Children acquire language naturally by exposure from a young age, starting with single words and progressing to sentences. For acquisition to occur, children must be exposed frequently to simple language.
In language teaching, teachers must provide comprehensible input that students can somewhat understand but cannot fully reproduce. Learning involves activating existing language knowledge and providing opportunities to study and practice how the language works.
Methods of teaching a second language have evolved over time, from grammar translation to audiolingualism to more communicative approaches. Successful modern approaches engage students, encourage discovery and intellectual work, and activate language learning through personalized activities.
Children acquire language naturally by exposure from a young age, starting with single words and progressing to sentences. For acquisition to occur, children must be exposed frequently to simple language.
In language teaching, teachers must provide comprehensible input that students can somewhat understand but cannot fully reproduce. Learning involves activating existing language knowledge and providing opportunities to study and practice how the language works.
Methods of teaching a second language have evolved over time, from grammar translation to audiolingualism to more communicative approaches. Successful modern approaches engage students, encourage discovery and intellectual work, and activate language learning through personalized activities.
Original Description:
"How to teach English" by Jeremy Harmer, 2nd Edition. Chapters 4 & 6.
Children acquire language naturally by exposure from a young age, starting with single words and progressing to sentences. For acquisition to occur, children must be exposed frequently to simple language.
In language teaching, teachers must provide comprehensible input that students can somewhat understand but cannot fully reproduce. Learning involves activating existing language knowledge and providing opportunities to study and practice how the language works.
Methods of teaching a second language have evolved over time, from grammar translation to audiolingualism to more communicative approaches. Successful modern approaches engage students, encourage discovery and intellectual work, and activate language learning through personalized activities.
Children acquire language naturally by exposure from a young age, starting with single words and progressing to sentences. For acquisition to occur, children must be exposed frequently to simple language.
In language teaching, teachers must provide comprehensible input that students can somewhat understand but cannot fully reproduce. Learning involves activating existing language knowledge and providing opportunities to study and practice how the language works.
Methods of teaching a second language have evolved over time, from grammar translation to audiolingualism to more communicative approaches. Successful modern approaches engage students, encourage discovery and intellectual work, and activate language learning through personalized activities.
Language acquisition is almost guaranteed for children up to age 6 since they learn with incredible facility but also forget as easily. At first, they will begin with one word and two words utterances and will then begin to make complete sentences. In order to obtain language acquisition, some conditions must be met. Children must be exposed to the language a lot; it is the most vital element. Secondly, it is important to keep the language as simple as possible and avoid technical vocabulary or complex structure of sentences; this is called rough-tuning. With this exposure, children are motivated to communicate in order to be understood and fed. Acquisition and learning. In the teaching of a second language, teacher must be able to give the learner comprehensible input, this means, language students can more or less understand but are not able to reproduce. The principal function of learnt language is to monitor what is coming from our acquired store to check that it is OK. Learning in the classroom will not only expose students to the language but also activate their language knowledge. It will also offer them chances to study the language and learn the way it works and is used. Different times, different methods. There are different methods of teaching a second language. The Lexical Approach suggested we should structure the curriculum around language chunks. Silent Way: the teachers spoke very little and all the responsibility fell in the student. Community Language Learning , in which the teacher helps students to translate what they want to say from their native language to the one they are learning.
The Grammar translation method was introduced in Germany, it
presented short grammar rules and word lists and then translation exercises in which they had to make use of the same rules and words. This method has advantages and disadvantages since we can learn a lot from comparing parts of the second language with our mother tongue.
The audio-lingualism method, emphasises on grammatical patterns
w/behaviourist theories of learning. There is a response to the stimulus of the teacher which means that a reward is given. This procedure is referred as conditioning. Some of the exercises in this method consist in giving cue-response drills and obviously doing any type of drill.
PPP. (Presentation- Practice- Production). The teacher presents the
context of the situation for the language, explains and demonstrates the meaning and form of a new language. The students then practice using the same structure in the controlled practice.
The Communicative Language Teaching method. (CLT). States that
language is not just patterns but also involves language functions which students should learn using a variety of language exponents. There is a lot of use and exposure of the language. Communicative activities are the principal ones from this method.
Task-based Learning. (TBL). It starts with a pre-task where students
are introduced to the topic. Followed by a task cycle, where students plan the task, gather language information and produce a piece of written/oral performance. And ends up with a language focus phase, where the students analyse the language they used for the task, making improvements and practising any language that needs repair or development.
Elements for successful language learning (ESA).
The three main ingredients are: ENGAGE: students are really interested in what you have to say in class, ask them to make predictions, relate the topics with real life situations. STUDY: give them cues, discover activities, ask students to do all intellectual work instead of doing it the teacher his/herself. ACTIVATE: personalization of the activities, what do your student’s like to do, how it can be helpful in the future (debate, role play, etc.)
Unit 10. Orthographic Codes of The English Language. Sound-Spelling Relationship. Proposals For The Teaching of The Written Code. Orthographic Applications in Written Productions
And Pupils Repeat Socks. Shoes and Pupil Repeats Shoes. Jacket and Pupils Repeat Jacket. Hat and Pupils Repeat Hat. She Repeats The Chant Encouraging Children To Join in