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Hybrid Leave The Gym Behind PDF

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No Gym Membership, No Equipment,

No Excuses
Many people have trouble setting aside time to go to the gym, some don’t have the extra cash for a
membership and others don’t have equipment at home.

Instead of letting those barriers prevent you from getting fit, we decided to crush them by giving
you a 6 week, total body workout you can do anywhere, anytime. Using our Leave the Gym Behind
plan you can transform your body with three to five workouts each week.

During weeks 1-4 you will train four days during the week. Ideally this will take place on
Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. However, you are free to structure your training days
to accommodate you schedule. Three days are strength focused, using your own bodyweight to
workout intervals and circuits. Day four is a cardiovascular training day.

During weeks 5 and 6 you will train five days during the week. Ideally this will take place on
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Again, you are free to structure your training days to
accommodate you schedule. Four days are strength focused and day five is a cardiovascular
training day.

Your body is all you need to complete these workouts.

How long should the training sessions take?
Workouts will take about 45 minutes. Some will be a little shorter – think 30 minutes – others will
go a little longer; about an hour.

How long should I rest between Rounds and Circuits?

For the most part rest periods are specified. When there is no rest period given move fast, but don’t
hurry. Form and safety come first, so make sure you nail the technique before you worry about your

During each circuit or set keep rest periods to 60 seconds max. Then, between circuits and sets rest
up to 3 minutes.

What if I can’t keep up with the Training Schedule?

If the training schedule doesn’t work for you, make it work. Try not to skip workouts. Instead you
can get them in when you can.

What about unfamiliar exercises?

If you don’t know how to perform an exercise or are not sure what it is reference the video library
here: www.thehybridathlete.com/videos.

If you’re still unsure email Anthony@hyrbidathlete.org and ask him what to do.

What about nutrition?

You can’t out train poor nutrition, but there’s no secret diet – it’s called willpower. 80% of the time
eat real food; lean meat, veggies, fruit, nuts and seeds. Don’t eat foods that come out of a box or
bag; no grains, bread, sugar or starch.

FAQ (2)
And the warm-up?
A dynamic warm-up is the method we use to prepare your body for exercise. Done correctly,
a dynamic warm-up will use continuous movement to transition from a resting heart rate and
body temperature to a working heart rate. The idea here is to get your heart going, increase core
temperature and break a sweat.

Each session will be assigned a warm-up A, B, or C.

Warm-up A Warm-up b Warm-up c

3 rounds, 30 seconds each 3 Rounds, 30 seconds each 4 Rounds

Jumping Jack Steam Engine 5x BW Squat

Instep Stretch Trunk Rotation 5x Multi-direction Leg Swing

Arm Circles Foam Roll IT Band & Quads 5x Alternate Lunge

(forward/backward, large/small) (if possible) (each leg)

Trunk Rotation
(right & left)

1x Easy Jog and Dynamic Movements:

High-knees, Butt-kicks, Bounding, Reverse Run, etc. @ 5 minutes

week 1
Session 1 Session 2

Warm-up A Warm-up B

5 Rounds 6 Rounds

5x Push-up 12x Alternate Lunge (6 each leg)

10x Sit-up 6x Plank Walk-up

15x BW Squat 6x Lateral Lunge

Rest @ 30 seconds 6x Plank Walk-up

3 Rounds 2 Rounds

10x Superman Back Extension 25x Leg Raise

10x Two Count Flutter Kick 25x Sit-up

week 1
Session 3 Session 4

Warm-up B Warm-up C

4 Rounds
Run at least 30 minutes
Use a walk, jog technique if needed
Burpee @ 30 seconds (jog until you need a break, then walk as
Rest @ 30 seconds needed, repeat for 30 minutes)

BW Squat @ 30 Seconds
Look to build up your mileage over time;
Rest @ 30 Seconds do not push too far too fast.
Burpee @ 30 seconds
If you can go 30 minutes try a 5K
Rest @ 30 seconds
If 5K is easy do a 10K
Iso Squat Hold @ 30 seconds
Cool down @ 10 min easy jog,
static stretching
4 Rounds

6x Bird Dog (each side)

6x Superman Back Extension

week 2
Session 5 Session 6

Warm-up A Warm-up B

Complete this circuit as many times 4 Rounds

as you can in 20 minutes

Mountain Climber @ 60 seconds

5x Push-up Rest @ 30 seconds
10x Alternate Lunge (5 each leg) BW Squat @ 60 seconds
5x Windmill Push-up Rest @ 30 seconds
10x Jump Squat Side Plank Hold – Right @ 60 seconds
5x Wide Hands Push-up Rest @ 30 seconds
10x Two Count Flutter Kick Side Plank Hold – Left @ 60 seconds
5x Close Hands Push-up

10x Tip-over (5x each leg)

1 Round

Max Repetition Push-up in 2 minutes

week 2
Session 7 Session 8

Warm-up B Warm-up C

4 Rounds
8-10 x 400m run @ max effort
(400 m = one lap around a regulation
24x BW Squat
track or ¼ of a mile)
24x Alternate Lunge (12x each leg)

12x Jump Squat Rest time is equal to time taken to

complete 400m or less
12x Jump Lunge (6x each leg)

Cool down @ 10 min easy jog,

static stretching
5 Rounds

Burpee @ 30 seconds

In and Out @ 30 seconds

Rest @ 30 seconds

week 3
Session 9 Session 10

Warm-up A Warm-up B

5 Rounds 6 Rounds

5x Alternate Lunge 5x Push-up

10x Plank Walk-up 10x Alternate Lunge
15x BW Squat 5x Incline Push-up
20x Mountain Climber 10x Lateral Lunge
25x Sit-up 5x Decline Push-up

