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Support For Transgender Military Service From Active Duty United States Military Personnel

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Sexuality Research and Social Policy


Support for Transgender Military Service from Active Duty United

States Military Personnel
Shannon L. Dunlap 1 & Ian W. Holloway 1 & Chad E. Pickering 2,3 & Michael Tzen 3 & Jeremy T. Goldbach 4 &
Carl Andrew Castro 4

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020

Most transgender individuals are banned from serving in and joining the U.S. military. Historically, exclusions and limits have
been placed on women, people of color, and sexual minority people seeking to serve and advance within the U.S. military.
However, both history and prior research demonstrate that diversity contributes to social and institutional advancement within
both U.S. and international militaries. We used an adapted respondent-driven sampling (RDS) approach to recruit transgender
and cisgender heterosexual and LGB active duty military members in a first-of-its-kind study funded by the Department of
Defense. We recruited 540 active duty service members serving one of the four major branches of the U.S. military between
August 2017 and March 2018. We examined data from 486 heterosexual cisgender and LGB cisgender service members to
understand their support for transgender people serving in the U.S. military. Findings indicate broad support for transgender
military service across all four branches of the military and military ranks, with some statistically significant differences in
support emerging by gender, sexual orientation, and race/ethnicity. Results suggest that the ban, in part, based on a belief that
transgender service members degrade unit readiness, contradicts our findings of broad support for transgender service among
active duty service members. Policies limiting transgender service in the U.S. military should be lifted given these data.

Keywords Transgender Military Service . Transgender Military Support . Military . Policy . LGBT . Diversity

Introduction service members if they had been diagnosed with gender dys-
phoria or had undergone medical gender transition, including
The path to U.S. military service for transgender people has hormones and surgery (Downing et al., 2018). In April 2019,
been complicated in recent years. On July 1, 2016, a new this ban went into effect despite efforts by the Democratic-
policy under President Obama ended discharges of transgen- controlled House of Representatives to block the implemen-
der military service members and allowed transgender people tation of the ban. This current policy debate represents a larger
to join the military starting July 2017 (Downing, Conron, historical precedent of politics influencing both civilian and
Herman, & Blosnich, 2018). Then, in March 2018, President military social policy toward transgender people.
Trump reversed Obama’s policy, placing bans on transgender
Transgender Military Service To date, we lack the large-scale
military and population-based studies assessing the number of
* Shannon L. Dunlap transgender people currently serving in the U.S. military on
Shandunlap@ucla.edu active duty (Schaefer et al., 2016). A study published by the
Williams Institute at UCLA using data from the National
1 Transgender Discrimination Survey (NTDS), estimated that
Department of Social Welfare, UCLA Luskin School of Public
Affairs, 3255 Charles E. Young Drive East, Los Angeles, CA 90095, 15,500 transgender people were serving in the U.S. military
USA with 8800 transgender people serving as active duty (Gates &
Department of Biostatistics, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, Herman, 2014). The same study estimated that 134,300 trans-
Los Angeles, CA, USA gender individuals are veterans or retired from the Reserves
California Center for Population Research, University of California, (Gates & Herman, 2014). Prior to the transgender military
Los Angeles, CA, USA ban, research suggests that around 0.6% of military personal
Suzanne Dwork-Peck School of Social Work, University of Southern are transgender, with transgender adults being twice as likely
California, Los Angeles, CA, USA to serve in the armed forces compared with the general
Sex Res Soc Policy

