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Profile: Zimbabwe Security Forces

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The document discusses Zimbabwe's security forces and their central role in politics despite declines in capacity and competence. The military remains opposed to political settlement and controls decision making through the Joint Operations Committee.

Zimbabwe's formal security forces consist of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces (army and air force), Zimbabwe Republic Police, Zimbabwe Prison Service, and Central Intelligence Organisation. They maintain a highly coordinated and militarized security state with military involvement in all aspects of government.

Veterans of Zimbabwe's liberation war are part of the reserve force under the Ministry of Defence. Graduates of the National Youth Service play an important role through affirmative action programs requiring their preference in recruitment. They make up the core of government loyalists in security force branches.

profile July 2011

Head of Zimbabwe Central Intelligence Organisation, Happton Bonyongwe (left) confers with Constantine Chiwenga, Commander
of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, and President Robert Mugabe (right).

zimbabwe security forces

Even under the multi-party government, the armed forces are
central to all aspects of life in Zimbabwe

imbabwe’s generals are the ultimate bulwark against any change in that country. Grouped
in the non-statutory Joint Operations Committee (JOC) which makes up President Robert
Mugabe’s inner circle, they remain antagonistic to the unity government with Morgan Tsvangi-
rai’s MDC and are increasingly distrustful of non-military politicians even in Mugabe’s Zanu PF.
Access to economic opportunities has strengthened their bond to Mugabe and their willingness to
defend the status quo.
While conventional military capacity and competence have declined massively since the late
1990s, Zimbabwe’s security forces remain a major – and arguably the central – obstacle to settlement
of the country’s political instability.
2 Southern Africa Report PROFILE July 2011

Z Zimbabwe Defence Forces

imbabwe’s formal security forces Zimbabwe
comprise the Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF), the
Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP), the Zimbabwe Zimbabwe National Army
Prison Service (ZPS) and the Central Intelligence Organ-
isation (CIO). Organisation: The ZNA has a mechanised brigade, five
The ZDF in turn consists of the Zimbabwe National motorised infantry brigades of three battalions each, an ar-
Army (ZNA) and the Air Force of Zimbabwe (AFZ). tillery brigade, a presidential guards’ brigade, and several
Veterans of the liberation war, under the banner of the special forces and support units.
Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Associa- l The Mechanised Brigade, based at Inkomo Barracks,
tion (ZNLWVA), are members of the Reserve Force under comprises two mechanised infantry battalions and one
the Ministry of Defence, which makes them an element of armoured regiment: three squadrons of armoured cars
the formal security structure. and one squadron of tanks. The armoured cars are Brazil-
Graduates of the National Youth Service (NYS), an in- ian Cascavels armed with 90mm guns, manufactured by
doctrination and basic military training programme initi- Engesa Canyau. The tanks are an assortment of Russian,
ated in 2001, also play an important role through an af- Chinese and North Korean T54, T55 MBTs.
firmative action programme requiring that they are given l 1 Infantry Brigade (motorised) is headquartered at
preference as recruits. Khumalo Barracks (formally Brady) in Bulawayo. Under
Zimbabwe is a highly-coordinated and militarised securi- this brigade are 1:1 Infantry Battalion at Induna Barracks
ty state, structurally similar to that under PW Botha in apart- (Bulawayo); 1:2 Infantry Battalion at Hwange Barracks;
heid South Africa, with the military directly involved in all and 1:3 Infantry Battalion in temporary makeshift accom-
aspects of government. Serving and retired military and in- modation at Plumtree, near the Botswana Border.
telligence officials occupy key positions in Cabinet, the civil The brigade maintains an infantry company at the Beit
and diplomatic service, and government parastatals. Bridge Border post at all times. It also maintains small
Security forces formally interface with the ‘inclusive detachments at the Victoria Falls and Kazungula Border
government’ through the National Security Council posts.
(NSC), chaired by President Robert Mugabe and attended l 2 Infantry Brigade (motorised) is based at Cranborne
by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, and all ministers of Barracks in Harare. Under this brigade are 2:1 Infantry
the security ministries (Defence, Home Affairs, State Se- Battalion in temporary accommodation at Mutoko; 2:2
curity, Foreign Affairs, and Local Government) and service Infantry Battalion in temporary accommodation in Mud-
chiefs. The NSC is theoretically responsible for the formu- zi; and 2:3 Infantry Battalion at Magunje, outside Karoi.
lation and supervision of the implementation of policies l 3 Infantry Brigade (motorised) is based in Mutare, and
on almost every aspect of Zimbabwe’s social, political and the battalions are based as follows: 3:1 Infantry Battalion
economic life. in Mutare; 3:2 Infantry Battalion in Rusape; and 3:3 In-
In practice the NSC is little more than window-dressing. fantry Battalion in Chipinge.
Real decision-making takes place through the Joint Opera- l 4 Infantry Brigade (motorised) is based Masvingo. Its
tions Committee (JOC), the non-statutory strategic centre units are 4:1 Infantry Battalion in Masvingo; 4:2 Infantry
and intersection point between the security structures and Battalion at Mupandawana (Gutu) and 4:3 Infantry Bat-
Mugabe’s Zanu PF party. The JOC meets Mugabe weekly talion in Masvingo.
to receive and review intelligence reports from across the l 5 Infantry Brigade (motorised) and all its units are
country, and to make policy recommendations to the NSC based at Battlefields in Ngezi.
on the basis of those intelligence reports. l The Zimbabwe Artillery Brigade comprises two field
The JOC is replicated at provincial and district levels regiments based at Alphida Farm in Domboshava, just on
where, in addition to the usual representatives of the secu- the outskirts of Harare, and an air defence regiment based
rity ministries, the representatives of the Ministry of Local at Pondorosa Barracks in Red Cliff, just outside Kwekwe.
Government are included. The provincial governors and An ongoing debate over the merits of moving the air de-
the district administrators chair the JOC meetings respec- fence regiment into the AFZ remains inconclusive.
tively at provincial and district levels. l The Presidential Guards Brigade is a special formation
Since its establishment in 2006 the NSC has played a di- consisting of two infantry battalions, plus an armoured re-
rect, and directing, role in national-level decision-making. connaissance troop and a ceremonial field artillery troop.
Once the NSC has noted and adopted the recommenda- The bomb disposal unit of the Zimbabwe Corps of En-
tions, they are then presented to the Zanu PF Politburo, gineers has been attached permanently to the Presidential
the party’s highest decision-making body and implemen- Guards Brigade. Commanders of the Presidential Brigade
tation arm of the party’s Central Committee. If approved and units under command are carefully selected for their
by the Politburo, the recommendations will then be tabled loyalty to President Mugabe and Zanu PF. Rank and file of-
before Cabinet for final adoption as government policy. ficers and men of the brigade have their every move close-
To ensure there are no delays in the process of policy ly watched. They get first preference with respect to alloca-
formulation, the National JOC and NSC meetings are held tion of scarce resources, although they do not receive any
every Monday, Politburo meetings every Tuesday and Cab- special allowances.
inet meetings every Wednesday. It can thus take less than l Zimbabwe’s Special Forces comprise the Commando
a week for JOC recommendations to pass through all the Regiment based at Cranneborne Barracks in Harare, the
stages of approval. Parachute Regiment based at Inkomo Barracks outside
July 2011 PROFILE Southern Africa Report 3

