Composition Paper 1
Composition Paper 1
Composition Paper 1
Optimizing the composition and technological mode for the production of PVC
profiles for doors and windows
2 335
2 authors, including:
Petar Velev
University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy
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All content following this page was uploaded by Petar Velev on 25 January 2017.
The impact of different brands of stabilizers, modifiers, fillers and pigments on the performance properties of the
finished products was studied at the operational production line of Weiss Profil Ltd. The optimal composition of polyvinyl
chloride profiles was defined based on the studies.
The most appropriate mode of extrusion technology for the optimized composition was established, having studied
its effect on the physical and mechanical properties of polyvinyl chloride profiles for doors and windows.
The whiteness and impact resistance of the profiles subjected to two types of accelerated aging for 300 hours -
with xenon and ultraviolet light sources were defined. It was proven that xenon source leads to more intensive aging of
the polyvinyl-chloride composite.
Keywords: PVC, profiles, production, aging.
Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 46, 2, 2011
The operating conditions of extrusion can affect The extruder was equipped with a nozzle, ensur-
both the transitory properties of the profiles and their ing products in accordance with the requirements of
durability. Therefore, the products obtained in the three the standard Non-plasticised PVC profiles for doors
investigated technological modes were subjected to and windows - BS EN 12608.
artificial light aging under the effect of irradiation with After selecting the optimal composition it was
ultraviolet (UV) and xenon (Xe) light source. necessary to determine the impact of different modes of
extrusion on the productivity and the physical and
EXPERIMENTAL mechanical parameters of the profiles.
The selected modes of extrusion, depending on the
The following materials were used: final temperature of the nozzle were conventionally called:
PVC suspension with K (value) 67, brand Technological Mode 1 -194°C, Technological Mode 2
Ongrovyl S5167 - Hungary; - 196°C and Technological mode 3 191°C
Stabilizers were added in amounts recom- To determine the performance characteristics of
mended by the manufacturers, using the following brands: the extrudates, the following characteristics were
IKA - 7598C3G, Austria; Akdeniz Kymia - Akropan determined:
76/2GB, Turkey; Reagens - ABS097/30, Italy, Baerlocher Charpy impact strength - in accordance with ISO
- Baeropan 9766FP, Germany and Chemson - GWX523B, 179-2 1993;
Germany. Falling weight impact strength- BS EN 477:2003;
Modifiers Cleavage strength of welded joints - BS EN 514;
The following brands were used: Paraloid - Pro- Change of size of with the accumulation of heat -
duction Company Rohm and Haas - United States; FM BS EN 479:2002;
50 Company Kaneka - Belgium; Baerodur Company Determination of the reflection of non-metallic
Baerlocher - Germany. reflective coatings varnishes, BS EN ISO 2813 and spectral
The modifiers are copolymers of methyl meth- analysis (brilliance and whiteness) by colour system Lab
acrylate and acrylic ester. All brands are white powder (L = 100 means white, -a - green, + a - red; -b - blue,
with a bulk density of 0.300 g cm -³ to 0.500 g cm -³ and + b - yellow).
humidity < 0.3 %. Artificial aging was carried out using a climatic
Used fillers chamber ILKA Feutron 3001 and xenon chamber Q-SUN
The following brands of calcium carbonate were Lab Xe1.
used: company Huntsman - Zeta fil 1.CST - Belgium
Company Erciyes micron - PRF1 - Turkey; Erciyes micron RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
- SF1C - Turkey and the firm Omya - Hydrocarb 95T -
France; Profiles of non-plasticised polyvinyl chloride (PVC-
All are inert fillers - white powder spherical par- U) with different brands of stabilizers were prepared.
ticles with diamond structure and particle sizes of 0.4 The determination of the physical and mechani-
ìm to 1 ìm. Humidity is less than 0.3 %. cal properties of the resulting profiles showed that the
The following brands of titanium dioxide (rutile) brand of stabilizer used affects the quality of the result-
were used: Dupont-USA, RFK - Turkey, R-TC 30 - Turkey, ing product. The indicators that change significantly are
Tiona - France, Kronos 2220 - Belgium. presented in Fig. 1.
These fillers are powdered with tetraedrical crys- The stabilizer brand affects the linear extension
tal lattice. A density of 4.00 g cm -³ up to 4,30 g cm -³ of the studied compositions. Best results were obtained
and decomposition temperature 1640°C. using the stabilizer brand Reagens, and lowest with
The products subject to our testing and analysis Baerlocher.
were made with extruder Titan 68 with the following The stabilizer brand does not significantly influ-
characteristics: ence the impact strength with a falling weight.
- Screw diameter 30 mm; In spectral analysis (whiteness) - the results vary
- Length of screw 30 D; with the L-value 93.9 of Company Akdeniz Kymia to
P. Naydenova P. Velev
Fig. 1. Depending on linear expansion (1) the strength of Fig. 2. Depending on linear expansion (1) the strength of
welded corners (2) and shine (3) profiles on the marks welded corners (2) and shine (3) profiles on the marks
stabilizer. modifier.
Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 46, 2, 2011
Fig. 5. Depending on linear expansion (%) and the strength of welded corners, kN on the mode of extrusion.
Fig. 5 presents the modification of the linear ex- With increasing the temperature of the machine the gloss
tension (Resize in storage of heat, according to EN 479) is reduced. This is due to thermal destruction processes
and the strength of welded angles depending on the occurring on the profile surface. The lower temperature,
operating conditions of extrusion for the material. pressure, and consequently less strain contribute to in-
From the results it is clear that performance in- creasing the brightness, which is achieved in the third mode.
dicators (with a tolerance of maximum 2 %) for the These results are consistent with literature data [3, 4].
linear expansion are the best in the first mode of extru- Fig. 7 presents the change of whiteness (by value
sion. The strength of the weld is not substantially al- L *) of the samples tested, depending on the extent and
tered. type of exposure.
Fig. 6 presents the results of brilliance change in As it is clear from the results, the change in L *
different modes of extrusion. value is the least with the most friendly mode of extru-
As seen from the figure, the highest gloss is ob- sion - 3.
tained at mode 3. This technological mode differs from Fig. 8 presents the results of Charpy impact test
the other two with the lowest temperature of extrusion. in the three modes of extrusion, and the change in these
P. Naydenova P. Velev
Fig. 7. Change the primary color depending on the mode of extrusion: 1 - before artificial aging; 2 - after 150 h UV exposure;
3 - 150 h after irradiation with Xe - source; 4 - after 300 h UV exposure; 5 - after 300 h irradiation with Xe - source.
Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 46, 2, 2011