population (Downing et al., 2018). A RAND Corporation study colonial times and civil war eras, primarily to offset
published in 2016 estimated that as many as 6630 transgender shortages of White male soldiers. However, people of
adults are actively serving in the U.S. military (Suh, 2019; color and women served without the rights and protec-
Schaefer et al., 2016). Data from the 2016 Workplace and tions afforded to their white male comrades. In 1948, the
Gender Relations Survey of Active Duty Members from the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act enabled wom-
Office of People Analytics (OPA) indicated that of the 151,010 en to serve in the military in a limited capacity
active duty members surveyed, roughly 1% identified as trans- (Kamarck, 2016). At that time, women were prevented
gender, 1% were unsure of their gender, and another 3% of from being assigned to aircraft or vessels engaged in
women and 5% of men preferred not to answer (Davis, Grifka, combat missions, needed parental consent if they were
Williams, & Coffey, 2017). Given this range of estimates, data 21 years of age or younger, and were not permitted to
regarding the number of active-duty transgender service mem- hold a rank above lieutenant colonel/commander. The
bers remain unclear because transgender individuals were not proportion of women was limited to 2% of enlisted and
allowed to openly serve until 2016 (Suh, 2019). Consequently, 10% of officers (Kamarck, 2016). During the Vietnam
estimates likely grossly underrepresent and misrepresent the con- War, Black/African American persons were being drafted
tribution of transgender service members to the U.S. military. and assigned to high-risk combat units at disproportion-
Despite this likely underrepresentation of transgender military ate rates compared with Whites (Kamarck, 2016). Black/
service prior to the ban, the U.S. military has plausibly been African American military personnel accounted for 11%
the largest employer of transgender people in the U.S. (Sosin, of the U.S. population but nearly one-quarter of all mil-
2019). To understand the path toward fully integrating transgen- itary casualties between 1961 and 1966 (Kamarck, 2016).
der service members in the U.S. military, it is helpful to examine Despite efforts toward integration, disparities in recruit-
the integration of other minority groups into the military. ment and assignment continued for minority soldiers.
In 2013, the DOD supported women on the front lines and
Integration of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Soldiers During paved their path to serve in combat roles by withdrawing the
World War II, a medical rationale for banning LGB people from Direct Ground Combat and Assignment Rule, which had pre-
serving in the U.S. military was based on a psychiatric view of viously prohibited women from having a primary assignment
homosexuality as a psychopathological disorder (Bérubé, 2010; to combat (Kamarck, 2016). It should be noted that although
Goldbach & Castro, 2016; Pruitt, 2019). However, similar to the women were prevented from having a direct combat assign-
experiences of Black and female soldiers whose military roles ment, many women were assigned to combat units with “in-
were severely limited during this time, military shortages direct” combat assignments, effectively placing them in roles
demanded temporary recruitment and enlistment of LGB service in which they directly engaged in combat (Kamarck, 2016). In
members (Burks, 2011). During the 1970s, civil rights move- February 2019, a U.S. District Judge ruled that barring women
ments tried unsuccessfully to legally integrate LGB people into from being drafted was unconstitutional (Blakemore, 2019),
the military. In 1981, military policy deemed homosexuality in- representing a possible shift in perception regarding women’s
compatible with military service, thereby discharging over value within combat roles. According to the Council on
17,000 LGB service members throughout the 1980s (Pruitt, Foreign Relations, data from 2016 suggest that active-
2019). In an effort to integrate and protect LGB service members, duty women represent 16% of enlisted and 18% of offi-
the Clinton era policy, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue” cers and are more racially and ethnically diverse than
(DADT), mandated that LGB service members hide their sexual active duty men (Reynolds & Shendruk, 2018). Data from
orientation from all aspects of the military including their units, Pew Research Center in 2015 suggests that racial and
officers, health care providers, mental health professionals, and ethnic minority groups make up 40% of active-duty mil-
even clergy, as a condition to service (Burks, 2011; Suh, 2019), itary personnel with Black/African American, and
with any disclosure resulting in immediate separation from the Hispanic/Latinx people comprising 17% and 12% of ac-
military. Between 1993 and 2009, and despite assumed protec- tive duty service members respectively (Parker, Cilluffo,
tions under DADT, over 13,000 “suspected” LGB service mem- & Stepler, 2017). Historical precedent indicates that times
bers were discharged from the U.S. military (Burks, 2011; of peace combined with political climate can permit more
Burrelli & Feder, 2010), underscoring the persistent stigma and discriminatory selectivity regarding diverse gender and
discrimination toward LGB active-duty troops, as well as directly racial/ethnic integration whereas times of war or immedi-
violating the “Do not Pursue” aspect of DADT. In 2011, the ate need provide opportunities for previously excluded
repeal of DADT allowed LGB military members to serve openly groups to demonstrate their positive impact on mission
(Suh, 2019). success (Segal, Segal, & Reed, 2015). While separate,
these historical precedents remain an important part of
Integration of Other Minority Soldiers Black and female the cultural and political landscape of inclusion for minor-
