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PALWOR-529; No. of Pages 10 ARTICLE IN PRESS

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Palaeoworld xxx (2019) xxx–xxx

Cyclocrinitids from the Lower Palaeozoic Tethyan sequence of Spiti, India

Husain Shabbar a,b , Anju Saxena a,∗ , Kamal Jeet Singh a , Shreerup Goswami b
aBirbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences, Lucknow 226007, Uttar Pradesh, India
b Department of Earth Sciences, Sambalpur University, Sambalpur 768019, Odisha, India
Received 7 March 2019; received in revised form 17 June 2019; accepted 15 July 2019

Well preserved cyclocrinitids (calcareous green algae) are reported from early Palaeozoic deposits of Spiti, Himachal Pradesh, India. Casts of the
algal fossils are preserved in calcareous grey siltstone unit of the Takche Formation (Late Ordovician–Early Silurian) which appears rusty/earthy
brown due to weathering. The assemblage includes Cyclocrinites favus, Cyclocrinites pyriformis, Cyclocrinites cf. welleri, Cyclocrinites sp. and
Cyclocrinites globosus. Both Cyclocrinites cf. welleri and Cyclocrinites globosus are reported for the first time from the entire Tethyan Himalaya,
India. The described algal flora basically denotes relatively shallow marine depositional setting and low to moderate hydrodynamic conditions.
© 2019 Elsevier Ireland Ltd Elsevier B.V. and Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, CAS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cyclocrinitids; Ordovician; Spiti; Takche Formation; Tethyan Himalaya

1. Introduction by Kato et al. (1987), Maithy et al. (1999), Hubmann and

Suttner (2007), Pandey and Parcha (2018), and very recently,
Spiti Valley is a remote part of Himachal Pradesh in the warm-water dasycladaceae algae are reported from the Takche
North-Western Himalaya and offers one of the most complete Formation, Gechang village, Parahio Valley (Chaubey et al.,
and spectacular rock exposures in the world. This basin along 2019). Algal remains of marine affinity are also reported from
with Zanskar Basin constitutes the largest marine sub-basin of Ordovician–Silurian sequences of Kinnaur–Uttarakhand Basin
the Tethyan Himalayan Master Basin (Fig. 1) and preserves an (Bhargava and Bassi, 1987; Sinha and Trampisch, 2013).
excellent and complete succession of rocks from Neoproterozoic The cyclocrinitids, an extinct algal tribe, has a long history
to Cretaceous ages. The contemporaneous Palaeozoic sedi- of its doubtful affiliation with the sponges, foraminifers, gas-
mentary successions are exposed in the Ladakh–Kashmir, and tropod eggs, bryozoans, corals, tunicates, crinoids, or cystoids,
Kinnaur–Uttarakhand Himalayas. The Spiti–Zanskar sequences which are now widely considered as calcareous green algae
have been extensively studied by a number of workers for their (Beadle, 1988, 1991). The first cyclocrinitids were reported by
geological setting, depositional history, and faunal biodiversity Von Eichwald (1840) as Cyclocrinites spaskii, and its systematic
(Stoliczka, 1865; Griesbach, 1889; Hayden, 1904; Reed, 1910, position was not defined until the resemblance of cyclocrinitids
1912; Srikantia et al., 1977; Srikantia, 1981; Bhargava and Bassi, were established with dasycladacean green algae, documented
1998; Draganits et al., 2002; Bhargava, 2008). by Stolley in 1896; later Pia (1920, 1927) reviewed and cate-
Although, a number of studies have recorded faunal biodiver- gorised them as a dasycladacean tribe. Thereafter, cyclocrinitids
sity from the Early Palaeozoic sequences (Cambrian–Devonian) have been placed in the Order Dasycladales (Pia, 1920, 1927;
of Spiti; the studies pertaining to plant remains (whether Egerod, 1952; Johnson, 1961; Wray, 1977; Bassoullet et al.,
marine or terrestrial) are meagre. So far, the plant remains 1979). Although European palaeontologists accepted Stolley’s
of marine affinity (algae) from Spiti Valley are reported idea; North American workers considered them as aberrant
sponges for so many years. Twenhofel (1928), an American
palaeontologist regarded Pasceolus identical with Cyclocrinites.
∗ Johnson and Konishi (1959), Osgood and Fischer (1960) and
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: anju saxena@bsip.res.in (A. Saxena). Johnson (1961) also described cyclocrinitids as dasycladaceans,

