factors Affecting Coagulation
destruction through lysis
§ Erythroblastos fetalis • Empty Test Tube
o Glass: negatively-charged surface activates
§ Rhogam anti-Rh antibodies
factors in intrinsic pathway
o First discovered in rhesus monkey
• Paraffin
• Blood types determine compatibility between donor
o Resembles endothelium of blood vessels in
and recipient
terms of charge
• Adverse effects such as immunologic reactions
o Slower clotting time
• Cotton fibers
• Aggregation of blood due to activation cascade of
o Increases surface area
coagulation factors
o Act as synthetic meshwork for fibrin fibers
• Hemostatic mechanism
to adhere
• Prevents blood loss when blood vessels are injured
o Faster clotting time
before shock or possible death can
• Ice bath
• Thrombin
o No clotting
o Activates platelets and induce fibrin
o Decreased enzyme activity
o Decreases available kinetic energy for
o Activates Factor XIII which stabilizes the clot
o Positive feedback loop
o Inhibits coagulation
§ Amplification of factors V, VIII, and
• Hot bath
XI (Activates factor IX)
o Increased enzyme activity
o Von Willebrand Factor
o Increases blood viscosity by evaporation
§ Carrier of Factor VIII, increases its
o Faster clotting time
• Continuously Stirred
§ Promotes platelet aggregation
o Clotting factors will not be able to gather
• Intrinsic System
o Minimize fibrin formation
o Contact with damaged surface cells in
*Ice cream after tooth extraction because:
contact w/ collagen
- Cold temperature induces vasoconstriction
• Extrinsic System
- Prevents accumulation of inflammatory substances (causes
o Damaged cells show factor III (Tissue
o Always dissolved in hemolymph
Anticoagulants o Oxygenated – blue
• 0.1% Heparin o Deoxygenated – colorless
o Natural anticoagulant § Cu > Cu++
o Sulfated polysaccharide (MW=3000 to o Gastropods, cephalopods, arthropods and
30000 Da) crustaceans
o Anti-thrombin – inactivates thrombin by • Hemoglobin
allosteric changes o Iron porphyrin (heme) compound
o Maintains clotting factors at inactive state o Most common respiratory pigment among
o Inhibits thrombin synthesis many taxa
• 1% Sodium oxalate and 1% Sodium citrate o 4 iron containing heme + globin (tetrameric)
o Sequester Ca2+ ions in the blood § can bind 4 oxygen molecules; 1:1
o Addition of CaCl2 à Increases Ca2+ à with Fe
clotting o Oxygenated – bright red
o Sodium citrate preferred over sodium o Deoxygenate – dark red
oxalate Blood Buffer Systems
§ Sodium oxalate poisonous to • Blood pH must be kept close to 7.4
cells/tissues • Hydrogen ion is extremely reactive and affects many
§ Calcium oxalate is insoluble molecules which regulate physiological processes
§ Sodium oxalate causes cellular • Blood pH is set at a slightly alkaline level
distortion in blood samples • A change of pH of 0.2 units in either direction is
Blood Pigments considered serious
• Test tube 1 (O2 à CO2) • Blood pH below 6.9 or above 7.9 usually fatal
o Dark red à bright red à brighter red Bicarbonate Buffer system
• Test tube 2 (CO2 à O2) • Accept H+ for form carbonic acid in acidic conditions
o Dark red à Darker red à bright red • Donate H+ in alkaline conditions
• Respiratory pigments; metalloproteins • Important for metabolic acids
o Metallic ions give color to pigment due to Phosphate buffer system
changes in valency • Uses H2PO4- as proton donor in alkaline conditions
• Enhance oxygen carrying capacity and as proton acceptor in acidic conditions
• Reversible binding with oxygen Plasma Protein Buffer System
• Humans: hemoglobin • Amino and carboxyl ends
• 4 protein chains • Acidic amino acids take the form of aspartic acid and
• iron-containing prosthetic group (heme) glutamic acid in acidic pH
• O2 à diffusion à hemoglobin à 4O2 transported • Aspartate and glutamate in alkaline pH
• Oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin • Amino groups take the form of NH3+ in acid to
• Positive cooperativity neutral pH
• Oxygenated à Bright red • Takes the from of NH2 in basic pH
• Deoxygenated à Dull red ADDITIONAL NOTES:
Four Types of Blood Pigments Difference in color of oxygenated and deoxygenated bblood
• Chlorocruonin • Color change is due to complex of hemoglobin and
o Iron porphyrin ring – mutated hemoglobin O2 undergoing conformational changes when O2
o Freely dissolved binds
o Dichroic: Green when dilute, red when o Biplanar – 4 nitrogens pair up in the
concentrated presence of O2, nitrogen pairs align
o Present in Polychaete worms o Lobe – without CO2
• Hemerythrin • Based on amount of hemoglobin
o Non-heme iron protein • Iron end of proteins bind to heme
o Pair of iron atoms bound to imidazole rings • Oxyhemoglobin – bright red
o Oxygenated – pink/violet • Deoxyhemoglobin – dull red
o Deoxygenated – colorless
§ Fe++ > Fe+++
o Found in nucleated cells
o Branchiopods and sipunculids
• Hemocyanin
o Uses copper atom instead of the usual iron
Factor Trivial Name(s) Pathway Characteristic
Prekallikrein (PK) Fletcher factor Intrinsic Functions with HMWK and factor XII
I Fibrinogen Both
II Prothrombin Both Contains N-term. gla segment