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Financial Disclosures: Lumbar herniated disks present a common cause of significant axial low back and
None reported.
radiating leg pain. This situation poses a risk for potentially permanent neurologic
Support: None reported. compromise, including numbness, weakness, and bowel and bladder dysfunction.
Address correspondence to Traditional treatment strategies such as medications, epidural steroids, and surgery
Benjamin Rawson, DO, all carry potential risk for iatrogenic sequelae. Platelet-rich plasma can be processed
Center for Healing and
to isolate and concentrate the growth factors contained in platelet α granules. This
Regenerative Medicine,
10815 Ranch Rd 2222,
solution is then referred to as platelet lysate. Lumbar injection of platelet-rich
Bldg 3B, Ste 200, Austin, plasma along with epidural injection of platelet lysate is a novel therapeutic option
TX 78730-1178. that can initiate or expedite the resorption of herniated lumbar disk material, which
can facilitate the decompression of the affected spinal structures. This process is
Email: rawson.rehab@gmail.
com thought to occur through a complex interplay of cytokines and growth factors that
facilitate neovascularization along with macrophage-induced phagocytosis of the
December 2, 2018; disk material. In the present report, we describe 2 patients with symptomatic
final revision received herniated disks who were successfully treated with epidural injection of growth
April 4, 2019;
factors derived from concentrated platelet lysate.
J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2020;120(3):201-207
May 30, 2019.
Keywords: herniated disc, lumbar epidural injection, lumbar radiculopathy, PRP, platelet lysate
T filled intervertebral disks. Rupture or tearing of the outer annulus fibrosis can
lead to herniation of the inner nucleus pulposus. This condition can cause sig-
nificant pain and neurologic compromise from mechanical compression of the spinal
canal, which can include the spinal cord and spinal nerves. Severe or prolonged neural
compression can lead to permanent neurologic deficits. There are several treatment
options for herniated disks including conservative (watchful waiting, osteopathic manipu-
lative medicine [OMM], medications, and physical therapy) and invasive (surgery)
options; clinical symptoms often dictate the course of care.
When pain is a prominent symptom, oral medications or epidural steroid injections
(ESIs) may help reduce the inflammation contributing to pain and perineural swelling.
Caution must be exercised with steroids because of known risks, including impaired
bone health and endocrinopathies.1 If pain, weakness, paresthesia, or other neurologic
symptoms are static or progressive, a more definitive intervention may be warranted.
Historically, surgical interventions, such as microdiskectomy or intervertebral fusions,
have been used. The drawback of a microdiskectomy includes creation of a fresh wound
in the annulus fibrosis that makes the disk susceptible to reherniation.2-4 Lumbar fusion, a
more invasive surgical approach, increases mechanical stresses in the segments adjacent
to the fusion.5 A conservative approach is reasonable to consider in the absence of
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Physiologic Effects of Selected Growth Factors Found in Plasma and PRPa
Mean concentrations produced by author’s laboratory compared with baseline levels.
Abbreviations: BDNF, bone-derived growth factor; IL-1 RA, interleukin -1 receptor antagonist; EGF, epidermal growth factor; HB-EGF,
heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor; PDGF-BB, platelet-derived growth factor with 2 β subunits; PRP, platelet-rich plasma; VEGF, vascular
endothelial growth factor.
progressive pain or neurologic compromise. It is well fibronectin.11,12 These proteins have several anabolic
established that spontaneous resorption or regression and paracrine effects. A brief description of physiologic
of herniations can occur with time.6-10 This process of responses is presented in the Table.13 Autologous plate-
resorption may, however, take several months and is let preparations, such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP), can
often incomplete, leaving the potential for residual be exogenously induced to release their α granules
pain, neural compromise, and functional deficits. through several established methods.13-16 The resulting
The physiology of disk resorption is poorly under- cytokine-rich solution is then referred to as platelet
stood, but several theories attempt to address this lysate (PL) or platelet releaseate. Platelet lysate can be
process. One likely explanation involves an inflamma- used to induce or promote stalled or slowed physiologic
tory response to the proteins released by the herniated processes, such as with inadequate resorption of her-
segment. Under this model, a complex interplay of cyto- niated disks. Delivery of these essential growth factors
kines and growth factors facilitate neovascularization may be limited, perhaps because of a suboptimal vascu-
along with macrophage-induced phagocytosis of the lar supply that would inherently impair the conduit of
disk material. Local platelets may play a role in platelets and macrophages to the local environment.