Harare on the Chirundu Highway and the Special Air Ser-

vice (SAS) Squadron.
While the SAS Squadron is an independent army troop
tasked directly by the Defence HQ, it is attached to the Par-
achute Regiment for administrative purposes, and draws
most of its officers and recruits from the regiment.
Each of the brigades and special forces regiments has
the usual allocation of integral elements of signals, engi-
neers, medical, transport, etc.
The Grey’s Scouts, based at Inkomo Barracks, is a
mounted battalion administered by the Mechanised Bri-
gade, but tasked only by Army Headquarters. It is a normal
sized battalion that is equipped and trained to conduct low
intensity operations on horseback.
The ZNA has two combat engineer regiments based at
Pomona Barracks in Harare, two signals regiments (one in
Harare and the other in Bulawayo) and two medical com-
panies (one in Harare and the other in Bulawayo). The 90mm Brazilian Cascavel. Only 10 of the 90 which had
Training facilities include the Zimbabwe Military Acad- been in service in the 1980s are still in fighting order.
emy (ZMA) in Gweru, Zimbabwe School of Infantry at
Mbalabala, All Arms Battle School at Nyanga, Army School
of Logistics at Adams Barracks in Mutare, Recruit Train- Rhodesian army during the civil war. Many were destroyed
ing Depot at Imbizo Barracks outside Bulawayo, Medical during the Mozambique campaign. Others were either de-
Training School at Imbizo Barracks, School of Signals at stroyed or captured during the war in the DRC. Having seen
Imbizo Barracks, Zimbabwe School of Military Engineer- action in Mozambique, Somalia, Angola and DRC, they are
ing at Pomona Barracks, Army Pay Corp Training School no longer in good fighting condition. The economic crisis
in Harare and the School of Military Intelligence at Kabrit and the deterioration of diplomatic relations with the EU
Barracks in Harare. countries have made it extremely difficult for the ZNA to
The Chinese Government is helping with funding for source critical spares to maintain the APCs in good fight-
the construction and equipping of the Defence College. ing condition.
Revenue collections from the sale of diamonds are also be- The French Acmat is not configured for military oper-
ing used to fund work on the college. There is no informa- ations, but for police crowd-control operations. Its intro-
tion as to when the college will open its doors to its first duction into the ZNA coincided with the advent of violent
students, or what the major components of the curricu- food riots in January 1998 and the deployment of troops on
lum will include. Chinese influence will undoubtedly be the streets of Harare in a role previously reserved for the
significant. Police Support Unit.
The statutory strength of the ZNA is 40 000, but actual Prior to the delivery of the vehicle, a team of soldiers
strength stands at approximately 30 000. Desertions, res- was dispatched to France where they were taught crowd
ignations, retirement and deaths took a huge toll during dispersal drills using the APC. The APCs played a key role
the 2007-2008 political and economic crisis, with actual in dispersing rioting women demonstrating against esca-
strength dropping to a low of 25 000. The situation has sta- lating prices of food in January 1998. As with the Unimog-
bilised and renewed recruitment is rebuilding the army's Benz APCs, it has not been easy to source spares for the
strength. Acmat. The APCs are therefore in a state of disrepair.
The army is unlikely to embark on a major recruitment The Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) are the Russian T-54, Ko-
drive in the very near future: the administration lacks the rean T-55 and the Chinese T-59 (30), T-63 (unknown) and
funds for recruitment or, despite Chinese support, train- T-69 (10). Most of the MBTs have already been decommis-
ing. sioned. They were too old and spares were becoming dif-
ficult to acquire.
Equipment: ZNA field artillery regiments are equipped The 90mm Brazilian Cascavel is the main armoured re-
mainly with 4 x 122mm Russian guns (towed), 12 x 122mm connaissance vehicle. Zimbabwe had 90 Cascavels at the
howitzer (towed), 25 x BM 21 Grad (self-propelled), 18 x end of the 1980s, but lack of spares forced commanders
105mm pack howitzer and 12 x 105mm howitzer (towed). to cannibalise parts to keep some in good fighting order.
The air defence regiment is equipped mainly with the Rebels in the DRC captured four, and the other 77 are
SAM-7 surface-to-air missiles, the ZU-23 air defence guns grounded for reasons ranging from lack of tyres to short-
and ZSU-23-4 Shilka. age of engine spares. Most can now be seen rotting at a
The mechanised infantry battalions are equipped with vehicle graveyard at Inkomo. Less than 10 are serviceable:
an assortment of locally assembled APCs (precise number the Cascavel fleet is currently too depleted to fulfil any ar-
unknown, but believed to be about 90) based on the chas- moured reconnaissance mission.
sis and engine of the German Unimog-Benz, and 16 French The Russian T-54s were inherited from former Zipra
Acmat APCs. forces at independence in 1980, while the Korean T-55s
All the Unimog-based APCs were assembled for the came as part of the equipment for the notorious 5th Bri-
4 Southern Africa Report PROFILE July 2011

equatorial rain forests affected accuracy.

