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Perception Halitosis of Students in Al Jouf University

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Indian J Stomatol 2018;9(1):16-19

Perception Halitosis of Students in Al Jouf University

Khaled Mohamed Elrahawy1, Ahmed Ata Alfurhud1, Mazen Awad Alhassan2

Aim: Oral malodour is one of the most common complaints with which patients approach the dentists, thinking it can be
detrimental to their self-image and confidence. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the self-perception of oral malodour
and oral hygiene habits amongst students.
Material and methods: A structured questionnaire consisting of 10 questions was administered to 180 undergraduate students
of the Medical and Dental College. The questionnaire was designed to evaluate the self-perception of halitosis, identify the oral
hygiene aids used, and assess the presence of dental caries, gingival bleeding, and dryness of mouth.
Results: Of the 180 students, 150 students completed the questionnaire. The response rate was 89%, with the male response rate
being 83.6% and 90.2% for the female. Self-perceived halitosis was reported by 42.3% of males and 43.3% of females. The
difference in the reporting of the self-perception of halitosis between females and males was found to be statistically significant
(p<0.05). A significant difference was found for use of mouth wash, presence of carious teeth, bleeding gums, and use of tongue
cleaners between females and males (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The results of this study indicate a higher prevalence of halitosis among this population consisting of medical and
dental students. The awareness of halitosis was also higher among this population. Thus, the awareness of halitosis as an
individual entity should be promoted to the general population, and therapeutic measures should be made available to all.

Keywords: Dental students; halitosis; oral hygiene; oral malodour.

Introduction the malodour, such as mouth rinses, chewing gums, etc.,

The word ‘halitosis’ is derived from the Latin word ‘halitus’ which in turn, prevent the individual from reporting to the
which means ‘exhalation’. Thus, unpleasant odour emitted dentist for conclusive treatment. Very rarely, this can have
from a person's oral cavity is referred to as halitosis. The serious medical implications because there are numerous
other common terminology used to denote halitosis is ‘oral medical conditions that predispose individuals to oral
malodour’. Halitosis is an oral health condition malodour.7-9 There is a need to enhance the knowledge of
characterized by consistently emanating odorous breath self-perception of oral and general health among dental
and may be caused by several agents, including poor oral students.10
hygiene, improper cleaning of dentures, reduced salivary The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the
flow rate, use of tobacco in any form, or certain systemic self-perception of oral malodour by male and female
conditions.1 Its aetiology could be attributed to both medical and dental students studying in the Medical and
intraoral and extraoral factors. However, in about 84% of Dental College of Al Jouf University, Saudi Arabia. The
the cases, the cause is intra oral, with the reason being deep prevalence of oral hygiene habits and awareness of
carious lesions, periodontal disease, mucosal ulcers, food common dental problems, such as dental caries, gingival
debris, reduced salivary flow rates, or tongue coating.2 bleeding, and dryness of mouth, were also evaluated.
Among the listed intraoral causes for halitosis, tongue
coating is the most common reason in otherwise healthy Material and methods
individuals, with the odour arising from the dorsal aspect of The study involved 150 medical and dental undergraduate
the tongue.3 The main compounds that lead to bad breath students of the Medical and Dental College, Al Jouf
emanating from the oral cavity are the volatile sulphide University. All the participants signed a written informed
compounds (VSC’s), especially hydrogen sulphide (H2S), consent form prior to the initiation of this study. A
methyl mercaptan (CH3SH), and dimethylsulphide structured questionnaire was developed and tested on a
[(CH3)2S].4 These compounds are produced by the pilot population prior to its administration in this study.
anaerobic gram-negative micro-organisms such as The responses were evaluated, and modifications were
Treponema denticola, Porphyromonas gingivalis, made as required. The final questionnaire included ten
Porphyromonas endodontalis, Bacteroides loescheii, questions (Figure 1), which evaluated the presence and
Enterobacteriaceae, and Fusobacterium nucleatum, which self-perception of halitosis and the treatment (self or
inhabit the oral cavity.5 The micro-organisms interact with professional) for halitosis. The oral hygiene habits of the
the sulphur-containing substances that are present in saliva, subjects, including frequency of teeth brushing and use of
gingival crevicular fluid, blood, and cells leading to the interdental aids and mouth rinses, were evaluated. The
production of odiferous products.6 questionnaire was anonymous with no column for
Halitosis, a common condition, can result in a serious social identification of the individual. The questions were
stigma. There are several agents that can temporarily mask explained to the participants, and clarifications were made.
Department of Oral and Dental Pathology, 2Department of Preventive Dentistry, 3College of Dentistry, Al-Jouf University, Sakaka, Saudi
Arabia. Correspondence: Dr. Ahmed Ata Alfurhud, email: aalfurhud1@gmail.com

