Output Power Characteristics of Erbium-Doped Fiber Ring Lasers
Output Power Characteristics of Erbium-Doped Fiber Ring Lasers
Output Power Characteristics of Erbium-Doped Fiber Ring Lasers
range around 1550 nm and their emission spectrum is I/ and VI are the transmission factors describing the
perfectly matched to the gain spectrum of erbium-doped roundtrip losses in the passive fiber cavity (from 1 to 2)
fiber amplifiers [l], [2]. The mode of operation can be and the losses between the end of the active fiber and the
chosen to be single line [ll, [21, pulsed [31, [41 or multiline output connector (from 1 to 31, respectively. They include
[ 5 ] , [6]. The design of the cavity is of great importance for all losses of passive components like filter, isolator, cou-
the output power and the tuning range in all these cases. plers, and splices. The reflectivity of the output coupler is
Some of the parameters influencing the performance are R. The intracavity power P F ( G ) at wavelength A, can be
the output coupling ratio, the intracavity losses, and the analytically expressed by the gain G and pump power Pp
doped fiber length. We have investigated experimentally at wavelength A, [7]:
and theoretically the output power of a 980 nm pumped
erbium-doped fiber ring laser as a function of these pa-
rameters. For the theoretical calculation of the output
power we used an analytical gain equation that was previ-
ously derived for erbium-doped fiber amplifiers [71.
The setup of the ring laser is depicted in Fig. 1. Due to
the optical isolator the laser operates in a traveling wave
Here G,,, = exp ( ( a p / 6 - a L ) .L ) describes the maxi-
mode. The optical filter selects one oscillation wavelength
mum available gain at AI* that is only reached for arbitrar-
A,. Above threshold the laser output power P F t is then
ily high pump powers. L is the active fiber length and
given by
6 = ( A L . P,""'>/(A, * P F t ) denotes the ratio of saturation
Pyt = P F ( G ) . G * V , . (1 - R ) powers at A, and A,. The saturation powers P,: and the
small signal absorption coefficients ( Y ~ ,can ~ either be
where P p is the intracavity power at A, at the entrance measured [8] or calculated [7]. Combining (1)-(3) leads to
of the amplifier fiber (reference point 2 in Fig. 1). The the single-line output power of the erbium-doped fiber
gain G between point 2 and 1 is determined by the ring laser above threshold
oscillation condition
The output power of the ring laser with active fiber REFLECTIVITY, 70
length L = 20 m at wavelength A, = 1533 nm is shown in (a)
Fig. 2 as function of pump power for reflectivities R = 10, 12
second source of error is the loss of the fusion splice at
point 2 in Fig. 1. It was set constant in the calculation,
Fig. 3. Output power as function of reflectivity R for A, = 1533 nm.
although a slight variation is to be expected during the Pump power 52 mW, active fiber length L = 10-30 m. Solid lines are
cutback of the active fiber from L = 30 to 10 m. For long calculated using (4)-(6).