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Ready-To-Use Virtual Appliance For Hands-On IBM Spectrum Archive Evaluation

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Front cover

Ready-to-use Virtual
Appliance for Hands-on IBM
Spectrum Archive Evaluation
Hiroyuki Miyoshi
Hiroshi Araki
Takeshi Ishimoto

IBM® Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition for the IBM TS4500, IBM TS3500, IBM TS4300,
and IBM TS3310 tape libraries provides seamless integration of IBM Linear Tape File System
(LTFS) with IBM Spectrum® Scale by creating an LTFS tape tier. You can run any application
that is designed for disk files on tape by using IBM Spectrum Archive. IBM Spectrum Archive
can play an important role in reducing the cost of storage for data that does not need the
access performance of primary disk.

For more information about IBM Spectrum Archive, see the product information at:

The IBM Spectrum Archive Virtual Appliance can be deployed in minutes and key features
can be tried along with this user guide. The virtual machine (VM) has a pre-configured IBM
Spectrum Scale and a virtual tape library that allows to quickly test the IBM Spectrum Archive
features without connecting to a physical tape library. The virtual appliance is provided as a
VirtualBox .ova file.

In this IBM Redpaper publication, we show you how to set up a virtual appliance and include
typical use cases with instructions. This publication includes the following topics:
򐂰 How to migrate files from disk to tape manually and automatically.
򐂰 How to recall files from tape to disk.
򐂰 Briefly introduces tape management commands, such as reconcile, reclaim, export, and
򐂰 How REST API is supported in IBM Spectrum Archive.

This version of the trial virtual appliance includes the following software:
򐂰 IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 1.3
򐂰 IBM Spectrum Scale 5.0.0

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2016, 2019. All rights reserved. ibm.com/redbooks 1

Note: Consider the following points:
򐂰 Because this virtual appliance uses the emulated tape library, some of the command
output can be slightly different from the physical tape library.
򐂰 The capacity of each virtual tape cartridge is 10 GB, which is significantly smaller than
the physical tape cartridges.
򐂰 The virtual appliance is not an appropriate environment for performance testing.
򐂰 IBM Spectrum Scale protocol related service (NFS/CIFS/Object) is currently disabled
by default.

2 Ready-to-use Virtual Appliance for Hands-on IBM Spectrum Archive Evaluation

The requirements to run the IBM Spectrum Archive Virtual Appliance are listed in Table 1.

Table 1 IBM Spectrum Archive Virtual Appliance requirements

VM host platform 򐂰 Windows 10 Version 1903
򐂰 Mac OS 10.14.5
򐂰 RHEL 7.4

Note: Supports 64-bit only

Software Tested with VirtualBox 6.0.12

CPU 1 Core

Virtual Appliance OVA file 3 GB

temporary download space

Virtual Appliance OVA file 򐂰 SpectrumArchive_1.3.0.5_TrialVM.ova

򐂰 Note: Download the Virtual Appliance OVA file from:
򐂰 Select Free 90-day trial and the web page will guide you
through the registration of an IBM user ID to download the
OVA file.

Minimum system memory 4 GB

allocated to the VM

System disk capacity used by VM 7 GB - 100 GB

Note: 100 GB is used when all disk space (including IBM

GPFS and ten 10 GB tapes) are full. For test cases that are
described in this document, 10 GB should be enough.

Machine virtualization Must be set to ENABLED.

acceleration setup

IP addresses

Note: You can connect the VM from the host via ssh -p 2022

Installation of IBM Spectrum Archive Virtual Appliance consists of the following steps:
򐂰 Configure VirtualBox
򐂰 Import the OVA file
򐂰 Correct the network adapter

Configure VirtualBox
Complete the following steps to install the IBM Spectrum Archive Virtual Appliance:
1. Start VirtualBox.
2. Click File → Host Network Manager.
3. Ensure that there is a Host-only Adapter with IPv4 Address of and IPv4
Network Mask of DHCP Server must be enabled. If such a network does
not exist, create a new Host-only Adapter, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Host-only adapter settings

Remember the adapter name for the network.

Import .OVA file

1. Create your own instance of the virtual appliance by clicking File → Import Appliance.
2. Select the SpectrumArchive_1.3.0.5_TrialVM.ova file.

Note: During the import process, select the Include only NAT network adapter MAC
address for MAC Address Policy option.

4 Ready-to-use Virtual Appliance for Hands-on IBM Spectrum Archive Evaluation

3. During import, click Agree for the license statement, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 License statement

Correct network adapter

1. After the import process is complete, Select the Network settings of the virtual appliance.
Ensure that adapter 2 is attached to the Host-only Adapter as shown in Figure 3 (adapter
2 was configured in step 3 of “Configure VirtualBox” on page 4).

Figure 3 Network name attached to the Adapter 2

2. If the Host-only Adapter does not match, click Settings icon from the VirtualBox window.
Click Network in the Settings dialog, select Adapter 2, and change the Name field of the
adapter to the one configured in step 2 in “Configure VirtualBox” on page 4. Press OK to
apply the change.
3. Start the virtual machine by clicking the Start icon.

Setting up IBM Spectrum Archive Virtual Appliance
In this section, we describe how to set up IBM Spectrum Archive Virtual Appliance after the
installation is complete.

When the virtual machine boots, login by using the following credentials:
򐂰 User: root
򐂰 Password: ibm

The VM can also be connected from the host via ssh -p 2022 root@localhost.

IBM Spectrum Archive then can be configured by completing the initial setup process that is
described next. This set up must be completed whenever the virtual machine starts.

Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that the VM is a member of an IBM Spectrum Scale cluster, as shown in
Example 1.

Example 1 Ensuring VM is member of an IBM Spectrum Scale Cluster

[root@spectrumscale ~]# mmlscluster

GPFS cluster information

GPFS cluster name: spectrumscale.gpfscluster
GPFS cluster id: 10588301405112176324
GPFS UID domain: spectrumscale.gpfscluster
Remote shell command: /usr/bin/ssh
Remote file copy command: /usr/bin/scp
Repository type: CCR

Node Daemon node name IP address Admin node name Designation

1 spectrumscale spectrumscale quorum-manager-perfmon

2. Ensure that the IBM Spectrum Scale service is active and /ibm/fs1is mounted, as shown
in Example 2. It may take approximately five minutes for fs1 to be mounted.

Example 2 IBM Spectrum Scale service started

[root@spectrumscale ~]# mmgetstate
Node number Node name GPFS state
1 spectrumscale active

[root@spectrumscale ~]# df /ibm/fs1

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
fs1 10485760 1647872 8837888 16% /ibm/fs1

3. Start IBM Spectrum Archive by issuing the command shown in Example 3.

Example 3 Configuring and starting IBM Spectrum Archive

[root@spectrumscale ~]# eeadm cluster start
Library name: lib1, library serial: 0000VLIBRARY_LL0, control node (ltfsee_md) IP address:
Starting - sending a startup request to lib1.

