The Potato
The Potato
The Potato
compound leaf
main stems
lateral stem
mother tuber
The plant The tuber
The potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a As the potato plant grows, its compound
herbaceous annual that grows up to leaves manufacture starch that is transferred
100 cm tall and produces a tuber – also called to the ends of its underground stems (or
potato – so rich in starch that it ranks as the stolons). The stems thicken to form a few or
world’s fourth most important food crop, after as many as 20 tubers close to the soil surface.
maize, wheat and rice. The potato belongs to The number of tubers that actually reach
the Solanaceae – or “nightshade”– family of maturity depends on available moisture and
flowering plants, and shares the genus soil nutrients. Tubers may vary in shape and
Solanum with at least 1000 other species, size, and normally weigh up to 300 g each.
including tomato and eggplant. Recent At the end of the growing season, the
research indicates that S. tuberosum is plant’s leaves and stems die down to the soil
divided into two, only slightly different, level and its new tubers detach from their
cultivar groups: Andigenum, which is adapted stolons. The tubers then serve as a nutrient
to short day conditions and is mainly grown store that allows the plant to survive the cold,
in the Andes, and Chilotanum, the potato now and later regrow and reproduce. Each tuber
cultivated around the world. Also known as has from two to as many as 10 buds (or
the “European” potato, the Chilotanum group “eyes”), arranged in a spiral pattern around
is believed to have developed from Andean its surface. The buds generate shoots which
cultivars introduced first into Chile and from grow into new plants when conditions become
there, during the 19th century, into Europe. favourable once more.
A raw potato tuber is rich in micro-
nutrients – the vitamins and minerals that
16 International Year
of the Potato 2008
New light on a hidden
18 International Year
of the Potato 2008
New light on a hidden
treasure plateau, from Russia to western China, and highlands of Cameroon, Kenya, Malawi
from China to the Korean Peninsula. In the and Rwanda.
mountain valleys of Tajikistan, some potato The potato has an extraordinarily rich
types have been grown long enough to be past, and a bright future. While production in
considered “old local varieties”. Europe – the potato’s “second home” for four
The 20th century saw the potato finally centuries – is declining, the potato has ample
emerge as a truly global food. The Soviet room for expansion in the developing world,
Union’s annual potato harvest reached where its consumption is less than a quarter
100 million tonnes. In the years following that of developed countries.
the Second World War, huge areas of arable Today in mountainous Lesotho, many
land in Germany and Britain were dedicated farmers are shifting from maize to potato,
the potato, and countries like Belarus and assisted by an FAO project for production of
Poland produced – and still do – more virus-free seed tubers. In China, agriculture
potatoes than cereals. experts claim that a staggering 30 percent
The potato came into its own as a snack increase in potato yields is within reach.
food. The invention in the 1920s of the And in the Andes, where it all began, the
mechanical potato peeler helped make potato Government of Peru created in July 2008 a
crisps America’s top-selling snack. A national register of Peruvian native potato
restaurant chain founded by the McDonald varieties, to help conserve the country’s rich
brothers in the United States in 1957 spent potato heritage. That genetic diversity, the
millions of dollars to “perfect the French fry”. building blocks of new varieties adapted to the
A Canadian firm, McCain, that began making world’s evolving needs, will help write future
frozen French fries in 1957, expanded to open chapters in the story of Solanum tuberosum.
57 production facilities on six continents and
now supplies one third of all French fried
potatoes produced internationally.
1. Atahualpa 2. Nicola 3. Russet Burbank 4. Lapin puikula 5. Yukon Gold
Bred in Peru, a high Widely grown Dutch The classic American Grown in Finland for A Canadian potato with
yielding variety good variety, one of the best potato, excellent for centuries, in fields buttery yellow flesh
for both baking and for boiling, also good in baking and French fries bathed in the light of suitable for frying,
frying salads the midnight sun boiling, mashing
11. Maris Bard 12. Désirée 13. Spunta 14. Mondial 15. Unknown
Bred in the United Red-skinned, with Another popular A Dutch potato with One of more than 5 000
Kingdom, a white yellow flesh and a commercial tuber, good smooth good looks. native varieties still
variety with a soft waxy distinctive flavour for boiling and roasting Boils and mashes well grown in the Andes
texture good for boiling
growing plants and at the top of the ridge are Manuring and fertilization
removed mechanically or by using herbicides. The use of chemical fertilizer depends on the
Ridging should be done two or three times at level of available soil nutrients – volcanic
an interval of 15 to 20 days. The first should soils, for example, are typically deficient in
be done when the plants are about 15-25 cm phosphorus – and in irrigated commercial
high; the second is often done to cover the production, fertilizer requirements are
growing tubers. relatively high. However, the potato can
benefit from application of organic manure at
22 International Year
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New light on a hidden
treasure the start of a new rotation: it provides a good Pests and diseases
nutrient balance and protects the structure of A few basic precautions against diseases –
the soil. Crop fertilization requirements need crop rotation, using tolerant varieties and
to be correctly estimated according to the healthy, certified seed tubers – can help avoid
expected yield, the potential of the variety and great losses. There is no chemical control for
the intended use of the harvested crop. bacterial and viral diseases but they can be
controlled by regular monitoring (and when
Water supply necessary, spraying) of their aphid vectors.