The ZNA’s standard infantry troop carrier and first-
and second-line logistics fleets (the Austrian Steyr and
the French Acmat) are largely depleted. Attempts to re-
place the third- and fourth-line logistics vehicles (8-tonne,
10-tonne and 30-tonne Benz and Scania trucks) have been
unsuccessful: the fleet of 200 Chinese Dongfeng trucks
was unable to adapt to local conditions. Just a couple of
dozen remain operational, but in a poor state of mainte-
The entire available ZNA transport fleet would barely be
sufficient to transport a battalion. Ambulances and recov-
ery vehicles have depleted. MBTs cannot be deployed as
the trucks and low-loader trailers needed for that purpose
have also depleted. Most of the low-loader trailers have
been auctioned to the public.
The artillery pieces cannot be deployed because of a
Made in Russia: The ZSU-23 Shilka shortage of trucks to tow them. There is a similar shortage
of ammunition trucks.
The army supply system is in tatters. All third and fourth
gade, which until the end of the civil war in Matabeleland line transport resources are depleted. Ammunition boxes
and the Midlands, was not part of the ZNA, but was a secu- (trucks adapted to carry ammunition) have depleted, and
rity arm of the ruling Zanu PF party. some of them have been auctioned. Troop-carrying vehi-
It is not known how many T-54/55 tanks remain oper- cles are not there anymore. Refrigerated trucks to trans-
ational. But despite their refurbishment by Korean tech- port perishable food items have all depleted.
nicians in 1999-2000, the majority are out of commission Apart from standard plant equipment for construction
due to a shortage of spares and lengthy periods of disuse of roads and Bailey bridges, ZNA engineers have an assort-
due to a biting shortage of fuel and training ammunition. ment of earthmoving equipment, mostly graders and cat-
Recent media reports of purchases of T-63 and T-69 erpillars (most currently deployed on the farms of senior
MBTs from China appear to be inaccurate, although ZDF army officers). The graders and dozers are now mostly ob-
and the Chinese military have agreed on a supply contract solete. Some have been auctioned, while some had their
for a wide range of military hardware, including APCs, ar- parts stripped and sold on the black market, mainly to
moured reconnaissance vehicles and MBTs. Finer details of earthmoving companies and chrome miners on the Great
the agreement could not be obtained. Senior ZDF sources Dyke. The army engineers have not received any new or
are sceptical that the contract will result in substantial de- replacement equipment for years.
liveries of hardware. The ZNA engineers benefited from the de-mining pro-
The AK-47 assault rifle is the standard weapon for all gramme funded by the US, which provided vehicles and
units, but the 7,62mm FN rifle is also still in use, mainly in de-mining equipment. But cooperation with the US Army
the special forces units. in this area has since been suspended, and the de-mining
The 7,62mm FN MAG and the Russian PK machine gun programme has almost collapsed. The engineers have re-
are the standard general and sustained-fire support weap- cently taken delivery of nine 8-tonne vehicle-borne bridg-
ons for the infantry. ing equipment vehicles. The source is unknown.
The 81/82mm and the 60mm mortars are the stand- In terms of communications, the ZNA has not acquired
ard infantry high trajectory support weapons, while the any new HF or VHF sets. They still use the A76 and the
75mm anti-tank gun is the main battalion-level anti-tank A81J pack radios for VHF communications, and the B22
weapon. The British 88mm shoulder-held anti-tank rocket and B85 station radios for HF. communications. WRS was
launcher is also still in use, but mostly for training because the local agent for the radios and was also responsible for
of shortages of ammunition. battery supply.
The RPG-7 bazooka is the standard infantry platoon an- The A76 was inherited from the Rhodesian Army, and
ti-tank weapon. it is small, light, compact and very efficient radio suitable
The Red Arrow, a Chinese wire-guided anti-tank mis- for use in low intensity operations. But its batteries are not
sile launcher, was acquired during the DRC campaign in rechargeable or reusable, so troops will have to bear the
1998 and extensively used, particularly on the Eastern extra weight of the batteries when on patrol.
Front against advancing Rwandese and Ugandan columns. The A81J was purchased as a replacement for the A76
But the weapon’s performance was not satisfactory, and – and several senior commanders are understood to have
has not found its way into the ZNA equipment tables. The received commissions from the transaction. The radio was
antiquated weapon’s major disadvantage lies in the wire- inadequately tested and proved unreliable in operations,
guidance system, which diminishes the weapon’s effective- and has largely been abandoned.
ness whenever there is an obstacle between the launch- The B22 was inherited from the Rhodesian Army. While
er and the target – a limitation demonstrated in the DRC it was a very efficient radio, spares are increasingly difficult
where the numerous water bodies characterising the vast to source. It is being phased out and replaced by the B85.
July 2011 PROFILE Southern Africa Report 5

The strategic 10 Signals Squadron in Borrowdale, re- had been grounded. Only a handful of senior officers had
sponsible for radio interceptions, is understood to have seen real action. The balance was drawn from non-combat
received equipment from China recently. Information on units – promoted because of political connections rather
this matter is very scarce. than competence.
Escalating involvement of the Ugandan and Rwandese
Operational efficiency: Until about 1997, the standard armies and proxy rebel groups acting as their proxies in
of training of the ZNA was high. Both individual and unit the Eastern Front, forced the ZNA to embark on a massive,
training were conducted as per the schedules in the Army unprecedented recruitment drive to make up for the acute
Commander’s Annual Training Directives. shortages of manpower.
The active participation of armour, artillery, combat en- To get troops to the battle fields, the ZNA compromised
gineers and air support resources in all major tactical ex- on training – actually closing down several training facili-
ercises to simulate real battle conditions ensured some de- ties to release personnel for the DRC campaign.
gree of realism in the training. ZNA training has never fully recovered. The withdrawal
However, the advent of the economic depression in of the British Military Advisory Training Team (BMATT)
1997 and the collapse of the Zimbabwe dollar against ma- in 2001, and the withdrawal of all forms of assistance as-
jor world currencies saw fewer and fewer resources allocat- sociated with their presence in Zimbabwe, coupled with
ed for training. The deployment of the ZDF to the DRC in military sanctions by the UK and other Western countries,
August 1998, without proper preparation in terms of mate- compounded the problem. Military training exchange pro-
rial resource mobilisation, exerted further pressure on al- grammes with countries such as the US, the UK and Nige-
ready steadily depleting resources. ria, which had immensely benefited the ZNA, have been
Prior to the DRC deployment the Zimbabwe govern- suspended.
ment reviewed and amended its defence policy to adapt Military commanders have turned their attention more
to what appeared to be a lasting peace in Southern Africa. and more to partisan politics, and have started channelling
The 1994 advent of democracy in South Africa was the cul- more and more resources to non-military activities such as
mination of a series of key developments: the attainment land reform, Zanu PF campaigns, and elections, at the ex-
of independence by Namibia in 1989, the first peace agree- pense of military programmes such as equipment procure-
ment in Angola in 1992, and the 1992 Rome Peace Agree- ment and training. The result is a seriously compromised
ment between Frelimo and Renamo in Mozambique. level of professionalism.
Zimbabwe’s strategic defence objectives were realigned.
From the early 1990s, they focused on defence of Zimba- Resources: The ZNA has not yet recovered from the ero-
bwe’s territorial integrity and air space, and contributing sion of its resources during the 2007-2008 political and
to UN and African Union peace support operations. This economic crisis, when extreme shortages of foreign ex-
required a smaller, but well-equipped and mobile force, change and Zimbabwe’s international isolation seriously
which Zimbabwe’s budget could, at the time, sustain. The eroded its resource base.
ZNA’s statutory strength was cut from 51 000 to its current The diversion of the few remaining resources to non-
40 000. military activities meant to support Zanu PF’s campaign
But the rationalisation exercise was poorly implement- efforts, and large-scale corruption by senior army officials,
ed, resulting in an increase in the number of top posts, have worsened the situation.
the shrinking of the fighting formations and an expan- The ZNA is short of food rations, clothing, fuel, spares
sion of non-essential administrative (“bottle-washing” in for vehicles, weapon systems and other equipment.
the ZNA jargon) units. Resources were to support the new All military facilities, such as shooting ranges, office
strategy and structures were never found. and living accommodation, and training camps across the
The ZNA lost many of its well-trained, experienced and country are in an extreme state of disrepair. Damaged bar-
battle-hardened officers and men. At the same time, Aids rack equipment (beds, mattresses, lockers, tables, desks,
began decimating ZNA units, forcing the commanders in etc) have not been replaced.
1993 to disband four motorised infantry battalions, and to Operational equipment is not being repaired. Of the 90
close down the barracks at Bindura, Gwanda, Nyajena and Cascavel armoured reconnaissance vehicles supplied by
Birchenough Bridge. Engesa of Brazil, less than 10 are serviceable.
The ZNA did not recruit and train enough to stem the Despite having been refurbished by North Korean tech-
wastage through deaths, terminal illnesses and retire- nicians in 1999 and 2000, most of the main battle tanks
ments. And when they finally resumed recruitment in the and tracked armoured reconnaissance vehicles are out of
mid-1990s, suddenly the number of women recruits in the commission. All tank transporters are out of commission:
training camps was unprecedented. even ZNA’s serviceable tanks cannot be deployed.
When war broke out in the DRC, and Zimbabwe and In the mid-1990s the ZNA was forced to de-commission
Angola deployed troops to support the Kabila government the Puma, the armoured troop-carrying vehicle inherited
against Ugandan and Rwandese forces in the east, the from the Rhodesian Army, because of difficulties in sourc-
ZNA had been dislocated and its fighting efficiency com- ing Benz spares (the Puma is built on the Mercedes Benz
promised. Infantry brigades had only two poorly trained engine and chassis). All the other soft-skin Benz trucks,
and under-strength battalions each, instead of the usual including the highly versatile, all-terrain Unimog, have
three. The entire transport fleet, except for recently-pur- also been phased out for the same reasons. Of the 20-odd
chased Steyr and Acmat soft-skin troop carrying vehicles, 30-tonne Benz and Scania trucks, only two are apparently
6 Southern Africa Report PROFILE July 2011

