PLAXIS UDSM ShansepNGIADPModel - (2018) PDF
PLAXIS UDSM ShansepNGIADPModel - (2018) PDF
PLAXIS UDSM ShansepNGIADPModel - (2018) PDF
Edited by:
S. Panagoulias
PLAXIS bv, The Netherlands
G. Vilhar
PLAXIS bv, The Netherlands
R.B.J. Brinkgreve
Delft University of Technology & PLAXIS bv, The Netherlands
Windows® is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.
PLAXIS is a registered trademark of the PLAXIS company (Plaxis bv).
© 2018 Plaxis bv
Printed in the Netherlands
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Normalised behaviour and the SHANSEP concept 3
3 Conclusions 13
4 References 14
The SHANSEP NGI-ADP model (Stress History and Normalised Soil Engineering
Properties) constitutes a soil model implemented in PLAXIS, intended for anisotropic
undrained soil strength conditions. It enables the analysis of dikes and embankments
according to the new design requirements (based upon undrained Critical State
calculations) within a FEM environment. The model is based on the NGI-ADP model
(Grimstad, Andresen & Jostad (2010)), but modified such that it is able to simulate
potential changes of the undrained shear strength Su , based on the effective stress state
of the soil. The model takes into account the effects of stress history and stress path in
characterising soil strength and in predicting field behaviour.
Laboratory tests conducted at the Imperial College using remolded clays (Henkel (1960)
and Parry (1960)) and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on a wide range of
clays, give evidence that clay samples with the same over-consolidation ratio (OCR ), but
different consolidation stress σ 'c and therefore different pre-consolidation stress σ 'pc ,
exhibit very similar strength and stress-strain characteristics when the results are
normalised over the consolidation stress σ 'c .
Figure 1.1 illustrates idealised stress-strain curves for isotropically consolidated
undrained triaxial compression tests on a normally-consolidated clay, with consolidation
stresses σ 'c of 200 kPa and 400 kPa. As depicted in Figure 1.2, the stress-strain curves
are plotted on top of each other when they are normalised over the consolidation
σ1-σ3 [kPa]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Axial strain [%]
Figure 1.1 Triaxial compression test data of homogeneous clay (Ladd & Foott, 1974)
In practice, normalised behaviour is not as perfect as shown in Figure 1.2. Usually, there
is discrepancy in the normalised plots caused by different consolidation stresses, soil
deposit heterogeneity or even the fact that the conditions from one soil test to another are
not identical. However, this discrepancy is reported to be quite small (Ladd & Foott, 1974)
and as a result the observed normalised soil behaviour is adopted in engineering
practice. It is worth mentioning that tests on quick clays and naturally cemented soils,
which have a high degree of structure, will not exhibit normalised behaviour because the
structure is significantly altered during the deformation process (Ladd & Foott, 1974).
The observations of normalised soil behaviour lead to the Normalised Soil Parameter
(σ1-σ3) / σ'c
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 1.2 Normalised triaxial compression test data of homogeneous clay (Ladd & Foott, 1974)
(NSP) concept. According to NSP, Figure 1.3 illustrates data from Ladd & Foott (1974)
alized strengths showalso
the variation of the to
be applied undrained
overconsolidated Su normalised
shear strength soils. over the
Data from current
Ladd and Foot (1974
vertical effective stress σ 'v 0 against the over-consolidation ratio OCR , for five cohesive
ng the variation
soils,ofin correspondence
with the
withOCR, are reported
their index Fig.
The 1.2
data forafive
show clays
similar trendwith
of a range of index
increasing Su /σ 'v 0 with OCR .
ata for the various soils all shows a similar trend of increasing values of with the OCR.
history and normalized soil engineering properties (SHANSEP) is the basis of this new constitutiv
. Evaluating the stress history of the deposit during the constructions phases, it is possible to update th
4 The SHANSEP NGI-ADP model | PLAXIS 2018
nd profiles to determine the OCR variation through the deposit. Consequently, applying th
Stress History and Normalised Soil Engineering Properties (SHANSEP) is the basis of
the constitutive model hereby presented. The stress history of the soil deposit can be
evaluated by assessing the OCR variation via the current and the pre-consolidation
stress profiles. Based on the NSP concept, the undrained shear strength Su is estimated
σ '1,max m
Su = ασ '1 = ασ '1 (OCR) m (2.1)
σ '1
in which α and m are normalised soil parameters.
The model is implemented in PLAXIS such that the effective major principal stress σ '1 is
considered to compute the OCR and the undrained shear strength. This is thought to be
a more objective parameter in comparison with the vertical effective stress σ 'v , as it is the
most compressive value, independent of the Cartesian system of axes. Assuming
horizontal soil layering, both parameters would result in the same value of OCR .
However, if the vertical effective stress σ 'v was considered in case of soil slopes, the
rotation of principal axes for soil elements adjacent to the slope would result in slightly
lower values of OCR and Su respectively.