6 Ready-to-use Virtual Appliance for Hands-on IBM Spectrum Archive Evaluation

Starting - waiting for startup completion : lib1.
Starting - opening a communication channel : lib1.
Starting - waiting for getting ready to operate : lib1.
Started the IBM Spectrum Archive EE services for library lib1 with good status

4. Verify the status of IBM Spectrum Archive by issuing the commands that are shown in
Example 4.

Example 4 Verifying status of IBM Spectrum Archive

[root@spectrumscale ~]# df /ltfs
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
ltfs:/filebackend/0000VLIBRARY_LL0 2199023255040 0 2199023255040 0% /ltfs

[root@spectrumscale ~]# eeadm node list

Node ID State Node IP Drives Ctrl Node Library Node Group Host Name
1 available 4 yes(active) lib1 G0 spectrumscale

[root@spectrumscale ~]# eeadm library list

Library Name Model Serial Number Ctrl Node
lib1 03584L22 0000VLIBRARY_LL0 spectrumscale

[root@spectrumscale ~]# eeadm drive list

Drive S/N State Type Role Library Node ID Tape Node Group Task ID
VDRIVE0000 not_mounted LTO5 mrg lib1 1 - G0 -
VDRIVE0001 not_mounted LTO5 mrg lib1 1 - G0 -
VDRIVE0002 not_mounted LTO5 mrg lib1 1 - G0 -
VDRIVE0003 not_mounted LTO5 mrg lib1 1 - G0 -

[root@spectrumscale ~]# eeadm tape list

Tape ID Status State Usable(GiB) Used(GiB) Available(GiB) Reclaimable% Pool Library Location Task
VTAP00L5 ok unassigned 0 0 0 0% - lib1 homeslot -
VTAP01L5 ok unassigned 0 0 0 0% - lib1 homeslot -
VTAP02L5 ok unassigned 0 0 0 0% - lib1 homeslot -
VTAP03L5 ok unassigned 0 0 0 0% - lib1 homeslot -
VTAP04L5 ok unassigned 0 0 0 0% - lib1 homeslot -
VTAP05L5 ok unassigned 0 0 0 0% - lib1 homeslot -
VTAP06L5 ok unassigned 0 0 0 0% - lib1 homeslot -
VTAP07L5 ok unassigned 0 0 0 0% - lib1 homeslot -
VTAP08L5 ok unassigned 0 0 0 0% - lib1 homeslot -
VTAP09L5 ok unassigned 0 0 0 0% - lib1 homeslot -

A virtual tape library (lib1) with four virtual tape drives (VDRIVE0000 - VDRIVE0003) and
10 virtual tape cartridges (10 GB capacity for each) VTAPE0L5 - VTAPE9L5 are attached.
The drives are pre-configured.
5. Create a tape pool for data migration and assign tapes to the pool, as shown in
Example 5. This process is required only once when the virtual appliance is first created
and set up.

Example 5 Creating a tape pool for data migration

[root@spectrumscale ~]# eeadm pool create pool1
2019-06-27 03:51:20 GLESL782I: Successfully created pool pool1.

[root@spectrumscale ~]# eeadm pool list

Pool Name Usable(TiB) Used(TiB) Available(TiB) Reclaimable% Tapes Type Library Node Group
pool1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0% 0 - lib1 G0

[root@spectrumscale ~]# eeadm tape assign VTAP00L5 VTAP01L5 VTAP02L5 -p pool1 -f
2019-06-27 03:51:30 GLESL700I: Task tape_assign was created successfully, task id is 1000.
2019-06-27 03:51:31 GLESL087I: Tape VTAP01L5 successfully formatted.
2019-06-27 03:51:31 GLESL360I: Assigned tape VTAP01L5 to pool pool1 successfully.
2019-06-27 03:51:31 GLESL087I: Tape VTAP00L5 successfully formatted.
2019-06-27 03:51:31 GLESL360I: Assigned tape VTAP00L5 to pool pool1 successfully.
2019-06-27 03:51:32 GLESL087I: Tape VTAP02L5 successfully formatted.
2019-06-27 03:51:32 GLESL360I: Assigned tape VTAP02L5 to pool pool1 successfully.

[root@spectrumscale ~]# eeadm pool list

Pool Name Usable(TiB) Used(TiB) Available(TiB) Reclaimable% Tapes Type Library Node Group
pool1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0% 3 LTO lib1 G0

[root@spectrumscale ~]# eeadm tape list

Tape ID Status State Usable(GiB) Used(GiB) Available(GiB) Reclaimable% Pool Library Location
Task ID
VTAP00L5 ok appendable 9 0 9 0% pool1 lib1 homeslot -
VTAP01L5 ok appendable 9 0 9 0% pool1 lib1 homeslot -
VTAP02L5 ok appendable 9 0 9 0% pool1 lib1 homeslot -
VTAP03L5 ok unassigned 0 0 0 0% - lib1 homeslot -
VTAP04L5 ok unassigned 0 0 0 0% - lib1 homeslot -
VTAP05L5 ok unassigned 0 0 0 0% - lib1 homeslot -
VTAP06L5 ok unassigned 0 0 0 0% - lib1 homeslot -
VTAP07L5 ok unassigned 0 0 0 0% - lib1 homeslot -
VTAP08L5 ok unassigned 0 0 0 0% - lib1 homeslot -
VTAP09L5 ok unassigned 0 0 0 0% - lib1 homeslot -

Note: If a tape status is not OK and the state indicates errors such as check_tape_library,
it is most likely a temporary error caused by the tape library emulation. In such a case, the
following workaround might fix the tape status:
1. eeadm tape unassign <tape IDs> -p <pool ID>
2. eeadm library rescan
3. eeadm tape assign -<tape IDs> -p <pool ID> -f
4. eeadm cluster stop
5. eeadm cluster start

IBM Spectrum Archive features

The basic operations for IBM Spectrum Archive are described in this section.

Manual migration
Manual migration includes the following objectives:
򐂰 Check the file status to determine whether the file data is on disk or tape
򐂰 Understand the migration policy rule file
򐂰 Manually run the migration policy and verify that the file data was migrated

Complete the following steps:

1. Create test files under the /ibm/fs1/archive test directory, as shown in Example 6.

Example 6 Creating test files in /ibm/fs1/archive directory

[root@spectrumscale ~]# mkdir /ibm/fs1/archive
[root@spectrumscale ~]# cd /ibm/fs1/archive/
[root@spectrumscale archive]# dd if=/dev/urandom of=10Mfile_1 count=1 bs=10M

8 Ready-to-use Virtual Appliance for Hands-on IBM Spectrum Archive Evaluation

[root@spectrumscale archive]# for i in $(seq 2 3); do cp 10Mfile_1 10Mfile_$i;
[root@spectrumscale archive]# yes 'This is test' | dd of=text bs=2M count=1
[root@spectrumscale archive]# ls -l
total 28672
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 10485760 Jun 27 03:52 10Mfile_1
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 10485760 Jun 27 03:52 10Mfile_2
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 10485760 Jun 27 03:52 10Mfile_3
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2097152 Jun 27 03:52 text

2. To determine whether file data is on disk or tape, run the dsmls command or eeadm file
state command.
Example 7 shows the dsmls command output. The “r” indicates that the files are resident
(on disk).

