St. Paul University Philippines
St. Paul University Philippines
St. Paul University Philippines
Respiratory Drugs
I. Objectives:
At the end of the exercise, the students should be able to:
1. Identify the common respiratory drugs that cause intoxication
2. Describe the mechanism by which they cause toxicity
3. Learn the appropriate management, treatment and prevention of the clinical manifestations
resulting from intoxication with respiratory drugs
II. Discussion:
Respiratory drugs are prescription drugs and medicines for conditions and diseases relating to
lungs and/or breathing. They are drugs intended for treatment and prevention of acute respiratory
distress syndrome (ARDS), allergy, asthma, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, lung disease,
pneumonia, sinus infections, smoking cessation and others
2. Antitussives
• Drugs that control coughs by its direct action on the brain.
3. Bronchodilators
• Agents that open airways in the lungs and medications that relax smooth muscle
tissues to improve breathing.
4. Decongestants
• Agents that constrict blood vessels in the nose and sinuses to open air passages.
They are available in different forms as oral preparations, nose drops or nasal sprays
5. Expectorants
• Agents that are used to change a dry nonproductive cough into a productive one by
increasing the amount of mucus that is produced.
Recognition go drug-induced lung disease, however, is difficult because the clinical, radiological,
and histological findings are nonspecific. Because no diagnostic studies are available to confirm the
presence of drug-induced lung reaction, health care providers can make a correct diagnosis only if
they are aware of the drugs that have been identified to cause pulmonary reactions.
III. Materials:
Reference Materials
Laboratory Manual
IV. Procedure:
Case Analysis. Using the following case, identify the suspected poisonous/ toxic
substance; describe its physicochemical properties, mechanism of toxicity, clinical signs and
symptoms of toxicity and possible management or treatment procedures/ antidotes.
Case 1
MS a 19 y.o. obese female was brought to the Emergency Room due to palpitations. Her
blood pressure was 200/160 mmHg. Present medication includes a nasal decongestant for her
clogged nose and allergic rhinitis. Her mother states that she was drinking a slimming coffee to loose
Case 2
A 60 year old woman with bronchospasm and theophylline blood level of 7 ug/mL 18 hours
previously received terbutaline 2.5mg instead of the recommended dose of 0.25 mg SQ. She
developed palpitations, chest pain, tremor, tachycardia, and HTN developed with
electrocardiographic changes reflecting myocardial ischemia. The tremor diminished over the next 24
Case 1
Data Results
Physicochemical Properties
Mechanism of Toxicity
Case 2
Data Results
Physicochemical Properties
Mechanism of Toxicity
Questions to answer
2. What is Ma Huang?