Defence seized under the land reform programme, other state re-
Minister sources such as wildlife of state reserves, and minerals
Emmerson smuggled out of the DRC during the Zimbabwe military
Mnangagwa campaign there – and, crucially, protection against pros-
ecution for criminal activities.
Former ZNA head (now Defence Forces Chief) General
Constantine Chiwenga, and the Commander of 3 Brigade,
Brigadier General Douglas Nyikayaramba, are primary
beneficiaries of the politico-military relationship. The pair
are widely believed to have been responsible for the mur-
der in the mid-1980s of ZNA Captain Shepherd Nleya in
Hwange in the mid-1980s to prevent his exposure of their
involvement in illegal ivory and rhino horn trading.
Beneficiaries of the land reforms include many senior
and middle ranking officers as well as some of the former
NYS incorporated into the ZNA.
A majority of the former NYS members deployed in the
ZNA are veterans of the Zanu PF indoctrination camps
and, with little education, had to be exempted from ZNA
enlistment qualifications. They too have a strong incentive
in maintaining the system.
Ranged politically against these are the majority of
those who joined the army after independence. Ex-Rhode-
serviceable – ZNA sources claim even these are now out of sian soldiers (all black – the last white soldier, a W/O Cun-
commission. ningham, left several years ago) resent the controversial
All current construction projects under the Public Ser- affirmative action programme under which ex-guerrillas
vice Investment Programme (PSIP) have been suspended were routinely promoted ahead of them. They, and post-
for lack of funds. Notable are housing projects at Head- independence recruits, also resent the collapse of the pro-
quarters 4 Brigade in Masvingo and 3 Brigade in Mutare, fessional military regime established after independence.
which have been abandoned halfway through. The pro- Hostility towards Zanu PF, which they blame for their
posed construction of the headquarters of the Presidential circumstances, is widespread, although seldom aired pub-
Guards Brigade in the Mount Hampden area north-west licly. Loose accusations of support for the MDC (a label
of Harare, and the proposed construction of a boarding which inhibits promotion, has resulted in unfair dismissal,
school for children of army personnel in Ngezi are among and even detention and torture) have reinforced antago-
the many major projects stillborn through lack of funds. nism towards Zanu PF.
At least two infantry battalions, which had initially The vast majority of the rank-and-file in ZNA and a clear
been disbanded but later re-formed in 1999 for the DRC majority among junior and middle-ranking officers are an-
campaign, are permanently accommodated in field tents tagonistic to Zanu PF. But the presence of former Green
at Masvingo and Plumtree. Bombers (NYS graduates), routinely deployed to identify
Dollarisation of the Zimbabwe economy has brought and report on any criticism of the military status quo or of
some relief to the officers and men whose earning power Zanu PF, inhibits open articulation.
had been eroded by inflation. The lowest paid soldier now In 2002 the army deployed officers in the rural areas to
gets about US$200, and the government is under pressure help Zanu PF to mobilise support ahead of the presiden-
to improve the salaries of all public employees. Minimum tial elections of June that year. After the elections some of
wages are expected to rise to US$300. the officers were withdrawn, but a few were left in areas of
MDC strength.
Political alignment: In the ZNA, this is largely determined In 2008 larger numbers were sent to their homes where
by rank – with support for Zanu PF generally clustered in they faked retirement and started actively working with
the upper ranks, although there are pockets of support local Zanu PF structures to attack MDC structures. Most of
throughout – primarily through the integration of former these soldiers have not returned to barracks. They remain
NYS members into the army. Opposition to Zanu PF (and, on full pay and benefits, and they have become the back-
to a lesser extent, support for MDC) is widespread, but ap- bone of Zanu PF provincial and district structures.
parently unorganised and largely passive. It has been impossible so far to establish the number of
Although there remain pockets of ideological support soldiers deployed in rural areas.
for the rightwing nationalism espoused by Zanu PF, loy-
alty is increasingly towards the near-mercenary system put Morale: Morale has improved since its almost complete
in place by Zanu PF, rather than to the party itself. Consid- collapse at the height of the hyperinflation period when
eration given to installing a military presidential successor the desertion rate spiked at nearly 30% – South Africa and
to Mugabe reflects this. Botswana are now home to thousands of ZNA deserters,
Political patronage in exchange for military support in- where they are suspected of involvement in increased lev-
cludes effective legalisation of looting – state coffers, land els of violent crime. In January 2007 the Commander of
July 2011 PROFILE Southern Africa Report 7

