Nueva Vizcaya State University Bambang Campus, Nueva Vizcaya
Nueva Vizcaya State University Bambang Campus, Nueva Vizcaya
Nueva Vizcaya State University Bambang Campus, Nueva Vizcaya
Charter of the United Nations, and good faith in the fulfillment of the obligations
assumed by the states in accordance with the Charter, affirming that indigenous peoples
are equal to all other peoples, reconignizing the right of all peoples to be different. Also
that all peoples contribute to the diversity and riches of civilizations and cultures, which
constitute the common heritage of humankid. Further that all doctrines, policies and
practices based on or advocating superiority of the peoples or individuals on the basis of
national origin or racial,religious,ethnic or cultural differences are racist,scientifically
false,legally invalid,morally condemnable and socially unjust.That indigenous in the
exercise of their rights,should be free from discrimination of any kind ,concerned that
indigenous peoples have suffered from historic injustices as result of,inter alia, their
colonization and dispossession of their lands,territories and resources . The urgent need to
respect and promote the inherent rights of indigenous peoples which derive from their
political , economic and social structures and from their cultures,spiritual
traditions,histories and philosophies ,especially their rights lands,territories and resources.
Recognizing also the urgent need to respect and promote the right of indigenous
peoples. Welcoming the fact that indigenous peoples are organizing themselves for
political,economic,social and cultural enhancement and in order to bring to an end all
forms of discrimination and oppression wherever they occur,Convinced that control by
indigenous peoples over developments affecting them and their lands ,territories and
resources will enable them to maintain and strenghten their institutions,cultures and
traditions,and to promote their development and in accordance with their aspirations and
needs. Recognizing that respect for the indigenous knowledge , cultures and
traditional practices contributes to sustainable and equitable development and proper
management of the environment. Emphasizing the contribution of the demilitarization of
the lands and territories of indigenous peoples to peace, economics and social progress
and development ,understading and friendly relations among nations and peoples of the
world. Recognizing in particular the rightof indigenous families and communities to
retain shared responsibility for upbringing,training ect. Considering that the rights
affirmed in traties, Agreements and other constructive arrangements between states and
indigenous people,Considering also that treaties,agreements and other constructive
arrangements ,and the relationship they represent. Acknowleging that the Charter of the
United Nations,the Internatinal covenant on Economic, social and cultural Rights 2 and
the International Covenanton Civil and Political Rights. Bearing in the mind that nothing
in this Declaration may be used to deny any peoples their right to self-determination
,exercised in conformity with international law. Convinced that the recognition of the
rights of indigenous peoples in this Declaration will enhance harmonious and cooperative
relations between the state and indigenous peoples,based on principles of
justice,democracy,respect for human rights ,non-discrimination and good faith.
Encouraging States to complywith and effectively implement all their obligations as they
apply to indigenous peoples under international instruments, in particular those related to
human rights , in consultation and cooperation with the peoples concerned. Emphasizing
that United Nation has an important and continuing role to play in promoting and
protecting the rights of indigenous peoples. Believing that this Declaration is further
important step forward for the recognition, promotion and protection of the rights and
freedom of indigenous peoples and in the development of relevant activities of the
United Nation system in this field. Recognizing and reaffirming that indigenous
individuals are entitled without discrimination to all human rights recognized in
international law,and that indigenous peoples possess collectives rights which are
indispensable for their existence,well-being and integral development as peoples.
Recognizing that the situation of indigenous peoples varies from region to region and
from country to county and that the significance of national and regional particularities
and various historical cultural backgrounds should be taken into consideration, Solemnly
proclaims the following United Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a
standard of achievement to be pursued in a spirit of partnership and mutial respect .
History of Barangay Banggot
By.Pedro T. Sierra
Banggot is one of the district of bambang located at eastern part of the Municipality
of Bambang. “Banggot” derived from the word “Ba-a” which means in the Isinai dialect
means “old Place” and “ungot” means coconut shell used for cup or plate by the first
settlers. “Ba-a-Ungot” or Banggot.Banngot was explored ahead of all the places in the
town of Bambang the first settlers were Ilongot from Binatangan on the Sierra Madre
mountain which is now called Kongkong,Igorots from the Cordilla mountain came and
settled down the valley of Banggot, they name new settlement Buag.The Catholic Church
facing it, the Calle Mayor as it was name before,is one of the widest street,now Rizal
Boulevard. The Banggot people before were called "Immeas" because of their dialect.
Immeas is the original of the Isinai dialect. Ungot in Immeas technically meant "harden".
This is true with the custom of the people before. They were hard to convince, but one
convinced, they follow as string of beads.
3.What are the prime sources of the information on the provision of UNDRIP?
4.What are the reason for compliance and non-compliance of the UNDRIP?
During interview while I'm asking our Kapitan he is listening and look like interested
about my question, some of workers their was also interested on question when i
started to asked the question to our kapitan, answered it thinking so deeply about his
answer and he also shared his ideas on how to solve or how to improve that problem.
But any how I appriciated our Kapitan for showing his respect to Indigenous People like
me he said that he support all the programs about activity of IP's.
He is already sixty-five years old and his position is he is the kapitan in Barangay
banggot and he serve in Banggot for almost 10 years.
Rights of Indigenous Peoples that their must be a equal treat to IPs and have a same
right like to the Non- Indigenous peoples.
The suggestion of the respondent is they should be study and observe the Human Right
of the IP's so that they have background on it.
Therefore, barangay Banggot should do an action according to the question that I asked
because some right of IP's was not totally practice in that place and as far as I know
every barangay should have this ordinance that should be follow and apply .That they
should do a program seminar about the lifestyle of Indigenous peoples so that they have
knowledge/idea about it and their was no discrimination when they do their practices/
tradition in the low land.
Nueva Vizcaya State University
Submitted by;
Submitted to;
Alicia D. Sapao