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Contemporary Travel and Tourism Industry: Student Name: Palade Cristina Student ID

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Contemporary Travel and Tourism Industry

Student Name: Palade Cristina

Student ID:


LO1 (Briefing paper).......................................................................................................................4

P1 Key milestones in the development of the travel and tourism industry and how they have
shaped the travel and tourism industry........................................................................................4

P2 Different elements of the travel and tourism industry and explore how they interrelate to
create the tourist experience........................................................................................................6

M1 Analyse the discrete role of each key element of the travel and tourism industry and how
the different elements interact to provide tourism experience.....................................................8


P3 Different factors that affect tourism behaviour......................................................................9

P4 Models of motivation and how they influence the consumer decision-making process......10

M2 assess the factors underpinning tourist behaviour and evaluate their impact on the
decision-making process............................................................................................................12


Identifying recent and emerging patterns and trends in the international travel and tourism

M3 Analysing the recent patterns in international travel and tourism and highlighting their
significance to the development of the global travel and tourism industry...............................15


Examining the factors affecting the popularity of a range of global destinations.....................16

M4 Analysing the factors affecting the popularity of different destinations and assessing their
level of importance to a destination’s popularity......................................................................18



Travel and tourism is flourishing industry in the world and people are involving with it more day
to day as they want to relax in their life. This module will describe the current trends of travel
and tourism with patterns. Then a milestone will be analysed in this report with a briefing paper.
Some elements are in the travel and tourism which impact to the tourist behaviour. The factors
that can motivate the tourists to consume the products will be analysed. The development of the
travel and tourism will be analysed and how the components of tourism interact with the travel
performance that will also be evaluated.

LO1 (Briefing paper)

P1 Key milestones in the development of the travel and tourism industry and
how they have shaped the travel and tourism industry
Currently the position and situation of tourism was not before, by revolution travel and tourism
was changing. Ancient period the tourism was not today’s form. Facilities, scopes and areas are
also increased now. By following some milestones today tourism is shaped today. Now some
milestones are discussed below within the events and periods:

Pre-recorded history shaped and started travelling for adventure and curiosity of the people to
know unknown area with starts travelling milestone. The Egyptian started to travel to centralised
government locations (Gupta, 2017) in 4850-750 BC. After this milestone, it took long time to be
shaped. 900-200 BC the Greek started common languages and currency system in the world to
trade and exchange. The Roman people developed the road systems, legal systems, pleasures,
adventures and different inns within 500 BC-300 AD. European travel on failed religious
crusades to retake the Holy Lands from Muslim control introduces these military forces to new
places and cultures this revolution were explained in 1096-1295 AD. Marco Polo’s travels
throughout the Far East begin to heighten interest in travel and trade which was the first official
travel in 1275-1295 AD.

With the milestone of travel for elite the educational experience, the European elite people travel
to another destinations started (Gupta, 2017) in 16-19th centuries. From this era the globalisation
was introduced because of advanced transportation system was started. The modern travel
agency and travel organisation was introduced by Thomas Cook by travelling as group tour from
Leicester to Loughborough, UK by railways. This milestone was in 1841. End of World war 1
the passport as travel requisition was introduced to consolidate the states and deal for war, the
permission system was established. UNDHR of UN’s (United Nation declaration of human
rights) was passed in 1948 because of this issue people have rights to travel, rest, leisure and
holidays. International bureau of social tourism was formed in 1963 in Belgium to promote the
tourism in the world. In 1985, tourism bill of rights and WTO’s tourist code which can use to
provide rights to take leisure and entertainment from the destinations. Twin Tower attack after

this incident, the safety and security are increased to provide the safety and security service to
tourists. Even online flight booking service started (Gupta, 2017).

People are now involved in tourism more than previous period. Total tourists in the world are
now 1.8 billion almost. Within 2030 this amount will be 2 billion. Reaction facilities, amenities
and other services are increased now in the world. For this reason, the number of tourists is
increasing and the trend is shaped as global tourism. Even people cannot communicate with
oversees because of systems scarcity. Mode of transportation is increased like airplane and
vehicles by road and more, by using these transportations people can easily travel and visit any
places in the world from their countries.

After explaining the milestones of the travel and tourism it can be said that this industry is
shaped with huge changes. People can now travel from one place to another distanced place only
for some hours. It has conducted because of advancement in transportation where advance
technology is applied. All over the reasons for this ease in travelling, globalisation is fact. With
the internet connection, the communication channels are increased and made very fast within
nanosecond any information can be reached to the receivers. The travellers are now connected
with social media as a result they can book the ticket of the airline through internet. In this way
the travel and tourism are shaped in modern face where well organised infrastructures can be
built because of advance technology.