The NGI-ADP model may be used for bearing capacity, deformation and soil-structure
interaction analyses, involving undrained loading of clay. The basis of the material model
• Input parameters for (undrained) shear strength for three different stress
paths/states, i.e. Active (suA ), Direct Simple Shear (suDSS ) and Passive (suP ).
• A yield criterion based on a translated approximated Tresca criterion.
• Elliptical interpolation functions for plastic failure strains and for shear strengths in
arbitrary stress paths.
• Isotropic elasticity, given by the unloading/reloading shear modulus, Gur .
The NGI-ADP model is formulated for a general stress state, matching both undrained
failure shear strengths and strains to that of selected design profiles (Andresen & Jostad
(1999), Andresen (2002), Grimstad, Andresen & Jostad (2010)). The reader may refer to
to Chapter 13 of the PLAXIS Material Models Manual for further details upon the model
formulation and implementation.
General tabsheet of the Material sets window. In the Parameters tabsheet, the
'ngiadps64.dll' should be selected as the DLL file from the drop-down menu. The
'NGI-ADP-S' is used as the Model in DLL. Subsequently, the model parameters can be
specified (Section 2.3).
The reader may refer to Chapter 17 of the PLAXIS Material Models Manual for further
study on the use of user-defined soil models.
in which the special character # represents the calculation phase number at which the
model is switched from the NGI-ADP model to SHANSEP NGI-ADP. Note that depending
on the user actions in the Staged construction mode, the number mentioned in the name
of the calculation phase might be different than the actual phase number used to activate
the switch. For instance, this could happen if a new calculation phase is inserted or an
already existing one is deleted. Therefore, it is better to verify the phase number by
writing the command 'echo phase_#.number ' in the command line, where 'phase_# '
stands for the phase ID.
The SHANSEP NGI-ADP model can also be used in the Soil Test facility. In this case, the
different activation procedure has to be used. Before each run, the Soil Test will search
for the presence of a file named 'data.shansep.rs0' . If the file is found then the
SHANSEP activation will be executed. Firstly, one run of the Soil Test has to be
performed in order to create a temporary Soil Test facility folder with the path
%temp%\VL_xxxx. Then the arbitrary file named 'data.shansep.rs0' has to be stored
within that folder.
current major principal stress is larger than it. This feature is available as from PLAXIS
2D 2018 and PLAXIS 3D 2017.01.
Hint: In order to create charts of the State variables via the Curves manager in the
Output program, one or more stress points have to be selected after the
calculation is completed (post-calculated stress points).
The SHANSEP NGI-ADP model is formulated such that it initially behaves as the
NGI-ADP model until it is switched to the SHANSEP concept by the user (see Section
2.2). It should preferably be used in combination with undrained behaviour. This drainage
type can be ignored before switching to the SHANSEP concept by using the calculations
option Ignore undrained behaviour in the Phases window. However, the strength will still
be an undrained strength as defined by the initial shear strength profile.
The NGI-ADP model is intended to be used for Undrained (B) analysis. However, for
user-defined soil models, such as SHANSEP NGI-ADP, the only available drainage type
for undrained behaviour is Undrained (A). Nevertheless, since the strength is defined as
udrained shear strength, the SHANSEP NGI-ADP model will actually behave according
to the Undrained (B) drainage type.
Since the SHANSEP NGI-ADP model is an extension of the NGI-ADP model, the model
parameters can be classified in two groups, i.e. the NGI-ADP model parameters and the
SHANSEP parameters. For the 'pre-switching' behaviour only the NGI-ADP model
parameters are used.
Since there are dependencies in the NGI-ADP model parameters, there are limitations as
to which combinations of values are acceptable. The standard NGI-ADP model in
PLAXIS includes checks to evaluate whether or not a valid combination of parameters
has been specified. Such checks are not available for user-defined soil models.
Therefore, it is strongly recommended to first define a material data set using the
standard NGI-ADP model and ONLY IF the parameters are accepted as a valid
combination of parameters, a data set should be created using the SHANSEP NGI-ADP
model as a user-defined soil model with the same NGI-ADP model parameters. If an
invalid combination of model parameters is used in the SHANSEP NGI-ADP model, an
error will occur during the calculation.
Table 2.1 gives an overview of all model parameters. Only the SHANSEP parameters will
be discussed in the next section. For the NGI-ADP model parameters the reader may
refer to Section 13.2 of the PLAXIS Material Models manual.
Table 2.1 SHANSEP NGI-ADP model parameters
extension tests.
Santagata & Germaine (2002) studied the effects of sampling disturbance by conducting
single element triaxial tests on normally-consolidated resedimented Boston blue clay
(RBBC). The SHANSEP parameters obtained by undrained triaxial compression are αi =
0.33 and mi = 0.71 for the intact RBBC, and αd = 0.33 and md = 0.83 for the disturbed
Based on the studies presented above, it can be concluded that both SHANSEP
parameters α and m are stress path dependent. Even though the range of variation of
both parameters α and m is not wide, the proper way to estimate them is via calibration of
SHANSEP triaxial test results.
