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The use of trade, firm, or corporation names in this publication is for information
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Jeffrey C. Miller
Department of Rangeland Resources
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon
Paul C. Hammond
Department of Zoology
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon
December 2003
The following individuals provided their expertise in identifying adults reared from the field-
collected caterpillars: Paul Hammond, Doug Ferguson, Jerry Powell, Don LaFontaine, Jim
T his book about Lepidoptera of Pacific
Northwest caterpillars and their adults is
dedicated to the late Doug Ferguson. Doug
Troubridge, Paul Opler, Jon Shepard, and Lars Crabo. The following people helped collect
and rear caterpillars: Paul Hanson, Jean Miller, Mike LaMana, Carolyn ver Linden, Dana Ross,
Norm Anderson, Jack Lattin, Maret Pajute, Gary Parsons, Emma Rossi, Pete Oboyski, and
played a very important role in the conduct
Rich Bowden. Dave McCorkle provided the photographs of caterpillars of Parnassius clodius,
of our studies. He offered his expertise in
Parnassius smintheus, Phyciodes pulchellus, and Atlides halesus. Rick Westcott took the photograph
taxonomy, which was critical to the
of the caterpillar of Catocala ilia. All other photographs were taken by the senior author, JCM.
identification of many of our geometrid
Chuck Benedict, INTECS International/USDA Forest Service, Forest Health Technology
species, and encouraged us to keep up the
Enterprise Team, deserves special thanks for shepherding the manuscript through to final
sometimes arduous task of field collecting and
draft and layout. Jean Miller spent many hours helping collect, rear, curate, and organize data
rearing caterpillars from various foodplants.
during the preparation of this manuscript.
We will miss him.
The Oregon Department of Agriculture, Plant Division, kindly provided specimens for
photography, in particular we would like to thank Jim LaBonte, Kathleen Johnson, and Dan
Hilburn. The Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Oregon State University, specifically
Scott Sundberg and Thea Cook, assisted us by loaning us parts to a digital scanner.
Also, this booklet would not have been produced without the encouragement and support
of Richard “Dick” Reardon and the USDA Forest Service, National Center of Forest Health
Management, Morgantown, West Virginia. This is the sixth book in a series on the Lepidoptera
of forests and woodlands. Dick has been the driving force and producer for the entire series.
Those in the series written by senior author Dave Wagner covered the species of the northeastern
United States, while those written by senior author Jeff Miller covered species of the Pacific
Northwest. We are very grateful for the opportunity to produce this book, and extend our
sincere thanks to Dick for his support.
Partial funding was provided by NSF LTER grants in support of the H.J. Andrews
Experimental Forest: DEB 80-12122, and DEB 96-32921; the USDA Forest Service Pacific
Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Willamette Institute for Biological Control,
the USGS; and the Oregon State University College of Agricultural Sciences.
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 1
CHAPTER 2: LIFECYCLE OF LEPIDOPTERA .................................................. 11
Adult ...................................................................................................... 11
Egg ....................................................................................................... 12
Caterpillar .............................................................................................. 12
Pupa ....................................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER 3: MORPHOLOGY OF LEPIDOPTERA ............................................ 17
Caterpillar .............................................................................................. 17
Adult ...................................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER 4: HANDLING LEPIDOPTERA .......................................................... 23
Collecting ............................................................................................... 23
Rearing .................................................................................................. 24
Preserving ............................................................................................. 24
Photographing ....................................................................................... 25
CHAPTER 5: PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE SPECIES ............................................. 27
Skippers ....................................................................................................... 28
Hesperiidae ................................................................................... 28
Butterflies .................................................................................................... 31
Lycaenidae .................................................................................... 31
Nymphalidae .................................................................................. 44
Papilionidae .................................................................................... 58
Pieridae .......................................................................................... 66
Satyridae ....................................................................................... 69
Macromoths ................................................................................................. 70
Arctiidae ........................................................................................ 70
Dioptidae ........................................................................................ 86
Drepanidae .................................................................................... 87
Geometridae .................................................................................. 88
Lasiocampidae ............................................................................ 165
Lymantriidae ................................................................................ 170
Noctuidae .................................................................................... 176
Notodontidae ............................................................................... 249
Saturniidae .................................................................................. 255
Sphingidae ................................................................................... 260
Thyatiridae ................................................................................... 264
APPENDIX 3: HOSTPLANTS BY FAMILY AND SPECIES ............................. 289
GLOSSARY ....................................................................................................... 311
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 317
INDEX OF COMMON NAMES ........................................................................... 321
INDEX OF SCIENTIFIC NAMES ........................................................................ 323
Riparian forest and riparian woodland Occurs in dry regions butterflies and skippers tend to bask in sunlight which is a behavior involved
along rivers, creeks, and gullies. The dominant trees are poplars, willow, in thermoregulation.
alder, cherry, and elderberry.
Adults tend to be brightly colored, at least in one of the sexes. Depending
on the species, the male or female is the more colorful, and the color
THE LEPIDOPTERA serves to attract a mate. For instance, in many of the blue Lycaenidae the
male is an iridescent blue/purple and the female is mostly brown. The
The Order Lepidoptera is divided into three groups: butterflies and bright and obvious colors and patterns on the wings might be associated
skippers, macromoths, and micromoths. Each group consists of with aposematism, a mechanism which serves to warn predators that the
numerous families. The family as a taxonomic unit is a grouping of genera individual is poisonous. While at rest, but not while basking in the sun, the
which are taxonomic units of related species. The differences between wings of butterflies are typically held pressed together above the body.
groups of Lepidoptera include obvious morphological features, technical The underside of a butterfly wing is often marked in colors and patterns
anatomical characteristics, and some behavioral ecological traits. that allow the individual to blend into the substrate upon which it is resting,
A majority of the described and documented Lepidoptera in the Pacific a morphological and behavioral condition known as crypsis. Skippers
Northwest are macromoths. Over 1,200 species of macromoths have differ slightly from butterflies in their resting posture. Typically they hold
been recorded to date. Between 180 and 200 species of butterflies and their wings at an oblique angle, or laterally, while at rest.
skippers, and 700 to 900 species of micromoths are listed as well. Adult butterflies and skippers are readily seen at flowers where they are
However, the scientific effort that goes into understanding the Lepidoptera sucking up nectar to obtain the energy required for flight. Caterpillars of
fauna is not evenly distributed among the species. Much is known about butterflies and skippers do not exhibit any general traits that separate
the presence and identity of butterfly and skipper species in the Pacific them from the caterpillars of macromoths.
Northwest; less is known about the presence and identity of macromoths.
Even less is known about the micromoths. The macromoth fauna of the Macromoths and micromoths differ from the Rhopalocera in the
Northwest has never been the subject of a comprehensive study, and morphology of the antennae, flight activity patterns, and coloration. The
many species remain to be discovered and described. As more studies tip of the antennae in macromoths and micromoths is not knobbed or
are conducted we expect the butterfly species count will remain nearly the swollen with a hook, although some Sphingidae may exhibit slightly
same, but the macromoth species count could increase another 25 percent, swollen antennae that taper to a point which is curved. Most species of
to around 1,500 species. The micromoth species count is likely to equal moths fly at night, their nocturnal flight behavior is one of the reasons
or exceed the number of macromoths. moths are readily seen at lights. Unlike the Rhopalocera, moths at rest do
not press their wings together vertically above their bodies. Rather, they
The butterflies and skippers are known as the Rhopalocera. There are hold their wings flat over their abdomens in a near horizontal position.
seven families: Hesperiidae, Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae, Papilionidae, The top surface of the wings is typically colored and patterned to blend
Pieridae, Riodinidae, and Satyridae. The butterflies and skippers are into the environment. Thus, bright colors are the exception rather than
distinguished by swollen areas at or near the end of the antennae. Butterflies the rule in moths. However, in a few species of moths the upper surface
have a swollen area at the tip of the antennae. Skippers have a swollen of the hindwing is brightly colored; a sudden exposing of the hindwing,
area near the end, but the enlargement is slightly expanded and tapers into which is typically covered by the forewing when at rest, may serve to
a hooked tip. Nearly all adult butterflies and skippers are diurnal, meaning startle a predator.
they are active during the day. Associated with their diurnal behavior,
Adults of many moth species do not feed. Typically, those that do feed prothorax. The dorsal aspect of the body is humped, a feature best
seek the carbohydrate- and energy-rich nectar of flowers. seen in lateral view. A full grown caterpillar may reach 30 millimeters
in length. Adults are day-flying.
Contrary to what the names suggest, overall size is not what distinguishes
the macromoths from micromoths. Rather, the distinction is in the details Nymphalidae Brush-footed butterflies, fritillaries, commas, admirals,
of the wing venation and the female reproductive tract. These details are crescents, checkerspots, and tortoiseshells; 50 species. Caterpillars are
discussed and illustrated in most texts on general entomology (Borror et external leaf feeders, and occur primarily on broadleaf plants. Many
al. 1989) and in books about Lepidoptera (Covell 1984). species have middorsal spines on A7 but not on A9. The head of
nymphalid caterpillars may possess non-stinging spines. A full grown
The macromoths in the woodlands and forests of the Pacific Northwest
caterpillar may reach 75 millimeters in length. Adults are day-flying.
are comprised of 1,200 species in twelve families: Arctiidae, Dioptidae,
Drepanidae, Epiplemidae, Geometridae, Lasiocampidae, Lymantriidae, Papilionidae Swallowtails and parnassians; 10 species. Caterpillars
Noctuidae, Notodontidae, Saturniidae, Sphingidae, and Thyatiridae. The are external leaf feeders. Body color in swallowtail caterpillars is a
micromoths in the woodlands and forests of the Pacific Northwest are mixture of green, yellow, and black. Body color in Parnassians is
represented by at least 500 species in over 20 families, the four most black. Caterpillars of Papilionidae possess an osmeterium, which is
common being the Tortricidae, Pyralidae, Gelechiidae, and Pterophoridae. an eversible forked pouch on the prothorax. A full grown caterpillar
may reach 70 millimeters in length. Adults are day-flying.
Pieridae Whites and sulphurs; 20 species. Caterpillars are external
COMMON FAMILIES OF LEPIDOPTERA IN FORESTS AND leaf feeders, and occur primarily on broadleaf plants. The body is
WOODLANDS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST covered with many very short hairs, giving the appearance of velvet.
In general, about 21 families of Lepidoptera are common in the Pacific A full grown caterpillar may reach 50 millimeters in length. Adults are
Northwest, and are briefly described, below. Due to the dynamics of day-flying.
name changes, recognized species status, and the nature of incomplete Satyridae Satyrs; 12 species. Caterpillars are external leaf feeders,
records, species numbers are estimates. and occur on grasses. The body is covered with many very short
Butterflies hairs, giving a velvet-like appearance. A full grown caterpillar may
reach 40 millimeters in length. Adults are day-flying.
Hesperiidae Skippers; 40 species. Caterpillars are external leaf feeders
but can be found within tied leaves on broadleaf plants and grasses. Macromoths
The most obvious diagnostic trait for identification of caterpillars is Arctiidae Woollybear caterpillars, tiger moths; 30 species. Caterpillars
that the first segment of the thorax is constricted. A full grown are external leaf feeders and occur on conifers and broadleaf plants.
caterpillar may reach 50 millimeters in length. Adults are day-flying. Typical arctiid caterpillars have dense coats of long hairs, giving the
Lycaenidae Hairstreaks, elfins, blues and coppers; 60 species. caterpillars a woolly appearance, hence the common name. Many
Caterpillars are external leaf feeders, and occur primarily on broadleaf species are covered with densely packed, wispy hairs that are longer
plants. The body is covered with many short hairs, giving a velvet-like than the width of the body. Some species are covered by densely
appearance. The head is usually concealed from above by the packed hairs that are shorter than the width of the body. A majority
in small species may reach only 20 millimeters in length, while large species fly at night and are readily attracted to light. However, the
species may reach 80 millimeters. Ferguson (1985) provides detailed males of some species, such as Orgyia antiqua and Orgyia pseudotsugata,
illustrations and references to the green geometers, Geometrinae, of are day flyers. The females of many of the lymantriids are wingless/
North America. flightless. A full grown caterpillar may reach between 60 and 70
millimeters in length. Ferguson (1978) provides illustrations and
Lasiocampidae Tent caterpillars and lappet moths; 6 species. references to the tussock moths of North America.
Caterpillars are external leaf feeders, and occur primarily on broadleaf
plants. Biordinal crochets of lasiocampids are unique among the Noctuidae Cutworms, armyworms, semi-loopers, and underwings;
common hairy caterpillars of the Pacific Northwest. 850 species, more than any other family of Lepidoptera in the Pacific
Northwest. Habits and habitats vary among species. Some species
Caterpillars of lasiocampids may be found feeding on the foliage of occur in the soil, others bore in stems, and many are external leaf
conifers or flowering trees and shrubs. Adults are night-flying. The feeders. Host plants include conifers, broadleaf trees and shrubs, herbs,
lappet moth body is notably hairy. Colors and markings on the and grasses. Caterpillars may be hairy, nearly naked, brightly colored
forewings and hindwings of lappet moths do not create strongly or cryptic. All noctuids, except the Plusiinae, have four pairs of
contrasting or intricate patterns. Adults fly at night and are readily midabdominal prolegs. The Plusiinae have only two pairs of
attracted to light. Lappet moths do not have functional mouthparts midabdominal prolegs, occurring on segments A5 and A6. Most of
and therefore do not feed. A full grown caterpillar may reach 100 the caterpillars of noctuid species feed on the foliage of flowering
millimeters in length. Franclemont (1973) includes illustrations of trees, shrubs, or herbs. Numerous species are considered pests of
North American lappet moths. agricultural crops, but none are considered chronic pests of woodlands
Lymantriidae Tussock moths; 8 species. Caterpillars are external and forests. Adults range in size from the very small Nola minna, with
leaf feeders, and occur on conifers and broadleaf plants. Typically, a wingspan of 2.3 centimeters, to the relatively large Catocala ilia, with
caterpillars exhibit tufts of dense hairs on middorsal segments A1 a wingspan of 7.9 centimeters.
through A4, and a brightly colored (red or orange) gland on middorsal Noctuid moths exhibit a broad array of colors and markings, but
segments A6 and A7. An introduced species, Leucoma salicis, lacks the generally the forewings, hindwings and bodies exhibit varying hues
tufts of dense hairs and thus does not fit the description of a “typical” of white, silver, gray, tan, brown, and black. Most noctuid species fly
Pacific Northwest lymantriid caterpillar. at night and are readily attracted to light. Certain species, such as
Caterpillars in most of the species feed on the foliage of conifers or Oncocnemis dunbari, rarely show up at lights at night, yet collections of
flowering trees and shrubs. Many species are considered pests, the caterpillars from the foliage of ocean spray, Holodiscus discolor, suggest
most notable being the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, and the Douglas- the species is very abundant. Full grown caterpillars of the smaller
fir tussock moth, Orgyia pseudotsugata. The gypsy moth has created species reach between 15 and 20 millimeters, while large species may
problems, but has not established permanent residence in the Pacific be 70 millimeters in length. Eichlin and Cunningham (1978), Lafontaine
Northwest. A gypsy moth infestation can prompt an eradication (1987), Lafontaine and Poole (1991), Poole (1995), and Lafontaine
project involving pesticides, which in turn may lead to unintended (1998) provide illustrations and references to the noctuids of North
ecological impacts on other Lepidoptera species (Miller 1990a,b). America.
Orgyia pseudotsugata is a native pest of conifer forests. Adults of most
Notodontidae Prominents; 20 species. With only 20 of the 136 Sphingidae Hornworms, sphinx moths; 25 species. Caterpillars are
species known to occur in the United States and Canada, the external leaf feeders, occurring primarily on broadleaf plants. A
prominents are not well represented in the Pacific Northwest. Typically, notable exception being the caterpillars of Sphinx sequoiae which feed
caterpillars feed on the foliage of flowering trees and shrubs. On on junipers, Juniperus, and western red cedar, Thuja plicata. A single
occasion Schizura concinna may be a pest on ornamental trees and in middorsal horn usually occurs on segment A8.
orchards. Prolegs of A10 may be either extremely short or extremely
Caterpillars often rest in a prayer-like pose, with the head and true
long relative to the midabdominal prolegs, and are often elevated
legs raised above the plant surface. Sphinx moths are very strong
above the plant. Caterpillars may reach 60 millimeters when full grown.
fliers; their wingbeat produces a sound similar to that of a
Adults fly at night and are readily attracted to light.
hummingbird. The adults of most species fly at night and are readily
Saturniidae Silk moths; 12 species. Although called “silkworms,” attracted to light. Sphinx moths are attracted to nectar-producing
these are not the caterpillars used in commercial silk production. flowers that have long tubular corollas. Many of these flowers are
Caterpillars are external leaf feeders, occurring primarily on conifers aromatic, white, and flower at night. A full grown caterpillar may
and broadleaf plants. Many species exhibit middorsal scoli on segments exceed 100 millimeters in length. See Hodges (1971) for illustrations
A8 and A9, but not A7. Caterpillars of many species have stinging and references to the sphinx moths of North America.
hairs that inflict a sharp pain similar to that inflicted by species of
Thyatiridae Thyatirids; 10 species. Caterpillars are external leaf
stinging nettle, Urtica. The forewings and hindwings of silk moths
feeders, and may be found in loosely tied leaves on broadleaf plants.
are very large; wingspans in many of the species can extend between
The tail end (prolegs are reduced) is often raised above the plant
10 - 15 centimeters. Accordingly, the wingbeat of most silk moths is
surface. Line patterns on the forewings and hindwings of thyatirids
much like that of most butterflies; it is relatively slow and each beat
often are wavy, curled, or zigzagged. Adults of thyatirids fly at night
easily seen. Wing colors and markings typically occur in distinct and
and are attracted to light. When full grown, caterpillars may be 40
sometimes intricate patterns, making identification of certain species
millimeters long.
rather easy. However, many silk moths are known to have hybrid
populations in areas where two closely related species can interbreed. Micromoths
The adults of most species fly at night and are readily attracted to
light. A few species, notably Hemileuca eglanterina and Saturnia mendocino, Gelechiidae Gelechiids; 200 species, but poorly documented. Habits
will fly during the day. The morphology of silk moth antennae is and habitats vary among species. Caterpillars occur on conifers and
unique; they resemble fern fronds, with two to four branches along broadleaf plants. They are external leaf feeders, borers and tunnelers,
their lengths. The branched antennae are particularly noticeable in the and leaf tiers, and are found in flowers and seeds. Caterpillars are
males. Adults possess atrophied mouthparts and do not feed. Typically, fairly nondescript, making field identification difficult. Identification
they are not long-lived. A full grown saturniid caterpillar may exceed is best achieved using keys which rely on the arrangement of hairs.
100 millimeters in length. Ferguson (1971, 1972) and Tuskes et al. Most full grown caterpillars are less than 15 millimeters long. Adults
(1996) provide illustrations and references to the silk moths of North are night-flying.
Plutellidae Plutellids or diamondback moths; 25 species, but poorly The scientific name of all organisms is derived from Latin or Greek and
documented. Caterpillars occur primarily on broadleaf plants, are consists of at least two parts and often a third. Also, the last name of the
usually external leaf feeders, and may tie leaves loosely together. Body author who described the species is sometimes included in the presentation
color varies from yellow to green. They are relatively small, rarely of the name (not in this book). The first name refers to the genus and is
exceeding 15 millimeters when full grown. always capitalized. The second name, not capitalized, represents the species
epithet. In combination, the genus and species epithet represent a binomen
Pyralidae Snout moths; 200 species, but poorly documented.
that is the full name of the species. Some species have a third name that
Caterpillars typically occur on conifers, broadleaf plants, and in nests
denotes a subspecies. Subspecies status is applied to distinct populations
of other insects. They are borers in plant stems and fruits. Identification
that are geographically separated. Individuals of different subspecies within
is best achieved using keys that rely on the arrangement of hairs. The
a species are capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring.
caterpillar is usually less than 30 millimeters long when full grown.
With few exceptions, individuals of different species do not naturally
Adults are night-flying.
interbreed or produce fertile offspring.
Tortricidae Leaf-tiers; 300 species, but poorly documented.
No two animals are allowed to have the same scientific name. A species
Caterpillars are typically external leaf feeders but often found in rolled
might possess a list of invalid scientific names (synonyms) due to a history
leaves. Many species are leaf miners as early instars, and occur on
of taxonomic revisions.
conifers and broadleaf plants. Some species are distinctively marked
and identifiable in the field, but identification is best achieved using
keys that rely on the arrangement of hairs. A large, full grown tortricid BIODIVERSITY STUDIES
caterpillar will measure between 20 and 25 millimeters in length. Adults
are night-flying. Understanding the biodiversity of Lepidoptera is essential to understanding
many important ecological issues, such as: recognizing special, rare, or
endangered species and habitats; assessing the impact of land management
practices; and determining food web relationships and the interdependence
of plants, Lepidoptera as herbivores and pollinators, and predators of
The common names of Lepidoptera often describe their appearance or
where they live. Typical examples are: linden looper, alfalfa semilooper, Two important indicators of biodiversity are species richness (number
western spruce budworm, green oak caterpillar, fall webworm, cabbage of species in a community) and abundance of individuals (population
white, pine white, and chinquapin hairstreak. Whereas a species will have numbers). Because Lepidoptera function as defoliators, decomposers and
a unique scientific name, a caterpillar, moth, butterfly, or skipper, might pollinators, and are both prey and hosts to carnivores (Miller 1993), species
have many common names, and some common names might be used richness and abundance of individuals should be measured and evaluated
for more than one species. The common names used here were found in within the context of the ecosystems in which they are found. To that
Essig (1929), Ives and Wong (1988), Hinchliff (1994), and Wagner et al. end, various sampling techniques can be used, including light traps and
(1995), and the list of common names that has been officially adopted by aerial net collecting for flying moths and butterflies, and clipping or beating
the Entomological Society of America (Stoetzel 1989). Most of the moths foliage to capture caterpillars.
of western North America do not have recognized common names,
whereas butterflies are well known by their common names.