1871-174X/© 2019 Elsevier Ireland Ltd Elsevier B.V. and Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, CAS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Shabbar, H., et al., Cyclocrinitids from the Lower Palaeozoic Tethyan sequence of Spiti, India. Palaeoworld
(2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2019.07.007
PALWOR-529; No. of Pages 10 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 H. Shabbar et al. / Palaeoworld xxx (2019) xxx–xxx

Fig. 1. General map of northern India and surrounding countries, showing the major structural units of the Himalaya from Nanga Parbat to Namcha Barwa and
south of the Indus-Tsangpo suture zone. The inset shows the Indian part of the Tethyan Belt with location of four sub-basins with Palaeozoic sedimentary sequences
belonging to Tethyan Himalaya (after Gansser, 1964).

notwithstanding some workers classified them as receptaculi- 2. Study area

tids (Nitecki and Toomey, 1979; Fisher and Nitecki, 1982;
Nitecki, 1986). Moreover, some algologists doubted on the 2.1. General geology
taxonomic assignment proposed by Pia (1920) and Bassoullet
et al. (1979) and proposed that cyclocrinitids belong to the Spiti valley lies parallel to the general Himalayan trend
order Cyclocrinales, a possible sister order of Dasycladales NW-SE (Bagati et al., 1991). The geology and lithostratigra-
(Nitecki, 1986; Spjeldnæs and Nitecki, 1990a, 1990b; Nitecki phy of the basin have been studied and discussed by many
and Spjeldnæs, 1992). Even though typically rare as fossils, workers (Srikantia, 1981; Bhargava et al., 1991; Bhargava
they may be locally occurring in the company of more familiar and Bassi, 1998; Bhargava, 2008 and references therein). The
shallow marine Palaeozoic organisms such as corals and bra- Early Palaeozoic successions of Spiti valley comprise of Kun-
chiopods. They are index fossils for several North American zum La (Cambrian), Thango (Early Ordovician), Takche (Late
and European rock units, and a number of marker beds have Ordovician–Early Silurian), and Muth (Late Devonian) forma-
been designated for cyclocrinites or an associated genus. The tions. Two contrasting lithological successions exist between the
cyclocrinitids, a small tribe of macrofossils, first appeared in underlying fossiliferous member of the Kunzum La Formation
lower middle Ordovician (Nitecki, 1970), boomed during the of Cambrian age and overlying Muth Formation of Devonian
Caradoc (lower late Ordovician) (Beadle, 1991), and were osten- age; of these the lower succession is recognizable by its deep
sibly wiped out at the beginning of the Wenlock time (Middle crimson color and rugged topography, designated as Thango
Silurian) (Beadle and Johnson, 1986). Formation (Srikantia, 1981; Bhargava, 2008). This formation
Here we present, the taxonomic study of cyclocrinitids recov- rests over the Kunzam La Formation with a sharp and angular
ered from the Spiti, Himachal Pradesh, India. The algal remains contact and is conformably overlain by the upper succession,
are recorded from the Takche Formation of the Sanugba Group the Takche Formation. The Takche Formation underlies the
exposed along the right bank of the Spiti River near the Takche Muth Formation unconformably (Bhargava, 2008). It appears
locality in the Spiti Valley. Based on our collection compris- earthy brown/rusty brown on the weathered surface. The geo-
ing thirty-five specimens, we have identified four different taxa logical map of Spiti Basin along with the lithology of Takche
namely, Cyclocrinites favus, C. pyriformis, C. globosus, and C. Formation of Takche section is shown in Figs. 2, 3 respec-
cf. welleri. tively.

