Joint Statement of IPHA, IAPSM and IAE
Joint Statement of IPHA, IAPSM and IAE
Joint Statement of IPHA, IAPSM and IAE
A Joint Task Force of eminent public health experts of India was constituted by IPHA, and
IAPSM in April 2020 to help the Government of India for containment of COVID-19 pandemic
in the country. Subsequently, Indian Association of Epidemiologists (IAE) also joined the Task
The terms of reference of the Joint Task Force was to 1) To review and collate the scientific
epidemiological literature pertaining to COVID-19 in India at national, state and district level;
2) To develop consensus amongst the experts regarding COVID-19 disease epidemiology,
trends and develop action plan based on the consensus; 3) To widely disseminate the consensus
statement and action plan with public health experts, health professional associations and other
key stakeholders; 4) To share the consensus statement with the policy makers at highest level at
centre and state.
The members of the IPHA, IAPSM, and IAE Joint COVID-19 Task Force are as follows: (in
alphabetical order)
1. Dr. A. C. Dhariwal, Former Director, NVBDCP & NCDC, and Advisor NVBDCP,
2. Dr Anil Kumar, President, IAE & Dy DGHS (Deafness), Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
3. Dr. AM Kadri, Secretary, IAPSM
4. Dr. Chandrakant S. Pandav, Past President IPHA & IAPSM, former Professor & Head,
Centre for Community Medicine (CCM), AIIMS, New Delhi, and President, ICCIDD
5. Dr. D.C.S. Reddy, Former Professor & Head, Community Medicine, IMS, BHU
6. Dr. Farooq Ahmed, Former Director NEIGRIMS, and Pro VC KBN University
7. Dr. Kapil Yadav, Additional Professor, CCM, AIIMS, New Delhi
8. Dr. M. K. Sudarshan, Chief Editor, Indian Journal of Public Health (IJPH)
9. Dr. Puneet Misra, Past President, IAPSM & Professor, CCM, AIIMS, New Delhi
10. Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Former Professor & Head, PGIMER, Chandigarh
11. Dr. Rajib Dasgupta, Professor, Community Health, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New
12. Dr. Sanghamitra Ghosh, Secretary General, IPHA, and CMO (SG) Ministry of Defence,
13. Dr. Sanjay K. Rai, National President, IPHA and Professor, CCM, AIIMS, New Delhi
14. Dr. Sanjay Zodpey, President, IAPSM and Vice President-Academics, Public Health
Foundation of India (PHFI), New Delhi
15. Dr. Sanjiv Kumar, Former Executive Director, NHSRC, and Chairman, Indian Academy
of Public Health (IAPH)
16. Dr. Shashi Kant, Past President IAPSM, and Professor & Head, CCM, AIIMS, New Delhi
Executive Summary and Action Plan
Hon’ble Prime Minister (PM) invited national medical professional associations on March 24,
2020 and sought suggestions for prevention and control of COVID-19. President IPHA, and
IAPSM attended the meeting. In the background of these developments, after due internal
deliberations, the first Joint Statement1 was submitted to Hon’ble PM, Hon’ble Union Health
Minister, NITI Aayog, Secretary (HFW), and Secretary (DHR) on 11 April 2020.
However, since then the Joint Task Force reviewed new evidences generated globally and
within country. The Task Force members also interacted with many other public health
professionals working at national, state, and district level. Inputs were also taken from the social
media of various professional associations. This is the second version of the joint statement with
recent evidences.
Situation Analysis: The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is a public health emergency with grave
implications for the entire world. India as part of the global community has also been adversely
impacted with a catastrophic ‘double burden’: 145,000+ cases and 4,000+ deaths, coupled with a
humanitarian crisis that encompasses an estimated 114 million job losses (91 million daily wage
earners and 17 million salary earners who have been laid off), across 271,000 factories and 65-70
million small and micro enterprises that have come to a halt.
The response of the Government of India after the first case on 30th January, 2020 blunted the
rapid progress of the infection and the nation accepted near-total disruption of all facets of daily
living. Clinical, epidemiological and laboratory knowledge for control of the novel corona virus
indicate that humankind will have to “live with the virus” and operational strategies rapidly
need to recalibrate from containment to mitigation. The emerging evidence unequivocally
indicates thatCOVID-19 worsened the health inequities, and public health measures need to
make that concern central. The global community is collaborating and sharing information to
formulate a comprehensive, effective, efficient and sustainable strategy and plan of action to
control this pandemic. At the same time each country and regions within the country have to
adapt the larger general model to its own specifics. Open and transparent data sharing with
scientists, public health professionals and indeed the public at large, conspicuous by its absence
till date, should be ensured at the earliest. This will strengthen pandemic control measures,
build bottom-up consensus and build an ecosystem of engagement and trust.