P2 Different elements of the travel and tourism industry and explore how they
interrelate to create the tourist experience
In the travel and tourism industry, there are some elements which are interrelated to create the
tourist experience. Now these elements are analysed below:

Tourist destination

Tourists destinations are the main components or elements of travel and tourism because people
actually travel and tour for visiting new places (Boniface et al., 2016). These places are here
tourist destinations. These destinations are promoted by government offices and regional offices
even the local people help to promote the destinations. Even the resorts and convention centres
are the destinations for the travellers and tourists.


To visit the destinations, people must use transportation modes like airlines, bus, motor cars,
railways, ships and different modes. Within short time they can travel to the destinations because
of these modes. For the long distance destinations like Maldives and Sri Lanka people have to
use airline to reach the places within short time. Although costs will be increased, the service
will be best and time will be saved.


After reaching the destinations, people must need the accommodation services to take relaxation
and sleeping. To put their materials and bags obviously the accommodation service are required.
The basic accommodation services are Hotels, Motels, Resorts and many lodges in the local area.
Here hotel may be expensive that’s why people can consume the lodges and motels with
cheapest prices (Boniface et al., 2016).

Tourist attraction

In the destinations, obviously the tourists must go to see the attractions of the places and
sightseeing the destinations with attractiveness. Mainly the purpose of travel is to see the
attraction of the destination. So, in the destinations obviously the attractions will be presence like

water fall, rain forest, hill tracks and natural beauty, even beach and sea are the attractions of
destinations like Cox’s Bazaar is the longest sea beach in the world.

Travel organisations

The travel and tourism organisation are travel agency, tour operators, consultants and guide
providers. They help to the people to book flight ticket, provide road map and sell the packages
of tour. For example, Thomas Cook started this business firstly with arranging a group tour.
They aid to the tourists and make it easier for them in travelling.

Travel and tourism related services

There are many types of services are introduced related to travel and tourism for example,
restaurants and inns, financial aid provider and supporters, travel publications and book
providers are included to the related services. They also make easy and in travelling. Besides,
taking foods inns and restaurants help more to the tourist (Boniface et al., 2016).

All of them above elements are important and these are basic elements of travel and tourism.
Without these elements and components, travel and tourism may not possible. Besides, these
components are interrelated with each others. If one is missed, the travelling and tourism
experience of tourist must be negative. From the overall experience will be negative. For
example, in travelling if transportation is failed to run and for this if the tourists have to pay extra
time this will affect to travelling experience of the tourists. They will provide bad reviews to the
transportation which can decrease the promotion of this transportation.

These elements are interrelated from this interrelationship tourists can make more experiences.
Only well accommodation is not enough for the tourists, to fulfil the needs and satisfy the
tourists good foods and beverages services should be ensured. For this reason, the
accommodation and transportation are interrelated. As a destination a tourist can visit but in the
destination it should be contained some attractions otherwise the tourists cannot make any
experience for example, Maldives is beautiful country for beach but the attraction for tourist is
accommodation to make experience for them.

M1 Analyse the discrete role of each key element of the travel and tourism
industry and how the different elements interact to provide tourism
The travel and tourism elements are travel organisations, accommodation, transportations,
attractions, destinations and travel and tourism related service. The destinations actually create
the space and scope of travelling and visiting the places. Accommodation fulfils the demand of
relaxation by taking home based services. Traveller can feel relax in the hotel and motel. Then
transportation reaches the tourists to the destination by air, bus and railways. Without
transportation, people cannot visit and travel the places (Boniface et al., 2016). Attractions is the
element of fulfilling the purpose of visit because for this reason actually the travellers visit in the
destinations. The travel organisations actually aid the people to get actual fare and to reduce the
formalities in cutting the tickets as well as the reducing the carrying capacity as they sell the
package of tour. Food and beverage services are provided by the related service industry.
Basically above the role of elements can provide the travel experience to the travellers. Without
accommodation a foreign travellers cannot visit in a location or destination. If the transportation
service is bad in the destination obviously the travellers will provide the negative reviews. So
this way, the experience of travels can be interacted with travel and tourism.