Please cite this article in press as: Shabbar, H., et al., Cyclocrinitids from the Lower Palaeozoic Tethyan sequence of Spiti, India. Palaeoworld
(2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2019.07.007
PALWOR-529; No. of Pages 10 ARTICLE IN PRESS
H. Shabbar et al. / Palaeoworld xxx (2019) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 2. Geological Map of the Spiti Area, showing different Palaeozoic formations (after Bhargava et al., 1991).

2.2. Age of Takche formation into three members namely A, B and C (Mehrotra et al., 1982).
Srikantia (1981) ascribed an Upper Silurian to Lower Devo-
The age and lithological association and nomenclature of nian age to the entire sequence. However, Mehrotra et al. (1982)
the Takche sequence have been debatable since its pioneer assigned an Ordovician age to A and B members of the sequence
description by Stoliczka (1865), and thereafter by many workers which was suggested by Hayden (1904) and Reed (1912) as well.
(Griesbach, 1889; Hayden, 1904). Goel and Nair (1977) pro- Mehrotra et al. (1982) also considered that the boundary between
pounded the name Pin Limestone for this succession whereas the Ordovician and Silurian exists within the basal section of the C
name Takche Formation was proposed by Srikantia (1977, 1981 member and not at the upper part of the B member as envisaged
and Bhargava (2008) for this Ordovician–Silurian sequence. by Hayden (1904) and Reed (1912). Bhargava and Bassi (1986)
Here we follow Bhargava and Bassi (1998) and prefer to use advocated an early to middle Silurian age to reefal portion of
Takche Formation instead of Pin Formation (Goel and Nair, the sequence. On the other hand, Kato et al. (1987) suggested an
1977; redefined by Suttner, 2007). The build-out of carbonate Ordovician age to their Pin Limestone (equivalent to Takche For-
bands in the upper part of the Thango Formation is regarded to mation) on the findings of algal remains. However, Bhargava and
demarcate starting of the Takche Formation (Bhargava, 2008). Bassi (1998), advocated an age spanning from Late Ordovician
The formation contains limestone, nodular limestone, marl, to Middle/early late Silurian owing to the occurrence of coral and
shale, well-bedded limestone, siltstone, dolomite, calcareous algal fossils. Suttner (2003) has subdivided the Pin Formation
sandstone and is characterised by a minor development of coral (equivalent to Takche Formation) in to 17 litho-units viz., P1-P17
with little algal input (Ranga Rao et al., 1984; Bhargava and that are exposed near Farka Muth village in the Pin Valley. Fur-
Bassi, 1987; Suttner et al., 2005). The succession is exposed at thermore, in the year 2007, Suttner has proposed three members
Gechang in Parahio Valley, at Muth in Pin Valley and at Takche of the Pin Formation exposed near Farka Muth village viz., Farka
Locality of Spiti Basin. The sequence attains the maximum Muth Member (P1-P6), Takche Member (P7-P13) and Mikim
thickness of about 272 m at Gechang and has been categorised Member (P14-P17). Recently, Myrow et al. (2018) has assigned

Please cite this article in press as: Shabbar, H., et al., Cyclocrinitids from the Lower Palaeozoic Tethyan sequence of Spiti, India. Palaeoworld
(2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2019.07.007
PALWOR-529; No. of Pages 10 ARTICLE IN PRESS
4 H. Shabbar et al. / Palaeoworld xxx (2019) xxx–xxx

Fig. 3. (A) Photograph of studied section of Takche Formation, Takche locality. (B) Closer view of the studied section showing fossils locality. (C) Lithology of a
part of Takche Formation exposed near Takche locality, Spiti India; part 2 of lithology conformably overlies the part 1 of litholog.