India’s nationwide "lockdown" from March 25, 2020 till May 30, 2020 has been one of the most
stringent; and yet COVID cases have increased exponentially through this phase, from 606 cases
on March 25 to 138,845 on May 24. This draconian lockdown is presumably in response to a
modeling exercise from an influential institution which was a ‘worst-case simulation’. The
model had come up with an estimated 2.2 million deaths globally. Subsequent events have
proved that the predictions of this model were way off the mark. Had the Government of India
consulted epidemiologists who had better grasp of disease transmission dynamics compared to
modelers, it would have perhaps been better served. From the limited information available in
the public domain, it seems that the government was primarily advised by clinicians and
academic epidemiologists with limited field training and skills. Policy makers apparently relied
overwhelmingly on general administrative bureaucrats. The engagement with expert
technocrats in the areas of epidemiology, public health, preventive medicine and social
scientists was limited. India is paying a heavy price both in terms of humanitarian crisis and
disease spread. The incoherent and often rapidly shifting strategies and policies especially at the
national level are more a reflection of “afterthought” and “catching up” phenomenon on part of
the policy makers rather than a well thought cogent strategy with an epidemiologic basis.
Most COVD-19 infected persons are mostly without symptoms. Even if symptomatic, the
symptoms are mild and not life threatening. Majority of the patients do not require
hospitalization and can be treated at domiciliary level with a modified “enforced social
distancing” imposed on the household. Had the migrant persons been allowed to go home at
the beginning of the epidemic when the disease spread was very low, the current situation
could have been avoided. The returning migrants are now taking infection to each and every
corner of the country; mostly to rural and peri-urban areas, in districts with relatively weak
public health systems (including clinical care) .
It is unrealistic to expect that COVID-19 pandemic can be eliminated at this stage given that
community transmission is already well-established across large sections or sub-populations in
the country. No vaccine or effective treatment is currently available or seems to be available in
near future (there are a few promising candidates though). The expected benefit of this stringent
nationwide lockdown was to spread out the disease over an extended period of time and
effectively plan and manage so that the healthcare delivery system is not overwhelmed. This
seems to have been achieved albeit after 4th lockdown with extraordinary inconvenience and
disruption of the economy and life of the general public. The case fatality rate in India has been
relatively on the lower side, and mostly limited to the high risk groups (elderly population,
those with pre-existing co-morbidities etc.). However, the lockdown cannot be enforced
indefinitely as the mortality attributable to the lockdown itself (primarily because of total
shutdown of routine health services and livelihood disruption of nearly the entire bottom half
of the Indian population) may overtake lives saved due to lockdown mediated slowing of
COVID-19 progression.
Abundant scientific and evidence-based interventions are available to control the pandemic at
state and district levels in India. These measures should be implemented while at the same time
ensuring optimal provisions for the livelihood of the poor and marginalized. Simultaneously,
provision of health care for all, especially children and women and those suffering from chronic
conditions and emergencies requiring medical attention is an urgent imperative.
Representing a very wide community of public health academics, practitioners and researchers
in India we recommend considering the following11point action plan during COVID-19
1. Constitute a panel of inter-disciplinary public health and preventive health experts and
social scientists at central, state and district levels to address both public health and
humanitarian crises.
2. Free sharing of data in public domain and Public Health Commission: All data
including test results should be made available in public domain (unlinked anonymous)
for the research community (clinical, laboratory, public health and social sciences) to
access, analyze and provide real-time context-specific solutions to control the pandemic.
A Public Health Commission with task-specific Working Groups may be urgently
constituted to provide real-time technical inputs to the government. The opaqueness
maintained by the Government of India as well as state governments in the context of
data so far has been a serious impediment to independent research and appropriate
response to the pandemic.
3. Lift lockdown, replace with cluster restrictions: The ongoing nationwide lockdown
needs to be removed and replaced with cluster specified restrictions (based on
epidemiological assessment); reasonable criteria and milestones for control of the current
phase of the pandemic in the country should be set, taking into account that successive
wave of cases is possible. The raison d'etre of the lockdown is health system preparedness;
the government needs to come out with clear monitorable benchmarks to this effect.