Figure 3 Eggs of Lepidoptera. (A) Phyllodesma americana, (B) Acronicta funeralis, (C) Coloradia pandora, (D) Phryganidia californica, (E) Spodoptera praefica.
EGG While caterpillars might be less obvious at first glance, they can be very
abundant on certain plants at certain times of the year. Within a given
Females may lay eggs singly or in clusters, depending on the species. Most
environment caterpillars can be found in a variety of habitats and
species attach their eggs to the vegetation that will serve as the foodplant
microhabitats. In general, they may be aquatic or terrestrial. They can be
for the caterpillar. For instance, Phyllodesma americana will attach a single
found in fruits, roots and stems as borers or miners; in foliage as miners;
egg to the leaf of various flowering trees that will then serve as food for
on the surface of foliage as skeletonizers or chewers; in galls; or in the
the caterpillar. Some species, such as Orgyia antiqua, will deposit eggs on
nests of other insects, such as ants and bees.
the silk surrounding the pupal skin. Other species scatter eggs on the soil
surface. Egg production ranges from fewer than 100 eggs to more than Caterpillars develop in the egg and then emerge through the eggshell,
1,000 eggs per female. which they sometimes eat. They increase in size each time they molt or
shed their skins. The period between molts is termed an instar, and typically
a caterpillar passes through five instars as it eats and grows (see Figure 7,
CATERPILLAR (Larva) page 17). In certain species a caterpillar that will develop into an adult
female may develop through an additional instar and thus grow bigger
Caterpillars are the active, feeding, immature stage of moths and butterflies. than the male. However, based on external morphology, it is usually very
With few exceptions, caterpillars are herbivorous. Few species of caterpillars difficult to distinguish between the sexes prior to pupation.
are predaceous, feeding on animals. Most caterpillars feed on foliage, but
some feed on roots, seeds and flowers, and within branches and woody Most caterpillars feed and develop as solitary individuals, but a few species
stems. Caterpillars of many species are monophagous or foodplant aggregate. Some aggregating caterpillars construct nests. For instance, the
specialists, meaning they have restricted ranges of plants upon which they caterpillars of Lophocampa argentata aggregate on branches of Douglas-
can feed. Specialist species may feed either on only one plant species, on fir but do not construct nests. The caterpillars of Hyphantria cunea and
only a few related plant species, or on many species within one genus of Malacosoma californicum live in large colonies in silk nests they spin among
plant. the twigs and branches of trees.
Many caterpillars are polyphagous, or generalist feeders. That is, the Caterpillar growth rates are strongly influenced by temperature and the
caterpillar can feed upon a wide range of plant species, typically covering nutritional quality of foodplants. Generally, the cooler the temperature,
five or six plant families, and still develop into a normal-sized adult in the the slower the growth rate. The nutritional value of vegetation depends
usual period of time. on its protein (nitrogen), water, and allelochemical content. Most plants
contain between 1% and 7% nitrogen by weight, and the higher the content, has attained a critical size, it changes behavior and stops feeding and begins
the more nutritious it is. The same holds for water content. The closer searching for or creating a site to pupate. Pupation can be quick, lasting 2
water content is to the higher end of the plant’s normal range, the more to 3 weeks, or prolonged, lasting more than one year. The pupa is the
nutritious it is. Allelochemicals are plant-derived chemicals—terpenes, overwintering life stage in many species. Typically, overwintering pupae
alkaloids, phenolics, and various proteins—that can stimulate or deter are in diapause, a state within which development of the adult is arrested
feeding. Some are toxic to caterpillars and some are not. Some that are or slowed down to a low rate. The adult will not mature and emerge
not toxic to caterpillars, are toxic to one or more of their predators. In from a pupa in diapause unless the pupa is first exposed to a period of
turn, some unaffected caterpillars have developed mechanisms whereby cold, followed by a period of increased warmth.
they store toxins as a defense against their predators. Many of the
Overwintering A majority of the species of Lepidoptera in the Pacific
poisonous caterpillars are aposematic, meaning they are brightly colored,
Northwest overwinter either in the pupal or egg stage. Only a few of the
with the colors serving to warn away would-be predators. Two examples
common species in the Pacific Northwest overwinter as caterpillars,
are the brightly colored caterpillars of the cinnabar moth, Tyria jacobaeae,
including the arctiids Gnophaela vermiculata, Lophocampa argentata, and
and the monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus.
Pyrrharctia isabella; the geometrid Neoalcis californiaria; and the dioptid
PUPA Phryganidia californica. Species with overwintering caterpillars tend to occur
in regions with a mild winter. Some species, such as the mourning cloak
Metamorphosis occurs inside the pupa. A butterfly pupa is called a
butterfly, Nymphalis antiopa, overwinter in the adult stage.
“chrysalis.” A moth pupa, called a “cocoon,” may be covered in silk, or
naked, and can be encased in rolled foliage or in the soil. Once a caterpillar
Figure 4 Pupae of Lepidoptera. The pupa of a butterfly (A) is known as a chrysalis. The chrysalis of Danaus plexippus hangs head down; the chrysalis of
Papilio zelicaon is recumbent, head up, and held by a silken belt. The pupa of a moth (B) may be naked (no silk), or variously enveloped in silk (cocoon).
The noctuid pupa lacks silk, and could be found in leaf litter on the ground, buried in the soil in a small cell, or in a rolled leaf. The cocoon of Nola minna is
attached to a twig of its foodplant.
Figure 5 Parasitoids of Lepidoptera. (A) A female Cotesia yakutatensis laying eggs in an early instar of Autographa californica; (B) larvae of Cotesia
yakutatensis emerging from the host caterpillar; (C) pupae within a silken mass, spun by the parasitoid larvae, around the shriveled remains of the host
Figure 6 Parasitoids of Lepidoptera. (A) A pair of tachinid eggs on Papilio bairdii; (B) larvae of an ectoparasitic wasp on the caterpillar of Drepanulatrix sp.;
(C) a trio of tachinid maggots (note swollen areas) inside the caterpillar of Trichoplusia ni (note dark spots where respiratory funnels of the parasitoid
larvae have pierced the caterpillar’s exoskeleton); (D) solitary pupa of a parasitoid that had fed on the hemolymph and internal organs of Papilio zelicaon;
(E) quartet of pupae attached to the exoskeleton of Nadata gibbosa; (F) a multitude of pupae of Copidosoma sp. inside the cadaver of Euxoa sp.
Initially, caterpillars develop in the egg then emerge (eclose) from the egg.
After emergence, the caterpillar is called a first instar until it molts. The
caterpillar enters the second instar after the molt and increases in size.
Each molt distinguishes another instar. Typically, a caterpillar passes through
five instars as it eats and grows. The general appearance of the caterpillar
can change dramatically from one instar to the next. For instance, typically
the first instar is unmarked and simple in body form. The second instar
may exhibit varied colors and alterations deviating from a simple cylindrical
shape. Thereafter, caterpillars of certain species exhibit broad shifts in
color patterns between the third and fourth, or fourth and fifth instars
(see Figure 7).
Caterpillars can be distinguished from other immature insects by a
combination of the following features:
Adfrontal suture on the head capsule;
Six stemmata (eyespots) on the head capsule;
Silk gland on the labium (mouthparts);
Prolegs on abdominal segments A3, A4, A5, A6, and A10; or A5,
A6, and A10; or A6 and A10;
Crochets (hooks) on prolegs.
There are other terrestrial, caterpillar-like insects that feed on foliage. These
are the larvae of sawflies. Sawflies usually have only one or a few stemmata,
no adfrontal suture, and no crochets on the prolegs, which may occur on
abdominal segments A1, A2 through A8, and A10 (see Figure 9, page
Figure 7 The second through fifth instars of Hyalophora euryalus.
The variety of form in the body parts plays an important role in However, these features require the aid of a microscope and will not
distinguishing among and identifying caterpillar species. The caterpillar’s be emphasized here.
body is divided into three sections: head, thorax, and abdomen.
Thorax The three thoracic segments include the prothorax, nearest
Head Caterpillars have a well sclerotized head capsule, which in the head (T1); mesothorax, in the middle (T2); and metathorax, which
most species is marked with an adfrontal suture and typically contains connects to the abdomen (T3). Each thoracic segment has a pair of
six stemmata or eyespots. The head has one pair of small, three- segmented legs. The thoracic legs assist in locomotion and clinging to
segmented antennae located close to the base of the mouthparts. substrates. Some caterpillars—in particular certain leaf mining
Mouthpart components include a labrum, mandibles, maxillae, species—have no segmented legs on the thorax. Each side of the
and a labium. The labrum serves as an upper lip and may be notched prothorax has a spiracle, which is an external opening of the respiratory
to function as a leaf guide and assist in orienting food between the system. The presence or absence and shape of sclerotized plates, the
mandibles. The mandibles, located below the labrum, are paired, location of primary setae (and setal clusters), the location, color and
opposable, hardened tooth-like structures used to bite and crush food. shape of the prothoracic spiracle, and morphology of the legs also
The maxillae are located behind the mandibles and contain sensory aid in identifying caterpillar species (see Peterson [1962] and Stehr
organs that distinguish between food and non-food foliage. The [1987] for further details).
labium is located behind the maxillae and contains the silk gland,
Abdomen Typically, the abdomen has ten segments, A1-A10.
which emits a strand of silk used for producing pads, life lines (see
Segments A1-A8 possess spiracles, and an anal plate may occur on
Pero mizon), and cocoons. The overall shape of the head capsule, color
A10. Depending on the family group, certain abdominal segments
patterns, the location of hairs on the head, and the morphology of
have fleshy prolegs bearing crochets (hooks). The typical pattern for
the mouthparts are helpful in identifying species of caterpillars.
prolegs is one pair per segment on A3-A6 (midabdominal prolegs), Projections An array of projecting features may occur on various
and A10 (anal prolegs). Exceptions include the Plusiinae of the caterpillars. The location and number of many of the following
Noctuidae, which have prolegs only on A5, A6 and A10, and the traits may allow for a quick and accurate identification of a
Geometridae, which have prolegs on A6 and A10. Some leaf mining particular caterpillar. The projections may be attached to the body
caterpillars have reduced prolegs, the remnants of which are merely wall such as soft and flexible hairs, or modified hairs that are
crochets on the abdominal wall, while other leaf miners may have no sclerotized and hard or stiffened into spines. Also, projections
prolegs. If prolegs occur on segments A1, A2 or A7-A9, the specimen may be extensions of the body wall in the form of warts,
is most likely a sawfly (Figure 9). tubercles, or horns.
Hairs The types and arrangements of hairs are helpful in
identifying caterpillars. Hairs may be multicolored; short or long;
single in clusters (hair pencils) or tufts (tussocks); end in a tapered
point or a “club”. In most of the Noctuidae and Geometridae,
a few single, short hairs (the primary setae) may be the only hairs
present; in these species the caterpillar is essentially naked.
The primary setae occur in specific locations on the body segments.
Secondary setae do not occur in specific locations and are scattered
over the body. Caterpillars of certain families, e.g., Lycaenidae
and Satyridae, are covered by a dense pile of very short secondary
setae, giving them a velvet-like appearance. The presence of long
hairs usually is indicative of a relatively dense array of hairs. Also,
long hairs may occur in clusters or in densely packed tufts in the
middorsal area. Tufts usually are associated with glands, serving
as a wick for the gland exudate. Species of Arctiidae,
Lasiocampidae and Lymantriidae have notably hairy caterpillars.
Figure 9 Sawfly larva. Note the eyespots and midabdominal prolegs. Spines A single pointed spine is a chalaza; a spine with multiple
points is a scolus. Spines typically occur at defined positions along
The prolegs on the abdomen are not true legs; they are fleshy extensions a certain region of the body, e.g. dorsal, subdorsal, lateral, at the
of the body wall and not segmented appendages. The crochets at the locations of the primary setae. Numerous species, such as
ends of the prolegs occur in a variety of configurations and can be Saturniidae and Nymphalidae, have spines of various kinds and
characteristic of specific family groups. The crochets may occur as a colors.
closed or open circle, an ellipse, paired longitudinal lines, or a transverse
line. Also, the base of the crochets might be inserted into the flesh of Warts Small bumps or very short finger-like projections that
the prolegs in single rows (uniserial), double rows (biserial), or triple extend from the body wall are called warts. In caterpillars warts
rows (triserial). Likewise, the tips of the crochets might form a single can occur in specific locations and exhibit recognizable patterns
row (uniordinal), a double row (biordinal), or a triple row (triordinal). which assist in identification.
Tubercles The length and location of extensions of longer finger- or markedly from one instar to another. The most common locations of
like projections (tubercles) of the body wall also assist in identification. definitive patterns are middorsal, subdorsal, lateral, sublateral, and ventral.
Tubercles will often occur in pairs or in a series encircling one or
Middorsal longitudinal bands Wide lines extending from head to
more segments.
tail along the middle of the back.
Horns The body wall can be drawn into relatively short, pointed,
Lateral longitudinal bands Wide lines extending from head to tail
fleshy projections (horns). As found in sphingid caterpillars, commonly
along the sides where the spiracles occur. In some species the top edge
called hornworms, the horn occurs singly, typically in the middorsal
of the band barely touches the spiracles and may appear to be a
area of segment A8.
subspiracular band.
Middorsal longitudinal lines Narrow lines extending from head to
Body Shape
tail along the middle of the back.
Typically, caterpillars are cylindrical. Variations in this shape include bodies Subdorsal longitudinal lines Narrow lines extending from head to
that are flattened, humped, otherwise swollen, or constricted. The flattened tail more or less halfway between the middle of the back and the
shape is indicative of a leaf-mining habit while the cylindrical shape is spiracular area.
characteristic of borers, tunnelers, and external leaf-feeders. The humps,
swellings, and constrictions serve as camouflage and help caterpillars blend Lateral longitudinal lines Narrow lines extending from head to tail
into their surroundings. The location and size of humps and constrictions along the sides where the spiracles occur. In some species the top edge
help identify certain species. of the line barely touches the spiracles and may appear to be a
subspiracular line.
Humps Obvious bulges in the body profile can be found in many
species. Large, dorsal, pyramid-like, posterior swellings are typical Rings Bands of color around the body segment, often in two or three
of Amphipyra pyramidoides and Feralia februalis. Thoracic and alternating colors, typically black, white, and or orange. Also, the
midabdominal swellings are typical of Catocala, Schizura, and Zale intersegmental area may be colored in a manner that shows a faint ring
lunata. pattern.
Constrictions A distinctive narrowing of the body. The neck region Streaks Narrow lines of color longer than half the width of a body
is noticeably constricted among the Hesperiidae. segment.
Middorsal dashes Narrow lines of color shorter than half the width
Colors and Patterns of a body segment and located along the middle of the back.
Subdorsal dashes Narrow lines of color shorter than half the width
Caterpillars display a wide range of colors and patterns. The location of of a body segment and located along the subdorsal area of the body.
a color and its pattern is helpful in identifying caterpillars. Common colors
are brown, tan, cream, white, silver, gray, black, red, pink, orange, yellow, Middorsal line of circular or elliptical spots Relatively large spots
green, blue, and purple. These colors are displayed in a wide assortment of a solid color (or middle of spot of variable color) located along
of patterns that can be categorized as bands, lines, rings, streaks, dashes, the middle of the back.
circles, dots, saddles, and patches. However, the pattern may differ subtly
Bands Wide areas typically extending more than half the distance Abdomen The general size and shape of the abdomen is useful in
along the width or length of the wing, often demarked by lines, and identifiying families. For example, the abdomen of geometrids is
associated with a specific area on the wing. typically thin and appears small relative to the wing area, whereas the
abdomen of sphingids is robust and distinctly tapered. The abdomen
Patches Small, restricted areas of the wing demarked by distinct
is the body segment that contains the genitalia, which are used in
colors but not delimited by lines. Basal patches occur in the basal
describing and differentiating species.
Special spots The orbicular spot is a single irregularly shaped (typically
near-round shaped) spot that occurs just short of half way along the
front edge of the forewing. The reniform spot is a single irregularly
shaped (often kidney shaped) spot that occurs just past half way
along the front edge of the forewing. The discal spots are the
combination of the reniform and orbicular spots.
Special areas The basal area is the area of the wing nearest the
thorax. The midcostal area is in the center of the front edge of the
wing below the costal margin. The discal area is bounded by the
orbicular and reniform spots. The median area is the central area of
the wing. The postmedian area is distal to the reniform spot and
proximal to the subapical area. The subapical area is proximal to the
apical area. The apical area is immediately below the apex of the
wing. The submarginal area is proximal to the outer margin. The anal
area is between the outer margin and the inner margin, proximal to
the anal angle. The subanal area is proximal to the anal area.
Head The most obvious features are the eyes, mouthparts, and
antennae. However, with the exception of pectinate antennae, which
aid in identifying similar-looking species, these features are not the
most useful for field identification.
There are many techniques for collecting caterpillars. The most basic
approach is to visually search through plants where feeding damage and
perhaps feces (frass) are evident. Another method of search involves
clipping and collecting foliage and inspecting it indoors, under controlled
lighting, with a magnifying glass or perhaps a microscope. Other collection
techniques require sifting soil to find pupating or root-feeding caterpillars,
or the use of sweep nets, beating sheets, burlap skirts, and funnel traps.
The sweep net is similar to an aerial net, and is used to brush over vegetation
and dislodge and capture caterpillars. Beating sheets are held under plants
and collect caterpillars as they fall from shaken or beaten foliage. Burlap
skirts can be tied around tree trunks to trap caterpillars while they are
moving between feeding, resting or hiding places. Funnel traps can be set
under plants to collect caterpillars as they drop from the foliage. Figure 11 A light trap setup includes a containment bucket (a killing agent optional for
unattended sampling), funnel, plastic veins holding the UV lightbulb, top fastened
An excellent means of acquiring caterpillars is to capture live adult females down with bungee cords, and electrical wires equipped with a photoswitch attached
and rear the caterpillars from their eggs. This can be difficult, however. to a 12-volt battery. This setup can be used to sample night-flying moths for up to four
Many species require specific and unique conditions of light, temperature, consecutive nights.
humidity, flying space, and a substrate for oviposition before the female
will lay her eggs. fermented baits, commercially available (manufactured) pheromones, and
live virgin females.
As with caterpillars, a good way to acquire adults—and in excellent
There are many ways to observe and collect moths and butterflies. The condition—is to capture live adult females and rear the caterpillars that
best way to collect day-flying moths is with an aerial net similar to one hatch from their eggs through metamorphosis to emergence. Another
used to collect butterflies. One of the simplest and most productive way is to locate caterpillars on host plants in the field and either (1) place
methods is to place a white sheet under or behind an ultraviolet, white or screen sleeves over the foliage, or (2) collect them from host plants and
halide light at night. Moths will rest on the sheet after being attracted to rear them through emergence indoors in containers. In either case,
the light. Light traps can be purchased or assembled to collect moths caterpillars will require suitable foliage for feeding, an appropriate site for
throughout the night (Figure 11). Attractants other than light include
pupation, and frequent observation to note the time of adult emergence PRESERVING
to prevent the moths from damaging their wings while being contained.
In all cases, take care to protect Lepidoptera habitat. Avoid trampling
Preserved specimens are useful for eventual study of traits that photographs
plants and disturbing unstable soils. Try to grow the foodplants the
do not reveal. (Note: Improperly preserved caterpillars will rot and turn
caterpillars need. If you can’t, prune wild foodplants with care and an
black, a condition unsuitable for archival material and identification.) The
eye to the future; you might need to return to the plants for more food.
simplest method for preservation is a two-step process involving hot
Collect as few moths as your study requires for accurate and proper
water and ethyl alcohol. Step one: heat water to 180oC. If you do not
documentation. If possible, upon completing your study, release specimens
have a thermometer you can obtain an appropriate temperature by bringing
back into the environment from which they came. Be aware of any Federal
the water to a boil, removing it from heat, and letting it stand for a couple
and local regulations regarding collecting and releasing Lepidoptera. Take
of minutes. Place the caterpillar in the hot water for 3 to 4 minutes.
extra care to protect rare and endangered species, and do not release
(Note: Extremely hot water may cause the caterpillar to burst.) Remove
exotic species into the wild.
the caterpillar and place it in a specimen vile filled with 70% ethyl alcohol
(isopropyl alcohol is less desirable). Although this technique will provide a
properly inflated specimen, an unfortunate side effect is that the caterpillar
will lose most or all of its color. “Color” is best preserved through
The rearing of caterpillars is helpful in: associating field-collected larvae photographs (see Photographing, page 24). Labels placed inside the
with the adult, testing foodplants for suitability, or associating parasitoids specimen vials should include information on place, date, and foodplant
and diseases with the caterpillar stage of respective species. Caterpillars at time of collection. Additional information regarding preserving
can be reared in cages in the field or indoors. caterpillars, including freeze drying and blow drying, is presented in
Peterson (1962) and Stehr (1987).
There are advantages and disadvantages to rearing caterpillars indoors.