Silurian (more specifically Llandovery) age to uppermost mem- ered from calcareous grey siltstone unit of Takche Formation
ber of the Pin Formation exposed in Gechang, Parahio Valley which appears rusty brown due to weathering. The algal fossils
on the basis of the occurrence of ozarkodinid fauna. Our stud- are recovered along with some brachiopods and trace fossils.
ied sequence, which has yielded the Cyclocrinitids, corroborates The fossils include only impressions of complete or fragments
with the units (P1-P6) of Farka Muth Member. The age of the of thalli. Thirty-five fossil impressions are studied using low
overlying units of P7-P13 have been assigned mid to late Katian power Leica microscope (MZ6) to document different morpho-
(Amorphognathus ordovicicus Zone) on the basis of presence of logical characters such as the arrangement of lateral heads and
conodonts by Suttner (2003) and Suttner et al. (2007), whereas facets, shape and size of thalli, the outline of facets and lateral
Early Silurian (?Llandovery) age is suggested to the upper part, heads and identified up to genus and species level. Specimens
i.e., units P14-P17, however, the definite age for the lowermost are photographed using a Sony (DSC-HX400 V) digital cam-
units P1-P6 remains uncertain. era and Nikon (DS-Fi1) digital camera mounted on a low power
Leica microscope (MZ6); measured using ImageJ software. The
systematics of these algal remains is given in the followings.
3. Material and methods Repository: All the macrofossil specimens documented in
this article are stored in the repository of Birbal Sahni Institute
The algal fossils reported and described in this article were of Palaeosciences, Lucknow. The specimens are registered vide
collected from an outcrop section of Takche Formation, Takche statement number 1512 and museum specimen numbers 41681-
Locality (32◦ 27.024 N, 77◦ 41.767 E), 7 km from Losar Village 41686.
towards Kunzum La, Spiti Basin (Fig. 3). The fossils were recov-

Please cite this article in press as: Shabbar, H., et al., Cyclocrinitids from the Lower Palaeozoic Tethyan sequence of Spiti, India. Palaeoworld
(2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2019.07.007
PALWOR-529; No. of Pages 10 ARTICLE IN PRESS
H. Shabbar et al. / Palaeoworld xxx (2019) xxx–xxx 5

4. Systematic palaeobotany Comparison and remarks: The preserved specimens closely

resemble with the Holotype specimen of Cyclocrinites welleri
Division Chlorophyta (Pascher, 1914) Papenfuss, 1946 described by Nitecki (1970) from Mazourka Formation, Mid-
dle Ordovician, California, in having nearly spherical shape,
Order Cyclocrinales Nitecki et Toomey
thick-walled of facets, and characteristic arrangement of facets.
Family Cyclocrinaceae Maslov, 1956 Though, our specimens are comparatively larger than the Holo-
Tribe Cyclocriniteae (Pia, 1920) Bassoullet et al., 1979 type specimen while other characterises are very similar.
Genus Cyclocrinites (Von Eichwald, 1840) Stolley, 1896 Cyclocrinites globosus Billings, 1857

Cyclocrinites favus Salter, 1851 (Fig. 4L, M)

(Fig. 4F–K) 1857 Pasceolus globosus – Billings, p. 343.