The soil moisture content must be maintained The severity of fungal diseases such as late
at a relatively high level. For best yields, a 120 blight depends, after the first infection, mainly
to 150 day crop requires from 500 to 700 mm on the weather – persistence of favourable
of water. In general, water deficits in the conditions, without chemical spraying, can
middle to late part of the growing period tend quickly spread the disease.
to reduce yield more than those in the early Insect pests can wreak havoc in a potato
part. Where supply is limited, water should be patch. Recommended control measures
directed towards maximizing yield per hectare include regular monitoring and steps to
rather than being applied over a larger area. protect the pests’ natural enemies. Even
Because the potato has a shallow root damage caused by the Colorado potato beetle,
system, yield response to frequent irrigation a major pest, can be reduced by destroying
is considerable, and very high yields are beetles, eggs and larvae that appear early in
obtained with mechanized sprinkler systems the season, while sanitation, crop rotations
that replenish evapotranspiration losses every and use of resistant potato varieties help
one or two days. Under irrigation in temperate prevent the spread of nematodes.
and subtropical climates, a crop of about
120 days can produce yields of 25 to Harvesting
35 tonnes/ha , falling to 15 to 25 tonnes/ha Yellowing of the potato plant’s leaves and easy
in tropical areas. separation of the tubers from their stolons
indicate that the crop has reached maturity.
If the potatoes are to be stored rather than
consumed immediately, they are left in
the soil to allow their skins to thicken – thick
skins prevent storage diseases and shrinkage
due to water loss. However, leaving tubers
for too long in the ground increases their
exposure to a fungal incrustation called
black scurf.
To facilitate harvesting, the potato vines
should be removed two weeks before the
potatoes are dug up. Depending on the scale
of production, potatoes are harvested using a
spading fork, a plough or commercial potato
harvesters that unearth the plant and shake
or blow the soil from the tubers. During
harvesting, it is important to avoid bruising or
other injury, which provide entry points for
storage diseases. Potatoes awaiting sale
in La Plata, Argentina
Storage Uses of potato
Since the newly harvested tubers are
living tissue – and therefore subject to Once harvested, potatoes are used for a variety
deterioration – proper storage is essential, of purposes, and not only as a vegetable for
both to prevent post-harvest losses of potatoes cooking at home. In fact, it is likely that less
destined for fresh consumption or processing, than 50 percent of potatoes grown worldwide
and to guarantee an adequate supply of seed are consumed fresh. The rest are processed
tubers for the next cropping season. into potato food products and food
For ware and processing potatoes, storage ingredients, fed to cattle, pigs and chickens,
aims at preventing “greening” (the build up processed into starch for industry, and re-used
of chlorophyll beneath the peel, which is as seed tubers for growing the next season’s
associated with solanine, a potentially toxic potato crop.
alkaloid) and losses in weight and quality.
The tubers should be kept at a temperature of Food uses: fresh, “frozen”,
6 to 8°C degrees, in a dark, well-ventilated dehydrated
environment with high relative humidity (85 FAO estimates that just over two-thirds
to 90 percent). Seed tubers are stored, instead, of the 320 million tonnes of potatoes
under diffused light in order to maintain their produced in 2005 were consumed by people
germination capacity and encourage as food, in one form or another. Home-grown
development of vigorous sprouts. In regions, or purchased in markets, fresh potatoes
such as northern Europe, with only one are baked, boiled or fried and used
cropping season and where storage of tubers in an astonishing range of recipes:
from one season to the next is difficult mashed potatoes, potato pancakes, potato
without the use of costly refrigeration, dumplings, twice-baked potatoes, potato soup,
off-season planting may offer a solution. potato salad and potatoes au gratin,
to name a few.
