(Best Online Study System) : Human Health and Disease-AIDS (
(Best Online Study System) : Human Health and Disease-AIDS (
(Best Online Study System) : Human Health and Disease-AIDS (
6. The cells called 'HIV factory' is
(a) helper T-cells (b) macrophages (c) dendritic cells (d) WBCs.
7. The human immuno deficiency virus is
(a) an unenveloped, RNA genome containing retrovirus
(b) an enveloped, RNA genome containing retrovirus
(c) an enveloped, DNA genome containing retrovirus
(d) an enveloped, RNA genome containing rheovirus.
8. The figure given below shows mode of action of AIDS virus. Identify steps A, B, C, D and E
labelled in it.
(a) A-New viral DNA introduced into cell, B-viral RNA produced, C-Viral DNA incorporated
into host genome, D-New viral DNA, E-new viruses produced
(b) A-Viral DNA incorporated into host genome, B-Viral DNA, C-New viral RNA
introduced, D-Viral RNA produced, E-New viruses produced
(c) A-Viral RNA introduced, B-viral DNA, C-Viral DNA incorporated into host genome, D-
New viral RNA produced, E-New viruses produced
(d) A-Viral DNA introduced, B-Viral RNA, C-Viral RNA incorporated into host genome, D-
New viral DNA produced, E-New viruses produced
9. AIDS is widely diagnosed by
(a) Widal test (b) ELISA (c) PCR (d) Chromatography.
10. Which of the following day is celebrated as 'World AIDS Day'?
(a) 31st March (b) 1st March (c) 1st December (d) 31st December