representation within the U.S. military began during ity troops in the U.S. military.
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Current Transgender Ban The current ban prohibits most newspapers, and Facebook groups. We also promoted the
transgender people from serving in the U.S. military. For study on college campuses and at military-related events using
others, restrictive provisions have created a limited path to flyers and palm cards and purchased advertising with news-
either being retained in the military or joining the military. papers and social media (e.g., Facebook) that target individ-
According to the DOD’s Directive-type Memorandum uals currently serving in the military. Each strategy was ac-
(DTD) effective April 12, 2019, transgender individuals are companied by a unique referral code to monitor and track
banned from enlisting or commissioning if the following referral effectiveness and to ensure that no single group or
criteria are met: (1) “they have a history or diagnosis of gender platform yielded more than 20 eligible seeds at a time
dysphoria and have not demonstrated stability as their biolog- (Fisher et al., under review).
ical sex for a period of at least 36 consecutive months”; and Data collection took place between August 2017 and
“they have transitioned to their preferred gender and a licensed March 2018. Potential participants who were recruited by
provider has determined that transition is medically neces- peers were referred to a study landing webpage, which
sary”; (2) “the applicant is not willing and not able to adhere contained general information about the research project and
to standards associated with their biological sex”; (3) trans- asked participants to enter their referral code. Once a valid
gender service members “have a history of cross-sex hormone referral code was entered, potential participants screened for
therapy or sex reassignment or genital reconstruction surgery” eligibility, which required that they (1) are at least 18 years of
(DOD, pp. 8–9, 2019). These restrictions demonstrate that the age; (2) speak English; (3) are active-duty in the Air Force,
current ban perpetuates the stigma of transgender military Army, Marine Corps, or Navy; and (4) are willing and able to
troops by defining their readiness to serve within a limited provide consent. After screening eligible participants were
understanding of gender-affirming health care. At the same then directed to a secure survey platform (Qualtrics,
time, this ban diminishes the importance of accessing a wide 2005) where they were asked to provide informed consent
variety of health and mental health care services for all U.S. for study participation. The total survey lasted approxi-
military personnel. Furthermore, the current ban postdates de- mately 30–45 min. Participants were compensated $25
cades of science and policies supporting diversity as a mech- for completing the survey (if off duty); those who chose
anism for institutional and social advancement. to exit at the half-way point were compensated $10. Study
We sought to understand the degree to which active duty procedures were approved by institutional review boards at
service members support transgender people serving in the the University of Southern California and the University of
U.S. military. Specifically, this study uses survey data collect- California, Los Angeles. To capture support for transgen-
ed from diverse cisgender heterosexual and LGB active-duty der military service, we used data from heterosexual
U.S. military members to understand whether they support cisgender (n = 295) and LGB cisgender (n = 187) partici-
transgender service. We were also interested in differences in pants, excluding (n = 58) transgender participants.
support of transgender military service by the branch of ser-
vice, military rank, gender identity, racial/ethnic identity, and Measures All participants were asked the following ques-
sexual orientation. In addition, we sought to understand dif- tion: Should transgender people be allowed to serve in the
ferences in support for transgender military service among military with response options as (1) yes, (2) no, (3) un-
groups that have been denied the ability to serve previously sure, and (4) decline to answer. Participants who entered
(i.e., racial/ethnic minority, women, LGB service members) not sure were combined with no; those who declined to
compared to their White, male, heterosexual counterparts. answer were dropped from this analysis. The survey also
captured sociodemographic information, including age
(continuous), sex assigned at birth (male, female), sexual
Methods orientation (heterosexual or LGB), and race/ethnicity
(Black, White, Hispanic, Other). Additional measures re-
Participants and Procedures We used an adapted respondent- lated to military service included a branch of military
driven sampling (RDS) approach to recruit a diverse sample of service (i.e., Air Force, Army, Marines, Navy) and current
both LGBT and heterosexual/cisgender service members from rank (i.e., officer vs. enlisted) and length of service (to the
the four main branches of the U.S. military: Air Force, Army, nearest year) were also included.
Navy, Marines Briefly, primary investigators, an Expert
Advisory Panel (EAP) and study staff provided contact infor- Data Analysis We sought to understand differences in support
mation for both LGBT and heterosexual/cisgender service of transgender military service using bivariate and multivari-
members to act as “seeds” and to recruit through their network able analyses. All bivariate and multivariable logistic mixed-
contacts. When seed recruitment through EAP referrals and effect models were Bayesian with a normal prior on the inter-
study staff slowed, we expanded seed recruitment by promot- cept with mean 0 and standard deviation 10, normal priors on
ing the study through popular military-related blogs, the slope parameters with mean 0 and standard deviation 2.5,
Sex Res Soc Policy