1970 Cyclocrinites globosus Billings – Nitecki, figs. 3B, 7C, 21D, 32, 37.
1912 Pasceolus mellifluus Salter – Reed, pl. 16, figs. 13–16. (For detail synonymy see Nitecki, 1970 and references therein.)
1912 Pasceolus shianensis Reed – Reed, pl. 16, fig. 17.
1987 Palaeodictyon sp. – Kumar and Kashkari, pl. 1, figs. 4, 5. Type species: Pasceolus globosus Billings, 1857, subsequent
1999 Cyclocrinites favus Salter – Maithy et al., pl. 1, figs. 1–5. designation by Nitecki (1970), Cyclocrinites globosus. Middle
Material: Six specimens in the collection. Ordovician, Ontario.
Description: The specimens of this species were preserved as Material: Three specimens in the collection.
impressions of the thalli, more or less complete, spherical to Description: The specimens were preserved as thalli impres-
ovate in shape, preserved along the bedding plane. Size of thalli sions, almost spherical in shape with regular outline. The
varies from 29.03 mm to 32.92 mm in length and 18.16 mm diameter of the thalli ranges from 18.5 mm to 22.545 mm. Bul-
to 23.25 mm in width. The impressions of lateral heads are bous protrusions are seen in the centre of the specimens. Lateral
observed in the form of protrusions of facets upon the surface. heads are few and nearly round. Facets are concave, and each
Lateral heads are six-sided and are the extension of the walls of facet commonly communicates with six adjacent facets. The
the facets. Typically each facet adjoins four to six other facets. facets are mostly annular, occasionally polygonal and rarely
Lateral heads vary in size from 0.38 mm to 0.89 mm. The total hexagonal, with size from 0.316 mm to 0.336 mm.
number of lateral heads ranges from 280 to 350. No attachment
mechanism is observed. Comparison and remarks: The specimens described herein
closely resemble in their morphology with the holotype of
Comparison and remarks: Our specimens are comparable Cyclocrinites globosus figured and described by Nitecki (1970,
with the holotype specimen of Cyclocrinites favus described fig. 37) from Middle Ordovician, Ottawa Formation, Ontario,
by Nitecki (1970) and also resemble with the specimen reported Canada.
by Beadle and Johnson (1986, fig. 2f) in overall shape and mor-
phological characteristics. Thalli also show resemblance with Cyclocrinites pyriformis Bassler, 1915
C. favus figured by Beadle (1991, fig. 3c, d) as well as C. favus (Fig. 4A–C)
figured and described by Maithy et al. (1999, pl. 1, figs. 1–5).
Cyclocrinites cf. welleri Nitecki, 1970 1896 Cyclocrnius pyriformis – Stolley, text-figs. 20–27.
1909 Nidulites – Bassler, pl. 7, fig. 11.
(Fig. 4D, E) 1909 Nidulites cf. favus – Bassler, p. 59.
1970 Cyclocrinites pyriformis Bassler – Nitecki, figs. 49, 50.
1963 Mastopora? sp. – Greife and Langenheim, pl. 63, fig. 4. 1999 Cyclocrinites pyriformis Bassler – Maithy et al., pl. 1, fig. 6.
1970 Cyclocrinites welleri – Nitecki, figs. 4, 5, 7D, 21E, 41.
Type species: Nidulites pyriformis Bassler, 1915, subsequent
Type species: Mastopora? sp. Greife and Langenheim, 1963, designation by Nitecki (1970), Cyclocrinites pyriformis. Mid-
subsequent designation by Nitecki (1970), Cyclocrinites welleri. dle Ordovician, Virginia.
Middle Ordovician, California.
Material: Four specimens in the collection.
Material: Two specimens in the collection.
Description: The specimens were preserved as impressions
Description: The specimens of this species were preserved as of thalli, more or less complete, nearly claviform to ovoid
thalli impressions along the bedding plane, nearly spherical in and regular in outline. The preserved thalli vary and are
shape, regular in outline. Specimens range from 27.435 mm to 13.061 mm–30.935 mm in length and 8.467 mm–18.077 mm in
32.610 mm in length and 17.229 mm to 19.907 mm in width. width. Facets are regular and hexagonal in outlines. The largest
Oval-shaped cavity observed in the centre of the thallus. Hexag- is 1.359 mm across. Facets are relatively deep. The depth of
onal facets are preserved as impressions and are interconnected the facets is typically annulus; however, walls are hexagonal
with six other facets. Walls of the facets are rather thick as and form well-ordered lines on the surface of the thalli. The
compared to other species; occasionally up to 0.657 mm. Few maximum thickness of the facet’s wall reaches up to 0.173 mm.
lateral heads are observed. Facets vary in size from 0.585 mm From the preserved interior of the facets, the heads appear to
to 1.089 mm.

Please cite this article in press as: Shabbar, H., et al., Cyclocrinitids from the Lower Palaeozoic Tethyan sequence of Spiti, India. Palaeoworld
(2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2019.07.007
PALWOR-529; No. of Pages 10 ARTICLE IN PRESS
6 H. Shabbar et al. / Palaeoworld xxx (2019) xxx–xxx