Example 7 Confirming whether file data is on disk or tape

[root@spectrumscale archive]# dsmls
IBM Spectrum Protect
Command Line Space Management Client Interface
Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 7.0
Client date/time: 06/27/2019 03:53:04
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2019. All Rights Reserved.

ActS ResS ResB FSt Prvd FName

10485760 10485760 10240 r - 10Mfile_1
10485760 10485760 10240 r - 10Mfile_2
10485760 10485760 10240 r - 10Mfile_3
2097152 2097152 2048 r - text

Example 8 shows the eeadm file state command output. The command also has a
shorter output version. All files are resident. The file data is on disk only.

Example 8 File data is on disk only

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm file state *
Name: /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_1
State: resident

Name: /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_2
State: resident

Name: /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_3
State: resident

Name: /ibm/fs1/archive/text
State: resident

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm file state * -s

R 0 - -- -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_1
R 0 - - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_2
R 0 - - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_3
R 0 - - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/text

The following file statuses are also available:
– Premigrated (p): Data is on disk and tape
– Migrated (m): Data is on tape only
3. Define a policy rule file to migrate these test files to tapes. The policy file is found at:
The contents of the policy file are shown in Example 9.

Example 9 Migrate policy contents

PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/fs1/.ltfsee/%'
OR PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/fs1/.SpaceMan/%'
OR PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/fs1/.snapshots/%'
OR (FILE_SIZE < 1024)


RULE EXTERNAL POOL 'Archive_files'

EXEC '/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/eeadm'
OPTS '-p pool1@lib1'

RULE 'Mig-test' MIGRATE FROM POOL 'system'

TO POOL 'Archive_files'
PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/fs1/archive/%'
AND NOT (exclude_list)
AND NOT (is_migrated)

When this policy is run, it migrates all resident and pre-migrated files that are in the
/ibm/fs1/archive directory from disk to tape.

Note: For best practice, the following files are excluded from migration:
򐂰 Files that are less than 1 MB in size
򐂰 Files that have been modified within the last two minutes

4. Wait two minutes after the test file creation. Run the mmapplypolicy command to run the
policy, as shown in Example 10.

Example 10 Running mmapplypolicy command

[root@spectrumscale archive]# mmapplypolicy /ibm/fs1/archive -P
[I] GPFS Current Data Pool Utilization in KB and %
Pool_Name KB_Occupied KB_Total Percent_Occupied
system 3952640 4194304 94.238281250%
[I] 59017 of 107520 inodes used: 54.889323%.

10 Ready-to-use Virtual Appliance for Hands-on IBM Spectrum Archive Evaluation

[I] Loaded policy rules from /root/policy/policy_migArchiveDir.
Evaluating policy rules with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = 2019-06-27@08:04:52 UTC
Parsed 2 policy rules.

RULE EXTERNAL POOL 'Archive_files'

EXEC '/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/eeadm'
OPTS '-p pool1@lib1'

RULE 'Mig-test' MIGRATE FROM POOL 'system'

TO POOL 'Archive_files'
PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/fs1/archive/%'
AND NOT (PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/fs1/.ltfsee/%'
OR PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/fs1/.SpaceMan/%'
OR PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/fs1/.snapshots/%'
OR (FILE_SIZE < 1024)
[I] 2019-06-27@08:04:52.493 Directory entries scanned: 5.
[I] Directories scan: 4 files, 1 directories, 0 other objects, 0 'skipped'
files and/or errors.
[I] 2019-06-27@08:04:52.557 Parallel-piped sort and policy evaluation. 5 files
[I] 2019-06-27@08:04:52.588 Piped sorting and candidate file choosing. 4
records scanned.
[I] Summary of Rule Applicability and File Choices:
Rule# Hit_Cnt KB_Hit Chosen KB_Chosen
KB_Ill Rule
0 4 32768 4 32768
0 RULE 'Mig-test' MIGRATE FROM POOL 'system' TO POOL 'Archive_files'

[I] Filesystem objects with no applicable rules: 1.

[I] GPFS Policy Decisions and File Choice Totals:

Chose to migrate 32768KB: 4 of 4 candidates;
Predicted Data Pool Utilization in KB and %:
Pool_Name KB_Occupied KB_Total Percent_Occupied
system 3919872 4194304 93.457031250%
[I] Messages tagged with <1> are from node localhost. dispatched. \.......
<1> 2019-06-27 04:04:52 GLESL700I: Task migrate was created successfully, task
id is 1004.
<1> 2019-06-27 04:04:53 GLESM896I: Starting the stage 1 of 3 for migration task
1004 (qualifying the state of migration candidate files).
<1> 2019-06-27 04:04:53 GLESM897I: Starting the stage 2 of 3 for migration task
1004 (copying the files to 1 pools).
<1> 2019-06-27 04:04:53 GLESM898I: Starting the stage 3 of 3 for migration task
1004 (changing the state of files on disk).
<1> 2019-06-27 04:04:53 GLESL038I: Migration result: 4 succeeded, 0 failed, 0
duplicate, 0 duplicate wrong pool, 0 not found, 0 too small to qualify for
migration, 0 too early for migration.
[I] 2019-06-27@08:04:55.851 Policy execution. 4 files dispatched.

[I] A total of 4 files have been migrated, deleted or processed by an EXTERNAL
0 'skipped' files and/or errors.

When the mmapplypolicy command completes, the files should be migrated to tapes, as
shown in Example 11.

Example 11 Verifying migrated files

[root@spectrumscale archive]# dsmls | tail -n +10
10485760 0 0 m ltfs 10Mfile_1
10485760 0 0 m ltfs 10Mfile_2
10485760 0 0 m ltfs 10Mfile_3
2097152 0 0 m ltfs text

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm file state * -s

M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_1
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_2
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_3
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/text

If the files are read, they are recalled from the tapes, as shown in Example 12. The recall
is triggered by file access.

Example 12 Files recalled from tapes

[root@spectrumscale archive]# tail -5 /ibm/fs1/archive/text
This is test
This is test
This is test
This is test

[root@spectrumscale archive]# dsmls * | grep text

2097152 2097152 2048 p ltfs text

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm file state text

Name: /ibm/fs1/archive/text
State: premigrated
ID: 17428432867258979361-5537376248122048639-1043068732-93711-0
Replicas: 1
Tape 1: VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 (tape state=appendable)

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm file state text -s

P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/text

The file status is p (premigrated). After a read of the migrated file, the data is recalled on to
disks. The data on the tape is still valid.
If you modify the migrated (or premigrated) file, the status is resident (r), as shown in
Example 13.