the Army, Lieutenant General Philip Sibanda, had more

than 4 000 resignation applications on his desk – 10% of
the statutory strength is 40 000. He refused to authorise
Material conditions have improved markedly since
then. Salaries, although still inadequate, are paid on time.
The situation in the dining rooms has improved. Medical
supplies in camp hospitals are now available. New uni-
forms have been issued, although the combat boots from
China got reduced to threads within weeks of being issued.
There is still no money for training, and in the absence
of operational commitments, soldiers report for duty just
to be accounted for and occasionally to do fatigue. HIV- The aging French-made SA.316B Alouette III. Only three are
Aids is still a problem – an estimated 30% of personnel known to be serviceable in the AFZ.
are positive, with a huge proportion of them at varying de-
grees of sickness.
Desertion rates remain high – possibly as high as 10%. used in the fire-force role during the civil war in Matabele-
land and in the Mozambique campaign. They are main-
ly used in the tactical transport role and for intimate fire
Air Force of Zimbabwe support to ground forces. They are armed with Browning
machine guns, and the Bell 412 was armed with launch-
Organisation: The AFZ has three main air bases: Suri Suri ers for unguided missiles during the DRC operations. Only
Field Air Base near Chegutu, Manyame near Harare, and two Bells are flying and three Alouettes are known to be
Thornhill in Gweru. There are also Forward Air Fields at serviceable.
Grand Reef near Mutare, Buffalo Range near Triangle, Kot- The AFZ took delivery of Russian Mi-35 attack helicop-
wa in Mudzi, and at Hwange. ter gun-ships in 1998 during the DRC war. There are six
The air force is organised in four wings (stationed at the Mi-35 (including two Mi-35P) in the AFZ inventory. All are
airbases at Manyame, Suri Suri and Thornhill): the Engi- serviceable, but are confined to hangars as there is no fuel
neering Wing, Administration Wing, Flying Wing, and Reg- for them.
imental Wing. The CASA C.212-200 and the Britten-Norman BN-2A Is-
The Flying Wing is the fighting unit of the AFZ and is or- lander are the main fixed-wing tactical transport aircraft in
ganised into eight squadrons. The AFZ’s statutory strength the AFZ. Only four CASAs (of 14 delivered) and two Island-
is 5 000, but the actual strength is unknown because of ers (of six delivered) are still serviceable.
massive desertions, resignations, and deaths mainly due to The AFZ also acquired one Ilyushin IL-76 and one An-
Aids-related illnesses. tonov An-12 transport plane from Russia during the DRC
Equipment: The equipment inventory of the AFZ in- Chinese air defence expects have been working on Zim-
cludes an assortment of Western and Eastern equipment. babwe’s integrated air defence system for over 10 years.
The British Hawker-Hunter, inherited from the Rhodesian They regularly upgrade the system, most recently in 2006.
Air Force, is being retired because of difficulties in acquir- The integrated air defence system is based on two CEIEC
ing spares, and replaced by the upgraded Chinese K-8E. 408-C long-range air surveillance radars, which serve as
Twelve have been delivered. The AFZ has also taken deliv- the prime sensors. They operate from the ground and each
ery of six K-8 trainers, with a further six expected. has a range of about 600km. Several gap-filler radars com-
The Chinese-built Chengdu F-7 multi-role aircraft is plement them. The system is largely dysfunctional: two
used both as an interceptor and in the fighter ground at- long-range radars are insufficient to effectively cover the
tack role. Of the 24 supplied, two were lost in the DRC and Zimbabwean airspace, leaving too many gaps to be filled
six are grounded for lack of spares. This aircraft is also be- by gap-filler radars.
ing phased out and replaced by the Chinese FC-1. The first AFZ officers were apparently highly embarrassed dur-
batch of six FC-1s was delivered in mid-2006 and the sec- ing an air show in Cape Town, South Africa last month.
ond batch of another six was delivered in 2007. There is no First, the range of the aircraft is so short that they had to
record of further deliveries. land often to refuel. Second, because of a lack of naviga-
The AFZ also flies the Russian MiG-23 multi-role aircraft tional transponders, AFZ aircraft had to be escorted by the
for interception and fighter ground attack functions. The South African Air Force.
MiG-23 was supplied by Libya as excess to their require-
ments. In 2008 six were serviceable, but not in use. They Resources: : Like the ZNA , the AFZ has been badly af-
remain in hangers in Gweru. An order has also been placed fected by the shortage of spares – for aircraft and other
for the JF-17 Thunder lightweight multi-role fighter. There equipment.
is no record of delivery, but pilots and technicians have Sanctions by the UK compelled the air force to look
been trained to fly and maintain the aircraft. East. Although China has stepped into the breach, sup-
The AFZ is still flying the old SA.316B Alouette III and plying materiel and systems, providing training and other
the Augusta Bell 412SP helicopters, which were extensively support, the ‘Look East Policy’ has not yet enabled the AFZ
8 Southern Africa Report PROFILE July 2011