Fig. 4. Photographs of different types of Cyclocrinitids recorded from the Takche Formation, Takche locality, Spiti. (A–C) Cyclocrinites pyriformis Bassler; (A)
BSIP Museum Specimen No. 41684/A; (B) enlarged view of (A), showing depth of facets and hexagonal outline; (C) BSIP Museum Specimen No. 41684/D. (D, E)
Cyclocrinites cf. welleri Nitecki; (D) BSIP Museum Specimen No. 41683/A; (E) enlarged view of (D), showing depths of facets, thickness of wall and hexagonal
outline. (F–K) Cyclocrinites favus Salter; (F) BSIP Museum Specimen No. 41682/B; (G) enlarged view of (F), showing lateral heads; (H) BSIP Museum Specimen
No. 41682/C; (I) enlarged view of (H), showing lateral heads; (J) BSIP Museum Specimen No. 41681/A; (K) enlarged view of (J), showing lateral heads, the distal
tips of lateral branches. (L, M) Cyclocrinites globosus Billings; (L) BSIP Museum Specimen No. 41684/C; (M) BSIP Museum Specimen No. 41686/A. (N, O)
Cyclocrinites sp.; (N) BSIP Museum Specimen No. 41682/A; (O) BSIP Museum Specimen No. 41684/B. Scale bar: 5 mm for (A, D, F, H, J, L, M); 1 mm for (B, C,
E, G, I, K, N, O).

Please cite this article in press as: Shabbar, H., et al., Cyclocrinitids from the Lower Palaeozoic Tethyan sequence of Spiti, India. Palaeoworld
(2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2019.07.007
PALWOR-529; No. of Pages 10 ARTICLE IN PRESS
H. Shabbar et al. / Palaeoworld xxx (2019) xxx–xxx 7

Fig. 5. Palaeogeography of the northeastern Gondwana and adjacent peri-Gondwanan areas in early to mid-Ordovician (Arenig) times at 480 Ma. Ab, Alborz terrane;
Afg, Afghan terrane; Lut, Lut terrane; M, Madagascar; Qiang, Qiang terrane; San, Sanand terrane; Tau, Taurides terrane (after Torsvik and Cocks, 2009). Star
indicates the position of our fossil locality.

be relatively deep. Very few lateral heads are preserved. Actual 5. Discussion
attachment mechanism could not be observed.
Comparison and remarks: In appearance and pattern of facets Cyclocrinitids are extinct group of small macrofossil remains,
and lateral heads of thalli, the specimens are comparable with of general receptaculitid type, whose affinity to plant remains
the holotype of Cyclocrinites pyriformis as described by Nitecki or animals, has been debatable and doubtful for quite long
(1970, figs. 49, 50) and they also resemble with the specimens time (Nitecki, 1970). They have been grouped with Protozoans,
reported by Beadle (1991, fig. 2a-d) as well as by Maithy et al. Porifera, Corals, Bryozoans, molluscs and algae. Stratigraph-
(1999, pl. 1, fig. 6). ically, they range from lower Middle Ordovician to Lower
Silurian. The structure of the Cyclocrinitids is very akin to that
Cyclocrinites sp. of modern calcareous algae (family Dasycladaceae).
(Fig. 4N, O) In India, the report of Cyclorinitids dates back to 1912,
when Reed documented a few curious objects, of somewhat
Material: Twenty specimens in the collection. problematic nature, from the Ordovician sequence of Tethyan
Description: Impressions of spheroidal to ovate thalli and Himalayan Basin. He placed them under Incertae sedis and
fragments of thalli, poorly preserved with negligible surface collated with genera Ischadites, Pasceolus and Apidium. The
features observed. Lateral heads and deep facets observed in definite biological association was not known, until Pia (1927),
some specimens. Closely packed facets generally manifest reg- Johnson and Konishi (1959), Johnson (1961) and Kesling and
ular hexagonal appearances; however, most of the specimens Graham (1962) cogently characterised them as floral remains of
are slightly irregular in shape. Specimens can not be assigned marine Dasycladacean algae. A macroscopic fragment resem-
to species level because of ill-preserved and fragmentary bling honeycomb in appearance was reported by Sahni (1953),
nature, however by the presence and arrangement of polygo- and he compared his fragmental specimen with Pasceolus mel-
nal heads and deep facets they are identified as the Cyclocrinites lifluus (Salter) documented by Reed (1912). There was a gap
thalli. in the algal studies in the Tethyan Himalaya until Kato et al.