4. Resumption of all the routine health services: It is of utmost importance that all routine
health services at all level of (primary, secondary and tertiary) care be immediately
started with due measures to ensure protection of HCWs. Ample evidence has emerged
that the human cost of disruption of routine health services specially for terminally ill
patients, those with life threatening catastrophic health events like myocardial
infarctions, stroke, chronic infectious disease like TB and preventable measures like
immunization have far outweighed the deaths due to COVID-19. The brunt of disruption
of health services may even be higher in days to come.
5. Source reduction measures through increase of public awareness and practice of
preventive measures: The most effective strategy for control of novel corona virus
spread during all stages of transmission is source reduction strategy. Universal use of
face mask (homemade and others), hand hygiene (washing with soap and water and
hand sanitizers) and cough etiquette, should be adopted by all with special focus to high
risk population.
6. Ensure physical distancing with social bonding, avoid social stigma: Physical
distancing norms need to be practiced to slow down the spread of infection. At the same
time enhanced social bonding measures need to be promoted to address mental health
concerns of anxiety and lockdown. Stigma and discrimination in COVID-19 tend to be
associated with specific population groups (such as religious groups or returnee
migrants) even though not everyone in those groups is specifically at risk. Stigma can
also occur after a person has been released from COVID-19 quarantine. Governments,
media and local organizations need to be pro-active by making people aware and
treating them with empathy and respect.
7. Sentinel and active surveillance: It is important to conduct extensive surveillance for
Influenza like Illnesses (ILI) through ASHA/ANMs/MPWs, and Severe Acute
Respiratory Illness (SARI) through clinical institutions (including private hospitals), daily
reporting to identify geographic and temporal clustering of cases to trace transmission
foci (hot spots / cluster events). This must be supported by trained epidemiologists from
local medical colleges and public health institutions. In future use of already existing HIV
serological surveillance platform could be a cost-effective way to do the serological
surveillance and also provide an estimate of the burden and trend, needs of vaccine, and
impact of other preventive strategies.
8. Test, track and isolate with marked scaling up of diagnostic facilities: India has
significantly enhanced testing rates though some states continue to lag behind.
Benchmarks based on population norms are essential to keep this key pandemic counter-
measure on track. Some states have high numbers of backlogs; instituting standard
turnaround time is equally crucial. Governments need to support free testing in private
laboratories as well. As the number of (potential) contacts as well as returnee migrant
populations continue to increase rapidly across the country, home quarantine need to be
promoted and protocols followed with active participation and support from frontline
health workers and local communities.
9. Strengthening Intensive Care Capacity: Intensive care is only to be given by the well
trained adequately protected health care providers. Newer evidence is emerging that
symptomatic and even SARI cases can be effectively managed with oxygen and other
supportive measures. Makeshift (fangkang) hospitals are already being established in
Mumbai, Maharashtra, and same may be built in other cities of India to cater to increase
in number of patients during the peak of COVID-19.
10. Optimal PPE for frontline workers: Nosocomial infection of COVD-19 is a serious
challenge affecting safety and morale of health care providers (HCP). This is also
important mode of infection transmission amplification and acceleration once HCP
become "super-spreaders". Appropriate PPE must be provided to HCP to instill
confidence and alternate teams identified to take care of attrition due to fatigue, exposure
and quarantine. India has now enhanced capacity to produce PPEs and should continue
to ramp up production.
11. Strengthening of public health system/institutions/discipline: The historic and
systematic neglect of public health as a discipline and non-involvement of public health
experts in policy making and strategy formulation has cost the nation enormously
especially in the current pandemic. Rapid scaling up of public health (including medical
care) -- both services and research -- should be done on a war footing with an allocation
of 5% of GDP to health expenditure at center and state level.
We sign out on a positive but cautious note. Evidence based scientific and humanistic policies
will help us in overcoming this calamity with minimal loss to human life, social structures and
economies. Nature has once again reminded us of our tenuous situation in the wider universe.
It is high time that humankind takes note of the warning signals and undertakes midcourse
corrections urgently and now. The “One World One Health” approach should be central in
ensuring optimal harmony amongst all humans and animals of the world based on principle of
“Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” (The entire world is one family). Being respectful and mindful of all
animate and inanimate beings of this planet is the way forward in the post-COVID-19 world.
Even in the face of the current once in a century humanitarian and health crisis of this
proportion, if we do not sit up and take notice and bring about some fundamental changes to
our life styles and also in policy making specially in health policy making, we are doomed to
face the consequences of same and may see unprecedented human costs in present pandemic
and more worryingly see an encore much sooner again.