Nathani Bhaiya Turnover Certificate
Nathani Bhaiya Turnover Certificate
Nathani Bhaiya Turnover Certificate
Date: 01/06/2020
On the Basis of Relevant Record Produced before us for Verification of Arti Chemicals We
Certify the Gross Turnover of the said Firm for last Three Financial Year is as follows :
2. 18-19 1,04,750.00
3. 19-20 25,01,792.00
The amounts in the Statement in respect of Annual Turnover have been extracted from the ITR
filed for the years ended 31/03/18 and 31/03/19; And as per Turnover appearing in the books
of accounts produced before us for the financial year ended 31/03/2020.
The certificate is addressed to and provided to the Proprietor of the Firm solely for the purpose
to enable comply with requirement of Tender Document and to submit the accompanying
Statement to Government E Marketplace [GeM], and should not be used by any other person
or for any other purpose. Accordingly, we do not accept or assume any liability or any duty of
care for any other purpose or to any other person to whom this certificate is shown or into
whose hands it may come without our prior consent in writing.
On the Basis of Relevant Record Produced before us for Verification of Aarju Rasayan
Udyog We Certify the Gross Turnover of the said Firm for last Three Financial Year is as
follows :
2. 18-19 0.00
3. 19-20 15,50,658.00
The amounts in the Statement in respect of Annual Turnover have been extracted from the ITR
filed for the years ended 31/03/18 and 31/03/19; And as per Turnover appearing in the books
of accounts produced before us for the financial year ended 31/03/2020.
The certificate is addressed to and provided to the Proprietor of the Firm solely for the purpose
to enable comply with requirement of Tender Document and to submit the accompanying
Statement to Government E Marketplace [GeM], and should not be used by any other person
or for any other purpose. Accordingly, we do not accept or assume any liability or any duty of
care for any other purpose or to any other person to whom this certificate is shown or into
whose hands it may come without our prior consent in writing.