and New Zealand, as have large numbers of engineers and


Political alignment: Divisions within the AFZ are similar

to those in the ZNA, although pro- and anti-Zanu PF fault
lines are both horizontal and vertical.
AFZ chief Air Marshal Perence Shiri is a guerrilla war
veteran and was commander of the notorious 5th Brigade
– the Zanu PF private army responsible for the Gukura-
hundi campaign.
Shiri is particularly harsh in rooting out suspected po-
litical dissent. In this he has been backed by all senior AFZ
officers – all of whom have benefitted substantially from
government land reallocations. All were also involved in
mineral pillaging during the DRC campaign.
In the middle and junior officer ranks, political divisions
tend to be vertical – between different units: liberation war
The Chinese-built Chengdu f-7 currently being phased out and veterans and ex-Green Bombers are mainly grouped in the
replaced by the Chinese FC-1. Regimental Wing, responsible for physical security of air
force installations. Members of the unit are routinely de-
ployed in rural constituencies, before and during election
to achieve the levels of efficiency and effectiveness that campaigns, to enforce support for Zanu PF. For many, loy-
were standard prior to the DRC war. alty is based on land allocations they received under the
But the AFZ remains less politically pressured than the land reform programme.
ZNA. Zanu PF rarely turns to the AFZ for resources to sup- The AFZ’s administrators, logisticians, fighter pilots,
port its partisan political programmes, routinely misap- technicians and engineers in the Engineering Wing, Ad-
propriating ZNA resources. AFZ administrative infrastruc- min Wing and the Flying Wing, most of whom joined the
ture and living accommodation is better, and repair and AFZ after liberation and directly from college or university,
maintenance work is undertaken regularly. The AFZ also are overwhelmingly apolitical professionals (as far is this is
has more competent managers than the ZNA. possible in today’s Zimbabwe) or hostile to Zanu PF.
But like all government departments, the AFZ has been
affected by a critical shortage of cash for food rations,
medical supplies, uniforms, transport, fuel, etc. The lack
of spares for aircraft and equipment, coupled with the pa- Zimbabwe National Liberation
thetically low salaries, has resulted in engineers and tech-
nicians leaving the air force in large numbers to join the War Veterans’ Association
private sector, or to join the growing Zimbabwean exile
community. The economic depression has also resulted Background: There are an estimated 30 000 former guer-
in the AFZ failing to maintain some of its infrastructure, rillas of the two liberation movement armies, Zanla and
particularly the runways, bunkers and aircraft hangers at Zipra, including those serving in the security forces – al-
most of the air bases and Forward Air Fields. though the number is inflated by individuals who took ad-
vantage of the lax vetting process when the government
Operational efficiency: The level of training of AFZ pi- agreed to pay pensions to ex-guerrillas in 1997.
lots, engineers, technicians, gunners, Air Defence person- There are two representative bodies for war veterans; the
nel and other support staff has improved with Chinese Zimbabwe Liberators Platform (ZLP) and the Zimbabwe
support since the DRC campaign. AFZ pilots, engineers, National Liberation War Veterans’ Association (ZNLW-
technicians and air traffic controllers are receiving training VA). The ZLP, which opposes most Zanu PF policies and
in China, and Chinese trainers are present in the country practices, has little influence in the security forces.
to conduct on-the-job training and to evaluate the perfor- The ZNLWVA is a wing of Zanu PF and a powerful in-
mance of personnel trained in China. fluence in both the party and the government. The entire
But the fighting efficiency of the AFZ has been badly staff officer corps and most middle-level commanders of
compromised by the departure and deaths of experienced the army, air force, police, prison service and CIO are mem-
and battle-hardened fighters, and the AFZ’s inability to at- bers of the ZNLWVA.
tract replacements due to unattractive conditions of ser- A Department of War Veterans’ Affairs in the Office of
vice. the President is responsible for the day-to-day administra-
Experienced pilots, many with combat experience in tion and welfare of war veterans. But when deployed as
Mozambique during the civil war there between 1982 and members of the Reserve, war veterans fall under the Min-
1992, died in the DRC, either in action or of malaria and istry of Defence, and operationally under military or police
other killer diseases. command.
Many experienced transport pilots have left for green-
er pastures in countries such as South Africa, Australia Security function: Veterans have been called up for ser-
July 2011 PROFILE Southern Africa Report 9

vice in the Reserve – as was the case when they were de- since Washington imposed sanctions on ZDI (US hunt-
ployed in 2007/08 to assist the police to enforce price con- ers were, until then, ZDI’s major ammunition customers).
trols. They more commonly operate as an independent Current small arms ammunition is mainly for training am-
command, however, under Zanu PF. munition for domestic security services.
In this capacity they operate as enforcers, particularly in The factory continues to function, but at much reduced
the rural areas, to ensure high Zanu PF electoral turnouts level of productivity. International isolation, sanctions and
– a role they fulfilled successfully early this year in mobilis- an exodus of qualified personnel have restricted its capac-
ing rural peasant support for Mugabe’s anti-sanctions peti- ity.
tion. They also succeed in mobilising high Zanu PF turn- Exports were limited by 2008 to small arms and am-
outs in parliamentary and presidential elections. munition, mainly to rebel groupings in Africa, from excess
The veterans’ support comes at a high price: their 1997 stocks held by the services.
protests forced Mugabe to introduce war pensions. The re- ZDI has in the past supplied weapons and ammuni-
sulting drain on the fiscus was a key trigger factor in the tion to the Ugandan rebels, the Lord’s Resistance Army, to
ongoing economic crisis and one of Mugabe’s motivations Rwandan Hutu rebels (Interahamwe) operating from the
for launching his land reform programme. eastern DRC, and the Sri Lankan army, for which it manu-
factured mortar bombs for use in the final stages of the
Political alignment: The war veterans are deeply divided war against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam guerrilla
between support for Mugabe, for Vice-President Joyce Mu- movement.
juru, and for 2008 presidential candidate Simba Makoni.
Although Mugabe enjoys the support of key war vet-
eran leaders – Joseph Chinotimba, who commanded the Zimbabwe Republic Police
farm invasions, and Jabulani Sibanda in 2007 proposed
Mugabe’s appointment as life president – he is no longer Organisation: The ZRP, Zimbabwe’s national police force,
convinced of their long-term reliability. He has instead put is organised into three branches: Crime/Operations, Ad-
his faith in a ZNLWVA splinter group led by retired Colonel ministration and Personnel.
Sebastian Beta. Beta holds regular secret meetings with The force is headed by a national commissioner-general
Mugabe at the president’s Borrowdale Brooke residence. (equivalent to the head of ZDF), with each branch head-
He is also a regular at Mugabe’s rural homestead in Zvim- ed by a deputy commissioner-general. Since 2000, as the
ba. political challenge to Zanu PF grew, ZRP has been com-
Beta works closely with AFZ’s Shiri. He is widely fa- prehensively militarised and politicised, with senior and
voured to be given control of ZNLWVA in the not-to-dis- middle-ranking officers undergoing military training and
tant future. political indoctrination courses. Use of the ZRP against po-
litical and social opposition is routine.
Resources: The war veterans have no resource allocation Commissioner-General Augustine Chihuri is an active
from central government, apart from the budgetary allo- Zanu PF supporter and acts forcefully against any police
cation to the Department of War Veterans’ Affairs for staff force members suspected of hostility to Zanu PF. Although
salaries, allowances or administrative expenses. For their his health is failing as a result of Aids, Chihuri’s position
operations, the war veterans draw resources either from is secure: an initiative to replace him with current com-
Zanu PF or from relevant security force departments. They mander of the ZNA, Lieutenant General Philip Sibanda,
have recently agreed to contribute a percentage of their as part of the militarisation process has been abandoned
monthly pensions towards the building of a trust fund. and Chihuri’s term extended. Mugabe’s nephew, Innocent
Matibiri, promoted to the rank of deputy commissioner-
general last year, is expected to take over from Chihuri
Zimbabwe Defence Industry when he retires. Matibiri, who has been linked by Zimba-
bwe Revenue Authority customs officials to a smuggling
The Zimbabwe Defence Industry (ZDI) is a government operation illegally exporting cigarettes into South Africa,
company manufacturing, importing and selling weapons, has just 10 years’ police experience.
ammunition and other defence related items. The man- In addition to the standard policing divisions the ZRP
aging director is retired Colonel Tshinga Dube, a former has three special units: the innocuous sounding Support
commander of the ZNA’s Signals Directorate, and a close Unit (SU) and, within the CID, the Law and Order Mainte-
confidante of former Army Commander General Solomon nance unit and the Police Internal Security and Investiga-
Mujuru. The board is appointed by Mugabe and is made tions (PISI).
up of political allies and senior serving and retired military The SU is a paramilitary unit divided into three forma-
officers, and controls the ZDI. tions of approximately 1 000 men each, garrisoned at Chi-
ZDI is the principal importer of weapons and ammuni- kurubi (Harare), Fairbridge (Bulawayo) and Birchenough
tion for the security forces, and has the capacity at its fac- Bridge (Manicaland). SU personnel are trained for both
tory at Alphida Farm in the Domboshawa area northwest counter-insurgency and public order policing functions.
of Harare to produce mortar bombs, mines and small arms The Law and Order Maintenance unit is responsible for
ammunition for domestic use and export. countering “situations that threaten law and order”. PISI is
Small arms ammunition output – much of it tradition- an intelligence gathering and analysis unit.
ally bought by US hunters – has decreased considerably In 2002 authorities introduced an affirmative action
10 Southern Africa Report PROFILE July 2011