and half-t distributed priors on the standard deviation param- in the Navy and Marines (14% and 9% respectively). Over
eters with mean 0, variance 100, and three degrees of freedom. half of the sample identified themselves as enlisted (63%).
Bayesian models were fit using the “rstan” package, the R The mean length of service was 6 years (SD = 5.4).
interface to the Bayesian modeling language Stan. The bivar-
iate models included no adjustment for covariates other than Support of Transgender Military Service by Demographic
the cluster membership random effect to account for RDS Group Overall, 66% of participants supported transgender
sampling. For the multivariable model, we included sexual service. This differed by sexual orientation with 82% of
orientation, gender, age, race, officer status, military branch, LGB and 57% of heterosexual/cisgender respondents who
length of service, and RDS cluster membership. To use the supported transgender military service (Table 1). We cal-
complete set of data (n = 486), excluding transgender partici- culated the proportion within each demographic group
pants (n = 58), we used multiple imputations by chained equa- ( b r a n c h o f m i l i t a r y, r a n k , s e x u a l o r i e n t a t i o n ,
tions via the R package “mice” as a remedy for missing data. race/ethnicity, and gender) regarding support for transgen-
der military service and found no statistically significant
differences between the four branches of the military.
Results Findings indicate greater heterogeneity in support for trans-
gender service between heterosexual, LGB, and male- and
Sample Characteristics The study sample represented diver- female-identified service members. LGB and women service
sity in terms of demographic and military service charac- members reported the greatest support (81% and 75% respec-
teristics (Table 1). Participant ages ranged from 18 to tively) while heterosexual and male service members indicat-
54 years (mean age 27.6, SD = 6.1). Approximately 57% ed the lowest support of transgender service (56% and 62%
of the sample was white, 60% identified as heterosexual respectively). Among racial/ethnic groups, Black and Latinx
and approximately 66% identified as male. Army and Air service members reported the highest support for transgender
Force members represented the majority of the sample people serving (69% and 75% respectively) while 64% of
(41% and 35% respectively) with a lower proportion being white service members indicated their support. Despite some

