25 Skills Academics and Scientists Transfer To Industry
25 Skills Academics and Scientists Transfer To Industry
25 Skills Academics and Scientists Transfer To Industry
They are used to They manage Trained to They have globally They are used to
facing challenges complex projects, communicate their competitive working with
and are experienced control expenditures findings with peers, expertise in their demanding bosses
in developing and ensure timely supervisors and the specialist field. like their professors
solutions. completion of work. general public. and supervisors.
They know how to They are used to They are innovative Open to feedback The output of their
come up with true challenges that in their thinking and as they are taught work needs to be of
insights with relevant require them to approach in order to that we all stand on high quality in order
conclusions. adapt and learn new come up with new the shoulders of to be accepted by
solutions. solutions. giants. their peers.
They have They are used to Working They have solved Academics often
experience leading working on problems independently and real problems across gain valuable
teams at different that have never depending on others different companies experience working
stages of their been solved before. requires high degree and organisations. with companies while
academic career. of discipline. in academia.
They are They are used to Detail-oriented They are trained to Academia is
accustomed to managing projects people but they are innovate and create competitive with
working in teams independently or as able to move quickly novel concepts. fierce competition
with high levels of a team. on decisions and for recognition and
diversity. opportunities. funding.
Academics keep They are used to Working in teams on Their technical skills Their hypotheses are
striving for better. collaborating and different projects have been honed contact tested and
It is in their DNA to providing feedback requires self- over the years to applied in labs or
make the world a on their peers' work. discipline and a high level. industry
better place. delivering on time. environments.