Example 13 Resident status

[root@spectrumscale archive]# echo aaa >> 10Mfile_2

[root@spectrumscale archive]# dsmls * | grep 10Mfile_2

10485764 10485764 10248 r - 10Mfile_2

12 Ready-to-use Virtual Appliance for Hands-on IBM Spectrum Archive Evaluation

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm file state 10Mfile_2
Name: /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_2
State: resident

5. The migration can also be invoked by directly passing file names to the eeadm migrate
command, as shown in Example 14.

Example 14 Running eeadm migration command directly

[root@spectrumscale archive]# sleep 120
[root@spectrumscale archive]# cat * >/dev/null
[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm file state * -s
P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_1
R 0 - - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_2
P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_3
P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/text

[root@spectrumscale archive]# find . -type f | eeadm migrate -p pool1

2019-06-27 04:11:19 GLESL277I: The "eeadm migrate command" is called without
specifying an input file. Waiting for standard input.
If necessary press ^D to exit.
2019-06-27 04:11:19 GLESL700I: Task migrate was created successfully, task id
is 1010.
2019-06-27 04:11:20 GLESM896I: Starting the stage 1 of 3 for migration task
1010 (qualifying the state of migration candidate files).
2019-06-27 04:11:20 GLESM897I: Starting the stage 2 of 3 for migration task
1010 (copying the files to 1 pools).
2019-06-27 04:11:20 GLESM898I: Starting the stage 3 of 3 for migration task
1010 (changing the state of files on disk).
2019-06-27 04:11:20 GLESL038I: Migration result: 4 succeeded, 0 failed, 0
duplicate, 0 duplicate wrong pool, 0 not found, 0 too small to qualify for
migration, 0 too early for migration.

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm file state * -s

M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_1
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_2
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_3
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/text

6. The eeadm task commands show the results of the completed commands and the status
of the running commands. For instance, the completed commands are shown in
Example 15.

Example 15 Seeing results of completed commands

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm task list -c
TaskID Type Result CreatedTime(-0400) StartedTime(-0400)
1000 tape_assign succeeded 2019-06-27_03:51:30 2019-06-27_03:51:30
1004 migrate succeeded 2019-06-27_04:04:52 2019-06-27_04:04:52
1006 transparent_recall succeeded 2019-06-27_04:06:34 2019-06-27_04:06:34
1007 transparent_recall succeeded 2019-06-27_04:07:38 2019-06-27_04:07:38

1008 transparent_recall succeeded 2019-06-27_04:10:33 2019-06-27_04:10:33
1009 transparent_recall succeeded 2019-06-27_04:10:33 2019-06-27_04:10:33
1010 migrate succeeded 2019-06-27_04:11:19 2019-06-27_04:11:19

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm task show 1010

=== Task Information ===
Task ID: 1010
Task Type: migrate
Command Parameters: eeadm migrate -p pool1
Status: completed
Result: succeeded
Accepted Time: Thu Jun 27 04:11:19 2019 (-0400)
Started Time: Thu Jun 27 04:11:19 2019 (-0400)
Completed Time: Thu Jun 27 04:11:20 2019 (-0400)
Workload: 4 files. 1 replicas.
10485764 bytes to copy. 1 copy tasklets on pool1@lib1.
Progress: -
1/1 copy tasklets completed on pool1@lib1.
Result Summary: 4 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 duplicate, 0 duplicate wrong
pool, 0 not found, 0 too small, 0 too early.
(GLESM899I) All files have been successfully copied on

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm task show 1010 -v

=== Task Information ===
Task ID: 1010
Task Type: migrate
Command Parameters: eeadm migrate -p pool1
Status: completed
Result: succeeded
Accepted Time: Thu Jun 27 04:11:19 2019 (-0400)
Started Time: Thu Jun 27 04:11:19 2019 (-0400)
Completed Time: Thu Jun 27 04:11:20 2019 (-0400)
Workload: 4 files. 1 replicas.
10485764 bytes to copy. 1 copy tasklets on pool1@lib1.
Progress: -
1/1 copy tasklets completed on pool1@lib1.
Result Summary: 4 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 duplicate, 0 duplicate wrong
pool, 0 not found, 0 too small, 0 too early.
(GLESM899I) All files have been successfully copied on
2019-06-27 04:11:20.453474 GLESM896I: Starting the stage 1 of 3 for migration
task 1010 (qualifying the state of migration candidate files).
2019-06-27 04:11:20.460617 GLESM897I: Starting the stage 2 of 3 for migration
task 1010 (copying the files to 1 pools).
2019-06-27 04:11:20.637450 GLESM898I: Starting the stage 3 of 3 for migration
task 1010 (changing the state of files on disk).
2019-06-27 04:11:20.898493 GLESL038I: Migration result: 4 succeeded, 0 failed,
0 duplicate, 0 duplicate wrong pool, 0 not found, 0 too small to qualify for
migration, 0 too early for migration.

14 Ready-to-use Virtual Appliance for Hands-on IBM Spectrum Archive Evaluation

--- Subtask(level 1) Info ---
Task ID: 1011
Task Type: copy_replica
Status: completed
Result: succeeded
Accepted Time: Thu Jun 27 04:11:20 2019 (-0400)
Started Time: Thu Jun 27 04:11:20 2019 (-0400)
Completed Time: Thu Jun 27 04:11:20 2019 (-0400)
Workload: 10485764 bytes to copy. 1 copy tasklets on
Progress: 1/1 copy tasklets completed on pool1@lib1.
Result Summary: (GLESM899I) All files have been successfully copied
on pool1/lib1.
2019-06-27 04:11:20.482769 GLESM825I: The Copy tasklet (0x20de1c0) will be
dispatched on drive VDRIVE0000 from the write queue (tape=VTAP02L5).
2019-06-27 04:11:20.509717 GLESM031I: A list of 1 file(s) has been added
to the migration and recall queue.
2019-06-27 04:11:20.631374 GLESM134I: Copy result: 1 succeeded, 0 failed,
0 duplicate, 0 duplicate wrong pool, 0 not found, 0 too small to qualify for
migration, 0 too early for migration.
2019-06-27 04:11:20.631466 GLESM899I: All files have been successfully
copied on pool1/lib1.

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm task show 1010 -r

Result Failure Code Failed time Node File name
Success - - - /ibm/fs1/archive/text
Success - - -
Success - - -
Success - - -

7. Clean up the test environment, as shown in Example 16.

Example 16 Cleaning up the test environment

[root@spectrumscale archive]# cd
[root@spectrumscale ~]# rm -rf /ibm/fs1/archive

Automatic migration
Automatic migration includes the following objectives:
򐂰 Understand the policy rule for automatic migration
򐂰 Configure the automatic migration

Complete the following steps:

1. Create test files under a test directory called /ibm/fs1/archive and run manual migration,
as shown in Example 17. Ensure all test files are migrated by running the dsmls command
or eeadm file state command.