Please cite this article in press as: Shabbar, H., et al., Cyclocrinitids from the Lower Palaeozoic Tethyan sequence of Spiti, India. Palaeoworld
(2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2019.07.007
PALWOR-529; No. of Pages 10 ARTICLE IN PRESS
8 H. Shabbar et al. / Palaeoworld xxx (2019) xxx–xxx

(1987) reported and illustrated two taxa of calcareous green the Spiti region of the northwestern Himalaya must have been
algae namely Apidium indicum and Coelosphaeridium shia- located in low palaeolatitudes during the Late Ordovician and
nense from the Ordovician sections of Pin Valley and Parahio early Silurian (Chaubey et al., 2019) (Fig. 5).
Valley of Spiti. In the same year, Kumar and Kashkari (1987) Cyclocrinitids are known from North America (USA and
reckoned the honeycomb-shaped macrofossils as ichnofossils Canada), South China (Sichuan), Baltoscandia (Norway, Rus-
from the Gechang (Parahio Valley) and Muth (Pin Valley) and sia, Estonia, glacial erratics of northern Germany and Poland),
described them as Palaeodictyon sp. which was later recognised Eastern Kazakhstan and Central Himalayas–India (Hammann
as cyclocrinites (Maithy et al., 1999). Furthermore, Bhargava and Serpagli, 2003). Modern calcareous green algae rarely grow
(2008) cast doubt on both the identifications and summarised the on muddy or sandy ocean bottoms (Taylor, 1960), since these
fossil to be a remains of Palaeofavosites/Favosites colony (coral materials do not provide an adequate and firm foundation for
remains). However, the occurrence of Cyclocrinitids is recently anchoring. On this ground, it is inferred by Nitecki (1970) that
reported from the Takche Formation of Gechang village, Parahio cyclocrinitids are lithophytic. Therefore, they avoided very soft
Valley, Spiti (Chaubey et al., 2019). Anatomy and morphology muddy or sandy sea bottoms and typical reef environments
of dasycladacean algae have been discussed in detail by Egerod (Hammann and Serpagli, 2003). Cyclocrinitids typically occur
(1952), Valet (1968), Nitecki (1970) and Beadle (1988). Accord- in fine-grained rocks such as siltstones, micritic limestones and
ing to the above-mentioned researchers, “Dasycladacean algae also in shales that form a quite resistant substrate on which
have thin, siphonous median axes, which are attached to the sub- they were attached (Nitecki, 1970; Mørk and Worsley, 1980;
strate. The lateral branches are arranged on a central axis in the Beadle and Johnson, 1986; Beadle, 1988, 1991). According to
spiralling pattern at regular intervals and these typically furcate Hammann and Serpagli (2003), they also appear to have avoided
distally to secondary branches”. In recent genera Neomeris and very shallowly, stirred bathymetric regions and probably inhab-
Bornetella, bulbous lateral heads are grown on the distal tips of ited below normal wave base due to frangible nature.
secondary branches, sub-hexagonal/hexagonal in form and are They were quite vulnerable to compaction and specimens
densely packed together forming a faceted outer cortex which is in shales are frequently quite flattened (Beadle, 1991). Speci-
claviform to spherical in shape (Beadle, 1988). mens have different diagenetic histories (Osgood and Fischer,
In modern dasycladaceans the main controlling factors in 1960; Nitecki and Johnson, 1978; Mørk and Worsley, 1980).
thriving, dispersal and abundance are depth, water energy, clar- Consequently, their preservation is entirely protean, even within
ity of the water, light intensity, normal salinity, depth of light a single species (Nitecki, 1970). Cyclocrinitids are usually
penetration and substrate’s quality (Nitecki, 1970; Lee and encrusted by a thin layer of calcium carbonate; however, they
Caldwell, 1977; Hammann and Serpagli, 2003). In clear Pacific are not as completely preserved as fossil dasycladaceans (Lee
and Caribbean seas, they are most prevalent up to the depth of and Caldwell, 1977). Even though cyclocrinitids is usually
5 to 6 m from low tide level; however, they may occur up to associated with common marine invertebrates of the shallow
