MIND Graduate Essay Prize 2017: Samia Hesni
MIND Graduate Essay Prize 2017: Samia Hesni
MIND Graduate Essay Prize 2017: Samia Hesni
Illocutionary Frustration
Samia Hesni
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
This paper proposes a new category of linguistic harm: that of illocutionary frus-
tration. I argue against Jennifer Hornsby and Rae Langton’s notion of illocutionary
silencing by challenging their claim that silencing occurs when there is a lack of
uptake of the speaker’s illocutionary act. I look at two scenarios that their view
treats differently and argue that these scenarios warrant the same kind of analysis;
Hornsby and Langton’s notion of silencing can’t capture the purported difference
they want it to capture. I propose that we should look instead to standing to explain
the phenomenon that illocutionary silencing intends to explain. I explicate the role
of standing in terms of illocutionary frustration, then consider street harassment as
an example of a linguistic interaction that is best explained by my proposed view.
1. Silencing
As many have noted, J.L. Austin’s speech act analysis is a helpful way to
talk about language that degrades and harms. Specifically, following
Senate President: — Obj, Objection is heard. The Senator will take her
As was well documented by the media, the Senate President silenced
Warren: he sent her to her seat and rendered her unable to continue
speaking. But we can make the case that there was illocutionary silen-
‘Mitch McConnell Cuts Off Elizabeth Warren’s Speech & Has Her Silenced’. YouTube.
8 February, 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3IL7oL50WY.
One way to think about failed leave-taking is to think about instances of failed conver-
sation ending: instances in which one person tries to end a conversation, but the other person
doesn’t let her. I choose to talk about ‘leave-taking’ rather than ‘conversation ending’ because
there are some interpretations on which conversation ending (and initiating) is a mutual
endeavour. Like others who theorize about speech acts and the kinds of silencing associated
with them, I am particularly interested in what happens when a speaker is hindered from
performing a certain speech act on her own.
This is the view in Langton (1993) and, as I understand it, Langton (2009). Hornsby and
Langton (1998) allow that a partial refusal may have occurred in the former scenario. I will say
more about this in § 2.1.
as such. Treating the fact of the refusal as out of the victim’s control
deprives her of agency and legal standing. My second and more central
claim is that once we spell out what constitutes uptake of a refusal, the
two kinds of scenarios turn out to be similar in important and relevant
respects — so important and relevant that we should rethink the
or Scenario 2.5 In both cases, she is harmed. In both cases, she is raped.
In both cases, saying ‘no’ fails to make B withdraw his sexual advances.
On these three points, Langton and I are in agreement.
Here’s where we differ: I maintain that it would be wrong to then say
to A that she refused in Scenario 2 but not in Scenario 1, given that in
Scenarios 1 and 2 should be treated in the same way because they are
indistinguishable to the speaker, and the downstream effects of that
indistinguishability warrant the speaker to truly say she has refused in
both scenarios. Now I will argue that Scenarios 1 and 2 should be given
the same treatment because they are similar with respect to the hearer.
Others (Bauer 2015) have argued that the victim did refuse in scenarios like Scenario 1.
I am sympathetic towards this view, though I am agnostic about whether the presence of
refusal means there was no illocutionary silencing; or whether there is an understanding of
illocutionary silencing to be developed that is consistent with the victim’s having refused. (See
Maitra 2004, 2009 and McGowan 2009, among others) for views of silencing that are consist-
ent with the speaker’s having refused.) My preferred conclusion is that this points to internal
difficulties with the notion of illocutionary silencing, and that there are better notions out
there that capture the phenomenon in question.
Maitra and McGowan (2010) argue convincingly that Langton is not advocating a view
on which illocutionary silencing is constituted by a ‘meaning switch’ (where pornography
makes it the case that ‘no’ means ‘yes’). This meaning-switch view is not what I have in
mind when I discuss the ‘no-means-yes’ phenomenon. By ‘no-means-yes’, I mean the pro-
cess by which a speaker who hears an utterance of ‘no’ comes to interpret that utterance to
mean ‘yes’.