However, the global consumption of potato
as food is shifting from fresh potatoes to
added-value, processed food products.
24 International Year
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New light on a hidden
treasure One of the main items in that category goes higher viscosity than wheat and maize
by the unappetizing name of frozen potatoes, starches, and delivers a more tasty product. It
but includes most of the French fries (“chips” is used as a thickener for sauces and stews,
in the United Kingdom) served in restaurants and as a binding agent in cake mixes, dough,
and fast food chains worldwide. The biscuits and ice-cream.
production process is fairly simple: peeled Finally, in eastern Europe and
potatoes are shot through cutting blades, Scandinavia, crushed potatoes are heated to
parboiled, air dried, par fried, frozen and convert their starch to fermentable sugars that
packaged. The world’s appetite for factory- are used in the distillation of alcoholic
made French fries is estimated at more than beverages such as vodka and akvavit.
11 million tonnes a year.
Another processed product, the potato crisp Non-food uses: Glue, animal feed
(“chips” in the United States), is the long- and fuel-grade ethanol
standing king of snack foods in many Potato starch is also widely used by the
developed countries. Made from thin slices of pharmaceutical, textile,
deep-fried or baked potato, they come in a wood and paper industries
Thai chili. Some crisps are produced using a by oil drilling firms to wash
dough made from dehydrated potato flakes. boreholes. Potato starch is a
Dehydrated potato flakes and granules 100% biodegradable
are made by drying a mash of cooked potatoes substitute for polystyrene
to a moisture level of 5 to 8 percent. Flakes are and other plastics and used, for example, in
used in retail mashed potato products, as disposable plates, dishes and knives.
ingredients in snacks, and even as food aid: Potato peel and other “zero value” wastes
as part of its international food assistance, from potato processing are rich in starch that
the United States has distributed potato flakes can be liquefied and fermented to produce
to more than 600 000 people. Another fuel-grade ethanol. A study in Canada’s
dehydrated product, potato flour, is ground potato-growing province of New Brunswick
from cooked, whole potatoes and retains a estimated that 440 000 tonnes of processing
distinct potato taste. Gluten-free and rich in waste could produce 4 to 5 million litres of
starch, potato flour is used by the food ethanol.
industry to bind meat mixtures and thicken One of the first widespread uses of the
gravies and soups. potato in Europe was as farm animal feed. In
Modern starch processing can retrieve as the Russian Federation and other East
much as 96 per cent of the starch found in European countries, as much as half of the
raw potatoes. A fine, tasteless powder with potato harvest is still used for that purpose.
“excellent mouth-feel”, potato starch provides Cattle can be fed up to 20 kg of raw potatoes
a day, while pigs fatten quickly on a daily diet
of 6 kg of boiled potatoes. Chopped up and
added to silage, the tubers cook in the heat of
Therefore, a part of
in the kitchen
26 International Year
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New light on a hidden
treasure accompaniment to roast meat. Smooth, Medium-starch (or “all
creamy, mashed potato is said to be the purpose”) potatoes include
“ultimate comfort food”, while “new” long white, round white and
potatoes, steamed or boiled, are considered a yellow potatoes, such as Yukon
special delicacy. Gold, German Butterball and
Most potato recipes are easy to prepare. But Nicola, as well as purple-
choosing the right potato variety is essential fleshed tubers. They are more moist than
for a successful potato dish – in the kitchen, baking potatoes, but – some say – have a
potatoes are classified according to their blander taste. Ideal for steaming, they go well
starch content, which determines how they in stews and in baked, roasted, pan-fried and
react to cooking. Basically, the more starch au gratin dishes.
they contain, the more easily the tuber’s
starch cells burst when heated. Low-starch potatoes are called “waxy”
for their glossy skins. These moist tubers keep
Choosing the “right potato” their shape during cooking,
High-starch potatoes, also called “floury” making them the best choice
potatoes, generally have coarse, corky skin for boiling, sautés, stews and
unbeatable for baking, making and round reds, or “new” (immature, of any
French fries, and yielding light, variety) potatoes.
fluffy mashed potato. Common high-starch
varieties are Russets, Bintje, King Edward
and Maris Piper.