the depth of 90 m (Taylor, 1960; Johnson, 1961; Nitecki, 1970). environment, they also occur in a marine environment restricted
Furthermore, they can not extend beyond 20 m depths in more to high salinity (Johnson and Campbell, 1980).
turbid waters like the Persian Gulf (Clarke and Keij, 1973). So, Cyclocrinitids had a medial main axis on which thin lateral
they are primarily confined to water depths extending up to about branches grew in whorl extending outwards in all directions,
100 m in warm temperate waters in the equatorial region and the and bulbous hexagonal/sub-hexagonal lateral heads grew on
shallowest of tropical (Lee and Caldwell, 1977). the distal point of lateral branches; cyclocrinitids vary in out-
Cyclocrinitids may have been quite sensitive to water energy, line from spherical to claviform (Nitecki, 1970; Beadle, 1988,
depth and latitude (Nitecki, 1970; Mørk and Worsley, 1980; 1991). All cyclocrinitids belonging to Silurian time had gen-
Beadle and Johnson, 1986). Extracellular calcification and erally spherical thalli (Beadle and Johnson, 1986). They were
aragonitic nature of cyclocrinitids suggest that they also had confined to small sizes, mostly ranging from 1.5 to 3.4 cm in
low latitude and warm water distribution (Beadle, 1988). It length (Beadle, 1988) and the largest reported cyclocrinitid is
is inferred from palaeogeographic reconstructions that mostly C. halli thallus 5.86 cm long from Ellis Bay Formation, Quebec,
all cyclocrinitids inhabited within 30◦ south and north of the Canada from Upper Ordovician (Nitecki, 1970). The emergence
palaeoequator (Beadle and Johnson, 1986; Beadle, 1988), except of cyclocrinitids concurs with major dasyclads radiation dur-
occurrence of a few as far as 45◦ of the south (Beadle and ing middle Ordovician (Chuvashov and Riding, 1984; Beadle
Johnson, 1986). Maithy et al. (1999) opined that cyclocrini- and Johnson, 1986). Their global range began to shrink steadily
tids seem to be good indicators of low palaeolatitudes and they during Late Ordovician (Beadle, 1988). Only two species of
also can be reliable relative depth indicators. Very recently, cyclocrinitids viz., C. favus and C. gregarius were present
Chaubey et al. (2019) have also argued that large accumula- by early Llandovery and confined to Avalonia, Laurentia and
tion of cyclocrinitids recovered from the Takche Formation near Baltica regions (Beadle and Johnson, 1986). Cyclocrinites pyri-
Gechang village, Parahio valley Spiti, might have been formed formis remained present almost throughout the entire middle
during a storm event which generated currents that penetrated Champlainian series–middle Ordovician (Darriwilian) in North
into normally quiet water and swept thalli together. This event is America, and it is used there as an index fossil (Nitecki, 1970).
further substantiated with the occurrence of present cyclocrini- Our specimens range from 18.5 mm to 32.91 mm in length and
tids assemblage from the Takche Formation, Takche village except Cyclocrinites favus all other specimens described herein
locality. It also suggests that Takche Formation indicates that are known from Middle Ordovician. However, for our studied

Please cite this article in press as: Shabbar, H., et al., Cyclocrinitids from the Lower Palaeozoic Tethyan sequence of Spiti, India. Palaeoworld
(2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2019.07.007
PALWOR-529; No. of Pages 10 ARTICLE IN PRESS
H. Shabbar et al. / Palaeoworld xxx (2019) xxx–xxx 9

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Please cite this article in press as: Shabbar, H., et al., Cyclocrinitids from the Lower Palaeozoic Tethyan sequence of Spiti, India. Palaeoworld
(2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2019.07.007
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Please cite this article in press as: Shabbar, H., et al., Cyclocrinitids from the Lower Palaeozoic Tethyan sequence of Spiti, India. Palaeoworld
(2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2019.07.007

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