programme in which former members of the NYS and ex- as a police recruit training depot, to complement the main
Zanla guerrillas are promoted ahead of other members of training depot at Tomlinson in Harare. An average of 1 000
the ZRP. constables join the ranks of the ZRP every three months.
All senior and middle-ranking officers have, since 2002, Resources have been depleted to such an extent that
been required to undergo political indoctrination and mil- officers take days to react to reports of crime – if they re-
itary training courses at a special bush training camp at spond at all – because they lack even the most basic equip-
Buchwa Mine, near Zvishavane in the Midlands Province. ment. The standard police unit has few serviceable vehi-
Although the restructuring programme has succeeded cles, uniforms are in short supply and even typewriters –
in militarising ZRP and politicising key units, combined most ZRP units do not have computers – frequently break
with the affirmative action programme it provoked wide- down. Stationery is in short supply and many stations are
spread dissatisfaction in the conventional police units, re- without furniture. The shortage of vehicles is compounded
sulting in escalating desertion rates. by abuse by senior officers who are in the habit of taking
Growing political dissatisfaction and the crisis of the service vehicles for personal use on their farms.
hyperinflation period triggered desertion rates above the Officers are no longer provided with living accommo-
30% experienced by the ZNA. Introduction of a continu- dation.
ous recruitment programme has offset desertions, which
remain high although significantly below their peak. The Morale: Morale in the ZRP is extremely low. Loyalty in
force now replenishes at a rate exceeding wastage. senior ranks is assured among senior ranks and special
units through a similar system of enrichment and reward
Operational efficiency: In 2007 the government em- to that provided in the military.
barked on a massive recruitment drive in the rural areas
to offset the rising desertion rates and to increase capacity Political alignment: The ZRP rather than the ZDF has been
in response to growing political opposition. A former army the government’s first line of defence against challenges
cantonment area at Ndabazinduna in Bulawayo operates to its tenure. This is both because the challenge is political
rather than military and because Mugabe has greater confi-
dence in the ZRP than in the military (he has a police officer
for personal protection, not a military aide-de-camp, while
The Joint Operations Command military personnel above the rank of lance-corporal have
been forbidden to enter his Zimbabwe House residential
Robert complex since 1987). Since Mugabe’s agreement to a unity
Mugabe government last September, the military and the CIO have
with Police asserted themselves at the expense of the ZRP.
Despite Mugabe’s greater faith in the ZRP, and Chihuri’s
Chihuri (left)
harsh treatment of any police personnel suspected of dis-
and former loyalty to Zanu PF, dissatisfaction is if anything greater in
Armed Forces the ZRP than in the military. This is reflected in the de-
head, Vitalis sertion rate, and in the frequency with which police offic-
Zvinavashe ers can be overheard making disparaging remarks about
(right). Mugabe and Zanu PF in public places such as bars and
The Joint Operations Command (JOC) is a formal but commuter buses.
non-statutory structure made up of most of Zimbabwe’s As in the military, dissatisfaction does not appear to
security establishment. It has no relationship with Zanu PF translate into any organised opposition.
structures, but because members of the JOC are also Zanu
PF officials, the one cannot be distinguished from the other.
It meets once a week to advise President Robert Mugabe on Zimbabwe Prison Service
security and political issues. Its members are:
l General Constantine Chiwenga, commander of the The Zimbabwe Prison Services (ZPS) falls under the Min-
Zimbabwe Defence Forces; istry of Justice and is responsible for managing all prisons.
l Air Marshal Perence Shiri, commander of the Air Force ZPS has been militarised since the replacement in 1997
of Zimbabwe; of a civilian director general with Major General Willings
l Commissioner General Augustine Chihuri, commission- Paradzai Zimondi, a Zanu PF official, a war veteran and
er of the Zimbabwe Republic Police; serving chief of staff of the ZDF Reserve. Zimondi is a close
l Major General Paradzayi Zimondi (retired), head of the friend of former army commander General Mujuru.
Zimbabwe prison service; and He immediately set about reorganising ZPS, replac-
l Happyton Bonyongwe, director-general of the Central ing senior personnel with military and police officers and
Intelligence Organisation. training and retraining prison warders in ZNA training in-
The commander of the Zimbabwe National Army, Lieu- stitutions.
tenant General Philip Sibanda, does not participate, appar- He created a Prison Police unit, formally to serve the
ently opting for the role of non-political professional soldier same function as military police. The unit is also respon-
over that of political-securocrat. sible for maintaining political uniformity within the ZPS –
officers in the ZPS say the Prison Police exercises ongoing
July 2011 PROFILE Southern Africa Report 11

