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Criteria: A B C D F I Completion

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Criteria:   A  B  C  D  F  I 

Completion  The homework is submitted  Every required part of the  Considerable sections of the  Major portions of the  Very little to none of the homework  Assignment 
in its entirety. Student  homework was submitted.  homework were attempted but  assignment are missing. No  was submitted. No effort to attempt  was not 
followed every instruction  However, students may have  not completed. Minor amounts of  effort to attempt difficult  difficult questions.   submitted. 
required in the directions.   incorrectly followed minor  the assignment were left absent.    questions. 
instructions or arrived at wrong 
answers while still displaying a 
competent understanding of the 
subject matter.   

Accuracy  Answers and deliverables are  While the student is on a mostly  Homework had enough errors  Assignments are mostly  Answers are completely wrong.  Assignment 
all accurate. Homework could  correct trajectory throughout the  (~50%) to demonstrate lack of  inaccurate and represent a  Graders may struggle to understand  was not 
serve as a pristine example of  assignment, there are minor  conceptual understanding.  fundamental misunderstanding  how student even arrived at the  submitted. 
the assignment’s “solution  errors and misunderstandings  Attempts were made, but bad  of the content.   answers submitted.   
file”.   that lead to incorrect answers.    practice or a struggle to fully 
grasp concepts rendered 
solutions as incorrect.  

Thoroughness /  Students provide insightful  Students could have provided  Very little supporting work was  Students only submitted  Homework was not properly  Assignment 
work and supporting  more insight into how they  included. Requested screenshots  answers. No supporting work  submitted. Poor presentation and  was not 
Challenge  submitted. 
documentation / screenshots  arrived at their answers.  and documentation were omitted.  was provided. Might suggest  numerous errors strongly detract 
(when requested) to  Attempts were made to  Little to no attempt at the  plagiarism. No challenge  from contents of assignment.  
  demonstrate how they arrived  complete challenge sections,  challenge section.   section was attempted. 
  at their answers. Students  even if it was not correctly      
attempted and possibly  solved.  
solved optional “Challenge 

Presentation  Assignment is submitted in  Work is submitted as requested,  Assignment contains formatting  Homework was not properly  Homework was not properly  Assignment 
format and file type as  but contains minor distracting  and grammatical errors that  submitted. Poor presentation  submitted. Poor presentation and  was not 
requested. Assignment is free  formatting and grammatical  distract from the content.  and numerous errors strongly  numerous errors strongly detract  submitted. 
from contents of assignment.  
of distracting grammatical  errors.   detract from contents of 
errors.   assignment.  

Degree of  Demonstrates strong  Students have a firm grasp of  Students demonstrated an  Homework demonstrates  Homework demonstrates complete  Assignment 
competency /  competency in subject area.    subject area, but continued  attempt to complete the work, but  complete lack of understanding,  lack of understanding and possibly  was not 
  practice and overcoming  struggled throughout.   but might be an incompetency  a dismissive lack of effort.   submitted. 
Feedback should include a  misunderstandings is necessary    rather than a lack of effort.    
sentence of encouraging  for stronger competency.   Feedback should include 2-3    Students are strongly encouraged 
support.     pieces of specific feedback and  Feedback should strongly  to receive additional support 
Feedback should include 2-3  invitation to office hours to  encourage students to receive  through office hours.  
pieces of specific feedback.   review topics of struggle.   additional support through 
office hours.  
How to Use the Rubric:

● Use the first two criteria (Completion and Accuracy) to determine a base grading of the homework: A, B, C, D, or F.

● Supporting criteria of Thoroughness, Presentation and Degree of Competency can be used to bolster or diminish the marking by half a letter grade.
○ For example: A homework that is complete and accurate, but sloppy and contains distracting spelling errors may drop from an A grading to an A-.

● If a student is on the border between two grades (A/B, B/C, etc.) use your discretion to decide what grade the student should receive.

● If the homework is ​incomplete​, disregard the rubric and mark the homework on BootCampSpot as Incomplete.

● Use the criteria of “Level of Competency” to inform the type of feedback you provide.

○ For example, if a student displays complete competency, provide a sentence of encouragement, and maybe even encourage them to explore more advanced
details of the topic on their own time.

○ A lower level of competency should be addressed in the feedback by distinguishing what specifically the student is lacking, and if they should visit office hours in
order to improve their understanding of the subject.

● Lastly, it should be noted that if students submit homework with a very high level of accuracy and completion, but lacking thorough work and a sense of competency,
TAs should be cautious of potential plagiarism.

○ If you suspect plagiarism, please advise the class Instructor and Student Success Manager.

○ You may also refer to the Academic Honesty Standard Operating Procedure: ​SOP Academic Honesty

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