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Lesson Plan Format: Name of Teacher: John Jairo Vinasco and Roosevelt López Institution: La Julita

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Name of Teacher: John Jairo Vinasco and Roosevelt López


Institution: La Julita

Date : DAY MONTH YEAR Length of class

1 hour

Course: Group: Room:

English intermediate 5-A
Number of students: Average age of Students:
21 10 to 12
Learning Aim for the lesson: At the end of the lesson the learners will be able to express
their likes and dislikes for any technological device (laptop, cellphone and tablet). By doing this,
learners will take advantage of the vocabulary and grammar of likes and dislikes, present tense
and vocabulary for the class.

Linguistic Aim: Pragmatic Aim:

Present tense, vocabulary and grammar of
like and dislikes, and new vocabulary Express their likes and dislikes for any
proposed for the class. technological device (laptop, cellphone and

Professional aims:

By the end of the class I expect:

 To have had a learning centered class.

 Encouraged learners to participate actively

 Managed the time well

Assumed knowledge:

Estándar General: escribo pequeños textos sencillos sobre temas de mi entorno.

Estándares específicos: Escribo textos cortos que describen mi estado de ánimo y mis preferencias.
Escribo sobre temas de mi interés.


 Markers and board

 pictures
 notebook
 boombox
 computer and speakers

Anticipated problem Anticipated solution

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3

Aim of the Procedure(description in detail of the activity) Time and

activity Student & Teacher activity interaction
What will the Learners do?
What will the F do?

T asks Ss about their likes and dislikes and

provide examples using realia. For instance, T
shows an apple and ask them if they like or do
not like. Then he will provide the correct 15 minutes
structure of like and do not like by writing
some sentences on the board and asking for
some volunteer to do some examples on the
board with idea of whole the class.

Ls are asked to write 2 thing that they like and

do not like of an animal then they will share
their ideas writing them on the board. 10 min
Afterward T will correct the sentences together
with the Ss

T shows some flashcards with the words:

Hardware, software, Apps, design, Games and
so on. Afterward. The he ask Ls if they like
digital gadget or they do not and what they like
Study in his/her favorite device after that T show 15 min
some images with technological devices.
Afterward F organize Ss in couples and tells
them that they should write 3 sentences in their
notebooks describing one of the devices shown
by T the like or dislike of that device.

Ss are asked to write down in their piece of

paper a brainstorm about the things that
Activate they like and do not like in a technological
device after that they have to write a brief 20 min
description of one gadget using those
ideas for telling their preferences of the
device that they have selected. Finally,
one of the members of the group will share
their paragraph with the whole class.

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