10x Tip-over

3 Rounds

3 Rounds
6x Bird Dog (each side)

12x Superman Back Extension Plank Hold @ max hold

24x Jumping Jack Side Plank Right @ max hold

Side Plank Left @ max hold

week 3
Session 11 Session 12

Warm-up B Warm-up C

3 Rounds
10-12x Hill Sprints
Mountain Climber @ 60 seconds Find a steep hill that takes
Jump Squat @ 60 seconds 60-90 seconds to climb

Rest up to 2 minutes
Run @ Max Effort
3 Rounds Walk/easy jog to start

Push-up @ 60 seconds Repeat

In and Out @ 60 seconds
Rest up to 2 minutes Cool down @ 10 min easy jog,
static stretching
3 Rounds

Jump Lunge @ 60 seconds

Leg Raise @ 60 seconds
Rest up to 2 minutes

3 Rounds

Burpee @ 60 seconds
Sit-up@ 60 seconds

week 4
Session 13 Session 14

Warm-up B Warm-up A

5 Rounds
5 Rounds

5x Dive Bomb Push-up BW Squat @ 60 seconds

10x Alternate Lunge Squat Hold @ 60 Seconds

20x Two Count Flutter Kick

4 Rounds

5 Rounds
6x Knee to Elbow Push-up (each side)

12x Split Squat (each leg)

5x Plank Walk-up
24x Bird Dog (12 each side)
10x Reverse Lunge

20x Superman Back Ext

2 Rounds

25x Leg Raise

Max sit-ups @ 2 minutes
25x In and Out

week 4
Session 15 Session 16

Warm-up B Warm-up C

5 Rounds, 30 sec each

Run @ 5 minutes
25x BW Squats
Burpee Run @ 5 minutes
Plank Hold 25x Jump Squats
Run @ 5 @ minutes
25x Jump Lunge (total)
Side Plank Right Side Run @ 5 minutes
Push-up 25x Push-up

Side Plank Left Side

If possible repeat up to 3 times
Rest @ 60 seconds
Cool down @ 10 minutes with
easy jog, static stretching
3 Rounds

12x Lunge Cycle

(forward lunge, reverse lunge = 1 rep)

12x Lateral Lunge

12x Tip Over

week 5
Session 17 Session 18

Warm-up A Warm-up B

3 Rounds
4 Rounds
12x Burpee
Staggered Hand Push-up @ 30 Seconds
Side Plank Right Side @ 60 seconds
Jump Squat @ 30 Seconds
BW Squat
Rest @ 30 Seconds
Side Plank Left Side @ 60 Seconds
4 Rounds
3 Rounds
Plank Walk-up @ 30 Seconds
Jump Lunge @ 60 Seconds 6x Split Squat each leg
Rest @ 30 Seconds 24x Leg Raise

6x Tip-over each leg

4 Rounds
24x sit-up

Two Count Flutter Kick @ 60 seconds

In and Out @ 60 seconds
Rest @ 30 Seconds Max repetition push-up @ 2 minutes

week 5
Session 19 Session 20

Warm-up B Warm-up A

5 Rounds 6 Rounds

5x Windmill Push-up (each arm) 6x Alternate Lunge (each leg)

25x Jumping Jack 12x BW Squat

5x Wide Hands Push-up 12x Jump Lunge (each leg)

25x Mountain Climber 24x Jump Squat

5x Close Hands Push-up

3 Rounds

3 Rounds
6x Dive Bomb Push-up

6x Bird Dog (each side) Side Plank Right Side @ 60 seconds

12x Superman Back Extension 12x Push-up

24x Leg Raise Side Plank Left Side @ 60 seconds

24x Flutter Kick

week 5
Session 21

Warm-up C

Run at least 30 minutes

Use a walk/jog technique if needed

(jog until you need a break, then walk as
needed, repeat for 30 minutes)

Look to build up your mileage over time;

do not push too far too fast.

If you can go 30 minutes try a 5K

If you can do a 5K, do a 10K

Cool down @ 10 min easy jog,

static stretching

week 6
Session 22 Session 23

Warm-up B Warm-up A

2 Rounds, 12 reps each

3 Rounds

Knee to Elbow Push-up

10x Plank Walk-up Jumping Jack
20x BW Squat Leg Raise
20x Leg Raise Alternate Lunge

Superman Back Extension

3 Rounds
Reverse Lunge

5x Staggered Hand Push-up (each hand) Max Repetitions, 2 minutes each exercise

5x Split Squat (each leg) Push-up • Squat • Sit-up

20x In and Out 2 Rounds, 12 reps each

Windmill Push-up
3 Rounds Alternate Lunge

Jumping Jack
40x Mountain Climber Reverse Lunge
10x Lateral Lunge (each leg) Two Count Flutter Kick
Plank Hold @ 60 seconds Bird Dog
week 6
Session 24 Session 25

Warm-up B Warm-up A

5 Rounds
4 Rounds

10x Dive Bomb Push-up

60 seconds on, 30 seconds rest
20x In and Out
10x Alternate Lunge (each leg)
4 Rounds 20x Leg Raise

10x Plank Walk-up

60 seconds on, 30 seconds rest
20x Sit-up
Jump Squat
10x BW Squat

4 Rounds 20x Two Count Flutter Kick

60 seconds on, 30 seconds rest

Jump Lunge

4 Rounds

Max Hold Plank

week 6
Session 26

Warm-up C

Mile Repeats

2-4x one mile repeat @ max effort

Walk/jog recovery equal to the time

taken to complete the mile run

Cool down @ 10 min easy jog,

static stretching


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