Indian J Stomatol 2018;9(1):16-19

Figure 1: Questionnaire used in the study

Yes No Don’t know Yes No Don’t Know

Male Female

Graph 1: Frequency of self-perception of oral malodour

Statistical analysis all the questions provided, and these were included for
Statistical Package for Social Science version 15 was statistical analysis. Questionnaires that were incomplete
utilized for statistical analysis (SPSS, Inc., Chicago Illinois were excluded from the final analysis. The overall
USA). The Chi square test was performed for comparison response rate was 83.3%. There were 80 (44.4%) males
of the responses obtained from males and females. The and 70 (38.8%) females.
level of statistical significance was set at a p-value of Among males 25 (24.1%) reported perceiving halitosis, 65
<0.05. (55.2%) gave a negative answer, and 16 (11.1%) were not
aware of its presence or absence. Whereas among the
Results female participants, 45 (33.4%) reported self-perception,
The study population included 180 participants in the age 50 (35.4%) gave a negative response, and 37 (31.8%) were
range of 18-24 years. A total of 150 participants answered not aware of its presence or absence (Graph 1). The

Indian J Stomatol 2018;9(1):16-19

Table 1: Responses for the questions based on gender

difference was found to be significant (p<0.05). in reducing oral malodour in the long term.21
The answers to all the questions provided in the The oral hygiene habits were excellent among the study
questionnaire were categorized according to gender and population, with most of the subject population reporting
analysed using the Chi-square test (Table 1). A significant brushing twice daily. This was, however, anticipated, as the
difference was observed for self-perception of halitosis, subject population comprised students. Effective tooth
use of mouth wash, presence of carious teeth, bleeding brushing and flossing can significantly reduce oral
gums, and use of tongue cleaners (p<0.05). malodour, especially in people with poor oral hygiene and
related gingival and periodontal disease.22,24 The usage of
Discussion mouth rinses was two-fold higher among females
Since halitosis is a relatively common problem, with many compared with males. This could imply a more conscious
ramifications and with personal, professional, and social attitude among females than among males.
effects, the data on its prevalence can be of importance. The prevalence of dental caries among the subject
The literature reveals that the prevalence of halitosis is population was higher than that of gingival bleeding or
around 50% in the USA, 27.5% in China, and 22% in dryness of mouth. Dental caries was reported to be higher
France.11-13 This highlights the significance of halitosis as a in males than in females as was gingival bleeding. A similar
widespread global problem. It has been estimated that in study suggested that females have significantly higher
the developed world, 8%-50% of the people perceive oral positive practise towards dental health as compared to
malodour.14 As dental professionals are most likely to males.23 The intra-oral factors that are implicated in
diagnose halitosis, the percentage of individuals getting contributing to halitosis are tongue coating, gingival
professional treatment for halitosis remains minimal. bleeding, and dental calculus.13,24 The extra-oral factors that
The presence of halitosis is often discerned by individuals. are associated with halitosis include gastrointestinal tract
The aetiology could be either intraoral or extraoral causes. disorders, chronic sinusitis, upper respiratory tract
The diagnosis is usually subjective, as there are no standard infections, and lower socioeconomic status.1
criteria that define a patient with halitosis.1 The results of
the present study showed greater self-perception of Conclusion
halitosis among females (p>0.05). This was similar to The results indicate that the prevalence of self-perceived
results obtained in previous studies.10,15,16 Self-perception of malodour among medical and dental students is in the
halitosis is a psycho-physiological issue with multi- similar range as reported by other similar studies.
factorial aetiology closely related to each individual's However, these findings need to be corroborated by
psychopathological profile.17 objective examination to ascertain the prevalence. The role
In younger persons, the presence of oral malodour in the of dental professionals in maintaining a good oral health
absence of periodontal disease has been attributed to should be emphasized in the community.
tongue coating.18 If oral hygiene is already good, or if it
improves and yet the oral malodour persists, the tongue
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