Assay by Titrimetry:: What Are These Known Impurity & Unknown Impurity ?
Assay by Titrimetry:: What Are These Known Impurity & Unknown Impurity ?
Assay by Titrimetry:: What Are These Known Impurity & Unknown Impurity ?
Assay is nothing but content of the desired material in the given sample, assay can be calculated
on two basis, by
1) Titrations and
2) HPLC / GC
Assay by Titrations = [Titrate value of (sample - blank) x M x F x 100 x 100 ] / [Ws x (100- LOD)]
M - Molarity of Volumetric Solution,
Ws - Weight of solution,
F - Factor for drug substance,
LOD - Loss On Drying.
At - Area of the sample,
As - Area of the Standard,
Ws - Weight of the standard,
Wt - Weight of the Sample,
P - Potency or Assay of standard.
What is RRT ?
RRT stands for Relative Retention Time
Usually our sample for which HPLC need to be performed is pressurized into a column and while
this process under progress, some peaks will be observed at some particular times based on the
Standard solution,
and the time interval denotes the Retention time, the ratio of the sample peak Retention time to
the Standard peak Retention time is nothing but our Relative Retention Time.
Rs - Sum of areas of Main drug and all impurity Peaks in the chromatogram of the sample
RF - Response Factor.
RS[Residual Solvents] by GC :
This is most used term while describing a dry product Purity & LOD, Usually RS by GC will give a
clear idea about how much of solvent is being washed away from the material during a filtration,
also it characterizes the drying efficiency,
RS by GC can be calculated as