Figures 2.1 and 2.2 present the influence of both parameters on the normalised shear
strength over the OCR . In Figure 2.1 the power m is constant and equal to 0.80, while
the coefficient α varies from 0.20 to 0.35. In Figure 2.2 the coefficient α is constant and
equal to 0.20, while the power m varies from 0.75 to 0.90. As expected, both parameters
result in an increase of the undrained shear strength as they grow. Variation of the
coefficient α has greater influence on the resulting Su /σ '1 .
m = 0.80
Su / σ'1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 2.1 Influence of the coefficient α on the normalised undrained shear strength
α = 0.20
Su / σ'1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 2.2 Influence of the power m on the normalised undrained shear strength
where UD-Power, is the rate of stress dependency of the interface stiffness, UD-Pref is
the reference stress level (usually 100 kN/m2 ) and σ 'n is the effective normal stress in the
interface stress point.
Hint: PLAXIS will give a warning when a zero interface stiffness or strength is
defined, even if no interface elements are being used. In order to avoid this
warning, a non-zero cohesion and Eoed should be specified.
K0 = 1 − sin(φ'inter ) (2.4)
However, note that this value is based on the interface friction angle rather than the soil
friction angle, since SHANSEP NGI-ADP does not have friction angle as a model
parameter. The suggested value may be changed by the user.
During the initial phase(s), before switching to the SHANSEP concept, undrained
behaviour can be ignored by selecting the calculations option Ignore undrained behaviour
in the Phases window. After switching to the SHANSEP concept, the model behaves
similarly to the Undrained (B) NGI-ADP model. However, as discussed below, the
SHANSEP NGI-ADP model is advantageous in comparison to the classic Undrained (B)
drainage type of the NGI-ADP model in the sense that the shear strength can be defined
and updated based on the (changed) effective stress level.
suA (y ) = su,ref
+ (yref − y )su,inc y < yref (2.5)
Figure 2.3 Undrained behaviour of real soft soil (a) and SHANSEP NGI-ADP model (b)
Hint: It is suggested that the consolidation phase does not lead to deviatoric stress
equal to the undrained shear strength, e.g. that the Re-initiation Point 1
(RP _1) in Figure 2.3 stays below the 2suinitial cap. If the opposite occurs, it is
suggested to split the consolidation phase in more than one phases with
shorter consolidation times and then re-initiate the undrained shear strength
after each one of them.
Apart from using the SHANSEP NGI-ADP model merely as a NGI-ADP model and then
switching to the SHANSEP concept as described in Section 2.2, it is possible to use it as
an 'extension' of any other constitutive model implemented in PLAXIS.
To switch from another soil model to the SHANSEP NGI-ADP model, the process
described in Section 2.2 has to be followed. However, apart from the use of the Special
option parameter to activate the SHANSEP concept, as described in Section 2.2.1, the
material of the soil cluster also has to be changed to the SHANSEP NGI-ADP model.
σ '1,max is always calculated at the beginning of the calculations and updated during the
calculation progress, irrespective from the constitutive model being used. So, after an
advanced constitutive model (or any other PLAXIS model) has been used, if the material
is switched to the SHANSEP NGI-ADP model and the SHANSEP concept is activated,
then the current σ '1,max is used in relation to the current effective stress state to calculate
(re-initiate) the undrained shear strength according to the SHANSEP formula (Eq. (2.1)).
The evaluation of the SHANSEP formula based on σ '1,max is available as from PLAXIS
2D 2018 and PLAXIS 3D 2017.01.
[1] Andresen, L. (2002). Capacity analysis of anisotropic and strain-softening clay. Ph.d.
thesis, University of Oslo, Institute of Geology.
[2] Andresen, L., Jostad, H.P. (1999). Application of an anisotropic hardening model for
undrained response of saturated clay. Proc. NUMOG VII, 581–585.
[3] Grimstad, G., Andresen, L., Jostad, H.P. (2010). Anisotropic shear strength model for
clay. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics,
(Accepted for publication).
[4] Henkel, D.J. (1960). The shear strength of saturated remolded clays. In Proceedings
of the ASCE Specialty Conference on Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils. University
of Colorado, Boulder, 533–554.
[5] Ladd, C.C., DeGroot, D.J. (2003). Recommended practice for soft ground site
characterization: Arthur casagrande lecture. In Proceedings of the 12th
Panamerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA.
[6] Ladd, C.C., Foott, R. (1974). New design procedure for stability of soft clays. Journal
of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, 100(7), 763–786.
[7] Parry, R.H.G. (1960). Triaxial compression and extension tests on remoulded
saturated clay. Géotechnique, 10(4), 166–180.
[8] Santagata, M.C., Germaine, J.T. (2002). Sampling disturbance effects in normally
consolidated clays. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,
128(12), 997–1006.
[9] Seah, T.H., Lai, K.C. (2003). Strength and deformation behavior of soft bangkok clay.
Geotechnical Testing Journal, 26(4), 421–431.