Book's Title: Complex Numbers Explained With Worked Examples
Book's Title: Complex Numbers Explained With Worked Examples
Book's Title: Complex Numbers Explained With Worked Examples
ID : 4161121012
Praise and thanksgiving to God Almighty, for his grace so that we can complete a
Critical Book Review. The Critical Book Review is structured to qualify as a duty items
items, namely learning and knowledge enhancer.
I would like to thank Lecturer Physics Mathematics course, friends and Reviews
Reviews those who have Provided support in completing this paper. I am writing a paper is
not separated from reference books, and an explanation of our teachers.
Realize that this critical I still far from perfect. Therefore, I beg criticism and
suggestions from all parties is critical for the perfection of this building.
Finally, I would like to thank All Reviews Reviews those who have Participated in
the preparation of this critical from the beginning to the end. May God Almighty continue to
bless us all.
Summary Book
B. Benefits CBR
1. Increase the insight and knowledge
2. Adding the ability to criticize and give their opinion or thoughts
3. Adding a good understanding of how to book
4. Help us to understand the conditions around
5. Help us to understand the various methods of research and resolve the problem
Critical Book Review carried out with a view to completing the task required of
students. Critical Book Review is expected to benefit us all. Presumably the reader can
understand the content and purpose of Critical Book Review, so we can continue to
develop our capabilities. The book is in accordance with the subject Mathematics Physics.
Researchers want the readers to know more and more about more about Mathematical
Physics in terms of content, the formula and completeness of the materials.
Imaginary numbers on the other hand are not very common except in science
andengineering, and together with real numbers form the basis of complex numbers.
Donot panic. They are called complex numbers Because they are not difficult,
tounderstand or work with - this is Merely conventional. Although as a precaution,
weshould be aware that other numbers are not Referred to as 'simple' numbers. The
coredifference between complex numbers and other numbers are few and it only
takesunderstanding few tips about what constitutes complex numbers in order to spot
thesedissimilarities. Additionally, you will need to apply more principles from other
topicsin mathematics, particularly subject to surds, to solve complex problems than using
newrules number or theorems from this topic.
Complex Number
A complex number is a number that is made up of two parts, the real and the imaginary,
which is expressed as “ z= z+yj ”
In the above equation, x is the real part (or component) of the complex number, abbreviated
as Re (z) and the imaginary part is y , shortened as Im (z). Note that the imaginary does not
include j the operator itself. Sometimes the j operator is written first before the number, or
vice versa i.e. a number before the j operator. Therefore, j2 can be written as 2j . Is there any
number that is both real and imaginary? Yes, the answer is 0. This is simply because +0 = -0
so we can regard √ 0 as real and √-0 as imaginary.
is called the modulus (or magnitude) of the complex number, which is the length of the line
joining the origin to the point representing the complex number. It is abbreviated as mod z or
|z|. On the other hand, is the angle between the positive realaxis and the line joining the
complex with the origin as shown in the figure below.
It follows that,
The angle θis generally called the argument of the complex number and is written as
(z). Note that the angle must be measured from the 1st quadrant i.e. positive x-axis
and it must be in the interval −π <θ ≤θ.
where r is the modulus of z and θ the argument of z measured in radians unlike degrees in
polar form.
It is important to add that when carrying out addition and subtraction of complex numbers,
Cartesian form is useful. However, multiplication and division of these numbers can be easily
evaluated in polar or exponential form. For example, consider two complex numbers
z 1=x 1+ jy 1=r 1< θ1 and z 2=x 2+ jy 2 =r 2 <θ2 , the four operations are
The relationship between the different forms of complex numbers is summarised below.
This is usually expressed as
Since |z| and θ=arg z, the natural logarithm of a complex number can be expressed as
If we add and subtract equations (vi) and (vii), we can respectively have
The above can be used to express multiple and power of sine and cosine of angles using
the relationship below.
Basically deficiencies in a book, not because the book is not good they are, but we as
readers just feel there is less written in the book.
1. Lack illustrations in this book will saturate the readers, especially for people who
do not like to read.
2. Some of the material in the textbook we use, are not discussed in the book is one of
them is a complex field, and so on.
To overcome any shortage of books it is necessary to evaluate the future improvements that
could make this better diktat book again.
4.1 Conclusion
Undoubtedly you have heard about numbers, its different classes and categorisations.
Aparticular classification of numbers is their division into real and imaginary numbers, the
which is the focus of this work. Most of the numbers you Might have encountered arereal.
They are real in the technical- conventional sense and have nothing to do with anylinguistic
meaning. Examples include integers, rational and irrational numbers, interalia. Also
Considered surds are real numbers.
The real terms (not containing i) is called the real part of the complex number. The
coefficient of i in the other term is called the imaginary part of the complex number. In 5 +
3i, 5 is the real part and 3 is the imaginary part. Notice carefully that the imaginary part of a
complex number is not imaginary! Either the real part or the imaginary part of a complex
number may be zero. If the real part is zero, the complex number is called imaginary (or, for
emphasis, pure imaginary). The zero real part is usually omitted; Thus Spake 0 + 5i is
written just 5i. If the imaginary part of the complex number is zero, the number is real. We
write 7 + 0I as just 7. Complex numbers are then include both real numbers and pure
imaginary numbers as special cases.
This review is conducted to look at the quality of the book, so the book can be our
reference book to accompany the existing diktat. In accordance with the above explanation
is expected CBR already describe the object, the material existing mathematical physics on
the book being reviewed.
4.2 Recommendation
This book deserves to be a reference and recommendation to the students as a guide to
accompany hand-grip of diktat books that had been prepared by the University. So that we
can add to our knowledge of Science in Mathematical Physics course.
Zakariyah, Shefiu S.2013. Complex Numbers Explained with Worked Examples. United
Kingdom : University of Derby