Example 17 Test directory

[root@spectrumscale ~]# mkdir /ibm/fs1/archive

[root@spectrumscale ~]# cd /ibm/fs1/archive
[root@spectrumscale archive]# dd if=/dev/urandom of=10Mfile_1 count=1 bs=10M
[root@spectrumscale archive]# for i in $(seq 2 3); do cp 10Mfile_1 10Mfile_$i;
[root@spectrumscale archive]# sleep 120; mmapplypolicy /ibm/fs1/archive -P

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm file state * -s

M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_1
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_2
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_3

2. Add a callback to GPFS, as shown in Example 18.

Example 18 Adding a callback to GPFS

[root@spectrumscale archive]# mmaddcallback MIGRATION --command
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmstartpolicy --event lowDiskSpace --parms "%eventName
%fsName --single-instance"
mmaddcallback: mmsdrfs propagation completed.

[root@spectrumscale archive]# mmlscallback MIGRATION

command = /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmstartpolicy
event = lowDiskSpace
parms = %eventName %fsName --single-instance

3. Define a policy rule for the auto migration. The policy file to be applied is found at
/root/policy/policy_migAuto. Unlike the policy_migArchiveDir file, the policy_migAuto
does not pick up files in premigrate state, as shown in Example 19. The THRESHOLD
statement is described later in this section.

Example 19 Policy file for auto migration

PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/fs1/.ltfsee/%'
OR PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/fs1/.SpaceMan/%'
OR PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/fs1/.snapshots/%'
OR (FILE_SIZE < 1024)




RULE EXTERNAL POOL 'Archive_files'

EXEC '/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/eeadm'

16 Ready-to-use Virtual Appliance for Hands-on IBM Spectrum Archive Evaluation

OPTS '-p pool1@lib1'


TO POOL 'Archive_files'
PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/fs1/archive/%'
AND NOT (exclude_list)
AND NOT (is_migrated)
AND NOT (is_premigrated)

4. Apply the policy by running the mmchpolicy command, as shown in Example 20.

Example 20 Applying the policy

[root@spectrumscale archive]# mmchpolicy fs1 /root/policy/policy_migAuto -t
"System policy for LTFS"
Validated policy `System policy for LTFS': Parsed 3 policy rules.
Policy `System policy for LTFS' installed and broadcast to all nodes.

[root@spectrumscale archive]# cp 10Mfile_1 10Mfile_AutoMigTest

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm file state * -s
P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_1
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_2
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_3
R 0 - - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_AutoMigTest

The migration is started for the newly created files after approximately 2 minutes. The file
status changes from resident (R) to migrated (M), as shown in Example 21.

Example 21 Verifying file status change

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm file state * -s
P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_1
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_2
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_3
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/10Mfile_AutoMigTest

Notice that premigrated file is not migrated as defined in the policy.

The policy rule that is used for this test had THRESHOLD (0, 0) in the RULE MIGRATE
statement so that the lowDiskSpace event always occurs, regardless of the disk space.
These values can be adjusted, such as THRESHOLD (80, 60), when deploying at a
customer’s system so that the migration occurs only when 80% or more disk space is
being used. The migration continues to run until the used disk space is lower than 60%.
5. To clean up, delete the callback, set a default policy, and delete the test files, as shown in
Example 22.

Example 22 Cleaning up
[root@spectrumscale archive]# mmdelcallback MIGRATION
mmdelcallback: mmsdrfs propagation completed.

[root@spectrumscale archive]# mmchpolicy fs1 DEFAULT

Validated policy 'DEFAULT':
Policy `DEFAULT' installed and broadcast to all nodes.

[root@spectrumscale archive]# cd
[root@spectrumscale ~]# rm -rf /ibm/fs1/archive

Selective Recall
Selective recall includes running the eeadm recall command to start selective recalls.

Opposed to the transparent recall, a selective recall is an explicit recall of a specified group of
files. The specified files will be recalled in a performance optimized manner.

Complete the following steps:

1. Create test files and migrate them, as shown in Example 23.

Example 23 Creating test files

[root@spectrumscale ~]# mkdir /ibm/fs1/archive
[root@spectrumscale ~]# cd /ibm/fs1/archive
[root@spectrumscale archive]# dd if=/dev/urandom of=2Mfile_1 count=1 bs=2M
[root@spectrumscale archive]# for i in $(seq 2 5); do cp 2Mfile_1 2Mfile_$i;
[root@spectrumscale archive]# sleep 120; mmapplypolicy /ibm/fs1/archive -P

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm file state * -s

M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_1
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_2
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_3
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_4
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_5

2. Run the eeadm recall command by passing the file names, as shown in Example 24.
Verify the file status as shown in the same example.

Example 24 Running the eeadm recall command

[root@spectrumscale archive]# find /ibm/fs1/archive -type f | eeadm recall
2019-06-27 04:34:13 GLESL277I: The "eeadm recall command" is called without
specifying an input file. Waiting for standard input.
If necessary press ^D to exit.
2019-06-27 04:34:13 GLESL268I: 5 file name(s) have been provided to recall.
2019-06-27 04:34:14 GLESL700I: Task selective_recall was created successfully,
task id is 1019.
2019-06-27 04:34:14 GLESL263I: Recall result: 5 succeeded, 0 failed, 0
duplicate, 0 not migrated, 0 not found, 0 unknown.

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm file state /ibm/fs1/archive/* -s

P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_1
P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_2
P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_3
P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_4
P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_5

3. The eeadm recall command also accepts a file list. To test the command using a file list,
run a manual migration to migrate all test files, as shown in Example 25 on page 19.

18 Ready-to-use Virtual Appliance for Hands-on IBM Spectrum Archive Evaluation

Example 25 Preparing test files
[root@spectrumscale archive]# mmapplypolicy /ibm/fs1/archive -P
[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm file state /ibm/fs1/archive/* -s

4. Create a file list of the migrated test files and pass it to the eeadm recall command, as
shown in Example 26.

Example 26 Running eeadm recall by passing a file list

[root@spectrumscale archive]# find /ibm/fs1/archive -type f -name "2Mfile*"
[root@spectrumscale archive]# cat /tmp/file_list

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm recall /tmp/file_list

2019-06-27 04:36:22 GLESL268I: 5 file name(s) have been provided to recall.
2019-06-27 04:36:23 GLESL700I: Task selective_recall was created succesfully,
task id is 1022.
2019-06-27 04:36:23 GLESL263I: Recall result: 5 succeeded, 0 failed, 0
duplicate, 0 not migrated, 0 not found, 0 unknown.

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm file state /ibm/fs1/archive/* -s

P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_1
P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_2
P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_3
P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_4
P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_5

If a customer has millions of files to migrate, the find command can be slow. The
mmapplypolicy command can be used to generate the file list faster. As shown in
Example 27, the following policy rule can be used to find the files and run the eeadm
recall command: /root/policy/policy_recallArchiveDir.

Example 27 Recall policy rule

EXEC '/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/eeadm'
RULE 'ee_recall' MIGRATE FROM POOL 'pool1' TO POOL 'system'
PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/fs1/archive/%'

Note: The rule ee_recall indicates data movement from pool1 (LTFS/tape) to system

5. To test the eeadm recall command by using mmapplypolicy, run a manual migration to
migrate all test files, as shown in Example 28.

