Comprehensive Sexuality Education Cse Curriculum in 10 East and Southern African Countries and Hiv 6009
Comprehensive Sexuality Education Cse Curriculum in 10 East and Southern African Countries and Hiv 6009
Comprehensive Sexuality Education Cse Curriculum in 10 East and Southern African Countries and Hiv 6009
Slum and Rural Health Initiative Research with Purpose Academy, NIGERIA
Cephas Health Research Initiative Inc, Ibadan, NIGERIA
Mental and Oral Health Development Organization, Kebbi State, NIGERIA
Universal Care for Africa Foundation, St. Loius, USA
Department of Physiotherapy, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, NIGERIA
Pan African University of Life and Earth Sciences Institute, PAULESI, Ibadan, NIGERIA
*Corresponding Author:
Citation: Adesina, M. A. and Olufadewa, I. I. (2020). Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Curriculum in 10 East and Southern African
Countries and HIV Prevalence among the Youth. European Journal of Environment and Public Health, 4(1), em0035.
Methods: The ten countries in East and Southern Africa selected were those whose CSE curriculum had been
reviewed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA). We developed a scoring protocol to be able to specifically group a curriculum into
three categories (A, B and C) based on its weakness. The data for HIV was based on the UNAIDS estimation. Data
was analyzed with the Microsoft Excel Version 2010.
Results: Sixty (60%) percent of the countries involved had CSE curriculum with minor to moderate concerns,
while the remaining 40% had moderate to serious gaps. Botswana and Lesotho had high prevalence of HIV among
both young males and females. Majority of the countries with CSE curriculum having minor to moderate gaps
had high prevalence of HIV among males within age 15-24 years. In the female category, one of the countries
using CSE curriculum with moderate to serious gaps had an average HIV prevalence higher than the average of
all the 10 countries involved in the study.
Conclusion: It is recommended that factors responsible for high HIV prevalence as identified in this study be
addressed. This might help reduce the prevalence of HIV.
Keywords: sexuality, education, curriculum, HIV, East Africa, Southern Africa, SIMBIHealth
Copyright © 2020 by Author/s and Licensed by Veritas Publications Ltd., UK. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2/5 Adesina and Olufadewa / European Journal of Environment and Public Health, 4(1), em0035
settings (UNESCO and UNFPA, 2012). CSE is a scientifically weakness in it. Category 1, based on UNESCO and UNFPA
accurate, incremental, age- and developmentally appropriate, finding was given a score of 1, category 3 was assigned a score
curriculum based on a human rights approach. It is culturally of 2 and category 4 finding was scored 3. No scoring was
relevant and context appropriate, transformative and able to assigned to category 2 has it was interlinked with the others
develop the life skills needed to support healthy choices and scoring it would lead to tautology. Countries with higher
among young people while promoting gender equality scores have higher gaps or concerns in their CSE curriculum. A
(UNESCO and UNFPA, 2012). score of 12-20 was interpreted as no significant gap (category
Full implementation of comprehensive sexuality education A), score of 21-28, minor to moderate gap/concern (category
curriculum in the Africa continent faces many challenges B) and score of 29-36, moderate to serious gaps/concern
(Keogh et al., 2018). Some individuals and groups believe that (category C).
CSE leads to early sexual initiation and deprives children of The data for HIV was based on the United Nations
their innocence. Some parents object to sexuality education (UNAIDS) estimation (THE WORLD BANK, 2018a; 2018b).
being taught in schools. Some state that CSE is a means of Prevalence data for both gender (male and female) were
recruiting young people towards alternative lifestyles and it is obtained and analyzed using the Microsoft Excel Version 2010.
inappropriate for young children (UNESCO and UNFPA, 2012). Prevalence of HIV was defined as the percentage of the people
This study aims to investigate the association between the with age 15-24 years who were infected with HIV. The average
prevalence of HIV in ten (10) countries in Eastern and prevalence of HIV was obtained by getting the mean value
Southern Africa and the strength or weakness of the CSE from that of 2011 till 2017. The findings are presented in
curriculum been used in those countries. The outcome of the sentences, percentages and charts.
study will serve as additional evidence and support for full
implementation of CSE in Africa.
and tradition (socio-cultural factor) makes it difficult for some comprehensive sexuality education, and many more
teachers to speak about sexuality in the classroom as they (Pauchaud et al., 2018; UNESCO, 2017).
