A-E-I-O-U! Vowels Game: Learning Objectives
A-E-I-O-U! Vowels Game: Learning Objectives
A-E-I-O-U! Vowels Game: Learning Objectives
Vowels Game
What do the letters A, E, I, O, and U have in common? They're all featured in this engaging reading lesson. Give
your young learners a chance to play a version of Red Light, Green Light that doubles as a vowel review.
Learning Objectives
Students will be able to identify vowels and distinguish between short and long vowel sounds.
Introduction (5 minutes)
Ask the students to tell you what the vowels of the alphabet are.
Write the vowels (A, E, I, O, U) on the board.
Tell the students that vowels have both short and long sounds. Sound out each short and long vowel
Ask students for some examples of short vowel words (e.g. "apple" or "cat") and long vowel words
(e.g. "cake" or "ape").
Enrichment: For students above level, you can assign two or more worksheets for them to work on
Support: For students below level, you can give them one-on-one assistance instead of having them
work on their own or in groups.
Ask students for other short and long vowel words that haven't been included in the worksheets.