One advantage is that you are not likely to lose the specimen. Another is Adults
that, because of warmer temperatures, caterpillars will likely grow faster
A properly mounted specimen involves placing an insect pin through the
indoors. Faster growth will allow you to observe changes in size and
top of the thorax and spreading the forewings and hindwings: the hind
color patterns for each instar sooner than you might observe them in the
edge of the forewing should be at a 90o angle to the body; the front
field. A disadvantage to indoor rearing is that food must be provided by
edge of the hindwing should be under the forewing, such that the tip of
potted plants, clipped foliage from the field, or replaced through artificial
the hindwing creates a small notch with the outer edge of the forewing
diets. Another is that unsuitable rearing conditions will result in high
(See chapter 5).
mortality. Temperature control, dehydration, fungal growth, starvation,
cannibalism, and overcrowding are common problems. Closed containers The pinned and spread moth or butterfly must be allowed to dry for a
may cause problems due to excessive condensation and poor sanitation. few days at room temperature on a spreading board. Once dried the
Cannibalism and disease may be reduced by raising the caterpillars forewings and hindwings will stay in place and the moth may be removed
individually. Placing slightly moistened peat moss in containers will provide from the spreading board and placed in an enclosed drawer or cabinet
a suitable medium within which the caterpillar can bury itself prior to for storage or display. A note of caution is in order— the specimens will
pupation, and the moisture helps to prevent desiccation, a common and rot if they are damp when placed in compartments; some colors will
avoidable problem when rearing in dry indoor conditions. fade if subjected to direct sunlight; and museum beetles (dermestids),
which eat dead insects, may turn perfect specimens to dust. These and
other problems can be minimized if the adults are stored in sealed
containers and kept in a dark and dry location. Labels on the pinned
specimens should include at least the details of the place and date that the
specimen was collected. Additional label information could include
collecting and rearing facts, such as emergence dates, and who collected
the specimen. See Covell (1984) for additional information on preserving
A color slide or print will provide a record of adults and caterpillars at
various times of development. An excellent photograph can be acquired
by using all of the following: (1) A 35 mm, single lens reflex camera with
exchangeable lenses. Instamatic type cameras will not allow the
photographer to get close to the subject or to fill the frame with the
subject. A majority of the photographs presented here were taken with a
50 mm macro lens mounted on a 25 mm extension tube. (2) Film with a
low ASA rating. A majority of the photographs in this handbook were
taken with color slide film ASA 25. This film speed provides superior
quality in grain but requires more light than faster films. (3) A flash system,
either a bracket or a ring flash. I (JCM) use a bracket system which consists
of two flash units that are mounted on opposite sides of the camera. The
lens, film, and flash units allow shooting pictures at f/16 and f/22 at a
distance of about 20 mm from camera lens to caterpillar. Photographs
can be taken in the field but shadows, wind, cluttered backgrounds, and
other unwanted features (like other insects) may interfere with obtaining
the best picture. Most of the caterpillars illustrated in this booklet were
field-collected but photographed in a staged indoor setting. Some of the
photographs of adult Lepidoptera were obtained by using a digital camera
equipped with a 90mm macro lens. The butterflies and moths were placed
on a spreading board and properly mounted on a pin and dried. The
spread adult was then photographed in a studio setting.
A note about the organization. Black type in the chapter title heading indicates whether you are
on a page containing information about a skipper, butterfly, or moth.
CATERPILLAR Yellow with transverse subdorsal black streaks; T1 black and narrower than head and T2; true legs and
midabdominal prolegs orange. Head black with two prominent anterior orange spots.
ADULT Wingspan 4.5 centimeters. Forewings dark brown; each forewing has a large yellow-orange medial patch.
Hindwings dark brown, ventrally each hindwing with a large silver medial patch.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon in most of our area; feed on Fabaceae, particularly lotus, in the Pacific Northwest
during July and August. Adults are diurnal; fly from early to midsummer. Found in open wet forests and riparian habitats
at lower elevations; widely distributed throughout North America.
CATERPILLAR Pale green with white speckles and a faint yellow subdorsal longitudinal line. Head brown with tan
ADULT Wingspan 4.2 centimeters. Forewings dark black-brown with extensive pale gray scales and a row of small white
postmedian spots. Hindwings dark black-brown.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on oak and chinquapin during late spring. Adults are diurnal; fly in spring.
Found in dry, open forests and oak woodlands from southern California to British Columbia.
CATERPILLAR Light brown with small white dots and densely covered with short white hairs; T1 black and narrower
than head and T2. Head black.
ADULT Wingspan 2.6 centimeters. Forewings black with white discal spots, a white median band, and white submarginal
spots. Hindwings black with a white median band and white submarginal spots.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on Malvaceae during late spring. Adults are diurnal; fly throughout the
summer. Found in open meadows and disturbed forest habitat at lower elevations; widely distributed in western North
CATERPILLAR Blue-green with short, fine, white hairs; a white diamond-shaped blaze middorsally on T2.
ADULT Wingspan 3.5 centimeters. Wings iridescent blue with black borders. Hindwings have thin wispy tails of nearly
equal length; two-tailed in female and one-tailed in male.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on mistletoe growing on oaks during spring. Adults are diurnal; fly from
late spring to midsummer. Found in oak woodlands of the Southwest and the Pacific western states.
ADULT Wingspan 2.8 centimeters. Wings violet-blue. Hindwings ventrally white with small, black, median spots and
submarginal spots.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on many broadleaf trees, such as snowbrush and spiraea, during spring.
Adults are diurnal; fly in spring and summer. Found in forest and riparian habitats; widely distributed in western North
ADULT Wingspan 3.0 centimeters. Forewings yellow-orange with a black apical border. Hindwings ventrally yellow with
rows of fine brown spots; each hindwing has a short, wispy tail.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed during spring on evergreen Fagaceae, such as chinquapin, canyon live oak, and
tan oak. Adults are diurnal; fly from mid- to late summer. Found in oak woodlands and distributed from Arizona and
southern California to western Oregon.
ADULT Wingspan 3.0 centimeters. Wings are violet-blue with a silver sheen. Hindwings ventrally white to gray with rows
of black median and submarginal spots.
ECOLOGY The subspecies I. icarioides fenderi (featured in the photos) is rare (listed as an endangered species) and endemic
to the Willamette Valley of Oregon; I. i. fenderi only feeds on a rare lupine, Lupinus sulphureus kincaidii, during April and May.
Adults are diurnal; fly in early summer.
Caterpillars of the nominate species are common; feed on lupines during the spring. Adults are diurnal; fly from
spring to midsummer. Found in montane meadows, open forests, and sagebrush rangelands; widely distributed in western
North America.
CATERPILLAR Light green; subdorsally off-white to golden triangular patches with pale red shading, similar coloring
laterally in streaks.
ADULT Wingspan 2.6 centimeters. Wings gray-brown to red-brown. Hindwings ventrally red-brown with black median
spots and patches, and black postmedian spots.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on snowbrush and manzanita during spring. Adults are diurnal; fly in spring.
Found in montane forests; widely distributed in western North America.
ADULT Wingspan 2.6 centimeters. Wings are violet-blue. Hindwings ventrally light gray with rows of black discal,
median, postmedian, and submarginal spots, and a broad red-orange submarginal band.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on various Fabaceae, such as lupine, during spring. Adults are diurnal; fly
from spring to midsummer. Found in montane meadows, riparian habitats, and sagebrush rangelands; widely distributed
east of the Cascade Mountains.
ADULT Wingspan 3.0 centimeters. Wings copper to purple-brown. Hindwings ventrally gray with small black spots,
white postmedian and submarginal spots; each hindwing has a thin, wispy tail.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on currant during late spring. Adults are diurnal; fly from mid- to late
summer. Found in dry woodlands, canyon lands, and riparian habitats; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Green with chevron or circular subdorsal patches of white; lateral white streaks.
ADULT Wingspan 2.7 centimeters. Wings gray-brown to red-brown. Hindwings ventrally red-brown to purple-brown
with a white and black median line, black postmedian spots, and blue submarginal patches; each hindwing has a small, wispy
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on western juniper, incense cedar, and western red cedar during spring.
Adults are diurnal; fly from spring to midsummer. Found in conifer forests and juniper woodlands; widely distributed in
western North America.
CATERPILLAR Tan-brown to green-brown with rosy-red, subdorsal chevron markings, and lateral patches of rosy-
red spots.
ADULT Wingspan 2.7 centimeters. Wings dull steel blue with black borders. Hindwings ventrally dark brown with a
white and black median line, black postmedian spots; each hindwing has two, thin, wispy tails of unequal length.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common, and during spring feed on dwarf mistletoe growing on conifers, such as ponderosa
pine. Adults are diurnal; fly from spring to midsummer. Found in conifer forests; widely distributed in western North
CATERPILLAR Various shades of green with white hue and white streaks; dorsal segments ridged; lateral dashed line and
subdorsal oblique lines with pale yellow shading above.
ADULT Wingspan 2.7 centimeters. Wings yellow-orange with black borders broadened at the apex into a large patch.
Hindwings ventrally gray with rows of black median, postmedian, and submarginal spots.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on bitterbrush during late spring. Adults are diurnal; fly from early to late
summer. Found in open, dry, pine forests, juniper woodlands, and sagebrush rangelands east of the Cascade Mountains;
widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Mix of dark and light brown; discontinuous dorsal gray-green longitudinal band; discontinuous subdorsal
white longitudinal line; lateral oblique white lines.
ADULT Wingspan 3.2 centimeters. Wings gray-brown. Hindwings with an orange spot near the subanal margin, ventrally
gray-brown with a row of small black median spots, red submarginal spots; each hindwing has two, thin, wispy tails of
unequal length.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on bitterbrush during late spring. Adults are diurnal; fly from early to late
summer. Found in dry forests and woodlands; widely distributed in western North America.
ADULT Wingspan 3.0 centimeters. Wings red-brown. Hindwings ventrally red-brown, with a narrow black median line,
small black postmedian spots, blue subanal spots; each hindwing has a short, thin, wispy tail.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are very common; feed on species of Ceanothus during spring. Adults are diurnal; fly from early
to late summer. Found in dry forests and woodlands; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Light green to pink-brown, with lighter-colored to nearly white, subdorsal, oblique dashes.
ADULT Wingspan 3.0 centimeters. Wings dark gray. Hindwings with a red-orange subanal spot containing a black spot;
ventrally light gray with a black and white median line, small black postmedian spots, a red subanal spot, and a pair of thin
wispy tails of unequal length.
ECOLOGY This caterpillar will tend to be the same color as the foodplant (The photograph here used a caterpillar
removed from a pink-red flower and placed on the stem of the same plant.) Caterpillars are common and during spring
feed on many flowering plants, such as legumes and mallows, during spring. This species may cause economic damage in
commercial bean production. Adults are diurnal; fly from spring to fall. Found in open areas associated with oak woodlands
and agricultural habitats; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Dorsum green with fine white speckles; ventrally light brown; elongate light brown scoli on T2, T3, A2,
A4, A7, and A9. Head light brown with multiple small spines, including one pair of spines at the top of the head capsule.
ADULT Wingspan 6.3 centimeters. Forewings black-brown, each with a narrow white median band, and a large, round,
orange apical patch. Hindwings black-brown, each with a white median band.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on oak during late spring. Adults are diurnal; fly throughout the summer.
Found in montane forests and oak woodlands in the Pacific western states from southern California to western Oregon.
CATERPILLAR Black, white, and yellow rings; a distinctive pair of long, thin, black tubercles on T2 and A8. Head with
oblique bands of black and yellow.
ADULT Wingspan 9.5 centimeters. Forewings elongate, orange with black veins, a black submarginal border, and small
white submarginal spots.
ECOLOGY This caterpillar sequesters cardiac glycosides from its milkweed hostplant and is poisonous to potential
vertebrate predators; the adult is migratory. Caterpillars are common east of the Cascade Mountains, very uncommon on
the west side; feed on milkweed during early summer. Adults are diurnal; fly from spring to fall when they migrate south.
Found in open habitats, particularly along roadsides and fencerows; widely distributed in North America.
CATERPILLAR Mottled with black and white markings; three longitudinal rows of short black spines on an orange base.
Head black.
ADULT Wingspan 4.4 centimeters. Wings are black with white discal, median, and postmedian spots; red marginal spots.
Hindwings ventral with alternating red and white bands or spots.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on penstemon and snowberry in spring. Adults are diurnal; fly from early to
midsummer. Found in open forests, riparian habitats, and mountain meadows in the Pacific western states and northern
Rocky Mountains.
CATERPILLAR Dorsum with humps on T1 (white), T2 (white), A2 (orange and large), A3 (orange and small), A7, and
A8, and white patches most extensive on T1, T2, A4 through A6; laterally white patches extend from T1 through A10 along
the lateral line; a pair of prominent scoli on T1.
ADULT Wingspan 6.0 centimeters. Forewings black with a white discal bar, a white median band, and an orange apical
margin. Hindwings black with a white median band.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on willow, poplar, and certain Rosaceae, during spring. Adults are diurnal; fly
throughout the summer. Found in moist forests and riparian habitats; distributed throughout the Pacific western states and
the northern Rocky Mountains.
CATERPILLAR Black with fine white hairs; middorsal longitudinal black line, red-orange spots, numerous small white
spots and black spines.
ADULT Wingspan 7.0 centimeters. Wings black-burnt brown with a tint of purple; metallic blue postmedian spots within
a black band, and a broad yellow submarginal border. Hindwings ventrally black, mottled with fine lines, and yellow
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common on willows from May to July. Adults are diurnal; fly throughout the year. Found
in moist forests and riparian habitats; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Mostly black with two pale yellow dorsal stripes and dense short white hairs; yellow-orange dorsal
spines from A1 through A7 and laterally from A1 through A6; remaining spines black.
ADULT Wingspan 6.0 centimeters. Forewings yellow-orange with black spots and bars and a black border. Hindwings
ventrally dark black-brown and mottled with fine lines.
ECOLOGY This species will occasionally occur in very large numbers, defoliating snowbrush over many acres. Caterpillars
are common; feed on various broadleaf shrubs, particularly snowbrush, from June to August. Adults are diurnal; fly in
midsummer. Found in conifer forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Black with a white lateral band containing red-brown speckles; faint white subdorsal line. Head black.
ADULT Wingspan 3.4 centimeters. Wings are mostly black with yellow and orange bands or spots. Hindwings ventrally
yellow-orange with fine brown lines and spots.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on asters during June and July. Adults are diurnal; fly from early to midsummer.
Found in montane meadows; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Yellow-orange with an extensive dorsal patch of white, irregularly bordered in black, on A3 through A9.
Multi-branched spines occur from T2 through A9. Dorsal spines on T2 through A2 are light orange; dorsal spines are
mostly white on A3 through A9, and the subspiracular spines on A1 through A9. Head black and mottled with orange.
ADULT Wingspan 4.5 centimeters. Forewings yellow-orange with black median spots, yellow postmedian spots, and a
broad black margin. Hindwings yellow-orange with black median spots, yellow postmedian spots, and a broad black
margin, ventrally mottled gray-brown with green postmedian spots.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on Salicaceae and Betulaceae, particularly willows, during June and July.
Adults are diurnal; fly throughout the year. Found in moist montane and riparian forests; widely distributed in western
North America.
CATERPILLAR Yellow-orange with separate dorsal patches of white on A3 through A9; multi-branched spines occur
from T2 through A9; dorsal spines on T2 through A2 are light orange; dorsal spines are mostly white on A3 through A9
and the subspiracular spines on A1 through A9. Head black and mottled with orange.
ADULT Wingspan 4.8 centimeters. Forewings yellow-orange with black median spots, yellow postmedian spots, black
margin. Hindwings yellow-orange with black median spots, yellow postmedian spots, margin mostly orange, ventrally
mottled gray-brown with yellow postmedian spots.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on currant during June and July. Adults are diurnal; fly throughout the year.
Found in dry forests, woodlands, riparian habitats, and sagebrush rangelands; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Black with faint off-white streaks; a dual longitudinal line along the middorsum; subdorsal and lateral
scoli gray to tan. Head black.
ADULT Wingspan 5.5 centimeters. Wings are orange with heavy black basal suffusion and rows of black spots and bars.
Hindwings ventrally black-brown or red-brown with a narrow, yellow, submarginal band, and metallic silver or cream-
white spots.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on violets, particularly Viola adunca, V. nuttallii, and V. canadensis, during
spring. Adults are diurnal; fly in midsummer. Found in wet forests, bogs, and meadows at high elevations; widely distributed
in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Black with tan middorsal, subdorsal, and lateral scoli. Head black.
ADULT Wingspan 7.0 centimeters. Wings orange with heavy black basal suffusion and rows of black spots and bars.
Hindwings ventrally dark red-brown with a wide, yellow, submarginal band, and small metallic silver spots.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on violets, particularly Viola glabella, V. palustris, and V. adunca, during spring.
Adults are diurnal; fly in midsummer. Found in wet forests and riparian habitats at lower elevations; widely distributed in
western North America.
CATERPILLAR Light black to dark gray with faint off-white mottling; gray-black dorsal and subdorsal scoli; lateral scoli
on A1 through A8 cream-white. Head black.
ADULT Wingspan 6.0 centimeters. Wings orange with wide black discal and median bars, and rows of black postmedian
and submarginal spots. Hindwings ventrally variable red-brown, purple-brown, or yellow, with metallic silver or white
spots; narrow yellow to lavender submarginal band.
ECOLOGY This species has many described subspecies. Among them, S. zerene hippolyta, the Oregon silverspot, is a
federally listed endangered species. Regarding the nominate species: caterpillars are common; feed on violets, particularly
Viola adunca and V. nuttallii, during spring. Adults are diurnal, fly from mid- to late summer. Found in montane forests,
juniper woodlands, and sagebrush rangelands; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Dorsum black with white speckles; base of primary setae (which are spines in this species) black; venter
black; broken yellow lateral line.
ADULT Wingspan 5.8 centimeters. Forewings black with a red-orange median band and white subapical spots. Hindwings
black with a red-orange submarginal band and small black submarginal spots; ventrally mottled black, gray, and brown with
dark postmedian spots.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on nettles during spring. Adults are diurnal; fly from spring to fall. Found in
open habitats and along woodland edges; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Dorsum black with small white spots; base of primary setae (which are spines in this species) orange;
venter gray white with irregular black markings; white hairs covering the body.
ADULT Wingspan 6.0 centimeters. Forewings orange with black median spots and a black apex with white subapical
spots. Hindwings ventrally mottled green-brown with white spots, and blue postmedian eyespots ringed with yellow.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on thistles, lupines, and various Malvaceae during July and August. Adults are
diurnal; fly from spring to fall. Found in open grassland, roadsides, and montane meadows; widely distributed in western
North America.
CATERPILLAR Black with distinct orange tubercles of varying lengths along rows positioned subdorsally, laterally, and
sublaterally. The lateral pair of tubercles on the prothorax is much longer than the others. Head orange-black.
ADULT Wingspan 8.0 centimeters. Forewings black with white submarginal spots. Hindwings metallic blue with white
submarginal spots and a scalloped wing margin; each hindwing has a single tail.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common south of the Pacific Northwest; feed on Dutchman’s pipevine during spring and
fall. Adults are diurnal; fly from spring to late fall. Larvae are found in riparian habitats where the hostplant grows; adults
are strong fliers and can be found far from rivers and streams. Widely distributed in the Southwestern States; locally
distributed in northern and central California, straying into southwest Oregon.
CATERPILLAR Light green, shades of blue green in dorsal, subdorsal, and lateral patches; alternating black dashes with
yellow spots create a broken transverse band across the middle of each thoracic and abdominal segment. Head green with
oblique black lines encompassing a yellow patch with a black dash in the center.
ADULT Wingspan 8.0 centimeters. Forewings yellow with black discal bars and a black border. Hindwings yellow, with
blue postmedian spots, yellow submarginal spots, a scalloped wing margin; each hindwing has one long tail, and lacks a
black median stripe.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on green sagebrush during late spring. Adults are diurnal; fly from spring to
fall. Found in dry canyon lands east of the Cascade Mountains and typically distributed near patches of the hostplant;
widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Dorsum yellow-green transitioning to a light blue tone laterally and ventrally; thorax enlarged; T2 with a
broken transverse band of yellow marked with a black line and circle encompassing a blue spot; the intersegmental region
between A1 and A2 with a broad black band counter-shaded with yellow along the anterior edge; A1 with light blue spots
dorsally and subdorsally; A4 with a subdorsal dark blue spot; A5 to A7 with dark blue spots dorsally and subdorsally; A2
to A7 with dark blue dots below the spiracles.
ADULT Wingspan 8.5 centimeters. Forewings white with broad black discal bars and a black border. Hindwings white
with a black median stripe, blue postmedian spots, white submarginal spots, a scalloped wing margin; each hindwing has
one long tail.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on many species of hardwoods, particularly Ceanothus, during the spring.
Adults are diurnal; fly from late spring to early summer. Found in montane forests; widely distributed in western North
CATERPILLAR Contrasting white and black rings with a small spot of orange dorsally.
ADULT Wingspan 6.5 centimeters. Forewings black with a yellow median band and submarginal spots. Hindwings black
with a broad yellow median band, blue postmedian spots, yellow submarginal spots, and a scalloped wing margin; each
hindwing has one short tail.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on Apiaceae, particularly Lomatium and Cymopterus, during late spring. Adults
are diurnal; fly from late spring to early summer. Found in dry, rocky habitats east of the Cascade Mountains, where it is
widely distributed.
CATERPILLAR Dorsum yellow-green with only a subtle transition into a light blue tone ventrally; thorax enlarged; T2
with a broken transverse band of yellow marked with a brown line and black circle encompassing a faint blue spot; A1 with
a transverse yellow band along the anterior edge; A1 with blue spots dorsally and subdorsally; A4 with a subdorsal faint blue
spot; A5 to A7 with blue spots dorsally and subdorsally; A2 to A7 with faint blue dots below the spiracles.
ADULT Wingspan 8.5 centimeters. Forewings yellow with black discal bars and a black border. Hindwings yellow with
a black median stripe, blue postmedian spots, yellow submarginal spots, a scalloped wing margin; each hindwing has one
long tail.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on many hardwoods, particularly poplar, willow, alder, and maple, during late
spring. Adults are diurnal; fly from late spring to late summer. Found in montane and riparian forests; widely distributed
in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Variable color depending on age. Early instars are mostly black with some white markings, and have the
appearance of bird droppings. Later instars, as shown here, are green with black streaks between orange spots on T1
through A8; midabdominal prolegs with black spots.
ADULT Wingspan 7.5 centimeters. Forewings yellow with black discal bars and a black border. Hindwings yellow, with
blue postmedian spots, yellow submarginal spots, and a scalloped wing margin; each hindwing has one long tail and no
black median stripe.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on Apiaceae, including cow parsnip and fennel, during late spring. Adults are
diurnal; fly from early spring to fall. Found in coastal forests, subalpine meadows, and sagebrush rangelands; widely
distributed in western North America.