Example 28 Running a manual migration

[root@spectrumscale archive]# mmapplypolicy /ibm/fs1/archive -P
[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm file state /ibm/fs1/archive/* -s

6. Run the policy for selective recall and verify the status, as shown in Example 29.

Example 29 Running mmapplypolicy for selective recall

[root@spectrumscale archive]# mmapplypolicy /ibm/fs1/archive -P
[I] Summary of Rule Applicability and File Choices:
Rule# Hit_Cnt KB_Hit Chosen KB_Chosen
KB_Ill Rule
0 5 0 5 10240
10240 RULE 'ee_recall' MIGRATE FROM POOL 'pool1' TO POOL 'system' WHERE(.)
<1> 2019-06-27 04:37:55 GLESL268I: 5 file name(s) have been provided to recall.
<1> 2019-06-27 04:37:55 GLESL700I: Task selective_recall was created
sucessfully, task id is 1025.
<1> 2019-06-27 04:37:56 GLESL263I: Recall result: 5 succeeded, 0 failed, 0
duplicate, 0 not migrated, 0 not found, 0 unknown.
[I] 2019-06-27@08:37:57.987 Policy execution. 5 files dispatched.
[I] A total of 5 files have been migrated, deleted or processed by an EXTERNAL
0 'skipped' files and/or errors.

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm file state /ibm/fs1/archive/* -s

P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_1
P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_2
P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_3
P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_4
P 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_5

7. By executing the selective recall command, the status of the specified files have
changed from migrated to premigrated. There is also an option to change the status from
migrated or premigrated to resident status. To test the resident status option, run eeadm
recall with the --resident option, as shown in Example 30.

Example 30 Running eeadm recall with --resident

[root@spectrumscale archive]# find /ibm/fs1/archive -type f | eeadm recall
2019-06-27 04:40:08 GLESL277I: The "eeadm recall command" is called without
specifying an input file. Waiting for standard input.
If necessary press ^D to exit.
2019-06-27 04:40:08 GLESL268I: 5 file name(s) have been provided to recall.
2019-06-27 04:40:08 GLESL700I: Task selective_recall was created
successfully, task id is 1027.
2019-06-27 04:40:09 GLESM750I: All 5 files were successfully changed to a
resident state.

20 Ready-to-use Virtual Appliance for Hands-on IBM Spectrum Archive Evaluation

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm file state /ibm/fs1/archive/* -s
R 0 - - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_1
R 0 - - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_2
R 0 - - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_3
R 0 - - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_4
R 0 - - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_5

8. Run eeadm task commands to see the results, as shown in Example 31.

Example 31 Running eeadm task commands

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm task list -c
TaskID Type Result CreatedTime(-0400) StartedTime(-0400) CompletedTime(-0400)
1000 tape_assign succeeded 2019-06-27_03:51:30 2019-06-27_03:51:30 2019-06-27_03:51:32
1004 migrate succeeded 2019-06-27_04:04:52 2019-06-27_04:04:52 2019-06-27_04:04:53
1006 transparent_recall succeeded 2019-06-27_04:06:34 2019-06-27_04:06:34 2019-06-27_04:06:34
1007 transparent_recall succeeded 2019-06-27_04:07:38 2019-06-27_04:07:38 2019-06-27_04:07:38
1008 transparent_recall succeeded 2019-06-27_04:10:33 2019-06-27_04:10:33 2019-06-27_04:10:33
1009 transparent_recall succeeded 2019-06-27_04:10:33 2019-06-27_04:10:33 2019-06-27_04:10:33
1010 migrate succeeded 2019-06-27_04:11:19 2019-06-27_04:11:19 2019-06-27_04:11:20
1012 migrate succeeded 2019-06-27_04:17:17 2019-06-27_04:17:17 2019-06-27_04:17:18
1014 transparent_recall succeeded 2019-06-27_04:22:06 2019-06-27_04:22:06 2019-06-27_04:22:06
1015 migrate succeeded 2019-06-27_04:25:43 2019-06-27_04:25:43 2019-06-27_04:25:44
1017 migrate succeeded 2019-06-27_04:32:10 2019-06-27_04:32:10 2019-06-27_04:32:11
1019 selective_recall succeeded 2019-06-27_04:34:14 2019-06-27_04:34:14 2019-06-27_04:34:14
1020 migrate succeeded 2019-06-27_04:35:23 2019-06-27_04:35:23 2019-06-27_04:35:24
1022 selective_recall succeeded 2019-06-27_04:36:23 2019-06-27_04:36:23 2019-06-27_04:36:23
1023 migrate succeeded 2019-06-27_04:37:29 2019-06-27_04:37:29 2019-06-27_04:37:30
1025 selective_recall succeeded 2019-06-27_04:37:55 2019-06-27_04:37:55 2019-06-27_04:37:56
1026 selective_recall succeeded 2019-06-27_04:38:49 2019-06-27_04:38:49 2019-06-27_04:38:49
1027 selective_recall succeeded 2019-06-27_04:40:08 2019-06-27_04:40:08 2019-06-27_04:40:09

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm task show 1006

=== Task Information ===
Task ID: 1006
Task Type: transparent_recall
Command Parameters: dsmrecalld
Status: completed
Result: succeeded
Accepted Time: Thu Jun 27 04:06:34 2019 (-0400)
Started Time: Thu Jun 27 04:06:34 2019 (-0400)
Completed Time: Thu Jun 27 04:06:34 2019 (-0400)
Workload: 2097152 bytes of file (name: /ibm/fs1/archive/text, inode: 93711)
Progress: -
Result Summary: Transparent Recall result: Succeeded

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm task show 1027

=== Task Information ===
Task ID: 1027
Task Type: selective_recall
Command Parameters: eeadm recall --resident
Status: completed
Result: succeeded
Accepted Time: Thu Jun 27 04:40:08 2019 (-0400)
Started Time: Thu Jun 27 04:40:08 2019 (-0400)
Completed Time: Thu Jun 27 04:40:09 2019 (-0400)
Workload: 5 files, 0 bytes in total to recall in this task.
5 files, 0 bytes in total to recall in this task. [subtask:1028]

Progress: 5 completed (or failed) files / 5 total files.
5 completed (or failed) files / 5 total files. [subtask:1028]
Result Summary: Selective Recall result: 5 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 duplicate, 0 not migrated, 0
not found.
- [subtask:1028]

[root@spectrumscale archive]# eeadm task show 1027 -r

Result Failure Code Failed time Node File name
Success - - - /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_1
Success - - - /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_3
Success - - - /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_2
Success - - - /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_4
Success - - - /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_5

9. Clean up the test environment, as shown in Example 32.

Example 32 Cleaning up the test environment

[root@spectrumscale archive]# cd
[root@spectrumscale ~]# rm -rf /ibm/fs1/archive

Preserving file system objects on tape

Symbolic links, empty regular files, and empty directories are some of the file system objects
that do not contain data or content. These objects cannot be migrated to tapes by using the
eeadm migrate command. IBM Spectrum Archive provides a dedicated command to save
these objects in tapes. The command is called the eeadm save command.