facilitating disk resorption through the release of pro- We have been able to increase the concentration of
teins that help orchestrate the process. Platelets contain autologous growth factors around persistent herniated
α granules rich in hundreds of proteins and growth discs by injecting PL via epidural injection.
factors, including platelet-derived growth factor, brain- Patients who elect to pursue treatment with lumbar
derived neurotrophic factor, transforming growth factor, PRP with epidural PL are evaluated to ensure that there
epidermal growth factor, interleukin-1 receptor antagon- are no contraindications, including current use of blood
ist, platelet-derived angiogenesis factor, vascular thinners (including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
endothelial growth factor, insulinlike growth factor, and drugs [NSAIDs]), coagulopathy, active infection, active
202 The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association March 2020 | Vol 120 | No. 3
cancer, pregnancy, or allergies to contrast agents or local previous 4 months. She described her pain as a “razor
anesthetics. Current lumbar magnetic resonance imaging blade” sensation down her posterior lateral left leg to
(MRI) is thoroughly reviewed to ensure that symptoms the knee along with associated numbness and tingling
are concordant with pathology, as well as for procedural down the calf and the bottom of her foot. Her symp-
planning. Injections are performed using a sterile tech- toms were worse when arising from a seated position
nique under fluoroscopic guidance in a clinic-based as well as with forward flexion. She denied focal weak-
procedure suite. The PRP is prepared from 180 mL of ness or bowel and bladder dysfunction. She had tried
whole blood using a double centrifugation method in physical therapy and manual manipulations with
an in-house laboratory similar to that described by modest relief in symptoms. Her pain was also refractory
Dhurat and Sukesh. Under the MARSPILL classifica- to pregabalin and ESIs. She met with a surgeon who
tion described by Lana et al,18 our PRP preparation recommended a microdiskectomy with possible fusion,
would be considered HA-/RBC-P/Sp2/Plt 4-6/G+/Lc-R/ but she opted to avoid this procedure. On examination,
A-. A portion of the PRP is then processed to produce she was neurologically intact but had tenderness at the
PL by mechanical rupture of the platelets followed by L4 spinous process, and she had a positive straight-leg
filtration of the solution to remove cellular debris. The raise on the left. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed
average PL growth factor concentrations are listed in the a large herniated and extruded disk at L4-5 with
Table. For each treatment, the super-concentrated PRP displacement of the descending L5 and S1 roots
is diluted with platelet-poor plasma to a 4 to 6 times con- (Figure 1A and B).
centration from baseline. The PRP is then used to treat After reviewing her treatment options, including the
the posterior structures (spinal ligaments, facet joints) potential risks and benefits, the patient opted to begin
with the hope of providing additional stability to the treatment with lumbar PRP and epidural PL. This pro-
spine. Each structure is injected with approximately cedure was pursued with the hope of initiating or
1 mL of PRP. Typically, 3 mL of PL is injected in the expediting the resorption of the disk material that was
epidural space using a transforaminal, interlaminar, or contributing to her severe pain. She understood that
caudal approach. The injection approach is based on the this was a novel and unproven therapy that was not
lumbar spine anatomy along with the clinical scenario recognized as falling within the standard of care for
and location of the herniation. her condition. The patient signed an informed consent
Through extensive clinical application, this novel that reflected this fact, along with the risks, benefits,
procedure has been shown to safely and effectively ini- and alternatives. The PRP/PL procedure was performed
tiate or accelerate disk resorption. In the present report, using the protocol described previously, including
I describe 2 patients with symptomatic herniated disks a fluoroscopic-guided left-sided L4-5 paramedian
that were successfully treated with epidural injection intralaminar approach for the epidural injection of PL.
of growth factors through concentrated PL. The patient had expected mild-to-moderate soreness
for about 3 days after the injections controlled with
hydrocodone/acetaminophen 5/325mg. The patient
Report of Cases noted progressive improvements in symptoms and
Case 1 reported 50% relief of pain 4 weeks after the procedure.