This view is represented by most Gricean and neo-Gricean accounts of nonliteral mean-
ing in philosophy, but also in psychology and linguistics. (See also Lyons 1977, Horn 1984,
Janus and Bever 1985, and Huang 2010.) Competing views like conventionalism or relevance
theory (Sperber and Wilson, 1986, for example) hold that there is no reasoning process when it
comes to nonliteral speech. Instead of reasoning through alternatives, the hearer immediately
finds the most relevant interpretation of the speaker’s utterance. Others (Camp 2006) point to
psycholinguistic evidence that shows that different kinds of nonliteral meaning involve differ-
ent cognitive interpretive processes. More finessing will have to be done to make my argument
go through if one holds a relevance theory or conventionalist view of nonliteral speech; that is
beyond the scope of this paper. Wieland (2007) gives us reason to believe that a convention-
alist view of nonliteral speech is not relevant to the goals, purposes, and framework of
Hornsby and Langton, which would make that task easier.
Another framework for this kind of interpretation of nonliteral speech — called the
‘three-stage model’ — is summarized by Glucksberg and McGlone (2001) as follows:
(2) Test the derived literal meaning against the context of the utterance;
(3) If the literal meaning makes sense, accept that meaning as the utterance mean-
ing, that is, the speaker’s intended meaning. If it does not make sense, then seek
an alternative, nonliteral meaning that does make sense in the context.
We can flesh out this notion in terms of ‘meaning’ or ‘content’, depending on one’s
theoretical commitments. I choose ‘meaning’ here to explicate the idea that ‘no-means-yes’ is
concludes that the speaker’s utterance of ‘no’ means yes.13 And therein
lies the failure of uptake.
I hope that now we can see that this isn’t very different from what is
going on in Scenario 2. At the very least, we can pinpoint what the
difference is. In both of these scenarios, the first step on the part of the
Of course, this is a tedious way of spelling out what, according to Hornsby and Langton
and others, is a split-second process. I agree that most circumstances of people interpreting ‘no’
to mean yes do not involve this explicit, articulated, step-by-step calculation of what the speaker
could mean and what she must mean. But so do proponents of Nonliteral Speech. The way we
understand ‘Can I use the bathroom?’, metaphors, sarcasm, and other nonliteral speech is
similarly split-second. The point is just that similar processes are underlying the split-second
interpretation — and they are specific to this kind of nonliteral speech interpretation. Although
the interpretive act takes mere seconds (or milliseconds), there is some empirical evidence to
suggest that processing of nonliteral speech takes longer than processing of literal speech, which is
evidence in favour of this kind of neo-Gricean framework. Elisabeth Camp summarizes some of
these: ‘Various studies (…) have found that unfamiliar and novel metaphors do take significantly
longer to process than either literal sentences or familiar metaphors. Bowdle and Gentler (2005)
also found that novel similes are processed significantly faster than novel metaphors, suggesting
that it’s not merely the unfamiliar juxtaposition of terms, but the literal sentence meaning itself,
that increases processing time’ (Camp 2006 p. 157).
This is not (conceptually) incoherent. I could refuse a job offer even though I really want
the job; I have still refused.
More should be said about what it means for the hearer in Scenario
1 to first interpret or recognize ‘no’ as a refusal. There are various
forms this could take. One option is that the hearer could fully in-
ternalize the refusal, come to believe that the speaker has refused, and
then have that belief generate some internal contradiction such that
I am grateful to Ishani Maitra and an anonymous reviewer for pointing this out.
I take this to be consistent with Hornsby and Langton’s notion of uptake, which ‘consists
in the speaker’s being taken to be performing the very illocutionary act which, in being so
taken, she (the speaker) is performing’ (Langton 2009, p. 78).
I am grateful to an anonymous reviewer for suggesting this reading of Hornsby and
Langton (1998).
hearer interprets the speaker as doing something other than what she
intended. And I hope I have given reasons to problematize it.
3. Illocutionary frustration
There is something like a lack of uptake by the hearer here, but the
reason for it is different. It’s not that the lack of uptake has anything to
do with the specific contours of ‘no’ meaning yes — instead, it’s about
the way B treats A, and how he views her as a speaker and an agent: as
not being able successfully to refuse regardless of the words she chooses.
example, an ordained minister may not have the standing to officiate a wedding ceremony if
she is the guest, despite having the authority to marry two individuals. More importantly,
hearer perceptions of authority and hearer perceptions of standing can come apart. As a result,
illocutionary frustration can occur without authority silencing.
This might be ruled out by Gricean analyses of uptake like Harnish and Bach’s (1979) or
Maitra’s (2009) that take recognition of the speaker’s intention to be a condition for uptake.
of performing the act, but is constitutive of the act’s having its in-
tended effects). This still captures the harm of silencing; the no-
means-yes myth prevents a woman from refusing successfully. But it
also accounts for the influence of other cultural and social scripts and
myths about women and sex.23
the above criteria; it also (as we shall see) gives us a way of describing
other similar cases that illocutionary silencing says nothing about.