For additional information refer to the following documents:

򐂰 IBM Knowledge Center for IBM Spectrum Archive
򐂰 IBM Redbooks® publication IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.0: Installation
and Configuration Guide, SG24-8333, section “Preserving file system objects on tape”.

Tape Management Commands

IBM Spectrum Archive EE provides tape management commands to de-fragment data on
tapes, unassign/assign tapes from a pool, export tapes from a library and import tapes into a

Table 2 lists the commands.

Table 2 Tape management commands

Feature eeadm command

Reconciliation eeadm reconcile

Reclamation eeadm reclaim

Making tape cartridges offline eeadm tape offline

Making offline tape cartridges to online eeadm tape online

Exporting tape cartridges from the system eeadm tape export

Importing tape cartridges into the system eeadm tape import

22 Ready-to-use Virtual Appliance for Hands-on IBM Spectrum Archive Evaluation

For more information, see the following documents:
򐂰 IBM Knowledge Center for IBM Spectrum Archive
򐂰 IBM Redbooks publication IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.0: Installation
and Configuration Guide, SG24-8333.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE provides REST API support to obtain system configuration in
JSON format via HTTP/HTTPS. By default, port 7100 is used for the REST API. In the current
version, only GET method is supported and the configuration cannot be changed via REST
API. On this virtual appliance, the REST API is ready to use without additional configuration.

REST API URL is in the format:


Valid values for <resource> are “libraries”, “nodegroups”, “nodes”, “drives”, “pools”,
“tapes” and “tasks”.

<id> is optional. If it is given, a JSON object representing <resource> specified by <id> is

shown. If it is omitted, an array of all the JSON object representing <resource> is shown.

Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that the httpd server is running, as shown in Example 33.

Example 33 Verifying status of httpd

[root@spectrumscale ~]# systemctl status httpd
httpd.service - The Apache HTTP Server
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service; enabled; vendor
preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-06-27 03:46:46 EDT; 1h 12min ago

2. Ensure that the REST API is working, as shown in Example 34.

Example 34 Verifying status of Spectrum Archive EE REST API

[root@spectrumscale ~]# curl -i -XGET 'http://localhost:7100/ibmsa/v1'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 09:00:08 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips mod_wsgi/3.4 Python/2.7.5
Content-Length: 83
Content-Type: application/json

{"message":"IBM Spectrum Archive REST API server is


3. Get JSON array of all pools via REST API, as shown in Example 35. A parameter pretty
can be used to make the output in a more human-readable format.

Example 35 Getting a JSON array of pools via REST API

[root@spectrumscale ~]# curl -XGET

"active_space": 9,
"capacity": 29796335616,
"device_type": "LTO",
"fill_policy": "Default",
"format_class": "default",
"free_space": 29786898432,
"id": "0f68d0cb-3a99-4289-8ed3-f36cb6efea61",
"library_id": "1a5e8ded-ff95-4375-89a9-0c086f0cdcc8",
"library_name": "lib1",
"low_space_warning_enable": false,
"low_space_warning_threshold": 0,
"media_restriction": "^.{8}$",
"mode": "normal",
"mount_limit": 0,
"name": "pool1",
"no_space_warning_enable": false,
"nodegroup_name": "G0",
"non_appendable_space": 0,
"num_of_tapes": 3,
"owner": "System",
"reclaimable_space": 9437175,
"used_space": 9437184,
"worm": "no"

4. Similar JSON based output can be obtained by eeadm pool list command with the -json
option, as shown in Example 36.

Example 36 Getting a JSON array of pools via eeadm CLI command

[root@spectrumscale ~]# eeadm pool list --json | python -m json.tool
"payload": [
"active_space": 9,
"capacity": 29796335616,
"device_type": "LTO",
"fill_policy": "Default",
"format_class": "default",
"free_space": 29786898432,
"id": "0f68d0cb-3a99-4289-8ed3-f36cb6efea61",
"library_id": "1a5e8ded-ff95-4375-89a9-0c086f0cdcc8",
"library_name": "lib1",
"low_space_warning_enable": false,
"low_space_warning_threshold": 0,
"media_restriction": "^.{8}$",
"mode": "normal",
"mount_limit": 0,
"name": "pool1",
"no_space_warning_enable": false,
"nodegroup_name": "G0",
"non_appendable_space": 0,
"num_of_tapes": 3,
"owner": "System",

24 Ready-to-use Virtual Appliance for Hands-on IBM Spectrum Archive Evaluation

"reclaimable_space": 9437175,
"used_space": 9437184,
"worm": "no"
"version": 1

For more information about the REST API feature, see IBM Knowledge Center here.

Policy rule tips

The mmapplypolicy policy rule is a powerful interface provided by IBM Spectrum Scale.
Various parameters or build-in features can be used to select files or to make a list of files.

This section describes tips for using the mmapplypolicy command for IBM Spectrum Archive.

Migration policy tips

The recommended policy rule tips for migration are as follows:
򐂰 Exclude IBM Spectrum Archive internal directories and .snapshot directory
򐂰 Exclude files that have been updated within two minutes
򐂰 Exclude migrated files
򐂰 Exclude files less than 1 KB in size

These are all defined in /root/policy/policy_migArchiveDir which are used in previous

migration/recall sections:
򐂰 Do not run multiple mmapplypolicy commands concurrently that would select the same

If the same files are passed to two different eeadm migrate commands at the same time, one
will fail as a duplicate.

In case of automatic mmapplypolicy execution, it is recommended to specify the

--single-instance option to mmstartpolicy when calling mmaddcallback, as shown in
“Automatic migration” on page 15.

Other tips
This section describes other migration tips:
򐂰 How to write a rule to migrate to multiple pools:
Up to 3 pools can be specified by adding to OPTS definition in the policy rule file as shown
in Example 37.

Example 37 Adding OPTS definition in the policy rule file

RULE EXTERNAL POOL 'Archive_files'
EXEC '/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/eeadm'
OPTS '-p pool1@lib1 pool2@lib1 pool3@lib1'

򐂰 How to filter/select files by directory/file names, timestamp or size:

As shown in /root/policy/policy_migArchiveDir, PATH_NAME LIKE can be used to filter
by names:
PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/fs1/.ltfsee/%'

The file size can be obtained by FILE_SIZE:
FILE_SIZE < 1024
If you want to select files that have not been accessed in the last 30 days, the following
condition can be used:
򐂰 How to control the order of files to migrate, especially for auto migration:
WEIGHT can be used to control the order of files to migrate. Example 38 makes the
migration run from the files with the oldest POSIX access time.