ADULT Wingspan 6.5 centimeters. Forewing white with elongate black discal bars and a black border. Hindwings white
with round red spots.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are not commonly seen, but adults can be very common. Caterpillars feed on bleeding heart
during late spring to early summer. Adults are diurnal; fly from early to midsummer. Found in coastal rainforests, riparian
forests, and subalpine meadows; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Black; single row of yellow subdorsal spots on A1 through A8; another single row of a triplet of
yellow subdorsal spots on A1 through A8, the anterior spot with a smaller yellow dot to the lateral side.
ADULT Wingspan 6.0 centimeters. Forewings white with round black discal spots, a pair of red spots. Hindwings white
with round red spots.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are not commonly seen, but adults can be very common. Caterpillars feed on stonecrop during
late spring to early summer. Adults are diurnal; fly from early to midsummer. Found in montane meadows and along rocky
ridge tops; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Two tones of green, dorsally light green ventrally dark green, separated by a white lateral band. Head
ADULT Wingspan 4.0 centimeters. Forewings white with a black discal bar and a red-orange subapical patch. Hindwings
white with marginal brown-black markings.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on Brassicaceae, particularly rockcress and tumblemustard, during spring.
Adults are diurnal; fly in spring. Found in wet forests, subalpine meadows, and sagebrush rangelands; widely distributed in
western North America.
CATERPILLAR Dark velvet green over entire body; subdorsal cream-white longitudinal line; a sublateral white line may
be present. Head green.
ADULT Wingspan 4.5 centimeters. Forewings white with a curved black discal bar and black apical patch with white spots.
Hindwings white, immaculate.
ECOLOGY The pine white is the most abundant butterfly in mixed Douglas-fir/western hemlock forests. Caterpillars
are very common but normally not encountered, because they occur in the higher reaches of the forest canopy; feed on
conifers, such as Douglas-fir and pines, during late spring. Adults are diurnal; fly in late summer. Found in coniferous
forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Velvet green appearance over entire body with a middorsal yellow longitudinal line and a broken yellow
lateral line.
ADULT Wingspan 4.2 centimeters. Forewings white with two black median spots and a black apical patch. Hindwings
white; each hindwing has a marginal black spot.
ECOLOGY This species is an exotic pest of vegetable crops. Caterpillars are very common; feed on Brassicaceae during
spring and summer. Adults are diurnal; fly from early spring to fall. Found in agricultural and urban areas; widely distributed
in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Light green with a dense covering of short hairs; lateral line yellow; faint subdorsal longitudinal yellow
lines; light orange spiracles.
ADULT Wingspan 4.8 centimeters. Wings dark brown with variably sized postmedian black spots encompassing a central
small white dot. Hindwings ventrally dark brown with a row of small postmedian spots and fine wavy lines.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on grasses in June and July. Adults are diurnal; fly from mid- to late summer.
Found in dry forests and woodlands, riparian environments, and wet meadows; widely distributed in western North
CATERPILLAR Thoracic and lateral abdominal hairs mostly golden orange; dorsal and subdorsal abdominal hairs black
with numerous longer white hairs.
ADULT Wingspan 6.5 centimeters. Forewings brown with irregular white bands. Hindwings orange with round black
spots. Abdomen orange with middorsal black markings.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common, generalist feeders on foliage of herbaceous plants and small flowering shrubs, such
as vetch and willow; present in fall; overwintering, with development completed by May or June. Adults are nocturnal; fly
in midsummer. Found in open habitats, such as meadows and forest edges; widely distributed at lower elevations in
western North America.
CATERPILLAR Hairs gray-white with longer lateral black tufts. Head orange.
ADULT Wingspan 3.6 centimeters. Forewings brown. Hindwings brown along outer margin with a light blue tint in the
middle of the wing. Body is black with an orange-yellow collar behind the head.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on foliage of grasses, sedges, and rushes during late spring. Adults are diurnal;
fly from early to midsummer. Found in grasslands among coniferous forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Cryptically patterned with mottled green and black; thin middorsal white line.
ADULT Wingspan 2.4 centimeters. Forewings white with a mottled pattern of fine black lines and spots. Hindwings off-
white and diffusely mottled with light brown.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on lichens in trees and large shrubs during spring; most common on Oregon
white oak upon foliage they might eat, as well. Adults are nocturnal; fly in late summer. Found in woodlands and forests
west of the Cascade Mountains.
ADULT Wingspan 4.5 centimeters. Wings black, edged with white distally. Thorax black, laterally with two red longitudinal
lines, prothorax with a red apical patch. Head red and black. Abdomen iridescent blue.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on grasses during spring. Adults are diurnal; fly in midsummer. Found in wet
meadows along the West Coast in California and Oregon.
CATERPILLAR Yellow with dorsal, lateral, and ventral black patches; clusters of white hairs originate from black bases
with blue spots. Head red-brown.
ADULT Wingspan 5.4 centimeters. Wings black with white markings in a distinctive pattern. Each forewing with a single,
small, basal, white spot; the medial and distal clusters consist of four white spots. Each hindwing with one medial cluster
of three white spots, and one distal cluster of two white spots.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on foliage of hound’s tongue during late spring and early summer. Adults are
diurnal; fly from mid- to late summer. Found in open pine forests from California to western Oregon.
CATERPILLAR Longer white hairs interspersed among black hairs located dorsally and laterally; ventrally hairs orange.
Head black.
ADULT Wingspan 4.3 centimeters. Forewings black with narrow yellow streaks. Hindwings red-orange with a black
border and central black spots of variable proportions. Head is yellow with the thorax striped in yellow and black.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common, generalist feeders on foliage of herbaceous plants during spring. Adults are
nocturnal; fly in early summer. Found in meadows and clearcuts; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Tan hairs on thorax; long white hairs interspersed among black abdominal hairs dorsally and tan hairs
ADULT Wingspan 6.5 centimeters. Wings semitransparent, creamy yellow-orange with faint black markings. Thorax
yellow; abdomen red-pink.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are not commonly encountered; feed on oak foliage during late spring and summer. Adults very
common at lights, nocturnal, fly in late summer. Found in oak woodlands in California and western Oregon.
CATERPILLAR Long white hairs originate from red spots on a black body with yellow markings.
ADULT Wingspan 3.4 centimeters. Wings white with no other markings. Abdomen yellow-white; ventral side of prothorax
and femur of foreleg with orange hairs.
ECOLOGY The communal caterpillars are very common, forming large silk tents on the branches of broadleaf trees; at
times considered a pest. Caterpillars feed on numerous plants, particularly willow, alder, and black cottonwood, during
August and September. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer. Found in woodlands, riparian, and urban environments;
widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Clusters of short yellow hairs are concentrated subdorsally with clusters of short orange hairs located
laterally; middorsal clusters of short black hairs. Body black.
ADULT Wingspan 4.1 centimeters. Forewings gold-brown with silvery white spots. Hindwings off-white, nearly immaculate.
Abdomen yellow.
ECOLOGY This species is abundant, sometimes considered a pest. Caterpillars are very common; feed on conifers,
particularly Douglas-fir. Early instars are gregarious, present in August; overwintering, with development complete by May
or June the following spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly from late July to early August. Found in moist conifer forests along
the West Coast from California to British Columbia.
CATERPILLAR (Mid instars) This is one of many caterpillars that develops through more than one color phase, either by
stage of development, genetic polymorphism, or other environmental factors; in this species color phases differ according
to age. Mid instar: Midabdominal segments with middorsal clusters of red hairs among bright yellow hairs; anterior and
posterior with long wisps of white hairs and shorter yellow and black hairs.
CATERPILLAR (Last instar) midabdominal segments with wisps of long white hairs among red-orange hairs; anterior
and posterior with long wisps of white hairs among short black hairs.
ADULT Wingspan 4.5 centimeters. Forewings yellow with brown bands. Hindwings immaculate. Abdomen yellow.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are very common; feed on many broadleaf trees, such as big-leaf maple, oak, and red alder,
during July and August. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer. Found in low elevation woodlands and wet forests; widely
distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Black with orange hairs at the anterior and posterior ends; middle portion of the body with long white
ADULT Wingspan 6.2 centimeters. Forewings black with many large, round, pale-yellow to off-white spots. Hindwings
variable, either orange with black bands or mostly black with orange spots. Thorax black with dorsal-anterior patches of
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on herbs and grasses, present in fall; overwintering, with development completed
by June the following spring. Adults are diurnal; fly in early summer. Found in wet meadows of coniferous and hardwood
forests throughout western North America.
CATERPILLAR Dense cover of hairs over body, midabdominal segments with reddish orange hairs, anterior and
posterior segments with black hairs.
ADULT Wingspan 5.3 centimeters. Forewings mustard-yellow with numerous small, dark spots. Hindwings yellow-
orange with a few small, dark spots.
ECOLOGY This is the species of folklore in predicting the weather based on the extent of the orange band; the more
black covering the body (less orange), the colder the upcoming winter. Caterpillars are very common; feed on herbs, such
as nettles, during fall and spring; overwintering, with development completing in the spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in
midsummer. Found at lower elevations in woodlands and wet forests; widely distributed in western North America and
particularly common west of the Cascade Mountains.
ADULT Wingspan 5.2 centimeters. Wings and abdomen white with small black spots. Femur of foreleg with red hairs.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common, generalist feeders on foliage of flowering trees, particularly oak, during spring.
Adults are nocturnal; fly from late May through June. Found in moist hardwood and coniferous forests west of the
Cascade Mountains.
CATERPILLAR Long hairs white; short hairs white and yellow-orange; colors uniformly dispersed over body except for
lateral region of A4 through A6 where hairs appear white.
ADULT Wingspan 4.2 centimeters. Wings white with a few small spots toward the outer margin. Hindwings white with
submarginal spots. Femur orange-yellow on foreleg. Abdomen white and orange with dorsal patches of black spots.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on herbs, such as dandelion and Queen Anne’s lace, present in fall; overwintering,
with development completed by June or July. A second generation occurs during the summer. Adults are nocturnal; fly in
midsummer. Found in wet forests and meadows; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Hairs are sparse, atypical for arctiids. Alternating orange and black rings occur along the entire length of
the body.
ADULT Wingspan 3.7 centimeters. Forewings dark gray-black, each forewing with a red costal stripe and two red
submarginal spots. Hindwings nearly all red with gray margins. Abdomen black.
ECOLOGY This species feeds on tansy ragwort, a noxious weed for which it was intentionally introduced into the
western United States as a biological control agent. Caterpillars are very common, and with rare exception feed only on
species of Senecio, particularly S. jacobaea, during July and August. The gregarious caterpillars are poisonous to vertebrate
predators due to the sequestration of pyrolizidine alkaloids from the hostplant. Adults are diurnal; fly in May and June.
Found in open habitats west of the Cascade Mountains.
CATERPILLAR Two middorsal white bands bordered in purple; yellow subdorsal and spiracular bands separated by a
gray-purple band bordered in black; transverse black stripe on T1, A1, and A8; A5 with a middorsal black spot. Head tan
with a faint tint of orange.
ADULT Wingspan 4.0 centimeters. Forewings tan-light brown with a yellow median patch. Hindwings tan and immaculate.
ECOLOGY This species is an occasional pest on live oak and chinquapin. Caterpillars are common; feed on live oak and
chinquapin during fall, winter, and spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer. Found in dry woodlands in western
Oregon and California.
CATERPILLAR Dorsum with shades of brown, purple, and black on green; knobby warts most prominent on T2
through A2.; anal segment extended into a single point. Head white-tan with two dark brown transverse bands.
ADULT Wingspan 3.7 centimeters. Forewings pale yellow-brown with smooth outer margins and noticeably hooked
(falcate) at the apex, postmedian line is narrow.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on red alder during July and August. Adults are nocturnal; fly from May to
August. Found in riparian habitats and moist forests; widely distributed in North America.
CATERPILLAR Uniformly gray; dorsal tubercles on A2, A4, and A8; ventral tubercle on A3. Third pair of true legs
much larger than other true legs. Head silver-gray, slightly cleft.
ADULT Wingspan 3.5 centimeters. Wings dark gray with fine black wavy lines.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common on buckbrush during June and July. Adults are nocturnal, typically with two
observable flight periods; the first from March to June, the second in August and September. Found in dry forests in
California and southwestern Oregon.
ADULT Wingspan 4.0 centimeters. Forewings mottled white and gray, wavy black and yellow medial lines. Hindwings
with nearly straight medial lines.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on snowbrush and bitterbrush during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly
from late spring to early summer. Found in open dry forests and woodlands; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Yellow-tan with diffuse red-brown shading; small hump on middorsum of A5.
ADULT Wingspan 2.8 centimeters. Forewings pale yellow to brown with a jagged dark brown median band.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on flowering trees and shrubs, particularly maple, blueberry, and ocean spray.
Adults are nocturnal; fly in early summer. Found in wet conifer forests; widely distributed in western North America.
ADULT Wingspan 3.5 centimeters. Forewings mottled dark gray or brown with two wavy dark medial lines and a row of
black postmedian spots.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on Ceanothus during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly from late summer to
fall. Found in moist coniferous forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Green; dorsally with yellow spots at the location of primary setae (pinaculae); subdorsally two faint
yellow longitudinal lines; laterally a distinct yellow line. The presence of four pairs of midabdominal prolegs is a very
unusual feature for inchworms. Head yellow-green.
ADULT Wingspan 3.5 centimeters. Forewings dark red-brown to black with a white median band and white subapical
patch. Hindwings red-orange with a black anal band and discal spot.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on alder during late spring. Adults are diurnal; fly in early spring. Found in
wet forests; widely distributed in northern North America.
CATERPILLAR Intermixed shades of tan and light green; cone-like humps on head and T1.
ADULT Wingspan 4.8 centimeters. The wings are variable in color from pale gray to a dark black-brown, with wavy black
lines and heavily speckled with dark gray spots.
ECOLOGY This species is the pepper moth that has been cited as an example of industrial melanism in England.
Caterpillars are common, generalist feeders on flowering trees and shrubs, particularly alder, willow, and chinquapin. Adults
are nocturnal; fly from early to midsummer. Found in wet forests and riparian habitats; widely distributed in western North
CATERPILLAR The presence of two pairs of midabdominal prolegs is an unusual feature for inchworms. In this
species the prolegs on A5 are slightly reduced. In contrast, the midabdominal prolegs on A5 and A6 in plusiines (Noctuidae)
are nearly equal in size (see Autographa californica). The body color is variable in this species but is generally drab, such as the
gray-brown depicted here. The ventral fringe of knobby hairs is unique among inchworms in the Pacific Northwest.
ADULT Wingspan 3.9 centimeters. Forewings pale green-white with two white lines counter-shaded with darker green.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on many broadleaf trees, such as serviceberry, red and mountain alder, and
hazel, during April and May. Adults are nocturnal; fly in summer. Found in moist forests; widely distributed in western
North America.
CATERPILLAR Yellow-green; middorsal white band encompassing a golden central longitudinal line with black edged
gray dashes on A2 through A8; broken scalloped white lateral line.
ADULT Wingspan 3.0 centimeters. Forewings elongate, light to dark gray with thin black lines.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on rabbitbrush during June and July. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer.
Found in dry sagebrush rangelands and juniper woodlands; widely distributed in western North America.
ADULT Wingspan 1.9 centimeters. Forewings pale green with thin white lines that may fade to yellow as the moth ages.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on rabbitbrush during June and July. Adults are nocturnal; fly in late summer.
Found in dry sagebrush rangelands and juniper woodlands; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR The lateral flanges on A2 through A5 are characteristic of three common inchworms (see Nemoria
darwiniata; the third species, Synchlora aerata, is not illustrated in this volume). Green with minute white dots and oblique
yellow-white stripes; enlarged lateral flanges on A2 through A5.
ADULT Wingspan 3.4 centimeters. Wings green with a single white line. This moth may be distinguished from other green
geometers by its large size and the single white line.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on ocean spray during May and June. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer.
Found in wet and dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Yellow with an undertone of green; T1 with a pair of minute bumps. Head red-brown with two cone-
like projections.
ADULT Wingspan 5.0 centimeters. Wings pale gray with narrow wavy black lines.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on manzanita during late spring to early summer. Adults are nocturnal; fly in
fall. Found in dry woodlands and forests from western Oregon to Arizona.
CATERPILLAR The colors of this inchworm vary in the intensity of contrast between light and dark markings. Colors
range from tan, to brown, to gray, but always with the darker middorsal semicircle countered by the anterior lateral light
markings, particularly on A2 through A5.
ADULT Wingspan 2.4 centimeters. Wings yellow to pale brown with fine black speckles and a small round white spot near
the discal cell.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on white oak during July and August. Adults are nocturnal; fly in summer.
Found in oak woodlands ranging from California to British Columbia.
CATERPILLAR Red-brown with shades of dark pink; broken yellow spiracular line; lateral patches of dark red-brown
on each abdominal segment.
ADULT Wingspan 3.0 centimeters. Forewings brown with black lines and a white subapical spot. Hindwings red-orange,
each with two black lines.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on bitter cherry during late spring to early summer. Adults are diurnal; fly
in spring. Found in montane forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Yellow-green with pale-yellow speckles; multiple discontinuous, longitudinal lines, and ten middorsal red
ADULT Wingspan 2.5 centimeters. The wings vary from cream-white, to pink or orange; each forewing has three narrow,
nearly straight red lines.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on Ceanothus during July and August. Adults are nocturnal; fly in early
summer. Found in wet and dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR A patchwork of white, silver, gray, tan, and black; a thin yellow spiracular line, counter shaded with black
patches, is broken by patches of gray-white.
ADULT Wingspan 3.0 centimeters. Forewings slightly falcate, red-orange to pink, each with three lines. Hindwings white.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on Ceanothus during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in early spring. Found in
wet and dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Body color variable, green or brown; lateral yellow band with ragged edges on light green body with
faint white longitudinal markings; spiracles orange.
ADULT Wingspan 3.1 centimeters. Wings brown, speckled with black, and show amorphous gray-black markings.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on Ceanothus from June through August. Adults are nocturnal; fly in spring.
Found in wet and dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Green with a velvet appearance; small middorsal white spots or patches may occur on midabdominal
segments; middorsal red-brown streak on thorax and anterior abdomen.
ADULT Wingspan 2.8 centimeters. Forewings pink to light red, finely mottled with black flecks, postmedian line of black
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on species of Ceanothus from May through July. Adults are nocturnal; fly from
spring to fall. Found in wet and dry forests; distributed along the West Coast from southern California to British Columbia.
ADULT Wingspan 4.0 centimeters. Forewings gray to red-orange with a narrow, sharply angled postmedian line.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on Ceanothus during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly during two distinct
periods: late spring to early summer and late summer to fall. Found in wet and dry forests; widely distributed in western
North America.
ADULT Wingspan 3.2 centimeters. Forewings with a black median band, a dark brown basal band, and a yellow apical
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on flowering trees and shrubs, such as alder and thimbleberry. Adults are
nocturnal; fly from midsummer to fall. Found in moist forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Light green with a white hue, and white subdorsal longitudinal lines.
ADULT Wingspan 3.1 centimeters. Forewings with a gray median band and a dark brown basal band.
ECOLOGY This species is the most common inchworm on currants and gooseberries; feeds on many species of Ribes
during June and July. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer. Found in dry forests; widely distributed in western North
CATERPILLAR Head and body yellow green with ten middorsal red spots.
ADULT Wingspan 3.8 centimeters. Forewings with a white median band and dark brown basal and postmedian bands.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on species of Ericaceae, such as salal and rhododendron, during April and
May. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer. This species is limited to moist forests of the Pacific West.
CATERPILLAR Mottled white, gray, tan, brown, and golden; a black subdorsal dual striped longitudinal line extends
from the head to A8; A8 with a pair of small dorsal warts.
ADULT Wingspan 4.1 centimeters. Forewings white with fine, dentate black lines.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are very common, generalist feeders occurring in the spring and early summer on numerous
flowering trees and shrubs, such as alder, willow, and snowberry, and conifers, such as Douglas-fir and western hemlock.
Adults are nocturnal; fly in spring. Found in wet forests, riparian habitats and woodlands; widely distributed in western
North America.
CATERPILLAR Body may be either green or brown; prominent lateral yellow band and faint yellow longitudinal
markings are consistent in both body colors.
ADULT Wingspan 2.8 centimeters. Forewings with falcate apex, pale yellow or brown; each forewing has two narrow
lines and three black marks in the submarginal area.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on red alder and willow from June through August. Adults are nocturnal; fly
in late summer. Found in rain forests of the Pacific Northwest.
CATERPILLAR Green with yellow shading; tan-brown circumsegmental swellings around the posterior edge of A2, A3,
and A5. Head green.
ADULT Wingspan 5.2 centimeters. Forewings yellow-orange with many small dark spots and a sharply angular outer
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on alder and willow in late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in fall. Found
in moist forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Dorsum brown with black longitudinal lines; yellow laterally with faint to distinct red-brown shading
around the spiracles; ventral part of body off-white.
ADULT Females are wingless. Male wingspan 4.0 centimeters. The wings are cream colored to pale yellow with fine
speckles and dark wavy bands, the outer bands varying from solid black to pale brown.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are very common; feed on many broadleaf trees and shrubs, such as serviceberry, white oak, and
hazel, during May and June. Adults are nocturnal; fly in late fall. Found in oak woodlands; widely distributed in western
North America.
CATERPILLAR Small dorsal warts on A1 and A5, body with swirls of cream and light brown colors.
ADULT Wingspan 4.0 centimeters. Forewings falcate with a scalloped margin, dark brown to pale yellow with thin lines
and black postmedian spots. Hindwings with a strongly scalloped margin.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on cascara and mock orange during May and June. Adults are nocturnal;
fly in midsummer. Found in moist forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Silver and gray with dorsal patches of red-brown; posterior of A1 and A5 with a subdorsal wart.