4. Leave-taking
See footnote 2. Bach and Harnish (1979) call leave-taking a kind of salutation. Schegloff
and Sacks (1973) discuss similar phenomena which they call closings of conversation.
These are not perfect parallels. Among the asymmetries between the two is the way
people may say ‘Hello’ in passing without initiating much, and without having to formally
end whatever passing interaction they had.
Street harassment
Ali is reading a book on a park bench. An older man sits down next to
her and asks her what she is reading. She shows him the cover of her
Bus stop
It’s night time in the middle of winter, and Cee is waiting for the bus.
There is a bus shelter with no lights and a bench, to shield passengers
from the cold while they wait for the bus. A man inside says ‘Hey
sweetheart, are you waiting for the bus?’ She says ‘Yes’. He says ‘Do
you wanna wait in here with me?’ She says ‘No thank you’. He says
‘Well you’re not going anywhere; we’re getting on the same bus’.
Solo hiker
Jo is hiking alone in the mountains. A man in hiking gear approaches
her and asks her if she is lost. She says no. He says ‘You must really
love nature, huh?’ She says ‘Yes, I like being out here alone. I should be
going now’. He asks ‘Which way are you going?’ She is getting a bit
worried and says ‘I haven’t decided yet. Goodbye’. He asks ‘Can I
come with you?’ She says ‘I don’t mean any offense, but I came out
here to be alone, so I’m going to hike alone’. He gets angry and says
‘Okay, I see how it is’, and storms off. Jo worries for her safety for the
remainder of her hike.
Traffic stop
Michigan state police sergeant Jonathan Frost pulls over 17-year old
Deven Guilford and asks for driver’s license, registration, and proof of
insurance, and says: ‘[I] pulled you over today ‘cause you flashed me,
I didn’t even have my brights on’. Guilford responds ‘[Y]es you did,
Sir… I couldn’t see. I could not see’. Frost proceeds to argue with
Guilford about whether his lights are on. Guilford asks three times if
he is being detained. Frost ignores the first two times and then says
‘[Y]es, you are’. Guilford asks ‘[F]or what crime?’ Frost responds
‘[Y]ou flashed me with your high beams’. Guilford says ‘I have not
committed a crime’. Frost responds ‘Refusing to give me your ID in a
traffic stop is a misdemeanour, right now, you are committing a
misdemeanour, you have two choices, you can get with the program
and start complying with the traffic stop, or you’re going to be taken
to jail, those are your two choices…’29
Examples of failed conversation-ending (or failed disengaging) in-
Gendering the definition in the above way also leaves out differences of risks related to specific
groups, for example, the harassment-related violence suffered by trans women and trans* and
genderqueer individuals. A full account of street harassment should reflect this. For these
reasons, we should prefer a non-gendered or at least an otherwise more inclusive account
of street harassment. Also see further sources for the particular vulnerability to violence of
trans* women of colour (Townes 2017, Logan 2013, Meyer 2012, Lombardi 2009).
‘What Is Street Harassment?’ Stop Street Harassment, 1 March 2015, www.stopstreethar-
5. Conclusion
I have argued for three interrelated theses. First, the notion of uptake
in illocutionary silencing is problematic when it comes to central cases
like that of sexual refusal. As others have argued, it further harms
victims of sexual assault to tell them that they have not (fully) refused
or that their refusal is out of their control when they have said and
done everything in their power that constitutes a refusal. As I have
argued, the notion of uptake runs into considerable internal
Bettcher (2018, 2014, 2012) discusses her concept of interpersonal spaciality — which
characterizes encounters between people more broadly. In doing so, she gives us frameworks
to understand interpersonal boundaries and their transgressions. One could also, following
Bettcher, think about public spaces and harassment in these terms.
I am grateful to Emma Atherton, David Balcarras, Nancy Bauer, Herman Cappelen, Vera
Flocke, Carolina Flores, Sally Haslanger, Kathleen Hintikka, Justin Khoo, Ishani Maitra, Rachel
McKinney, Mari Mikkola, Alex Prescott-Couch, Robert Stalnaker, Rachel Katherine Sterken,
and Philip Yaure for valuable feedback on this project. I would also like to thank an anonym-
ous reviewer for this journal, and audiences at MIT, the Northern New England Philosophical
Association, and the University of Oslo ConceptLab series for comments on this paper or
related talks.