Hesc 1 in
Hesc 1 in
Hesc 1 in
Acid Rain 73, 241 Calorific Value 72
Acrylic 34 Carrier 23
Adam’s Apple 116 Cassiopeia 224
Adolescence 120 Celestial Objects 215, 216
Adrenalin 120 Cell 90-96, 173
Agricultural Practices 1, 2 Cell Membrane 93, 94
Air Pollution 240, 241 Cell Wall 94
Algae 17-19 Chemical Contamination 247
Amplitude 164, 165 Chloroplast 96
Angle of Incidence 200 Chromosome 95
Angle of Reflection 200 Coal 44, 45, 57, 59-61
Animal Husbandry 12 Coal Gas 58
Antibiotics 20,21 Coal Tar 58
Antibodies 21 Coke 58
Artificial Satellites 232 Combustion 64, 65
Artificial silk 33 Comets 231
Asexual Reproduction 100, 106, 107 Communicable Diseases 23
Asteroids 231 Conductor 45, 175, 176
Atmospheric pressure 140, 141 Cones 206
Atom 52 Constellations 221-224
Audible 166 Contact Force 134, 135
Cornea 206
B Crop 1-3, 10
Bacteria 17-21 Crust 192
Balanced Diet 121 Cytoplasm 94
Ball Bearing 153
Binary Fission 108 D
Biodiversity 78, 79 Deforestation 74, 77, 78, 84
Biosphere Reserve 79-81 Desertification 78
Blind spot 206 Diffused/Irregular reflection 202
Braille 209, 210 Discharge 188, 189
Budding 107 Dispersion 205
Displacement Reaction 50, 51 G
Drag 153 Gene 95
Ductility 45 Global Warming 61, 73, 243
Good Conductor 45, 172, 173, 175, 176, 187
E Granaries 12
Eardrum 163, 164 Gravitational Force 137
Earthquake 190-195 Gravity 137
Earth’s Plates 192, 193 Green House Effect 242
Ecosystem 83
Eggs 90, 91, 102-106, 108, 116-118 H
Electrode 176-178 Hardness 44
Electroplating 178, 179 Harvesting 10, 11
Electrostatic Force 136 Hertz (Hz) 164, 166
Elements 52 Hormones 117, 119, 120
Embryo 104
Endangered Species 83 I
Endemic Species 81 Ideal Fuel 72
Endocrine Glands 117 Ignition Temperature 67
Estrogen 117 Incident Rays 199-201
Eukaryotes 95 Inflammable Substances 68
Explosion 70 Insulin 120
Interlocking 151
External Fertilisation 103
Internal Fertilisation 102
Extinct 83
Iris 206
F Irrigation 7-9
Fauna 80, 81
Fermentation 20
Kaleidoscope 204, 205
Fertilisation 102
Kharif 2
Fertiliser 5-7
Fire Extinguisher 69 L
Flame 64, 65, 70-72 Lactobacillus 19
Flora 80-82 Larynx 160
Fluid Friction 153 Lateral Inversion 202
Foetus 105 Laws of Reflection 199-201
Force 127-138, 141 LED 174
Fossil Fuel 57, 61 Light Year 220
Friction 146-153 Lightning 184, 188, 189
Fuel 64, 68, 69, 72, 73 Lightning Conductor 190
Fuel Efficiency 72 Loudness 165
Fungi 11, 17-19 Lubricants 151, 152
M Petroleum 56-61
Petroleum Refinery 60
Magnetic Force 135
Phases of Moon 216-218
Malleability 45
Pitch 165, 166
Manure 5
Pituitary Gland 117
Metalloids 52
Planets 225-228, 230
Metals 44-46, 48-52 Plasma membrane 93
Metamorphosis 106 Plastic 36-39
Meteorites 232 Plastid 96
Meteors 232 Plough 3
Microorganism 17, 19-26 Pole Star 221
Migratory Birds 84 Pollutants 240, 241, 243, 245
Multicellular 91 Polyester 34, 35
Polymer 33, 36
Muscular Force 134, 135
Polythene 34, 36
N Poor Conductor 172, 175
Positive Charge 188
National Park 82, 83
Potable Water 248
Natural Gas 56, 57, 59-61
Preservation 25
Negative Charge 187, 188
Pressure 137-142
Nitrogen Cycle 27 Prokaryotes 95
Nitrogen Fixation 26 Protozoa 17
Noise 166, 167 Pseudopodia 92
Non-Contact Force 136 Puberty 113, 116, 117, 118
Non-Metals 44, 46-52 Pull 127-132
Nuclear Membrane 95 Pupil 206
Nucleolus 95 Push 127-138
Nucleus 94, 96
Nylon 33, 34
Rabi 2
O Rayon 33
Red Data Book 84
Orbit 217, 226
Reflected Rays 199-201
Organ 92, 93
Reflection 199-202
Organelles 95
Reforestation 85
Orion 224 Regular Reflection 202
Oscillation 164 Remote Sensing 233
Oviparous Animals 105 Reproductive Health 120
Retina 206
P Rhizobium 26
Pasteurisation 26 Richter Scale 193, 194
Pathogen 23 Rolling Friction 152
S Time Period 164
Sanctuary 78, 79, 82 Tissue 92, 93
Secondary Sexual Characters 116 Transfer of Charge 187
Seeds 4-6 Tremor 193, 194
Seismograph 194 Tsunami 192
Sex Chromosomes 118
Sexual Reproduction 100
Unicellular 91
Shooting Stars 232
Ursa Major 222-223
Shrillness 165
Silo 12 V
Sliding Friction 152 Vaccine 21
Solar System 215, 224, 228 Vacuole 96
Sonorous 46
Vibration 158
Sowing 4, 5
Virus 17, 19, 23, 24
Sperms 101, 102
Viviparous Animals 105
Stars 219, 222
Voice Box 115, 160
Static Friction 149
Storage 11, 12 W
Synthetic Fibres 32, 33, 35, 36 Water Pollution 245
Weedicide 10
T Weeds 10
Target Site 117 White Blood Cell (WBC) 92
Terylene 34 Wind Pipe 160
Testosterone 117
Winnowing 11
Thermoplastics 37
Thermosetting Plastics 37 Y
Threshing 11 Yeast 20
Thunder 189
Thunderstorm 189, 190 Z
Thyroxine 119, 120 Zygote 102