Table 1 Descriptive characteristics of the study sample by those who support vs. do not support transgender military service (N = 486)

Full data (n = 486)* Support (n = 322) Does not support (n = 146) Missing (n = 18)

Male 324 (0.667) 201 (0.624) 113 (0.774) 10 (0.556)
Female 162 (0.333) 121 (0.376) 33 (0.226) 8 (0.444)
Sexual orientation
Heterosexual 295 (0.607) 169 (0.525) 114 (0.781) 12 (0.667)
LGB 187 (0.385) 153 (0.475) 32 (0.219) 2 (0.111)
Missing 4 (0.008) 0 (0.000) 0 (0.000) 4 (0.222)
White 277 (0.570) 176 (0.547) 92 (0.630) 9 (0.500)
Black 86 (0.177) 60 (0.186) 22 (0.151) 4 (0.222)
Hispanic 69 (0.142) 52 (0.161) 15 (0.103) 2 (0.111)
Other 51 (0.105) 32 (0.099) 16 (0.110) 3 (0.167)
Missing 3 (0.006) 2 (0.006) 1 (0.007) 0 (0.000)
Military branch
Army 201 (0.414) 132 (0.410) 62 (0.425) 7 (0.389)
Air Force 171 (0.352) 114 (0.354) 53 (0.363) 4 (0.222)
Marines 45 (0.093) 31 (0.096) 12 (0.082) 2 (0.111)
Navy 69 (0.142) 45 (0.140) 19 (0.130) 5 (0.278)
Officer status
Officer 178 (0.366) 199 (0.618) 95 (0.651) 14 (0.778)
Enlisted 308 (0.634) 123 (0.382) 51 (0.349) 4 (0.222)
Age 27.6 (SD = 6.1) (median = 26) 27.8 (SD = 6.0) (median = 26) 27.3 (SD = 6.5) (median = 26)
Length of service 6.0 (SD = 5.4) (median = 4.0) 6.1 (SD = 5.2) (median = 5.0) 6.0 (SD = 6.0) (median = 4.0)

*excludes n = 58 trans
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differences within these groups, the majority of participants in Table 3 Multivariate Bayesian Logistic Regression with multiple
imputation predicting the odds of supporting transgender military
our sample (66%) indicated that they supported transgender
service by gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, and military
people serving in the armed forces. characteristics (N = 486)