ADULT Wingspan 3.9 centimeters. Wings pale orange and speckled with many dark spots.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on many broadleaf trees and shrubs, particularly serviceberry and hazel,
during April and May. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer. Found in moist forests; widely distributed in western North
CATERPILLAR Brown head and light green body with faint white lines; small middorsal reddish brown spots or patches
may occur on midabdominal segments; middorsal reddish brown streak on thorax and anterior abdomen.
ADULT Wingspan 2.8 centimeters. Forewings white to pink with fine gray mottling and a narrow postmedian line.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on species of Ceanothus from June through August. Adults are nocturnal; fly
from early to late summer. Found in wet and dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Red-brown-amber; black collar around T2; intersegmental rings are pale gray-brown.
ADULT Wingspan 3.4 centimeters. Forewings with a dark brown median band with a smooth outer margin.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are very common; feed on many broadleaf trees and shrubs, such as ocean spray, red stem osier,
ninebark, and azalea, during June and July. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer. Found in moist forests and riparian
habitats; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Golden-yellow-green dorsally and laterally; venter olive green, no other markings.
ADULT Wingspan 2.3 centimeters. Forewings gray-brown with faint dark bands and a black discal spot. Hindwings with
a checkered margin.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on conifers, such as hemlock and Douglas-fir, during late spring and early
summer. Adults are nocturnal; fly in early spring. Found in coastal rain forests of the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Yellow-green with a dark red middorsal line from the head to A10.
ADULT Wingspan 2.6 centimeters. Forewings black, often with orange medial spots and an orange subapical patch.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on manzanita during late spring and early summer. Adults are nocturnal; fly
in early spring. Found in dry forests and oak woodlands in the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Color variable from solid green, a rosy pink, to red-pink, typically matching color with the hostplant.
ADULT Wingspan 2.3 centimeters. Forewings brown with a red-yellow cast; each forewing has an elongate, black discal
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on manzanita and madrone from April through June. Adults are nocturnal;
fly in summer. Found in dry forests and woodlands; widely distributed in western North America.
ADULT Wingspan 2.0 centimeters. Forewings with brown basal and medial lines; each forewing has a faint transverse
yellow band.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common, generalist feeders occurring in the spring on hardwood trees and shrubs, such as
serviceberry, ash, ocean spray, and elderberry. Adults are nocturnal; fly from spring to midsummer. Found in moist forests;
widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Variable in color from white to rosy brown; A1 through A6 with distinct darker transverse band that is
expanded anteriorly in the center and along each side near the subdorsal area.
ADULT Wingspan 1.8 centimeters. Forewings pale gray; each forewing has a small black discal spot.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are very common, generalist feeders occurring in late spring and early summer on the foliage and
flowers of flowering trees and shrubs, particularly ocean spray, manzanita, snowberry, and oak. Adults are nocturnal; fly in
summer. Found in woodlands and wet and dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Darker green dorsally with small white dots; lighter green ventrally with a white hue and small white
dots; lateral off-white band bordered with streaks of red, mostly on thorax and posterior abdominal segments.
ADULT Wingspan 2.6 centimeters. Forewings white to gray with red to brown costal and submarginal patches.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on bitterbrush and species of Ceanothus during June and July. Adults are
nocturnal; fly in early spring. Found in dry forests and juniper woodlands; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Dorsum and venter green; lateral off-white band bordered by a solid red line below.
ADULT Wingspan 2.3 centimeters. Forewings elongate and pointed with white and black costal and submarginal patches.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on cascara from June to August. Adults are nocturnal; fly in early spring.
Found in woodlands and wet and dry forests in the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Green with shades of yellow, matching foliage of the foodplant for a cryptic appearance.
ADULT Wingspan 2.5 centimeters. Forewings red-brown to yellow-orange with a thin black medial line, often with black
streaks along the submarginal border.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on western red cedar from May to July. Adults are nocturnal; fly in late
summer. Found in wet coniferous forests from southern California to British Columbia.
ADULT Wingspan 3.3 centimeters. Forewings with a black median band that has a jagged outer margin.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on herbaceous plants, such as fireweed, during spring. Adults are nocturnal;
fly in fall. Found in open habitats associated with wet and dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Mostly brown, dorsum with light caramel-colored patches; subdorsally and laterally abdomen with
slightly swollen areas; white dorsal patches on A1, A3, and A8. This caterpillar can contort its body into a configuration that
looks like a male cone of conifers.
ADULT Wingspan 2.8 centimeters. Forewings dark, mottled gray to black; each forewing has a narrow, wavy, black
median line and a curved, black basal line.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on conifers, such as Douglas-fir and western hemlock, during late spring.
Adults are nocturnal; fly in summer. Found in wet and dry coniferous forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Gray mixed with white-gray; small dorsal tubercles on A2 and A2 slightly bulging laterally; small ventral
tubercles on A3.
ADULT Wingspan 3.5 centimeters. Forewings a uniform pale gray; each forewing has a narrow, sharply dentate median
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on ocean spray and currants during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in
midsummer. Found in wet and dry forests; most common west of the Cascade Mountains, ranging from California to
British Columbia.
CATERPILLAR The body color of this species is highly variable, often matching its background. The subdorsal wart on
A2 is the best trait for tentative field identification.
ADULT Wingspan 3.5 centimeters. Forewings pale to dark yellow with purple-brown median and basal bands and a
broad purple-brown discal spot; markings are variable from very prominent bands to nearly no marks except for the discal
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are very common; feed on many broadleaf trees and shrubs, such as species of Ceanothus,
manzanita, ocean spray, and bitterbrush, from May through July. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer. Found in
woodlands and wet and dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Off-white, almost translucent; middorsal black line from T2 through A9. Head light brown.
ADULT Wingspan 3.2 centimeters. Forewings elongate and pale gray with obscure markings forming dark curved bands.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on manzanita and madrone during June and July. Adults are nocturnal; fly in
spring. Found in dry conifer forests and oak woodlands along the West Coast from California to British Columbia.
ADULT Wingspan 3.3 centimeters. Forewings white, mottled with yellow and brown; each forewing has a small black
discal spot. Hindwings with margin slightly scalloped.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on alder during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in late summer. Found in wet
forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Dorsal red markings with irregular borders, noticeably expanded and constricted on A3 through A6;
subdorsally and laterally green.
ADULT Wingspan 3.5 centimeters. Forewings pale gray-cream with narrow wavy black lines and a brown patch bordered
by two black tooth-like marks in the subapical area.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on maple, alder, and Vaccinium during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in
midsummer. Found in woodlands, riparian habitats, and wet and dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Green to gray-brown with white and brown shading on each segment separated at an oblique angle.
ADULT Wingspan 3.1 centimeters. Forewings gray with black dashes and lines.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on currants and gooseberries during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in
midsummer. Found in dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Mottled silver, gray, and white; darker patch near spiracles.
ADULT Wingspan 2.3 centimeters. Forewings gray; each forewing has a broad brown postmedian band curved and
outlined in black.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on bitterbrush and sagebrush during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly from
mid- to late summer. Found in pine forests and juniper woodlands; widely distributed in western North America.
ADULT Wingspan 2.8 centimeters. Forewings pale gray; each forewing has a yellow postmedian band outlined with
brown. Hindwings white to yellow.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on California coffeeberry during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer.
Found in dry open forests and woodlands; distributed in the Pacific western states and the Southwestern states.
ADULT Wingspan 2.8 centimeters. Forewings gray with fine dark lines; each forewing has a bright yellow patch along the
costal margin on the venter (not shown) of the forewing.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on snowbrush during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer. Found
in wet and dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Color highly variable, typically white, gray, and light brown; longitudinal lines in different shades of
typical body colors; paired black dorsal spots.
ADULT Wingspan 3.7 centimeters. Forewings slightly falcate, gray to yellow-tan, each with narrow black postmedian and
basal lines edged with orange, and a small black discal spot.
ECOLOGY This caterpillar is very common and may cause heavy defoliation of its principal host, white oak; present
from June to September. Adults are nocturnal; fly in fall. Found in oak woodlands and coniferous forests; widely distributed
in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Green with multiple white lines creating a middorsal longitudinal band; lateral white line extends from
T1 to A10.
ADULT Wingspan 3.7 centimeters. Forewings a dull mottled brown with narrow wavy lines and small black marginal
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on Pinaceae, particularly Douglas-fir, during spring and early summer. Adults
are nocturnal; fly in early spring. Found in wet and dry coniferous forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Mottled caramel, brown, and gray-white. Two very long filaments middorsal on A2 an A3, each forked
creating two smaller filaments with white tips.
ADULT Wingspan 2.5 centimeters. Forewings falcate, pale cream to deep yellow with broad purple-brown borders and
narrow wavy lines.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on the foliage of flowering trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants such as
maple, alder, snowberry, oak, and mint, during spring and early summer. Adults are nocturnal; fly in late summer. Found
in open habitats, woodlands, and forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR The lateral flanges on A2 through A5 are characteristic of three common inchworms (see Chlorosea
banksaria; the third species, Synchlora aerata, is not illustrated). Coloration in this species varies among light green, yellow, tan,
and brown.
ADULT Wingspan 2.9 centimeters. Wings green with narrow, curved, white basal and median lines.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on many broadleaf trees and shrubs, such as white oak, myrica, ocean spray,
bitterbrush, and snowbrush, during March to September. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer. Found in woodlands,
and wet and dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR This caterpillar is variable in color (shades of off-white, brown, and gray) and pattern. In fact, the lack
of notable features in combination with the presence of mature larvae occurring in early spring serve as the best clue to the
identity of this species.
ADULT Wingspan 3.6 centimeters. Forewings mottled cream to dark brown with wavy dark median and basal lines.
ECOLOGY This is the most abundant moth species that is capable of feeding extensively on foliage of numerous species
of conifers and angiosperms in the fall and into the early summer of the following year. Caterpillars are very common;
feed on broadleaf trees, such as big-leaf maple and serviceberry; shrubs, such as myrica and blueberry; as well as many
conifers, such as pines and Douglas-fir. Adults are nocturnal; fly from late summer into fall. Found in woodlands, and wet
and dry forests, particularly common west of the Cascade Mountains; distributed from California to British Columbia.
CATERPILLAR Middorsal white band edged with a thin black line; laterally golden brown with a faint white spiracular
ADULT Wingspan 3.6 centimeters. Forewings mostly gray with jagged median and basal lines; each forewing has a small
black discal spot.
ECOLOGY This is one of the most abundant conifer-feeding caterpillars in western forests. Caterpillars are very
common; feed on conifers in spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly from mid- to late summer. Found in wet and dry coniferous
forests; widely distributed in western North America.
ADULT Females are wingless. The male wingspan is 2.9 centimeters. Forewings solid dark gray to pale cream with fine
dark lines.
ECOLOGY This species was previously known as O. occidentalis and is very similar in appearance to an exotic pest, O.
brumata, the winter moth. This is one of just a few species of moths exhibiting a limited flight period restricted to
November and December. Caterpillars are very common; feed on many broadleaf trees, such as big-leaf maple, oak, red
alder, bitter cherry, hazel, and willow, from March to June. Adults are nocturnal, males fly in early winter. Found in low
elevation woodlands and wet forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Green with white spots demarking the location of primary setae and three dorsal white longitudinal
lines, lateral line light yellow.
ADULT Females are wingless. The male wingspan is 3.4 centimeters. Forewings elongate and gray with dark lines.
ECOLOGY This is one of just a few species of moths exhibiting a limited flight period restricted to November and
December. Caterpillars are uncommon, generalist feeders on the foliage of flowering trees and shrubs, particularly ash,
cherry, and oak, during the spring. Adults are nocturnal, males fly in early winter. Found in woodlands in the Pacific
ADULT Wingspan 2.5 centimeters. Forewings gray with three black costal bars.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on ocean spray during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly from spring to
midsummer. Found in woodlands, and wet and dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Body color is highly variable, often gray with faint black markings; A2 through A4 swollen ventrally.
Head slightly cleft.
ADULT Wingspan 4.1 centimeters. Forewings pale red-brown with a darker median area, wing edge dentate.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on many broadleaf trees, such as snowbrush, hazel, Pacific dogwood, and
madrone, from April to August. Adults are nocturnal; fly from mid- to late summer. Found in wet conifer forests of the
Pacific Northwest, especially abundant west of the Cascade Mountains.
CATERPILLAR Mottled light yellow, tan, and brown; no other distinctive markings.
ADULT Wingspan 3.4 centimeters. Forewings dark gray-brown, wing edges dentate; each forewing with a red-black
median band. Males have slightly dentate antennae with minute antennal branches.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on the foliage of Pinaceae and some hardwood shrubs, such as ocean spray,
during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly from late spring to midsummer. Found in woodlands, and wet and dry forests;
widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Gray-brown; lateral golden yellow patches on A1 through A3 apparent, faint on A4 through A7; a pair
of small dorsal warts on A1 through A3, and A8.
ADULT Females are wingless. Male wingspan 4.5 centimeters. Forewings pale gray; each forewing with four thin black
lines. Hindwings pale gray, each with a small black discal spot. Antennae pectinate.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on oak and serviceberry during spring. Adults are nocturnal, males fly in early
spring. Found in oak woodlands along the Pacific coast from California to British Columbia.
CATERPILLAR Pale green and brown to red-brown; A5 with a slightly raised transverse ridge.
ADULT Wingspan 3.5 centimeters. Forewings falcate, pale mottled brown with a darker brown submarginal area, the
subapical part of the median line extends to the wing margin in an abrupt, concave curve.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on dogwood and huckleberry during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly from
late spring to early summer. Found in wet conifer forests of the Pacific Northwest.
ADULT Wingspan 2.1 centimeters. Forewings white to pale yellow with a thin, straight basal line and postmedian line.
Hindwings with a curved postmedian line.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on willow and poplar during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly from spring to
midsummer. Found in woodlands, and wet and dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Black; prolegs and spiracular area pale orange. Head orange.
ADULT Wingspan 3.1 centimeters. Forewings white with black borders and mottled black basal and median areas.
ECOLOGY This caterpillar lives in folded leaf tents and is common on mountain alder during August and September.
Adults are diurnal; fly from late spring to midsummer. Found in montane forests; widely distributed in western North
CATERPILLAR Dorsum and lateral region of T1 through A9 with longitudinal stripes of black, orange, gray, and white;
mostly light yellow below the spiracular line. Head orange with a pair of black spots near the top of the head capsule.
ADULT Wingspan 4.4 centimeters. Forewings slightly falcate, pale yellow to darker brown with converging, dentate
median and postmedian lines.
ECOLOGY This is one of just a few species that may occur ‘on the wing’ any month of the year, a behavior connected
to its distribution along relatively mild coastal environments. Caterpillars are common; feed on red elderberry, salmonberry,
red alder, and ocean spray, from May to September. Adults are nocturnal; fly throughout the year. Found in wet coastal
forests in the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Head, thorax and parts of A5 and A6 streaked with white and gray; A1 through A4 golden yellow; A6
through A10 darker brown; A5 and A6 with a pair of dorsal humps.
ADULT Wingspan 4.2 centimeters. Forewings falcate, mottled pale yellow to brown; each forewing has three narrow,
black lines and an apical orange patch.
ECOLOGY The caterpillar in this photo was reared in the lab from eggs obtained from a female moth field-collected live
at a blacklight and then placed in a container for a couple of days. Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on the foliage of
maple, alder, and birch. Adults are nocturnal; fly from early spring to midsummer. Found in wet forests; widely distributed
in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Green mottled with white patches and spots, the dark and light green hues of the caterpillar result in a
remarkable example of cryptic coloration.
ADULT Wingspan 3.0 centimeters. Forewings light red-pink-brown; each forewing has two to three nearly straight black
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on cedars during late spring and early summer. Adults are nocturnal; fly from
early to late summer. Found in wet coniferous forests; distributed in the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Green with faint white dorsal longitudinal lines; cream-white lateral line.
ADULT Wingspan 2.8 centimeters. Forewings pink to red-pink; each forewing has a broad, curved, black postmedian
band and a smaller black basal band.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on willow during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer.
Found in riparian habitats of dry forest and woodlands; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Poorly defined patches of alternating light and dark gray-brown; minute warts subdorsally on A2
through A5; yellow spiracles.
ADULT Wingspan 3.5 centimeters. Forewings pale tan with a curved black postmedian line and a variable black submarginal
ECOLOGY This species may be the most abundant moth in post-fire regeneration habitats, where snowbrush is the
dominant vegetation. Caterpillars are very common; feed on Ceanothus from May to July. Adults are nocturnal; fly in
midsummer. Found in woodlands, and wet and dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Green with red-brown highlights; middorsum of A3 and A5 with a dual pronged horn the length of
which is equal to the body width; a third shorter horn occurs middorsally on A8.
ADULT Wingspan 3.4 centimeters. Forewings slightly falcate, yellow with narrow basal and median lines, pink-red in the
postmedian areas.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on red alder during June and July. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer.
Found in wet conifer forests; widely distributed in western North America.
ADULT Wingspan 3.0 centimeters. Forewings gray with wavy black lines and bands; each forewing has a small black discal
spot. Hindwings pink-gray.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on fireweed during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly from spring to late
summer. Found in open habitats associated with wet forests; widely distributed in western North America.
ADULT Wingspan 3.1 centimeters. Forewings pale yellow with a white postmedian band and gray-black median and
apical patches.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on mountain mahogany during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in early
spring. Found in dry oak woodlands; distributed in southern California and southwestern Oregon.
CATERPILLAR Light green to green-brown to red-orange; dorsally T2 swollen into a transverse ridge; minute middorsal
wart on A4 and A8.
ADULT Wingspan 4.3 centimeters. Forewings strongly falcate, red-brown to gray, with narrow basal and median lines.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on willow, cascara, bitterbrush, and species of Ceanothus from June to August.
Adults are nocturnal; fly from spring to midsummer. Found in woodlands, and wet and dry forests; widely distributed in
western North America.
CATERPILLAR Dorsally gray-brown with thin longitudinal lines; ventrally gray-yellow with patches of gray-brown; a
pair of small dorsal warts on A2 through A5; A8 with a small hump.
ADULT Wingspan 4.2 centimeters. Forewings gray with jagged black postmedian and basal lines outlined in white.
Hindwings white with a scalloped gray margin.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on rabbit brush during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in fall. Found in
dry juniper woodlands and sagebrush rangelands in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Mottled gray to light brown-red; a pair of prominent dorsal warts on T1, A4, and A5; a pair of very
small warts on A3, A6, and A7.
ADULT Wingspan 4.0 centimeters. Forewings strongly falcate, pale yellow to orange, with narrow basal and median lines.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on many broadleaf trees and shrubs, such as big-leaf maple, ash, red alder,
and snowberry, during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in fall. Found in wet conifer forests; widely distributed in
western North America.
CATERPILLAR One of very few species found on sword fern. This caterpillar is easily identified by its orange, brown,
and tan body with faint white subdorsal longitudinal lines; midabdominal intersegmental areas orange brown.
ADULT Wingspan 3.3 centimeters. Forewings slightly falcate, lightly speckled brown with a dark brown median band and
postmedian line, or separate small postmedian spots.
ECOLOGY This is the most abundant caterpillar on sword fern. Caterpillars are common; feed on sword fern during
May and June. Adults are nocturnal; fly in early spring. Found in wet conifer forests in the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Numerous longitudinal lines and bands of pink-gray, black, yellow, and light brown; the most distinctive
trait is the lateral yellow band edged dorsally by a black line.
ADULT Wingspan 3.3 centimeters. Forewings dark gray with a wavy median band and thin lines. Hindwings white with
gray borders and scalloped margins.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on coffeeberry during late spring and early summer. Adults are nocturnal; fly
in early spring. Found in open habitats, woodlands, and wet forests in the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Translucent green; lateral off-white band; dorsal and lateral cream-white lines.
ADULT Wingspan 3.9 centimeters. Forewings variable red-brown with darker and lighter wavy bands. Hindwings with
the margin strongly dentate.
ECOLOGY This is the most abundant caterpillar on cascara. Caterpillars are common; feed on cascara during June and
July. Adults are nocturnal, overwinter, fly from late summer into next spring. Found in woodlands and wet conifer forests;
widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR White dorsal patches bordered in black surrounded by orange; an off-white spiracular line with two blue
patches per segment above it; dense white hairs laterally.
ADULT Wingspan 2.9 centimeters. Forewings of male (see photo) variably red-brown to yellow with two thin lines.
Hindwings of male red-brown. Female wings are more yellow than those of the male, with red-brown shading.
ECOLOGY The extensive blue coloring is unusual in caterpillars and typical of the genus Malacosoma. Caterpillars are very
common; feed on many broadleaf trees, such as big-leaf maple, oak, and red alder, during early summer. Adults are
nocturnal; fly in midsummer. Found in a wide variety of habitats, particularly oak woodlands; widely distributed in western
North America.
ADULT Wingspan 3.0 centimeters. Forewings of male (see photo) variably yellow with two thin dark lines. Hindwings of
male yellow. Female wings with red-brown shading.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are very common; feed on oak during late spring to early summer. Adults are nocturnal; fly in
midsummer. Found in oak woodlands from southern California to western Oregon.
CATERPILLAR Blue and black; silvery-white dorsal patches bordered in black; a yellow orange subdorsal and lateral
longitudinal line also bordered in black; dense white hairs laterally.
ADULT Wingspan 2.8 centimeters. Forewings of male (see photo) variably yellow to red-brown with two thin lines;
female forewings are darker red-brown than those of male. Hindwings of male and female red-brown.
ECOLOGY This species does not construct a tent. Caterpillars are very common; feed on many broadleaf trees such as
madrone, oak, and red alder, during early summer. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer. Found in a wide variety of
habitats, particularly oak woodlands; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Silver and gray with black tones; soft, fuzzy, gray hairs; transverse orange yellow line across A1 and A2;
small middorsal raised area on A8.