Example 38 Using WEIGHT to control the order of files to migrate

RULE 'Mig-test' MIGRATE FROM POOL 'system'
TO POOL 'Archive_files'
PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/fs1/archive/%'
AND NOT (exclude_list)

򐂰 How to list migrated or premigrated files

Migrated files can be selected by the following define macro:
define(is_migrated, (MISC_ATTRIBUTES LIKE '%V%'))
Pre-migrated files can be selected by the following define macro:
򐂰 How to list saved objects:
Saved empty files, symbolic links, and empty directories can be selected by the following
define macro example:
define(is_savedfile, (MISC_ATTRIBUTES LIKE '%F%' AND (NOT
define(is_savedlink, (MISC_ATTRIBUTES LIKE '%L%' AND (NOT
define(is_saveddir, (MISC_ATTRIBUTES LIKE '%D%' AND (NOT
򐂰 How to list files that are migrated or premigrated to certain tapes:
The following expression can be used to find the files that point to a specified tape
(VTAP00L5 in the following sample):
XATTR('dmapi.IBMTPS') LIKE '%VTAP00L5@%'

Note: In physical multi-library configuration, if tapes with the same barcodes exist in
different libraries, the library ID also needs to be specified in the previous expression.

The policy rule can accept input arguments from mmapplypolicy -M <key>=<value>.
The /root/policy/policy_listFilesByTape is the full policy rule that accept the tape
name from the mmapplypolicy command. The executed example is shown in Example 39.

Example 39 Policy scan to list up files migrated to a tape

[root@spectrumscale archive]# find /ibm/fs1/archive/ -type f | sort | xargs
eeadm file state -s

26 Ready-to-use Virtual Appliance for Hands-on IBM Spectrum Archive Evaluation

M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_1
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_2
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_3
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_4
M 1 VTAP02L5@pool1@lib1 - - -- /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_5

[root@spectrumscale archive]# mmapplypolicy /ibm/fs1/archive -P

/root/policy/policy_listFilesByTape -I defer -f /tmp/out -M
Rule# Hit_Cnt KB_Hit Chosen KB_Chosen
KB_Ill Rule
0 0 0 0 0
0 RULE 'rule_premig' LIST 'files_premig' SHOW(.) WHERE(.)
1 5 0 5 0
0 RULE 'rule_mig' LIST 'files_mig' SHOW(.) WHERE(.)
2 0 0 0 0
0 RULE 'rule_savedfile' LIST 'files_saved' SHOW(.) WHERE(.)
3 0 0 0 0
0 RULE 'rule_savedlink' LIST 'links_saved' DIRECTORIES_PLUS SHOW(.)
4 0 0 0 0
0 RULE 'rule_saveddir' LIST 'dirs_saved' DIRECTORIES_PLUS SHOW(.) WHERE(.)

[root@spectrumscale archive]# cat /tmp/out.list.files_mig | awk '{print $1"

55814 /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_5
55847 /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_2
55848 /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_3
55849 /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_1
55855 /ibm/fs1/archive/2Mfile_4

For more information about the specific policy rule syntax and the built-in features, see the
IBM Spectrum Scale Knowledge Center here.

Stopping and restarting IBM Spectrum Archive

In this section, we describe how to stop and restart IBM Spectrum Archive. This process can
help if any issue can be seen in your instance of the Virtual Appliance.

Stopping IBM Spectrum Archive

Run the following commands to stop IBM Spectrum Archive:
eeadm cluster stop

Restarting IBM Spectrum Archive

Run the following commands to restart IBM Spectrum Archive:
eeadm cluster start

Re-formatting tapes
You may quickly run out of tape space because the capacity of each virtual tape is much less
than a physical tape. When tapes become full, take the following steps to re-format the tapes:
1. Delete some GPFS files that are migrated to the pool.
2. Run the eeadm reconcile command.
3. Run the eeadm reclaim command.

Furthermore, if all GPFS files can be deleted, the following steps would be faster:
1. Delete all GPFS files that are migrated to the pool.
2. Run the eeadm tape unassign <tapes> with -E option.
3. Run the eeadm tape assign <tapes> with -f option.

Detailed logs
The following files include detailed messages and log information:
򐂰 /var/log/messages
򐂰 /var/log/ltfsee_trc.log
This log file is encoded. Run following to see the decoded log:
cat /var/log/ltfsee_trc.log | /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_catcsvlog

In addition, adding -L 6 to the mmapplypolicy command gives more information about the
policy execution.

More information
For more information about IBM Spectrum Archive, see the following resources:
򐂰 IBM Knowledge Center:
򐂰 IBM Redbooks publication IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.0: Installation
and Configuration Guide, SG24-8333.

For more information about IBM Spectrum Scale, see the following resource:
򐂰 IBM Knowledge Center:

28 Ready-to-use Virtual Appliance for Hands-on IBM Spectrum Archive Evaluation

The virtual appliance has IBM Spectrum Archive 1.3 running on CentOS. However, CentOS is
not officially supported by the product. This virtual appliance is provided as is for
demonstration and training purposes. No official support by IBM is provided.

This Redpaper was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working with the
International Technical Support Organization, Tucson Center.

Hiroyuki Miyoshi is an IBM software developer in Tokyo, who is currently engaged in IBM
Spectrum Archive development. He joined IBM in 2001 with a master’s degree in Electrical
Science at Waseda University and has been developing various storage products, such as
RAID subsystems, BladeCenter storage and switch, TS7700, SONAS, and IBM Spectrum
Scale. His areas of expertise include HSM (Hierarchical Storage Management) with tapes,
distributed file system, DR solution for scalable storage systems, and RAS features, such as
resource monitoring and callhome.

Hiroshi Araki is an IBM software developer in Tokyo, who is currently engaged in IBM
Spectrum Archive development. He joined IBM in 2008 with a master’s degree in Computer
Science at Keio University and worked in development of storage products, such as TS7700,
SONAS, V7000 Unified and IBM Spectrum Scale. In 2015, he joined IBM Spectrum Archive
development and has been working on various components, especially CLI command, REST
API, and Monitoring server. His areas of expertise include RAS and DR solutions for
enterprise storage systems.

Takeshi Ishimoto is the lead developer of Linear Tape File System (LTFS) and IBM
Spectrum Archive products since 2009, and he oversees the software architecture, usability,
and performance of IBM Spectrum Archive software. He is a contributor to the SNIA LTFS
Format Specification, and is currently co-chair of the SNIA LTFS Technical Working Group.
He is located in Tokyo and helping tape clients in Asia Pacific and other regions. He was the
speaker at IBM Systems Technical University (TechU) in 2017 and 2018, and speaker at SNIA
Storage Developer Conference 2019. Before storage development, he was developing
firmware and device drivers for mobile devices and their operating systems, such as
ThinkPad, WorkPad, Apple’s PowerBook, Windows, and Linux for IBM PowerPC®.

Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:

Larry Coyne
IBM Systems Worldwide Client Experience Centers

Yuka Sasaki
IBM Systems

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30 Ready-to-use Virtual Appliance for Hands-on IBM Spectrum Archive Evaluation


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32 Ready-to-use Virtual Appliance for Hands-on IBM Spectrum Archive Evaluation

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