believe it is not an appropriate discussion (UNESCO, 2017). In the female category, one of the country using CSE
Lesotho is another country in this category with a relatively curriculum with moderate to serious gaps had an average HIV
better CSE curriculum and yet high HIV prevalence. This prevalence higher than the average of all the 10 countries
finding can be attributed to inadequate financial resources to involved in the study. In this particular country (South Africa),
train teachers and inspectors in CSE. Also, there are this finding might be due to a number of reasons. One, CSE is
inadequate human resources, especially teachers well trained taught for only two hours in a week. This is too short for all
to teach CSE (Mathabo, 2012). It is also reported that the topics to be covered (UNESCO, 2017). Also, some teachers are
teachers training institute did not prepare teachers adequately reluctant to teach their students about comprehensive
to teach comprehensive sexuality education (UNESCO, 2017). sexuality education because of their values, cultures and
None of the countries with CSE curriculum with moderate tradition. A very strong reason for the high prevalence of HIV
to serious gaps had high prevalence of HIV among young among the young females in South Africa is the relatively weak
females (15-24 years). This finding can be because relatively CSE curriculum although these is been worked on (Badenhorst,
more extensive works on implementing CSE has been done in 2018; UNESCO, 2017). The finding from South Africa seems to
these countries. Kenya is a country in this category and it is clearly show that poor CSE curriculum is related to high HIV
estimated that in Kenya, more than 2 million adolescents have prevalence.
been educated on CSE via digital platforms and also, more than
100 religious institutions have been properly educated on CSE.
Additionally, as at 2014, more than 25,000 parents have been
educated on CSE by the Centre for Adolescent Studies
(UNESCO, 2017). Namibia also belongs to this category and The comprehensive sexuality education curriculum was
there are full time teachers in place to implement CSE developed to educate young minds about all components of
(UNESCO, 2017). South Africa, which is also in this category, sexuality namely emotional, cognitive, physical and
has extended CSE to out-of-school youth (UNESCO, 2017). emotional. The use of a curriculum following the guidelines for
With all these in place in these countries, the reasons behind the standard CSE is expected to positively affect the young
their lower prevalence of HIV can be easily understood. males and females in these countries. However, this is not the
finding in this study. The higher prevalence of HIV in countries
In the male group, the average HIV prevalence between
with better CSE curriculum may be due to poor
both categories (i.e. CSE category with minor to moderate gaps
implementation, culture and tradition, poor funding, among
and the other with moderate to serious gaps) was very close
many others. It is therefore recommended that the factors
with a difference of 0.3. Although, countries with better CSE
responsible for these findings in those countries be addressed
curriculum have higher HIV prevalence, a lot of organizations
and this may help reduce the prevalence and burden of HIV.
are working to tackle this challenge. This is responsible for the
small difference in average HIV prevalence over years, from
2011 to 2015. In those countries with the relatively better CSE LIMITATIONS
and high HIV prevalence, some success has been recorded. In
Botswana for example, forty teachers training college teachers
1. The curriculum review was carried out in 2011 and
and some lecturers from the University of Botswana have been
there might have been changes in the curriculum.
trained on the CSE pre-service curriculum. Through these
training, more than 600 teachers have been trained in CSE. 2. The presence of a curriculum does not necessarily
Also, an online course was delivered to 110 teachers from the translate to implementation of CSE curriculum. This
10 education regions and these teachers have been able to might limit the accuracy of the findings of this study.
educate about 11,000 people (UNESCO, 2017). It is very 3. The HIV prevalence used was among young males and
possible that very soon, the difference in HIV prevalence in females within age 15-24 years. This might limit
these two categories will be equal and that of countries with accuracy of the findings of this study as most of the
better comprehensive sexuality curriculum might even school aged children are within age 8-20 years.
become lower than what exist in countries with poorer CSE
This study found out that majority (4 out of 6) of the
countries using CSE curriculum with minor to moderate gap
1. A review should be carried out to assess the CSE
had an average HIV prevalence among young males (15-24
curriculum in all African countries in line with the
years) higher than the average of all the 10 countries involved
standard CSE curriculum. The latest one available is
in the study. This finding can be attributed to a number of
for only ten countries in Africa and it was carried out
factors cross country across years. These factors include;
8 years ago.
culture and tradition, poor funding, inadequate training on
teachers, lack of seriousness of students and teachers with 2. An African wide study should be carried out to
CSE, inadequate number of teachers trained on comprehensive investigate the implementation of CSE curriculum.
sexuality education, weak training of inspectors to monitor The findings from such study would be helpful in
implementation of CSE in schools, misconceptions of some finding connections between CSE implantation and
parents, elders, teachers and other individuals about
European Journal of Environment and Public Health, 4(1), em0035 5/5
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