ADULT Wingspan 3.6 centimeters. Forewings red-brown with fine spots and a deeply notched anal margins. Hindwings
small with dentate margins.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are very common; feed on many broadleaf trees, such as white oak, serviceberry, alders, chinquapin,
and willows, during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly between late spring and early summer. Found in woodlands, and wet
and dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Dark gray and bronze brown; soft, fuzzy, silver white hairs; transverse black line with orange spots
across the intersegmental area between A1 and A2.
ADULT Wingspan 3.3 centimeters. Forewings pale gray with dark gray bands and white veins.
ECOLOGY The caterpillar in this photo was reared during the spring from eggs collected from a female attracted to a
blacklight in October. Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on Pinaceae during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in late summer
and fall. Found in wet and dry coniferous forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Dense covering of white, gray, and black hairs of varying lengths, including thick tufts of gray hairs on
A1 through A4; a pair of long tufts of black hairs project laterally anterior from A1 and laterally posterior from A8; also a
single tuft of long black hairs projects dorsally posterior from A8; clusters of short white clubbed hairs occur dorsally and
laterally; bright red glands middorsal on A6 and A7; a row of single long, black, clubbed hairs point laterally.
ADULT Wingspan 4.2 centimeters. Forewings light gray to black with a small white subanal spot in the postmedian area.
ECOLOGY We have reared field-collected larvae that resulted in the emergence of wingless females. Caterpillars are
uncommon; feed on Pinaceae, particularly Douglas-fir and grand fir, during April and May. Adults are nocturnal; fly from
mid- to late summer. Found in coniferous forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Dense covering of white, gray, and black hairs of varying lengths, including thick tufts of gray hairs on
A1 through A4; a pair of long tufts of black hairs project laterally anterior from A1 and laterally posterior from A8; also a
single tuft of long black hairs projects dorsally posterior from A8; clusters of short white clubbed hairs occur dorsally and
laterally; red middorsal glands on A6 and A7; a row of paired long, black, clubbed hairs point laterally.
ADULT Wingspan 4.5 centimeters. Forewings gray with pale mottling, no white subanal spot.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common on many species of broadleaf trees, particularly white oak, during May and June.
Adults are nocturnal; fly from early to late summer. Found in oak woodlands and low elevation forests; widely distributed
in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Creamy yellow highlighted with black; midline of dorsum with irregular yellow circles; subdorsally a
broken stripe of yellow bordered in black; laterally and ventrally light creamy color speckled with irregular black markings;
base of hair tufts red-orange; dorsal hairs red-orange; lateral and ventral hairs mostly white.
ADULT Wingspan 5.2 centimeters. Wings with a silk white, satin sheen, and light yellow costal and basal areas. Leg hairs
colored in black and white rings.
ECOLOGY This is an accidentally introduced species and on occasion is considered a pest on quaking aspen in Oregon’s
central Cascade Mountains. Caterpillars are common on willow and quaking aspen during late spring. Adults are nocturnal;
fly in midsummer. Found in urban areas, riparian habitats, and montane forests; widely distributed in North America.
CATERPILLAR Long tan hairs rise from subdorsal tufts; T1 through A2 with a pair of dorsal blue warts; A3 through A7
with a pair of dorsal red warts. Head with two wide, black, oblique lines and mottled with black spots.
ADULT Male (see photo): Wings brown with prominent zigzag black lines on the forewings; each forewing has a single
discal spot. Female: Wings white with prominent zigzag black lines on the forewings; each forewing has a single discal spot.
ECOLOGY Introduced from Europe, the gypsy moth is now widely distributed in North America. This species is a
notorious pest, which is why we have illustrated it here. Although it is not established in the Pacific Northwest , it is a chronic
pest problem in the region. Caterpillars feed on numerous broadleaf trees, particularly oaks, as well as some conifers,
including Douglas-fir and Colorado blue spruce, likely to occur during May and June. Adults are diurnal; females possess
wings but are flightless, males fly in midsummer. Historically, the gypsy moth in the Pacific Northwest has been found in
metropolitan and rural areas, including orchards and surrounding low elevation oak woodlands and conifer forests.
CATERPILLAR Densely covered with light yellow hairs originating from a pale red base; middorsal tufts of off-white
hairs on A1 through A4; tufts of long black hairs project forward and laterally from A1; a single tuft of long black hairs
projects dorsally and posterior from A8; pale red middorsal glands on A6 and A8.
ADULT Females are wingless; the male wingspan is 3.0 centimeters. Forewings red-brown with a large white subanal spot
in the postmedian area. Hindwings red-orange to orange-brown.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are very common on many broadleaf trees and shrubs, such as willow, white oak, and black
cottonwood, during June and July. Adults are nocturnal, males fly from late summer to fall. Found in low elevation
woodlands and forests; widely distributed in North America.
CATERPILLAR Densely covered with white hairs that originate from a red base; middorsal tufts of golden-tipped white
hairs on A1 through A4 and A8; tufts of long black hairs project laterally and anterior from A1; a single tuft of long black
hairs project dorsally and posterior from A8; bright red middorsal glands on A6 and A7.
ADULT Females are wingless. The male wingspan is 3.3 centimeters. Forewings gray to black with a small subanal spot.
Hindwings dark red-brown.
ECOLOGY This species is known as the Douglas-fir tussock moth and is considered a forest pest causing severe
defoliation of certain conifer species. Caterpillars are very common; feed on Pinaceae during late spring. Adults are diurnal,
males fly from late summer to fall. Found in coniferous forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Gray, brown, and black with subdorsal patches of orange; white scalloped spiracular band (mostly on
A4 through A6) with brown markings within the band.
ADULT Wingspan 2.4 centimeters. Forewings dark gray-black with a pale gray postmedian border, and small reniform
and orbicular spots that are obscure or outlined in white.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on big sagebrush during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly from mid- to late
summer. Found in dry juniper woodlands and sagebrush rangelands; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Variable shades of green to pink-brown, later instars mostly pink-brown; white dashed line below black
shading along dorsum of T1 through A10 and laterally on T1 through T3.
ADULT Wingspan 3.4 centimeters. Forewings pale gray-brown with a large white reniform spot and black basal and
discal streaks.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on western juniper during early summer. Adults are nocturnal; fly in late
summer. Found in juniper woodlands; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Green, middorsal, subdorsal, and subspiracular white longitudinal bands extend from T1 through A10.
Head green.
ADULT Wingspan 3.4 centimeters. Forewings dark gray to black with gray to red-brown discal spots and the reniform
spot at the end of the discal cell slightly curved.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on various conifers, including Douglas-fir, during early summer. Adults are
nocturnal; fly in late summer. Found in moist conifer forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Extremely long and dense white hairs obscure the green body.
ADULT Wingspan 4.7 centimeters. Forewings gray with black basal and subanal streaks.
ECOLOGY Only one individual caterpillar of this species has been field-collected during the fifteen years of our projects.
Caterpillars are rare; feed on snowbrush during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer. Found in dry forests
of western North America.
CATERPILLAR Early instars brown with white markings; fourth instar black with middorsal light yellow markings
triangular to elliptical with transverse black streaks in the center and black sparse long hairs with flattened tips.
ADULT Wingspan 3.4 centimeters. Forewings pale gray with an irregular black band across the inner wing margin.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on broadleaf plants, such as blueberry, hazel, and white oak, during early
summer. Adults are nocturnal; fly from late spring to early summer. Found in low elevation forests west of the Cascade
Mountains; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Green, dorsal brown patch wider on T1 and A4 through A8; outside edge of dorsal brown patches
counter-shaded with yellow. Head brown with two conical points.
ADULT Wingspan 4.0 centimeters. Forewings dark gray with black basal and anal margin dashes, postmedian band with
a sharply dentate margin. Hindwings white.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on red alder during late summer. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer.
Found in moist forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Covered with tufts of dense orange hairs on dorsum and white hairs laterally; anterior and posterior a
few longer white and black “wild” hairs stick out beyond the tufts of shorter hairs.
ADULT Wingspan 5.3 centimeters. Forewings pale gray with reniform and orbicular discal spots strongly outlined.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on red alder and mountain alder during late summer. Adults are nocturnal;
fly in midsummer. Found in moist forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Two prominent tufts of hairs on thorax, partially encircled with white hair tufts; two gray hair pencils on
dorsum of A8.
ADULT Wingspan 4.8 centimeters. Forewings dark black-gray with the postmedian band outlined as small white spots.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on red alder during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in early summer.
Found in coastal rainforests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR The brown-black color of the body provides a strong contrast to the clusters of white hairs that
originate from reddish orange spots.
ADULT Wingspan 3.8 centimeters. Forewings dark, mottled with gray, discal spots outlined and filled with darker gray.
Hindwings gray.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on wild roses and bitterbrush during midsummer. Adults are nocturnal; fly in
early summer. Found in many forest habitats; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Yellow and brown; dark brown middorsal line. Head dark brown.
ADULT Wingspan 4.3 centimeters. Forewings mottled black, gray, and white with black basal and subanal dashes.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are very common; feed on oak during midsummer. Adults are nocturnal; fly from spring to
early summer. Found in oak woodlands; widely distributed in Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR A broad white spiracular band constricts at each spiracle from T1 through A8; clusters of off-white and
black hairs originate from pale orange-yellow spots on a brown-black body.
ADULT Wingspan 4.4 centimeters. Forewings gray and heavily suffused with black. Hindwings white in male (shown
here) and gray in female.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on bitterbrush during midsummer. Adults are nocturnal; fly from late spring
to early summer. Found in dry forests including oak and juniper woodlands; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Yellow-orange with irregular black markings on a white body; relatively long primary setae; dorsum of
A9 with a brighter yellow streak. Head yellow with black spots.
ADULT Wingspan 3.0 centimeters. Forewings black; each forewing has two round, cream-yellow spots. Hindwings also
with one or two round cream-yellow spots.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on fireweed during midsummer. Adults are diurnal; fly from late spring to
midsummer. Found in open habitats associated with montane forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Light green with sparse white spots; black spiracles; white spiracular line with shades of yellow; A8 with
large dorsal hump.
ADULT Wingspan 5.1 centimeters. Forewings light brown to black-brown with a pale submarginal border and the discal
spots greatly reduced. Hindwings orange to red-copper.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on many broadleaf trees and shrubs, particularly big-leaf maple and manzanita,
during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly from late summer to fall. Found in wet conifer forests in western regions of
California to British Columbia.
CATERPILLAR Light brown and a shade of light green, with a black scalloped sublateral line; A8 with a transverse black
line; venter light gray.
ADULT Wingspan 4.6 centimeters. Forewings gray with distinct discal spots outlined in black, including a jagged, dentate
black submarginal line.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on alder, maple, ocean spray, and ninebark during spring. Adults are nocturnal;
fly from mid- to late summer. Found in wet conifer forests in the Pacific West.
CATERPILLAR Gray-brown with a black scalloped sublateral line; thoracic and abdominal segments with a subdorsal
black patch; A8 with a transverse black line; venter gray-brown.
ADULT Wingspan 4.4 centimeters. Forewings gray with very obscure markings except for a jagged, dentate black
submarginal line. Males have pectinate antennae.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on bitterbrush during early summer. Adults are nocturnal; fly in late summer.
Found in pine forests and juniper woodlands; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Dark brown with a black scalloped sublateral line; A8 with a transverse black line; venter pink-white.
ADULT Wingspan 5.2 centimeters. Forewings gray with shades of red and a black, sharply dentate submarginal line.
Hindwings faint red-tan; each hindwing has a dark medial line and discal spot.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on snowbrush and ocean spray during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly from
mid- to late summer. Found in dry forests and woodlands in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Dark green dorsum and light green venter with off-white speckles; white spiracular band, dorsal edge
with a red line; faint discontinuous off-white subdorsal line. Head green.
ADULT Wingspan 3.4 centimeters. Forewings dark brown; each forewing has a round yellow mark on the outer margin
of the reniform spot.
ECOLOGY This species possesses the broadest foodplant range among the Pacific Northwest Lepidoptera. Caterpillars
are very common, generalist feeders on numerous flowering trees and shrubs, such as maple, alder, madrone, hazelnut,
Indian plum, ocean spray, currant, willow, and snowberry, during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer. Found in
moist forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Body and head mottled in shades of green; a yellow-white spiracular band extends from A7 to anal
prolegs. Head green.
ADULT Wingspan 3.9 centimeters. Forewings dark brown to black with the only noticeable markings the white flecks
along the postmedian line.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on manzanita and madrone during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in
midsummer. Found in dry forests and woodlands in western Oregon and California.
CATERPILLAR Dark green dorsum and light green venter; white spiracular line, dorsal edge with a red line; faint
discontinuous yellow longitudinal line and oblique subdorsal lines. Head green.
ADULT Wingspan 3.8 centimeters. Forewings brown with the reniform and orbicular spots distinctly outlined in dark
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on bitterbrush and species of Ceanothus during spring. Adults are nocturnal;
fly in midsummer. Found in dry forests in the Pacific Northwest.
CATERPILLAR Two pair of midabdominal prolegs, a trait indicative of the Plusiinae. Green; distinct white spiracular
line and faint discontinuous longitudinal dorsal white lines.
ADULT Wingspan 4.2 centimeters. Forewings mottled gray with a large white comma-shaped stigma. Hindwings yellow
with a broad black submarginal border.
ECOLOGY This species is an economic pest in vegetable crops and also occurs on native plants in forests and woodlands.
Caterpillars are common; feed on numerous herbaceous plants from early spring to midsummer. Adults are nocturnal; fly
from spring to fall. Found in agricultural and urban areas, and open habitats associated with lowland and montane forests;
widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Gray- tan with a subtle rosy pink hue and covered with minute black speckles; small tubercles middorsum
on A5 and A8; ventral row of short whisker-like hairs; true legs pink-red. Head is cream colored with reticulated lines.
ADULT Wingspan 7.9 centimeters. Forewings mottled black, gray, and red-brown with jagged black lines. Hindwings
rosy red with a black median band narrowly constricted in the center and broad black submarginal borders.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on white oak during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in late summer. Found
in oak woodlands; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Gray and tan with finely reticulated markings; A5 and A8 with small warts tipped in orange; subdorsal
orange spots in a line; intersegmental area between A5 and A6 with an orange and black patch; ventral row of short
whisker-like hairs. Top of head with two orange spots; a black arc extends from the base of the mandibles over the top of
the head.
ADULT Wingspan 6.8 centimeters. Forewings gray-black, often with white markings, and a jagged postmedial line.
Hindwings red with black submarginal borders and black median bands that are not narrowly constricted.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on willow during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in late summer.
Found in wet forest and riparian habitats; widely distributed in northern North America, southernmost portion of its
distribution extending into the northern Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Northwest.
ADULT Wingspan 7.9 centimeters. Forewings mottled black and gray with jagged black lines. Hindwings orange, the
black median band and submarginal border with wavy undulations.
ECOLOGY Cryptic coloration and pattern match the lichens on oak branches. Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on white
oak during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in late summer. Found in oak woodlands ranging from California to the
Pacific Northwest.
CATERPILLAR Uniformly gray white with a pale pink hue; middorsum of A5 and A8 with tubercles; ventral row of
short whisker-like hairs. Head same color as body but with reticulated lines.
ADULT Wingspan 4.6 centimeters. Forewings pale gray with jagged black lines. Hindwings orange-red with the black
median band constricted in the center and a broad black submarginal border with red marginal patches.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on oak during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in late summer. Found in oak
woodlands in the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Mottled with silver, gray, and black; subdorsal and lateral longitudinal lines scalloped and nearly entire.
ADULT Wingspan 4.0 centimeters. Forewings light to dark brown with fine wavy lines and a black discal bar.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on oak during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in early spring. Found in dry
oak woodlands from southern California to western Oregon and Washington.
CATERPILLAR Green with extensive faint white markings; single white middorsal stripe. Head pale green.
ADULT Wingspan 3.2 centimeters. Forewings pale yellow to light brown with small discal spots, basal line strongly
transverse and nearly touching the postmedian line along the inner margin. Hindwings white.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are very common; feed on oak during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer.
Found in oak woodlands in the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Green with six prominent longitudinal white lines; the lateral line with a yellow dot just below and
posterior to the spiracle.
ADULT Wingspan 4.2 centimeters. Forewings elongate and sharply pointed, black with fine gray streaks and jagged lines.
Hindwings black.
ECOLOGY This species was previously placed in the genus Lathosea. Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on rabbitbrush
during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in early spring. Found in dry juniper woodlands and sagebrush rangelands;
widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Color highly variable, mottled silver, gray, and black to bi-colored with rosy pink-red; dorsum darker
than venter separated at the lateral line. Head red.
ADULT Wingspan 4.0 centimeters. Forewings gray with a small orbicular spot and a broken line of black postmedian
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on numerous trees and shrubs, including alder, snowbrush, bitterbrush, and
oak, during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in spring. Found in moist forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Mottled with silver, gray, and black; lateral longitudinal band white with mottled markings between faint
black borders. Head mottled tan, brown, and black.
ADULT Wingspan 4.0 centimeters. Forewings dark gray with obscure markings. Hindwings mostly white.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on bitter cherry and hackberry during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in
spring. Found in dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR White with blue-gray shading; subdorsal yellow streaks; black spots; black spiracles. Head mottled tan
and black with a dorsal black triangular patch.
ADULT Wingspan 3.7 centimeters. Forewings mottled black and white. Hindwings pale cream.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on oak during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in early spring. Found
in dry forests in the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Color highly variable, mottled silver, gray, and black to bi-colored with rosy tan-brown; dorsum faintly
darker than venter. Head mottled tan and black.
ADULT Wingspan 4.0 centimeters. Forewings dark gray-black with a red subapical patch and a white or pale gray
orbicular spot. Hindwings white.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on many broadleaf trees, such manzanita, snowbrush, bitterbrush and ocean
spray, during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in spring. Found in dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Green with subdorsal and lateral white longitudinal lines; the lateral line broken with dashes of red along
the upper border; white dashes sublaterally on T1 through A8. Head green.
ADULT Wingspan 4.0 centimeters. Forewings dark green with black and white markings. Hindwings solid black.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on Douglas-fir during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in early spring.
Found in wet coastal forests in the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Light green with sparse white spots; tan spiracles; white spiracular line with red dorsal edge which is
more obvious on T1; A8 with large dorsal hump; true legs red.
ADULT Wingspan 3.4 centimeters. Forewings pale green with large discal spots. Hindwings white.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on white oak, during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly from late winter to
early spring. Found in dry forests and oak woodlands in the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Green to rosy brown; dorsum dark green with a faint white subdorsal longitudinal line; a thin off-white
spiracular line; venter light green.
ADULT Wingspan 4.3 centimeters. Forewings elongate, dark gray; each forewing has a red median patch and the submarginal
line strongly dentate. Hindwings mostly white in males, gray in females.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on many broadleaf trees and shrubs, such as manzanita, snowbrush, cherry,
bitterbrush, and elderberry, during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in fall. Found in dry forests; widely distributed in
western North America.
ADULT Wingspan 3.4 centimeters. Forewings narrow and highly variable in color, mottled yellow and brown or solid
red-brown with small black discal spots. Labial palps long.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on nettles during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly from early spring to fall.
Found in wet forests from California to British Columbia.
CATERPILLAR Yellow-green with a prominent subdorsal yellow longitudinal line; gray-green lateral longitudinal line;
venter yellow. Head mostly yellow with two gray-green lines.
ADULT Wingspan 3.5 centimeters. Forewings pale violet-brown with obscure markings or with black spots and pale
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on red alder during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer. Found
in riparian habitats and wet forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Dark brown; white lateral band. Head tan with two black oblique bands.
ADULT Wingspan 5.0 centimeters. Forewings pale gray with gray streaks; each forewing has a large white reniform spot.
Hindwings light to dark gray.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on blueberries during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in fall. Found in wet
forests and bogs across the northern regions of North America, extending south into the northern Rocky Mountains and
the Pacific Northwest.
CATERPILLAR Light green with a frosty white hue; lateral line off-white; faint dorsal and subdorsal white line. Head
with white spots.
ADULT Wingspan 4.0 centimeters. Forewings pale gray; each forewing has an orange subapical patch and red-brown
submarginal spots. Hindwings pale brown.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on willow during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in fall and early spring.
Found in wet forests and bogs across the northern regions of North America, extending south into the northern Rocky
Mountains and the Pacific Northwest.
CATERPILLAR Green with a velvet appearance; sublateral yellow longitudinal band. Head green.
ADULT Wingspan 4.6 centimeters. Forewings dark gray-black with well defined streaks. Hindwings pink with a dark
submarginal band and discal spot.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on conifers, such as ponderosa pine, during late spring. Adults are nocturnal;
fly in fall and early spring. Found in coniferous forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Dark green with white mottled spots; spiracular band white to yellow, with an uneven bottom edge, and
pink patches around the spiracles in later instars. Head green; labrum and area around stemmata white.
ADULT Wingspan 4.1 centimeters. Forewings gray with obscure discal spots. Hindwings pale gray.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on oak during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in fall and early spring. Found
in oak woodlands in Pacific western states.
ADULT Wingspan 4.8 centimeters. Forewings pale gray with a submarginal line of small black spots. Hindwings dark
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on many broadleaf trees and shrubs, such as spiraea, hawthorn, maple, oak,
red alder and ocean spray, during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in fall and early spring. Found in a wide variety of
habitats; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Mottled yellow, gray, and light green. Head tan with two darker gray-green patches dorsally.
ADULT Wingspan 3.8 centimeters. Forewings yellow to light brown with black medial and submarginal spots. Hindwings
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on many broadleaf trees, such as red alder, hawthorn, ocean spray, and
willow, during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in fall and early spring. Found in woodlands and wet forests; widely
distributed in North America.
CATERPILLAR Irregularly shaped white spots forming a discontinuous dorsal and subdorsal band; laterally white spots
behind the spiracles with patches of light green above; white circles at the base of each true leg and midabdominal prolegs.