Bivariate Results In a bivariate scope with no covariate adjust- Estimate 95% CI

ment (apart from RDS clustering), no significant differences Gender (female) 2.039 (1.250, 3.387)
were found at the 0.05 level for support of transgender service Sexual orientation (LGB) 4.204 (2.519, 7.250)
by age, race, military branch, officer status, and length of
Race/ethnicity (ref: White)
service (Table 2). There were two statistically significant dif-
Black 2.25 (1.219, 4.219)
ferences related to gender and sexual orientation. Specifically,
Hispanic 2.502 (1.260, 5.165)
the odds of cisgender women in the military supporting trans-
Other 1.296 (0.619, 2.764)
gender service were about 2.1 times that of the odds for
Military branch (ref: Army)
cisgender men (95% CI 1.35, 3.40). The odds of cisgender
Air Force 1.367 (0.786, 2.371)
LGB service members supporting transgender service were
Marines 1.971 (0.863, 4.647)
about 3.4 times that of the odds for cisgender heterosexual
Navy 1.226 (0.606, 2.507)
service members (95% CI 2.15, 5.57).
Officer status (Officer) 1.011 (0.583, 1.756)
Age 1.049 (0.975, 1.130)
Multivariate Results The odds of cisgender women in the mil-
Length of service 0.939 (0.867, 1.015)
itary supporting transgender service was about 2.0 times that
of the odds for cisgender men when adjusting for sexual ori-
entation, age, race, military branch, officer status, and length
of service (95% CI 1.25, 3.39) (Table 3). The odds of Discussion
cisgender LGB service members supporting transgender ser-
vice was about 4.2 times that of the odds for cisgender hetero- This analysis sought to understand active duty service mem-
sexual service members (95% CI 2.15, 5.57). Unlike in the bers’ support for transgender people serving in the U.S. mili-
bivariate models, the odds of Black and Hispanic service tary. Findings suggest broad support for transgender military
members supporting transgender service was 2.3 and 2.5 service across all branches of service and military ranks, with
times higher than their white counterparts when adjusting for some statistically significant differences in support emerging
gender, military branch, officer status, and length of service by gender, sexual orientation, and race/ethnicity. Specifically,
respectively (95% CI 1.22, 4.22; 1.26, 5.17). Similar to the those who are part of traditionally privileged identity groups
bivariate models, we found no statistically significant differ- (i.e., White, male, heterosexual) were less supportive of trans-
ences regarding support of transgender service by military gender military service compared to their cisgender peers in
branch, officer status, age, and length of service. traditionally less privileged social categories (i.e., racial/ethnic
minority, female, LGB). These findings are relevant to mili-
Table 2 Bivariate Bayesian Logistic Regression predicting the odds of tary policy and programs that support the acceptance and in-
supporting transgender military service by gender, sexual orientation, tegration of minority groups in military service.
race/ethnicity, and military characteristics (N = 486) Since the 1940s and under then-President Harry Truman,
Estimate 95% CI American military social policy began integrating and advancing
service and commissioning pathways for people of color, wom-
Gender (female) 2.125 (1.354, 3.399) en, and (decades later) LGB people into a historically White,
Sexual orientation (LGB) 3.425 (2.151, 5.572) heterosexual male-dominated military institution (Kamarck,
Race/ethnicity (ref: White) 2016). Service members whose identities fall outside being
Black 1.465 (0.848, 2.594) white, heterosexual, and cisgender male have historically gone
Hispanic 1.855 (0.990, 3.604) to great lengths to honorably serve in the U.S. military (Burks,
Other 1.066 (0.558, 2.091) 2011; Kamarck, 2016; Segal et al., 2015). These service mem-
Military branch (ref: Army) bers often experienced the same stressors as white cisgender
Air Force 1.002 (0.616, 1.626) heterosexual male service members—leaving home, rigorous
Marines 1.259 (0.599, 2.764) boot camp, multiple deployments, and exposure to war—while
Navy 1.097 (0.578, 2.102) simultaneously facing additive stress of gender, race, and LGB-
Officer status (Officer) 1.182 (0.773, 1.830) based discrimination, stigma, harassment and lack of political
Age 1.015 (0.981, 1.051) and institutional protections and resources (Alford & Lee,
Length of service 1.003 (0.966, 1.043) 2016). Our findings suggest that those from historically under-
represented groups in military service (racial/ethnic minorities,
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women, LGB people) understand and empathize with transgen- contributing to perceptions of transgender military service.
der people’s desire and capacity to serve in the U.S. military. The mean age of our sample was 26, suggesting that our
However, not all historically stigmatized service members report- sample is younger than that of the broader military population
ed that they supported transgender military service. Notably, whose average age for military officers was 34.5 and the av-
nearly 1 in 5 active duty LGB military service members surveyed erage age for enlisted members was 27 (Parker et al., 2017).
reported that they did not support transgender military service. We also lack robust representation from the Marines and
This demonstrates that other important factors are likely contrib- Navy, suggesting that our results may not adequately represent
uting to LGB military service members’ support for transgender the views of these two branches of the military.
individuals serving in the U.S. military. For example, previous
research has found that traditional conservative attitudes and not
military-specific exposure are related to beliefs about women in Conclusions
military roles, including combat (Laurence, Milavec, Rohall,
Ender, & Matthews, 2016). More research is needed to determine This paper contributes to the on-going dialog about the benefits
the factors beyond sexual orientation, gender, and race/ethnicity of diversity within the military by describing broad support for
(such as religiosity, political affiliation) that contribute to percep- transgender service among active-duty military service mem-
tions of support for transgender military service. bers. It is likely that many of the cisgender service members in
Arguments against integration have been historically our sample were surveyed during a time when they were serv-
disproven through research examining the integration of wom- ing alongside their more open active-duty transgender com-
en, racial/ethnic minorities and LGB persons into the U.S. mil- rades. The present study represents one of the first large scale
itary. For example, a study published just over 1 year after the studies of active duty service members’ perceptions of support
repeal of DADT, found no overall negative impact from the regarding transgender people serving in the military. Our find-
repeal on morale, retention, unit cohesion, or readiness to serve, ings demonstrate broad support and provide evidence suggest-
and instead found that the repeal enhanced the military’s capac- ing that support for the inclusion of transgender service mem-
ity to pursue its missions (Belkin et al., 2013). Due to the dearth bers as reported by cisgender active duty service members
of U.S. military studies on the contribution of transgender mil- themselves, indicates the value and positive contribution of
itary service members, data have yet to connect transgender transgender military service members within the U.S. military.
military service to U.S. military effectiveness or unit cohesion. Recent military policies banning transgender military service
Recent data from the RAND Corporation’s National Defense members and transgender Americans primed to serve in the U.S.
Research Institute uncovered important implications from in- military may rely on our data and historical examples demon-
depth analysis of Israel, Australia, the UK, and Canada’s strating the importance of civil and institutional diversity for
military-related inclusion of transgender military members. innovation and continued technological, operational, and trans-
While limited, studies on the impact of integrating transgender national advancement and growth (Segal et al., 2015). While the
service members have stemmed from Canada (Schaefer et al., policy does not eliminate social segregation and discrimination
2016). Extensive reviews of defense reports and memos, as well related to race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual identity, it serves as
as commander interviews, revealed that transgender inclusion a legal safety net of protection and begins to improve the climate
led to more capacity and readiness to address a greater variety of social acceptance. Transgender military service was widely
of challenges (Okros & Scott, 2015; Schaefer et al., 2016). supported among active-duty heterosexual and LGB cisgender
These data underscore the importance of transgender service military personnel, indicating that from the perspective of ser-
and diversity, in general, to all aspects of military success. vice members themselves, the ban should be lifted.
While our findings provide important evidence contribut-
ing to debates regarding the potential contributions of trans-
gender soldiers to the military, our study is not without limi-
tations. While we did gather data regarding support, our data References
do not provide narrative information regarding the benefits of
transgender service. Therefore, our data do not demonstrate Alford, B., & Lee, S. J. (2016). Toward complete inclusion: Lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender military service members after repeal of
why participants expressed support. Further qualitative and
Don’t Ask, Don’t tell. Social Work, 61(3), 257–265. https://doi.org/
quantitative data on this topic is warranted to elucidate moti- 10.1093/sw/sww033.
vations behind support for transgender service. Additionally, Belkin, A., Ender, M. G., Frank, N., Furia, S. R., Lucas, G., Packard, G.,
given LGB service members’ advocacy for inclusion and the et al. (2013). Readiness and DADT repeal: Has the new policy of
use of non-discriminatory practices within the U.S. military, open service undermined the military? Armed Forces & Society,
39(4), 587–601. https://doi.org/10.1177/0095327X12466248.
leading to the repeal of DADT, research exploring factors Bérubé, A. (2010). Coming out under fire: The history of gay men
contributing to LGB participants who do not support the trans- and women in World War II. North Carolina: Univ of North
gender military is critical to our understanding of factors Carolina Press.
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