Army Commander
Chiwenga (left)
with Defence
Minister Emmerson

surveillance over officers and warders. and informers throughout Zimbabwe (see below). It was
Extreme political intolerance, low pay and poor condi- responsible in 2005 for Operation Murambatsvina (literally
tions of service translate into low morale. Operation Throw out the trash), the forced removal of
more than 700 000 urban poor living in informal settle-
ments. The operation was widely interpreted as a move to
Central Intelligence Organisation break the MDC’s support-base, still seen at the time as pri-
marily urban. It has also been responsible for post-2008
The Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) is responsible election black operations to undermine implementation of
for State Security. It was created out of the police Special the September 2008 unity government agreement.
Branch in the early 1960s under Prime Minister Winston l External Branch: This branch is responsible for external
Field and subsequently served Prime Ministers Ian Smith, security and is divided into two units, Analysis and Liaison.
Abel Muzorewa and Robert Mugabe. Under Smith, the CIO The Liaison unit is responsible for all CIO operatives as-
was widely feared and notorious for torture and political signed to diplomatic missions around the world. Its capac-
assassinations. ity in SADC has diminished considerably since Zimbabwe’s
Post-2008 election reports that Mugabe has initiated a economic crisis. The CIO depends primarily on declared
second intelligence operation, based on the Zimbabwe Na- intelligence officers at embassies to cultivate contacts. In
tional Liberation War Veterans’ Association and located in South Africa the CIO occasionally used Zanu PF loyalists in
the Department of War Veterans’ Affairs, suggest tension the expatriate community on a semi-covert basis.
between Mugabe and the CIO over the unity government l Security Branch: This branch is divided into CSU (Close
agreement signed in September 2008. Security Unit) and GPSI (Government Protection Securi-
It reached a low point shortly thereafter, starved of re- ty Inspectorate). The branch has the responsibility for VIP
sources and facing widespread resignations. This under- security and important government installations. It coop-
mined its effectiveness. It is recovering but remains well erates closely with the ZNA’s Presidential Guards and the
below its peak of the mid-2000s. police.
Organisation: The CIO falls under the Ministry of State Se- l Economics Branch: This branch, divided into the Poli-
curity in the Office of the President. The minister and po- cy Planning Unit and the Economic Analysis Unit, advises
litical head is Sydney Sekeramayi, a Mugabe confidante. the government on economic policy. It analyses the impact
Retired ZNA Major General Happyton Bonyongwe is and effectiveness of government’s economic policies. The
the operational head as director general. chronic socio-economic catastrophe is widely attributed to
The CIO is structured into six functional branches, each recommendations from the Economics Branch.
headed by a director: l Administrative Branch: This branch is responsible for
l Internal Branch: This is the ranking and most politi- providing the CIO with the administrative and logistical
cally active CIO unit, responsible for internal security. It is support necessary for its effective functioning. It is divided
divided into two units, Counter Intelligence (CI) and Seri- into five units, namely, Personnel, Training, Finance, Re-
ous Crimes Unit (SCU). source Management and Transport.
The Internal Branch has an extensive network of agents Both the military and police intelligence structures link
12 Southern Africa Report PROFILE July 2011

directly into the CIO. The Chief of Defence Intelligence

(CDI) – the head of the military’s intelligence in the ZDF – National Youth Service
reports to CIO. So too do the police PISI, and Law and Or-
der Maintenance units.
This gives the CIO unique reach and influence. The for-
mal CIO staff complement is approximately 3 000, sup-
plemented by a comprehensive network of informers and
The CIO is represented down to the lowest administra-
tive structure of the government. It is represented at the
provincial level by a Provincial Intelligence Officer (PIO)
in each of the 10 province: Harare, Bulawayo, Matabele-
land North, Matabeleland South, Midlands, Masvingo,
Manicaland, Mashonaland Central, Mashonaland East and
Mashonaland West.
Below the PIOs are District Intelligence Officers (DIOs)
and below them are an extensive network of Ground Cov-
erage teams which operate a comprehensive network of
informers and agents. CIO networks coordinate and over-
lap with similar – but less extensive – networks run by the
ZRP’s PISI and ZNA’s military intelligence ground cover-
age teams.
The CIO also manages agents and informers in virtually
all locations and organisations in Zimbabwe. At one time it
had agents in practically every village, street, school, hos-
pital, hotel, business, church and so on, and CIO opera-
tives in practically every professional association and lei-
sure club. Agents held office in labour unions, student un-
ions, civil society organisations and NGOs, and penetrated National Youth Service graduates in their formal uniforms.
opposition and exiled structures in southern Africa and
wherever there are large exile communities – in the UK,
Canada, South Africa, New Zealand and the US. Although The NYS was established in 2001 for youths between 10 and
considerably weakened by Mugabe’s crisis of confidence 30 “to transform and empower youths for nation building
after the 2008 elections, it retains a considerable informa- through life skills training and leadership development”.
tion-gathering reach. It was disbanded after an investigation by a parliamenta-
As the principal intelligence outfit for the country, the ry committee found that young people in NYS camps had
CIO’s tentacles tap into the police and defence structures. been starving and that female recruits had been subjected
The CIO avoids penetration by recruiting exclusively to sexual abuse, but it has since been re-launched.
among Zanu PF youth activists, from relatives of Zanu PF An estimated 40 000 young people have completed the
supporters and from the ranks of the NYS. programme.
The CIO budget, which comes under the President’s The role and influence of graduates of the programme
vote, is not accounted for, and there is no parliamentary is significant, however: since 2002 government depart-
oversight. ments have been required under an affirmative action pro-
gramme to give employment preference to NYS graduates,
Morale: CIO began deteriorating in 2008-2009 as opera- as are all training institutions: teacher training colleges,
tives and staff went for months without salaries and al- hospital schools, the army, air force, prison service, na-
lowances. Resignations became the order of the day, and tional parks and wildlife management, the Zimbabwe Ju-
analysts and others with access to sensitive information re- dicial College, agricultural colleges, and so on. NYS gradu-
sorted to exchanging information for money. Hostile intel- ates make up the core of government loyalists in the lower
ligence agencies found it easy to recruit CIO officers. Some ranks of all security force branches. u
officers faked prosecution and sought political asylum in
foreign countries, among them the UK.
Its situation has stabilised, and with salaries and agents’
pay coming regularly morale is improving, although it is Southern Africa Report is published by Mopani Media,
no longer the all-seeing eye of the Zanu PF government. reg no,2010/0234241/07.
The Chinese government is constructing an intelligence The contents are confidential and may not be reproduced or
college for the CIO, the Robert Gabriel Mugabe Universi- transmitted in any manner without the prior, written permission
ty of Intelligence. By the beginning of 2011 all the ground of the publisher.
work for the commencement of work on the college had Website: www.southernafricareport.com
been completed. Committees have been created to work Email: administrator@southernafricareport.com
on the curriculum and other issues.

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