ADULT Wingspan 4.2 centimeters. Forewings pale gray with obscure markings and a dark median band. Hindwings light
to dark gray.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on western juniper during late spring and early summer. Adults are
nocturnal; fly in fall and early spring. Found in juniper woodlands; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Green with a thin subdorsal yellow longitudinal line; yellow speckles. Head green.
ADULT Wingspan 4.2 centimeters. Forewings gray with black basal and medial dashes and a jagged black submarginal
line. Hindwings dark pink-gray.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on spiraea during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in fall and early spring.
Found in wet forests and bogs across northern regions of North America, extending south into the northern Rocky
Mountains and the Pacific Northwest.
CATERPILLAR Brown with subdorsal scalloped dashes; a fluffy fringe of hairs along the sublateral area.
ADULT Wingspan 3.3 centimeters. Forewings gray-black with white medial and subapical spots. Hindwings black; each
hindwing has three white spots, thereby providing the basis for the specific epithet “sexsignata,” meaning six-spotted.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on oak and chinquapin during spring. Adults are diurnal; fly in spring. Found
in oak woodlands from the Southwestern states to Washington.
CATERPILLAR Mottled gray, silver, black, and pink to dark brown; a distinct dark brown prothoracic shield. Head
ADULT Wingspan 4.2 centimeters. Forewings red, pink-gray, or pale pink, with obscure discal spots. Hindwings red.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on manzanita during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in fall. Found in dry
forests in the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Mottled pink-white, gray, and green-brown; clusters of hairs originate from raised areas.
ADULT Wingspan 2.3 centimeters. Forewings elongate, pale gray; each forewing has a black basal spot and a narrow black
postbasal line.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on Ceanothus during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in early spring. Found
in wet forests in the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Orange-tan to green-gray with dorsum darker than the venter; lateral line off-white.
ADULT Wingspan 4.0 centimeters. Forewings mottled red-brown; each forewing has a large white reniform spot and a
black medial bar.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on red alder, rhododendron, and red blueberry during spring. Adults are
nocturnal; fly in late summer and fall. Found in wet forests across northern regions of North America, extending south into
the northern Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Northwest.
CATERPILLAR Golden brown with faint off-white wavy longitudinal lines; middorsum of T1 with white streak bordered
by dark brown; A8 and A9 swollen dorsally.
ADULT Wingspan 3.4 centimeters. Forewings pale gray; each forewing has a black median band and irregular black
submarginal band. Hindwings white with broad black submarginal borders.
ECOLOGY We previously believed this species to be the closely related species Oncocnemis piffardi of northeastern North
America. The abdomen for the moth shown here is missing because it was used for dissection of genitalia to provide
confirmation of the species identity. Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on spiraea during late spring. Adults are nocturnal;
fly in late summer. Found in moist montane forests and bogs of the Pacific Northwest.
CATERPILLAR Gray to light brown; longitudinal lines discontinuous and with irregular edges; dorsum of A8 swollen.
ADULT Wingspan 3.8 centimeters. Forewings light to dark gray with small discal spots and thin black basal and postmedial
lines. Hindwings white with gray submarginal borders.
ECOLOGY We previously believed this specimen to be Oncocnemis columbia but Jim Troubridge suggests it is an un-
described species. Caterpillars are common; feed on ocean spray during late spring and early summer. Adults are nocturnal;
fly in late summer. Found in dry forests ranging from northern California to Washington.
CATERPILLAR Light green with faint discontinuous white markings along longitudinal lines; intersegmental area pale
yellow. Top of head with lateral red dash.
ADULT Wingspan 3.4 centimeters. Forewings mottled gray with large round discal spots. Hindwings white with gray
submarginal borders.
ECOLOGY Moths of this species are not attracted to UV blacklight. Caterpillars are common; feed on ocean spray
during late spring and early summer. Adults are nocturnal; fly in late summer and fall. Found in wet coastal forests west of
the Cascade Mountains.
CATERPILLAR Light green with small white spots; white dorsal, subdorsal, and spiracular longitudinal lines. Head green.
ADULT Wingspan 3.8 centimeters. Forewings with a varying mix of colors of pale lavender, purple-gray, and dark red-
brown with large round discal spots. Hindwings gray.
ECOLOGY This species is an occasional pest in orchards. Caterpillars are very common; feed on many broadleaf trees
and shrubs, such as maple, cherry, oak, and willow. Adults are nocturnal; fly in early spring. Found in orchards, woodlands,
and forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Brick red with dark brown shading; faint transition demarcation between a darker dorsum and a lighter
venter on A7 through A10. Head black.
ADULT Wingspan 3.5 centimeters. Forewings falcate, pale to dark red with few markings. Hindwings pink-white. Males
with pectinate antennae.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on manzanita during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in fall. Found in dry
forests in the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Green with many small white spots; broad transverse white streak on A8; white spiracular line thicker at
posterior; small black spots mark the primary setae.
ADULT Wingspan 3.9 centimeters. Forewings mottled yellow-brown with a narrow dark reniform spot. Hindwings pale
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on white oak, madrone, and snowbrush during late spring. Adults are
nocturnal; fly in early spring. Found in dry forests in the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Mottled cream, pink, and tan, otherwise nearly immaculate; black prothoracic shield. Head dark red-
ADULT Wingspan 3.6 centimeters. Forewings falcate and highly variable in color and pattern, gray, red, or brown, often
with a black median band. Hindwings dark gray. Male antennae are strongly pectinate.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on manzanita during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in early spring.
Found in dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Golden-yellow and green-brown, middorsum lighter than subdorsum. Head orange-brown.
ADULT Wingspan 3.7 centimeters. Forewings falcate, light red to dark red-brown with a black reniform spot. Hindwings
dark gray to black. Males with filiform antennae.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on madrone and rhododendron during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in
early spring. Found in dry forests in the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Black with red spots and light brown hairs. Head black.
ADULT Wingspan 5.0 centimeters. Forewings white to dark black-gray with jagged, dentate black lines. Hindwings white
with a dark submarginal band or pure gray. Males with pectinate antennae.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on conifers, such as Douglas-fir, during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in
summer. Found in coniferous forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Body color may be a mixture of shades from green to yellow; faint off-white to yellow longitudinal
lines, barely apparent at the subdorsal and lateral position; a few small black spots mark the primary setae.
ADULT Wingspan 3.6 centimeters. Forewings strongly falcate, pale yellow to red with faint markings. Hindwings
white. Males with filiform antennae.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on live oak, tan oak, and chinquapin during late spring. Adults are
nocturnal; fly in spring. Found in dry forests in the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Green with faint white longitudinal lines and black pinaculae.
ADULT Wingspan 3.5 centimeters. Forewings slightly falcate, variable pale yellow, pink, orange or gray, often with a black
reniform spot. Hindwings black. Males with pectinate antennae.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on chinquapin and canyon live oak during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly
in early spring. Found in dry forests in the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Color varies from a bright green to tan-brown; middorsal dashed white line with subdorsal white spots.
ADULT Wingspan 4.5 centimeters. Forewings pale pink-orange with a darker red-brown median band and the discal
spots joined together.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on sword fern and many broadleaf trees shrubs, such as red alder, and
willow, during early spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer. Found in wet coastal forests.
CATERPILLAR Green with a subtle tone of yellow and mottled with white; subdorsal longitudinal line dotted white
and faint; lateral longitudinal line white. Head pale green.
ADULT Wingspan 4.0 centimeters. Forewings black with large discal spots and other markings strongly outlined in white;
submarginal line strongly dentate. Hindwings black; populations in wet coastal forests have a white postmedian band, but
populations from the high Cascade Mountains east to the Rocky Mountains have a black postmedian band.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on the foliage of flowering trees and shrubs, particularly huckleberry,
during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in fall. Found in wet conifer forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Dark brown with parallel wavy white and brown lines laterally on A2 through A6; dorsum with
middorsal white line most distinct on A7 and A8; A7 and A8 swollen.
ADULT Wingspan 3.3 centimeters. Forewings with pale gray streaks and a thin black postmedian line and submarginal
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on snowberry during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in fall. Found in
woodlands, and wet and dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Light brown and tan coloration slightly darker above the spiracles; dorsum of A1 through A8 with
white streaks. Colors are variable during development and among individuals. Therefore, noctuids with this appearance
should be reared for reliable identification of the species.
ADULT Wingspan 3.0 centimeters. Forewings red-brown; each forewing has a small white or gray reniform spot and a
thin black submarginal line. Hindwings black.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on hazel and red alder during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly from spring to
late summer. Found in wet forests in Pacific western states.
ADULT Wingspan 4.7 centimeters. Forewings strongly falcate, scalloped, gray to pale brown with a red-orange median
band and white postmedian line.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on willow and black cottonwood during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly
throughout the year, hibernating in winter. Found in woodlands, riparian habitats, and wet and dry forests; widely distributed
in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Green with a dorsal and subdorsal longitudinal white line. Head yellow-green.
ADULT Wingspan 3.2 centimeters. Forewings with the orbicular and reniform spots fused together to form a large, white
v-shaped spot, the median area dark gray to red with the discal spots outlined in black, the postmedian and submarginal
area white to pale gray. Males with pectinate antennae.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on currant and gooseberry during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in early
spring. Found in wet conifer forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Longitudinal bands of various shades of yellow and tan bordered in darker shaded lines, especially the
subdorsal band. Head with six distinct bands.
ADULT Wingspan 4.6 centimeters. Forewings light to dark brown with a narrow black reniform spot. Hindwings
orange; each hindwing has a black median band, submarginal border, and discal spot.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on blue and red elderberry during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in
midsummer. Found in wet forests west of the Cascade Mountains and in riparian woodlands and forests east of the
Cascade Mountains.
CATERPILLAR Green with five white distinct longitudinal white bands; midabdominal prolegs only on A5 and A6.
Head green.
ADULT Wingspan 3.5 centimeters. Forewings black; each forewing has contrasting white basal and submarginal areas and
a large white, bifurcate stigma. Hindwings pale brown with broad black submarginal borders.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on conifers, primarily Pinaceae such as Douglas-fir, during spring. Adults are
nocturnal; fly in midsummer. Found in wet conifer forests of the Pacific Northwest and northern Rocky Mountains, and is
common in wet coastal forests.
CATERPILLAR Light brown and green-brown with a darker green-brown scalloped lateral line edged in white below;
dorsum with oblique dark green-brown bands edged in white behind. Head tan.
ADULT Wingspan 4.0 centimeters. Forewings with red-brown streaks with a yellow streak at the reniform spot. Hindwings
white with gray margin.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on bitterbrush during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in late summer.
Found in open pine forests, juniper woodlands, and sagebrush rangelands; widely distributed in western North America.
ADULT Wingspan 3.6 centimeters. Forewings pink-gray with very large gray discal spots outlined in black.
ECOLOGY Previously known as Anomogyna mustelina. Caterpillars are common; feed on many broadleaf trees and
conifers, such as Douglas-fir, madrone, huckleberry, and myrica, during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in late summer.
Found in wet conifer forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Brown with lateral white line edged in black above; dorsum mottled with white streaks and a faint
subdorsal longitudinal white line; venter light brown to brown-green. Head tan with two oblique black lines.
ADULT Wingspan 5.2 centimeters. Forewings pale gray with discal spots and wing margins outlined in black. Hindwings
dark brown.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on bitterbrush during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly from fall, through
the winter, and into the spring. Found in open pine forests and juniper woodlands; widely distributed in western North
CATERPILLAR Gray with shades of brown to solid tan; A1 and A8 swollen dorsally with two minutely pointed tips;
middorsally a light longitudinal band bordered by a darker band.
ADULT Wingspan 4.8 centimeters. Forewings may have a varying mix of yellow, red-brown and black mottled with fine
dark lines, apical part of the postmedian line is strongly dentate.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on blackberry and willow during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in spring
and late summer. Found in wet coastal forests west of the Cascade Mountains and in riparian environments east of the
Cascade Mountains.
CATERPILLAR Light gray with dark gray longitudinal lines; subdorsal line nearly black and scalloped; prolegs on A3
smaller than on A6.
ADULT Wingspan 3.7 centimeters. Forewings dark gray with fine lines and black basal and postmedian bands. Hindwings
dark gray with fine black lines and scalloped margins.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on live oak and chinquapin during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly from early
to midsummer. Found in dry forests and oak woodlands of the southwest and Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Middorsal line of yellow circles bordered in black; subdorsal pale purple band; lateral-ventral area solid
yellow with black spots.
ADULT Wingspan 3.6 centimeters. Forewings white with green highlights and a (very) few tan tones (more on the thorax),
with a background of off-white with faint, light green tones. Hindwings are whiter than the forewings.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on blue and red elderberry during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in
midsummer. Found in wet coastal forests west of the Cascade Mountains and in riparian habitats associated with coniferous
forests east of the Cascade Mountains.
CATERPILLAR Yellow-green; dorsum with brown saddles edged in red on T1, A4, A5, A8, and A9; elongate anal
prolegs create the appearance of a forked tail and ringed with brown, green and red.
ADULT Wingspan 4.0 centimeters. Forewings pale to dark gray with dark gray or black bands and fine black spots along
the margins.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on willow during July and August. Adults are nocturnal; fly from spring to
midsummer. Found in wet forests and riparian habitats; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Yellow; dorsum with brown black saddles on T1 through T3, A2 through A7, and A8 through A10;
elongate anal prolegs create the appearance of a forked tail.
ADULT Wingspan 3.5 centimeters. Forewings elongate and white with black bands and fine black spots along the wing
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on willow and poplar during spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly throughout
the summer. Found in wet forests; widely distributed in North America.
CATERPILLAR Late instar: green with yellow spots; red spiracles; transverse yellow streak across A9; pale yellow
middorsal longitudinal line.
ADULT Wingspan 5.6 centimeters. Forewings yellow with brown-tan shading; each forewing has an orange discal cell; the
reniform spot consists of two small white dots, and narrow dark basal and postmedian lines.
ECOLOGY This is one of many caterpillars that exhibit more than one color phase, either by stage of development,
genetic polymorphism, or other environmental factors. Color phases differ according to age. Caterpillars common on
white oak during July and August. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer. Found in oak woodlands; widely distributed in
North America.
CATERPILLAR Yellow with multiple white bands separated by black stripes along the subdorsal region; white streaks
bordered in black at the base of the midabdominal prolegs; middorsum of T3 red. Head red.
ADULT Wingspan 3.5 centimeters. Forewings pale yellow with shades of lavender and few markings except for a dark
purple band across the inner margin. Hindwings white in males (see photo) and brown in females.
ECOLOGY Early instars are gregarious and solid yellow with black spines. When agitated the odor of glacial acetic acid
is emitted from the larvae. Caterpillars are common on many broadleaf trees and shrubs, particularly snowbrush and white
oak, during July and August. Adults are nocturnal; fly in midsummer; moths are not as commonly collected relative to the
common presence of caterpillars. Found in oak woodlands and forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Head, T1, and A1 through A10 tan or light brown with red veined markings; T2 and T3 a distinctive
green with a reddish middorsal line; A1, A5, and A8 with dorsal humps tipped with a pair of small wart-like tubercles; A1
through A4, and A6 with middorsal white patch; A7 with an oblique middorsal white band; small spots of yellow at the
base of dorsal setae on A2 through A4, A6, and A8; primary setae long. Head tan with two oblique bands.
ADULT Wingspan 4.5 centimeters. Forewings a mottled brown and pale gray; each forewing has a small pale reniform
spot, narrow dentate basal and postmedian lines, and black marginal dashes. Hindwings white in males (see photo) and
brown in females.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common on white oak, madrone, dogwood, and hawthorn from July to September. Adults
are nocturnal; fly from late spring to late summer. Found in woodlands, and wet and dry forests; widely distributed in
North America.
CATERPILLAR Head, T1, and A1 through A10 dark to gray black; T2 and T3 a distinctive green; A1, A5, and A8 with
dorsal humps tipped with a single elongate tubercle; A7 with an oblique middorsal white band; primary setae short.
ADULT Wingspan 3.5 centimeters. Forewings pale pink and gray; each forewing has a small black reniform spot, a broad
yellow subapical patch, and small black subapical dashes.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on cherry, apple, hawthorn, oak, and dogwood during spring. Adults are
nocturnal; fly from late spring to late summer. Found in woodlands, and wet and dry forests; widely distributed in North
CATERPILLAR Green; base of primary setae red, subdorsal and lateral setae have a silver shading below; end of prolegs
with yellow ring and tipped in black; diagonal streak of black and silver on A9. Head and true legs brown.
ADULT Wingspan 12.2 centimeters. Forewings tan-brown with pink edges to the basal and submarginal lines, reniform
spot is round and translucent, apical spot is small and black. Hindwings tan-brown; each hindwing has a broad black
submarginal line and a large black, blue, and yellow discal eyespot.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on many broadleaf trees, such as white oak and big-leaf maple, during late
spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly between late spring and early summer. Found in wet forests; widely distributed in western
North America.
CATERPILLAR Dark brown with white spots and light yellow-mustard green transverse bands at the antior of each
segment; middorsal, subdorsal and lateral white longitudinal dashed bands.
ADULT Wingspan 8.1 centimeters. Forewings black-brown with gray scales, basal and postmedian lines are black and
jagged to dentate, reniform spot is small, black, and round. Hindwings pink; each hindwing has a round, black reniform
spot and black postmedian line and submarginal border.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are very common; feed on conifers, particularly ponderosa pine, during late summer; overwintering,
with development completed in June. Pupae remain in the soil for one year. Adults are crepuscular/nocturnal, fly in
midsummer. Found in dry coniferous forests, particularly abundant in ponderosa pine forests where it is considered a pest;
widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR This brownish black caterpillar has whorls of orange hairs on dorsal and subdorsal black spines. Black
spines also occur laterally and sublaterally with off-white hairs; white spiracular band. Gregarious early instars are solid
ADULT Wingspan 6.4 centimeters. Forewings rose-pink and orange; each forewing has black basal and postmedian
bands, a round reniform spot and submarginal dashes. Hindwings orange with a similar pattern of black as on forewings.
Abdomen orange with black bands. Color variants may lack all black markings, with pure unmarked rose-pink and orange
wings or the black markings may be distinct, or greatly enlarged covering most of the wing.
ECOLOGY The hairy spines of this caterpillar are urticating. Caterpillars are common, generalist feeders on flowering
trees and shrubs, particularly Rosaceae, such as rose, hawthorn, cherry, serviceberry, and bitterbrush, during spring. Adults
are diurnal; fly in midsummer. Found in woodlands, and wet and dry forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR This caterpillar changes colors as it develops and molts (see Chapter 3, page 20). Mid-instars are the
most brilliantly colored with nine pairs of dorsal yellow spines, the first three pairs with partial to complete black rings; a
middorsal yellow spine on A8; two rows of lateral blue spines tipped with white along T1 through A8; white-tipped blue
spines also occur on the head, at the base of the true legs, and in the anal region; body ranges from green to white-green.
Later instars white-green with white spines.
ADULT Wingspan 10.3 centimeters. Forewings variable rose-red, purple-red or dark red-brown; each forewing has a
large white, comma-shaped reniform spot, white basal and postmedian lines, and a round black subapical spot. Hindwings
similar to the forewings, but each hindwing has an extremely elongate reniform spot.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common on snowbrush and bitterbrush, sometimes found on Douglas-fir, during July and
August. Adults are nocturnal; fly in spring. Found in woodlands, and wet and dry forests; widely distributed in the Pacific
CATERPILLAR Highly variable through the various instars. Late instars (shown here) are dorsally yellow with fine wispy
white hairs and some patches of shorter densely packed orange hairs; ventrally black anterior to the prolegs. Head brown.
ADULT Wingspan 6.5 centimeters. Forewings dark brown; each forewing has a round black reniform spot. Hindwings
yellow-orange; each hindwing has a black postmedian band and round reniform spot.
ECOLOGY The hairs on the caterpillar are urticating. Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on the foliage of manzanita,
madrone, and species of Ceanothus. Adults are diurnal; fly in early spring. Found in dry forests, ranging from California to
western Oregon.
CATERPILLAR Light green dotted with white; oblique white band extends from subventral area of A6 to tip of horn
on A8; oblique white lines on A1 through A6 extend from in front of the spiracle to the dorsum of the adjacent posterior
segment; transverse white band at the base of the anal prolegs. Head green with converging yellow bands.
ADULT Wingspan 12.5 mm. Forewings pale yellow or gray; each forewing has a brown medial band. Hindwings have
a central patch of purple-red, and a blue anal spot crossed with a black dash.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on willow and black cottonwood during July and August. Adults are
nocturnal; fly from mid- to late summer. Found in riparian habitats in low elevation desert regions of western North
CATERPILLAR Yellow-green with dense white speckles; oblique yellow line extends from the base of proleg on A6 to
dorsal horn on A8; also six oblique yellow lines from A1 through A6; white spiracles with black rim. Head green, edged in
white along posterior margin.
ADULT Wingspan 7.8 centimeters. Forewings pale to dark brown with the outer margins scalloped. Hindwings rose-red;
each hindwing has a round black anal spot containing a solid blue pupil.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on foliage of trees and shrubs, particularly oaks and ocean spray, during July
and August. Adults are nocturnal; fly from late spring to midsummer. Found in dry forests west of the Cascade Mountains
and in riparian forests east of the Cascade Mountains.
CATERPILLAR Green with white speckles, yellow lines dorsally are longitudinal and laterally they are oblique stripes just
above the spiracles; a prominent oblique white stripe extends to the tip of the horn which is purple. Head green with two
lateral yellow lines.
ADULT Wingspan 7.8 centimeters. Forewings falcate, pale gray with darker red or black-brown lines and bands, the outer
margins not scalloped. Hindwings rose-red with gray-tan margins; each hindwing has a blue ring on a round black anal
spot, creating the appearance of an eyespot.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on the foliage of willow and poplar. Adults are nocturnal; fly from spring to
early summer. Found in wet forests in western North America, particularly in coastal forests, riparian forests east of the
Cascade Mountains, and quaking aspen forests of the Rocky Mountains.