A 31-year-old woman presented with left leg and low She had better range of motion in her left leg but
back pain. She was in otherwise good health with still had some radicular pain and numbness in an S1
noncontributory medical, surgical, or social histories. distribution, so we decided to pursue another PRP/PL
She reported an insidious onset of pain that began treatment. The second treatment followed the same
1 year prior, with progressive and severe pain over the protocol.
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Figure 1.
Magnetic resonance images from patient 1, a 31-year-old woman who presented with left leg and low back pain. The
pretreatment sagittal (A) and axial (B) slices show a central and left paracentral L4-5 disk extrusion. Follow-up images taken
4 weeks after the second treatment with platelet-rich plasma and epidural platelet lysate injections, sagittal (C) and axial (D)
slices showed significant disc resorption of disk.
At follow-up visit (4 weeks after the second proced- therapy and systemic steroids. Chemotherapy had
ure), the patient reported almost complete resolution of ended 3 months before presentation. He otherwise had
pain and function and no reported adverse effects. an unremarkable medical, surgical, or social history.
Repeated lumbar MRI revealed excellent resorption of The patient initially described severe left leg pain after
the massive disk herniation, with only mild residual a deadlift exercise 6 years before presentation. Lumbar
disk material that did not compress the spinal nerves MRI at the time showed a left central disk extrusion
(Figure 1C and D). At her 6-month follow-up, the at L4-5. He was treated conservatively and noted a
patient noted brief and intermittent flare-ups in pain spontaneous improvement in pain over the course of
after heavy exertion or falls but otherwise reported 3 months. The patient noted an insidious return of
significant overall improvement in pain and functional similar symptoms that occurred during chemotherapy
progress. Ongoing care was left to an as-needed basis. 4 months before the current presentation. The pain was
severe and was worse with the Valsalva method,
Case 2 forward flexion, sitting, and standing erect. He denied
A 38-year-old man presented with left leg pain and bowel or bladder dysfunction. Symptoms were progres-
numbness in an L5 and S1 dermatomal pattern. His sive despite 4 months of conservative care, including
medical history was significant for testicular cancer, activity modifications, NSAIDs, opioid medications,
which was successfully managed with cisplatin chemo- and an ESI. At the time of presentation, he was taking
204 The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association March 2020 | Vol 120 | No. 3
hydrocodone and NSAIDs without much relief. On in pain but had residual paresthesia and weakness.
examination, he was in visible discomfort with an antal- Treatment options were revisited, including watchful
gic gait and pain with lumbar flexion. He had a positive waiting, medications, ongoing physical therapy,
straight leg raise on the left and decreased strength repeated ESIs, regenerative medicine, and surgery. He
with left great toe extension (L5 myotome). All other had previously met with a surgeon who recommended
lower-extremity myotomes were intact and equal. a microdiskectomy, but he did not want to undergo a
He was also found to have numbness in the left L5 surgical procedure. Because of his history of extensive
dermatome. Repeated lumbar MRI showed large left steroid use from cancer treatment, he wanted to avoid
paracentral and caudally extruding L4-5 disk herniation further ESIs. He understood that the increased steroid
(Figure 2A and B) that mirrored the previous findings burden may have precipitated the exacerbation in symp-
on comparison. toms and decreased the chances of spontaneous disk
At the initial visit, we agreed to pursue a repeated resorption because of impaired immune function. The
ESI with the hope of reducing acute pain. The proced- patient opted to pursue lumbar PRP with epidural PL.
ure was performed using a left L5 transforaminal This procedure was pursued with the goal of initiating
approach. The patient reported an excellent reduction resorption of the disk material. He understood that this
Figure 2.