CATERPILLAR Dark green with bright white patches dorsally and subdorsally; lateral white patches on thorax without
brown shading; lateral white patches on abdomen with brown shading above; black spiracles with white rim. Head green
with faint oblique yellow-green lines.
ADULT Wingspan 5.0 centimeters. Forewings gray with narrow black lines. Hindwings solid gray without markings.
Thorax gray with two narrow black lines. Abdomen with black and gray lateral spots or bands.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on foliage of western juniper during July and August. Adults are nocturnal;
fly in midsummer. Found in dry forests with cedars in the Pacific West, and particularly abundant in juniper woodlands east
of the Cascade Mountains.
CATERPILLAR Mottled white, tan, black, and yellow; tail-end of abdomen typically held above the substrate.
ADULT Wingspan 4.0 centimeters. Forewings white to gray with wavy, black lines in the basal band and postmedian band.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are common; feed on serviceberry during late spring. Adults are nocturnal; fly in late fall. Found
in coastal wet forests in the Pacific western states.
CATERPILLAR Tan-golden orange and light brown mottled pattern; abdomen with a middorsal, longitudinal black line
and transverse black bands, laterally with slightly curved black dashes. Head gold-orange.
ADULT Wingspan 3.8 centimeters. Forewings gray-brown with faint pink basal and submarginal lines and a zigzag
postmedian line. Hindwings pale gray-brown and immaculate.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on salmonberry. Adults are nocturnal; fly from midsummer to fall. Found
in wet coastal forests; widely distributed in western North America.
CATERPILLAR Tan-gold-orange and light brown mottled pattern; abdomen with middorsal longitudinal black line.
Head gold-orange.
ADULT Wingspan 4.2 centimeters. Forewings angular, pale gray-brown with narrow dentate basal, postmedian, and
submarginal lines, some moths with a black basal band and subanal spot. Hindwings transition from light to dark gray
toward the margin, immaculate.
ECOLOGY Caterpillars are uncommon; feed on thimbleberry. Adults are nocturnal; fly from late spring to late summer.
Found most often in wet coastal forests; widely distributed in western North America.
Abies amabilis - Pacific silver fir cascara - Rhamnus purshiana fennel - Foeniculum vulgare
Abies grandis - grand fir Canadian thistle - Cirsium arvense fireweed - Epilobium angustifolium
Acer macrophyllum - big-leaf maple canyon live oak - Quercus chrysolepis Foeniculum vulgare - fennel
alfalfa - Medicago sativa Ceanothus cuneatus - buckbrush
Alnus incana - mountain alder Ceanothus integerrimus - tobaccobrush G
Alnus rubra - red alder Ceanothus velutinus - snowbrush Gaultheria shallon - salal
Amelanchier alnifolia - serviceberry chinquapin - Chrysolepis chrysophylla gooseberry - Ribes spp.
Arabis - rockcress Chrysolepis chrysophylla - chinquapin grand fir - Abies grandis
Arbutus menziesii - madrone Ceanothus cordulatus - snowbush green sagebrush - Artemisia dracunculus
Arceuthobium - dwarf mistletoe Cirsium arvense - Canadian thistle
Arctostaphylos manzanita - manzanita clover - Trifolium H
Arctostaphylos viscida - whiteleaf manzanita Cornus nuttalli - Pacific dogwood hawthorn - Crataegus douglasii
Aristolochia californica - Dutchman’s pipevine Cornus stolonifera - red-stem osier hazel - Corylus cornuta
Artemisia dracunculus - green sagebrush Corylus cornuta - hazel Heracleum lanatum - cow parsnip
Artemisia tridentata - big sagebrush cow parsnip - Heracleum lanatum Holodiscus discolor - ocean spray
Asclepias spp. - milkweed Crataegus douglasii - hawthorn hound’s tongue - Cynoglossum occidentale
Aster - aster currant - Ribes spp.
azalea - Rhododendron occidentale Cusick’s checker-mallow - Sidalcea cusickii J
Cymopterus - cymopterus Juniperus occidentalis - western juniper
B Cynoglossum occidentale - hound’s tongue
big-leaf maple - Acer macrophyllum K
big sagebrush - Artemisia tridentata D Kincaid’s lupine - Lupinus sulphureus kincaidii
bitter cherry - Prunus emarginata Dacus carrota - Queen Anne’s lace
bitterbrush - Purshia tridentata dandelion - Taraxicum officinale L
black cottonwood - Populus trichocarpa Dicentra formosa - bleeding heart Lithocarpus densiflorus - tan oak
black oak - Quercus kelloggii dogwood - Cornus spp. Lomatium - lomatium
bleeding heart - Dicentra formosa Douglas-fir - Pseudotsuga menziesii Lonicera ciliosa - orange honeysuckle
blue elderberry - Sambucus cerulea Dutchman’s pipevine - Aristolochia californica Lonicera involucrata - twinberry
blueberry - Vaccinium spp. dwarf mistletoe - Arceuthobium lotus - Lotus
buckbrush - Ceanothus cuneatus Lotus - lotus
E Lupinus sulphureus kincaidii - Kincaid’s lupine
Epilobium angustifolium - fireweed
Sparganothis senecionana
Holodiscus discolor
Quercus garryana
Ribes cereum
Ribes lobbii
Ribes viscosissimum
Sparganothis tunucana
Purshia tridentata
Spilonota ocellana
Crataegus douglasii
Prunus avium
Quercus garryana
Synnona lynosynana
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus
Zelleria gracilariella
Ribes lacustra
Ribes viscosissimum
Alnus sinuata [Betulaceae] (continued) Amelanchier alnifolia [Rosaceae] Amsinckia retrorsa [Boraginaceae]
Gelechiidae Serviceberry Rigid fiddleneck
Chionodes sp. Geometridae Arctiidae
Geometridae Campaea perlata Platyprepia virginalis
Anagoga occiduaria Erannis tiliaria
Campaea perlata Euchlaena tigrinaria Anaphalis margaritacea [Asteraceae]
Cyclophora pendulinaria Eulithis xylina Pearly-everlasting
Geometridae Eupithecia maestosa Nymphalidae
Dysstroma citrata Eupithecia misturata Vanessa virginiensis
Echlaena tigrinaria Hesperumia sulphuraria
Elpiste lorquinaria Hypagyrtis unipunctata Arbutus menziesii [Ericaceae]
Eupithecia georgii Neoalcis californiaria Madrone
Lambdina fiscellaria Operophtera bruceata Geometridae
Plemyria georgii Pero mizon Eupithecia graefii
Rheumaptera subhastata Synaxis jubararia Eupithecia subapicata
Synaxis cervinaria Lasiocampidae Eupithecia subulosata
Lasiocampidae Phyllodesma americana Hesperumia sulphuraria
Phyllodesma americana Lymantriidae Hydriomena manzanita
Noctuidae Dasychira vagans Neoalcis californiaria
Acronicta grisea Noctuidae Pero mizon
Lithophane petulca Aseptis binotata Synaxis cervinaria
Tortricidae Dryotype opina Lasiocampidae
Acleris senescens Lithophane georgii Malacosoma californica
Caloptila spp. Pyralidae Lymantriidae
Epinotia albangulana Acrobasis tricolorella Orgyia vetusta
Thyatiridae Noctuidae
Althaea rosa [Rosaceae] Ceranemota fasciata Abagrotis apposita
Hollyhock Ceranemota tearlei Abagrotis trigona
Nymphalidae Tortricidae Aseptis binotata
Vanessa annabella Archips rosana Aseptis ethnica
Vanessa cardui Orthosia pacifica
Orthosia transparens
Xestia mustelina
L M Lacinipolia stricta
Lithocarpus densiflorus [Fagaceae] Malus sp. [Rosaceae] Mamestra configurata
Tan oak Crabapple Nematocampa resistaria
Dioptidae Notodontidae Peridroma saucia
Phryganidia californica Schizura concinna Trichoplusia ni
Geometridae Schizura unicornis Xestia dolosa
Eupithecia misturata Pyralidae
Noctuidae Medicago sativa [Fabaceae] Udea profundalis
Perigonica angulata Alfalfa Tortricidae
Noctuidae Choristoneura rosaceana
Lonicera ciliosa [Caprifoliaceae] Agrotis ipsilon
Orange honeysuckle Amphipyra tragopoginis Mertensia ciliata [Boraginaceae]
Noctuidae Autographa californica Broad-leafed blue bells
Aseptis binotata Caenurgina erechtea Noctuidae
Orthosia hibisci Dargida procincta Autographa californica
Mamestra configurata Trichoplusia ni
Lonicera involucrata [Caprifoliaceae] Melanchra picta
Twinberry Pseudaletia unipuncta Myrica californica [Myrtaceae]
Plutellidae Rhynchagrotis anchocelioides Wax-myrtle
Euceratia securella Spodoptera praefica Geometridae
Trichoplusia ni Nemoria darwiniata
Lotus crassifolius [Fabaceae] Xestia dolosa Neoalcis californiaria
Big deervetch Pieridae Noctuidae
Hesperiidae Colias philodice Anomogyna mustelina
Epargyreus clarus
Mentha piperita [Lamiaceae] O
Lupinus sulphureus kincaidii [Fabaceae] Peppermint Oemleria cerasiformis [Rosaceae]
Sulfur lupine Noctuidae Osoberry
Lycaenidae Autographa californica Geometridae
Icaricia icarioides fenderi Dargida procincta Operophtera bruceata
Euxoa ochrogaster Noctuidae
Euxoa olivia Aseptis adnixa
Euxoa recula Aseptis binotata
Heliothis phloxiphagus
R Noctuidae Lasiocampidae
Rhamnus occidentalis [Rhamnaceae] Aseptis binotata Malacosoma sp.
Coffee berry Oligia illocata Noctuidae
Geometridae Orthosia transparens Aseptis binotata
Eupithecia nevadata Lithophane georgii
Itame guenearia Rhododendron occidentale [Ericaceae] Orthosia hibisci
Triphosa californiata Azalea Platypolia contadina
Geometridae Platypolia loda
Rhamnus purshiana [Rhamnaceae] Eulithis xylina Stretchia plusiaeformis
Cascara Synaxis jubararia Nymphalidae
Geometridae Polygonia gracilis zephyrus
Aethalura intertexta Rhus diversiloba [Anacardiaceae] Tortricidae
Campaea perlata Poison oak Sparganothis senecionana
Ectropis crepuscularia Cosmopterygidae
Euchlaena johnsonaria Sorhagenia nimbosa Ribes cruentum [Grossulariaceae]
Euchlaena tigrinaria Ribes aureum [Grossulariaceae] Shineyleaf currant
Eupithecia ravocostaliata Golden currant Geometridae
Neoalcis californiaria Noctuidae Dysstroma formosa
Synaxis cervinaria Aseptis binotata Eulithis propulsata
Triphosa californiata Mesogona olivata Hesperumia sulphuraria
Triphosa haesitata Lycaenidae
Gracillariidae Ribes cereum [Grossulariaceae] Lycaena arota
Caloptilia diversilobiella Squaw currant Noctuidae
Noctuidae Geometridae Stretchia muricina
Adelphagrotis stellaris Dysstroma brunneata Stretchia plusiaeformis
Orthosia hibisci Dysstroma formosa
Dysstroma walkerata Ribes lacustre [Grossulariaceae]
Rhododendron macrophyllum [Ericaceae] Hesperumia latipennis Swamp currant
Western rhododendron Hesperumia sulphuraria Noctuidae
Geometridae Itame bitactata Platypolia contadina
Dysstroma sobria Neoterpes trianguliferata Tortricidae
Eupithecia sp. Operophtera bruceata Clepsis persicana
Neoalcis californiaria Synaxis jubararia Yponomeutidae
Synaxis jubararia Zelleria gracilariella
abdomen one of the three primary body segments, along with the area, midcostal the area in the center of the front edge of the wing.
head and thorax, characteristic of insects. The abdomen in moths area, postmedian the area on the wing immediately distal to the
is typically elongate and contains the reproductive organs. median area and proximal to the submarginal area.
adfrontal suture a seam-like line on the frontal area of the caterpillar area, subanal the area on the wing proximal to the anal area.
head capsule.
area, subapical the area on the wing proximal to the apical area.
allelochemical a chemical derived from plants that may stimulate
or deter feeding by caterpillars. area, submarginal the area on the wing proximal to the outer margin.
anal angle the angle along the edge of the wing created by the band a wide area typically extending more than half the distance
transition from the outer margin to the inner margin. along the width or length of the wing and often demarked by lines
and associated with a particular area on the wing.
anal area see area, anal.
basal area see area, basal.
anal proleg a proleg on the last segment of the abdomen.
basal line see line, basal.
antenna (pl. antennae) variously shaped filamentous sensory
organs located on the head. biordinal the tips of the crochets occur in a pattern of two rows.
anterior to be in front; the area that is the forward-most section of a biserial the base of the crochets occur in a pattern of two rows.
body part. bivoltine two generations per year.
apical area see area, apical. butterfly the adult of a species of Lepidoptera with knobbed
aposomatic a brightly colored organism that is typically poisonous. antennae, day-flying, and typically brightly colored.
area, anal the area on the wing between the outer margin and the caterpillar the larva of Lepidoptera; one of four life stages of
inner margin, proximal to the anal angle. skippers, butterflies, and moths.
area, apical the area on the wing below the apex. cardiac glycoside an allelochemical found in certain plants such
as milkweed and poisonous to most animals.
area, basal the area at the base of the wing where the wing is attached
to the thorax. cell, discal an area of the wing delineated by the discal veins in the
discal area.
area, median the central area of the wing.
chalaza (pl. chalazae) a single hair arising from an elevated base. foreleg the first pair of true legs nearest the head. The forelegs are
ventrally attached to the first thoracic segment.
chrysalis the pupa of a butterfly.
forewing(s) the wing(s) attached to the second thoracic segment,
cleft notched.
the first pair of wings from the head.
cocoon the pupa of moths wrapped in silk.
frass insect feces.
costal margin see margin, costal.
gregarious living in a group.
crochets hooks present on the ends of the prolegs.
head one of the three primary body segments characteristic of insects,
cryptic an organism that blends into its surroundings. along with the thorax and abdomen. The head contains the
dash a narrow short mark extending less than half the distance along antennae, mouthparts, eyes, and brain.
the width or length of the wing. head capsule the sclerotized (hardened) part of the head.
dentate tooth-like markings, typically along one side of a line. herbivorous feeding on foliage.
diapause a condition of arrested development. hindwing(s) the wing(s) attached to the third thoracic segment, the
discal area see area, discal. second pair of wings from the head.
discal cell see cell, discal. holometabolous an insect whose development involves a pupal
discal spots see spots, discal.
inchworm the caterpillar of geometrids which has only one pair of
diurnal active during the day. midabdominal prolegs, occurring on sixtgh abdominal segment.
dorsal the top or back area of the body. inner band see band, inner.
dorsum the upper side of the body. inner margin see margin, inner.
eclose to emerge from. instar an immature insect between molts.
eyespot a round multi-colored spot on the forewing or hindwing. labial palps see palps, labial.
falcate curved into a sickle-shape, often used to describe a wing with labium the bottom-most part of the mouthparts upon which the
the tip extended into an subtle or elongate, curved point. caterpillar silk gland is located.
femur the third segment of the true legs preceeded by the coxa and labrum a flap-like part of the mouthparts just below the face used as
the trochanter. The femur is the first leg segment that is elongate, a feeding guide.
followed by the tibia which is also elongate.
larva one of the immature stages in the life cycle of a holometabolous micromoth the adult of a species of Lepidoptera with the tips of
insect, a caterpillar is the larval life stage of Lepidoptera. antennae tapered, typically small bodied, many families of
micromoths occur in the Pacific Northwest; not a butterfly or a
lateral an area along the side of a body part.
line a narrow mark extending more than half the distance along the
midabdominal proleg prolegs on the middle abdominal segments.
width or length of the wing and associated with a particular area
on the wing. midcostal area see area, midcostal.
line, basal a line in the basal area near to where the wing attaches to middorsal an area in the middle of the top region of a body part.
the thorax. monophagous feeding on only one kind of plant.
line, postmedian a line in the postmedian area. multiserial the base of the crochets occur in a pattern of multiple
line, submarginal a line in the submarginal area. rows.
macromoth the adult of a species of Lepidoptera with the tips of multivoltine more than two generations per year.
antennae tapered, in the Pacific Northwest the species occur in nocturnal active during the night.
one of the following families: Arctiidae, Dioptidae, Drepanidae,
Epiplemidae, Geometridae, Lasiocampidae, Lymantriidae, occiput the top portion of the head capsule.
Noctuidae, Notodontidae, Saturniidae, Sphingidae, and omnivorous feeding on both plants and animals, and perhaps
Thyatiridae. detritus.
mandible a component of the mouthparts used for cutting and orbicular spot see spot, orbicular.
chewing food.
osmeterium an eversible forked pouch in Papilionidae located
margin, costal the front edge of the wing. middorsally on the prothorax.
margin, inner the back edge of the wing. outer margin see margin, outer.
margin, outer the distal edge of the wing. oviposition the laying of an egg.
median area see area, median. palps, labial small, segmented, filamentous appendages attached
median line see line, median. to the labium on the mouthparts.
mesothorax the second (middle) segment of the thorax from the parasitoid a specialized insect predator whose young develop entirely
head, abbreviated as T2. on a single host and kill the host.
metathorax the third (last) segment of the thorax from the head, patch a small restricted area of the wing demarked by a distinct color
abbreviated as T3. but not delimited by lines.
pectinate comb-like, often used to describe antennae with numerous silk gland a silk-excreting gland in caterpillars on the underside of
fine branches arranged asymetrically along one side of antennal the labium.
segments. skipper the adult of a species of Lepidoptera in the family
plumose feather-like, often used to describe antennae with numerous Hesperiidae, antennae with a hooked-tip, day-flying, closely related
fine branches arranged in opposition along the antennal segments. to butterflies.
plusiine noctuids a group of moths whose caterpillar typically has spiracle the opening of the respiratory system located along the lateral
two pair of midabdominal prolegs, occurring on the fifth and sixth side of the body.
abdominal segments. spot, orbicular a single near round-shaped spot that occurs just
polyphagous feeding on many plant species. short of half way along the front edge of the forewing within the
discal cell.
posterior to be behind; the area that is the back end of a body part.
spot, reniform a single irregularly shaped spot, often kidney-shaped,
postmedian area see area, postmedian.
that occurs just past half way along the front edge of the forewing
postmedian line see line, postmedian. at the distal end of the discal cell.
predaceous feeding on live animals. spots, discal a combination of the reniform and orbicular spots.
proleg fleshy protuberance of body wall; creates a nonjointed leg. stemma (pl. stemmata) the eyes on the head capsule, also called
prothoracic shield a sclerotized plate on the first thoracic segment. eyespots.
prothorax the first segment of the thorax behind the head, stigma a distinct marking in the median area, of variable shape, often
abbreviated as T1. comma or v-shaped, usually silver or white, characteristic of
Plusiinae: Noctuidae.
pupa the life stage of a holometabolous insect that follows the larval
stage and within which metamorphosis occurs. subanal area see area, subanal.
reniform spot see spot, reniform. subapical area see area, subapical.
sclerotized a hardened area of the body skin. subdorsal the body area part way between dorsal and lateral.
scolus (pl. scoli) a spine with multiple points. sublateral the area below the lateral region of a body part.
semilooper the caterpillar of plusiine noctuids. submarginal area see area, submarginal.
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A F M Smintheus parnassian 65
Aholibah underwing 196 Fall webworm 77 Maple spannworm 111 Speckled green fruitworm 227
Alfalfa semilooper 195 False unicorn caterpillar 253 Melissa blue 36 Spotted tussock moth (last instar) 80
American barred umber 90 Faun anglewing 51 Monarch butterfly 45 Spotted tussock moth (mid instars) 79
Anise swallowtail 63 Field crescent 50 Mourningcloak butterfly 48
Arched hooktip 87 Filament bearer 138
Atlantis fritillary 53 Forest tent caterpillar 167 O Tailed copper 37
Fringed looper 94 Oak (Hemlock) looper 136 Thicket hairstreak 39
B Omnivorous looper 151
Banded woollybear 82 G Oregon swallowtail 59
Behr’s hairstreak 40 Garden tiger moth 70 Unicorn caterpillar 254
Blind eyed sphinx 261 Gray dagger moth 181 P
Brown day moth 257 Pacific tent caterpillar 166
Gray hairstreak 43 Variable tussock moth 171
Bruce spannworm 142 Great purple hairstreak 31 Painted lady 57
Great spangled fritillary 54 Pale tiger swallowtail 60 W
C Green oak caterpillar 251 Pandora moth 256
Cabbage white 68 Western brown elfin 35
Gypsy moth 173 Pepper moth 93 Western tent caterpillar 165
California hairstreak 41 Pine white 67 Western tiger swallowtail 62
California oakworm 86 H Pipevine swallowtail 58
California sister 44 Herald moth 239 Polyphemus moth 255 Y
California tortoiseshell 49 Propertius dusky wing 29 Yellow woollybear 84
Ceanothus silk moth 258 I Yellow-haired dagger moth 183
Cedar hairstreak 38 Ilia underwing 198 R
Chalcedon checkerspot 46 Impressed dagger moth 184 Red admiral 56 Z
Checkered skipper 30 Indra swallowtail 61 Redhumped caterpillar 252 Zephyr anglewing 52
Chinquapin hairstreak 33 Russet hairstreak 42 Zerene fritillary 55
Cinnabar moth 85 L Rusty tussock moth 174
Clodius parnassian 64 Lappet moth 168
Copper underwing 188 Large wood nymph 69 S
Lettered habrosyne 265 Saddleback looper 109
D Linden looper 112 Sara orangetip 66
Douglas-fir tussock moth 175 Lorquin’s admiral 47 Satin moth 172
Lunata moth 246 Sequoia sphinx 263
E Lupine blue 34 Silver spotted tiger moth 78
Echo blue 32 Silverspotted skipper 28