Magnetic resonance images from patient 2, a 38-year-old man who presented with left leg pain and numbness in an L5 and
S1 dermatomal pattern. The pretreatment sagittal (A) and axial (B) images show a left paracentral and caudally extruding
L4-5 disc herniation. Three months after the second treatment with platelet-rich plasma and epidural platelet lysate
injections, sagittal (C) and axial (D) slices showed significant disc resorption.
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was a novel and unproven therapy that was not recog- take several months. Spontaneous resorption of
nized as falling within the standard of care for his herniated disks that have been present for several years
condition. The patient signed an informed consent that would not be expected, as described in the second case.
reflected this fact, along with the risks, benefits, and Oftentimes, severe pain or neurologic compromise war-
alternatives. rants a more aggressive approach than watchful
The first PRP/PL procedure was performed approxi- waiting.17 Platelet-rich plasma/PL seems to be a safe
mately 1 month after the initial visit using the protocol alternative to opioids, ESIs, and surgery. Patients
described previously. Platelet lysate was injected treated with the protocol described herein have injec-
into the epidural space using a left L4-5 paramedian tions at approximately 1-month intervals. End-of-care
intralaminar approach under fluoroscopic guidance. is determined by clinical response, including patient
The patient was next evaluated 2 months after the satisfaction with improvement in pain and function. If
procedure, and he reported having a day or 2 of post- clinically indicated, repeated MRI is performed approxi-
procedure stiffness and soreness. After that period, he mately 1 month after the last treatment. Patients are
noted progressive improvements in left leg pain and monitored throughout their treatment course for adverse
paresthesias. He continued to have intermittent effects, clinical response, and changes in MRI findings.
paresthesia and lateral calf pain with certain lumbar To date, more than 350 cases have been performed in
movements, including flexion. We agreed to repeat the my clinic with lumbar PRP and epidural PL injections.
PRP/PL to facilitate ongoing improvements. (This Mild-to-moderate soreness at the PRP injection sites
procedure was repeated using the same paradigm.) has been reported, but when epidural PL is injected
Three months after the second treatment, the patient without PRP, there is generally little postprocedure sore-
described resolution of pain, numbness, tingling, and ness noted.
weakness along with improved function. He had
no reported adverse effects. Repeated lumbar MRI Conclusion
showed almost complete resorption of disk material, Osteopathic medicine is founded on the principal that
with no evidence of ongoing neural impingement the body has an inherent ability to heal itself.
(Figure 2C and D). Follow-up was left to an as-needed Epidural installation of concentrated PL seems to be a
basis. safe, efficient, and relatively easy treatment for
patients with herniated lumbar disks that embodies
the concept of facilitating enhanced natural physio-
Discussion logic function. As with all regenerative medicine pro-
The cytokines contained in the α granules of platelets cedures, application of PL to the epidural space is
have the potential to initiate or accentuate several considered an investigational procedure. Future direc-
physiologic responses that may otherwise be suboptimal tions include safety studies, as well as research evalu-
for clinical improvements. One such process includes ating which growth factors and concentrations are
resorption of herniated lumbar disk material. Through optimally suited for facilitation of disk resorption.
observation of clinical improvement and objective Double-blinded randomized controlled trials would
measures (including imaging), I have found that epidural be useful to prove a treatment effect beyond spontan-
injection of concentrated platelet growth factors has the eous resorption.
potential to facilitate disk resorption to help improve
pain and function by decreasing the mechanical com-
pression of the spinal nerves. Although resolution of
I thank David Harris, MD, for his integral role in streamlining the
disk material can occur spontaneously, this process can laboratory processing.
206 The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association March 2020 | Vol 120 | No. 3
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