P3 Different factors that affect tourism behaviour

Some potential factors like culture and history, politics and technology and many more that may
affect to tourism behaviour. Now these are determined below with example:

History and cultural importance of the destinations

There is a greatest significance of culture and history in the destination which can motivate and
are liked by the tourists for this reason; the tourists will visit the destination (Altintzoglou et al.,
2016). Their purpose of visiting the destinations will be seen the archaeological sites,
architecture, forts, monuments, castles, sculpture, caves, different cloths and weapons of ancient
period. For example, Taj Mahal in India, Ireland stone wall, Great Wall of China and Buddhist
Temple in Nepal are the history and culture. So, cultural and historical sites may impact on the
behaviour of the people.

Economy of the country

The economical condition of the country impacts on the behaviour of the tourists of these
countries. For example, when the economic condition is not good in a country, people are mostly
leading the miserable and unemployment life. And if the economic condition is good, the people
will have achieved the abilities to spend money. In this way, the tourism behaviour is impacted
by economic development of a country.

Technological trending

This is now era of technology and most of the people are connected will social media in the
world. So, from the media people are motivated after seeing the promotional video. Even the
advertisement and promotion are based on social media and platforms. The target people are the
users of social media (Altintzoglou et al., 2016). Using internet they actually get the information
on applications like Twitter, Face Book, YouTube and Instagram.

Research importance of the destination

Actually when people go to a place for educational purposes, they must research on the tourism
as well as the important destinations of the location. To research the importance of the
destinations, they may be motivated to visit these tourism destinations. The archaeological sites,
architectural sites, natural attraction and historical sites are researched in by them and also
visited by them.

Religious Importance of the destination

For the religious purpose people want to visit this location where the religious is practiced more.
For example, Saudi Arabia (Mecca and Medina) is the scared place for the Muslim people in the
world. In their life, every Muslim people want to visit this place (Altintzoglou et al., 2016). In
this way, Bhutan for Buddhist, India for Hindu, USA for America, Jerusalem for Ehud is the
sacred place for them. So by this motivation the behaviour of tourist will be impacted.

P4 Models of motivation and how they influence the consumer decision-

making process
In tourism there are basic models of motivation which are puss factors and pull factors. Applying
the push and pull factors basically the tourists are motivated for a destination. These models
actually can influence the consumer decision making process. Now these factors are described
below with how the consumers are directed in decision making process:

Push factors and Pull factors

Push factors: The factors which are mandatorily affected by the tourists in a destination they
actually go to see the culture, history and attitudes of the localities. They cannot change it after
visiting the locations but they have to see with pushing. Basically the push factors for a
destination include some issues like culture, adventure, novelty and social contact. The culture
means the behaviour, attitudes, life style and food habits of the locations which are used to the
people in the localities (Chen, 2018). The tourists have to match with this culture if this is bad for
them. Some tourists visit the destination for seeking the novelty which can motivate them to
travel and visit the places again. These issues are the factors for the international tourist’s
motivations. By using these factors international people can easily be motivated because of push

Pull factors: Pull factors include the attraction of the destination for which people actually visit
and travel. For example, in Bali, Indonesia people go for seeing the beach and taking the bath in
sea water which is the attraction for this destination. Obviously people must be motivated by the
attraction of the destinations firstly (Chen, 2018). So, this is the pull factor for the tourism
motivation. And international people can be satisfied if the motivation theory works perfectly.

Travel Career Ladder Model

Figure: Travel Career Ladder Model

Source: (Fisher et al., 2017)

Travel Career Ladder Model is used as alternative of Maslow’s Hierarchy needs theory. As there
are some limitations of that theory that’s why in tourism Ladder model is appropriately applied
which can influence also to decision making process of tourism. This theory ensures the
fulfilment of a traveller by travelling and visiting the destinations (Fisher et al., 2017). If the
people get relaxation obviously they want to be secured and safety places in the destinations
which are described in the second part of this model. After going to the destination they need the
relationship with local people which can motivate them to visit again in the destination. By
applying this model, the tourist’s satisfaction can be achieved easily.

The relaxation factors influence to take decision in visiting the destinations. If the destination can
provide the relaxation the travellers must visit the destination concern to body reconstitution. In

this way, the relaxation factors influence to take travel decision. Then the locations should be
safe and destination will provide safety and security services. This stage is the stimulation step.
Concerning the safety fast in the destination the travellers actually take decision to visit these
places. Obviously after visiting the destination, affiliation love and members in visiting have to
be ensured by the destinations otherwise the travellers will not visit the destination. In this way
the decision of travelling and visiting is influenced. After taking the affiliation the travellers
expect from the destination a special service which indicates the self-esteem where travellers are
recognised as special guests. As a tourist he/she can have special interests and dream which have
to be fulfilled by the local people in the destinations which will attract to the travellers to take
decision about visiting the destination.

For recognition of the destination, this motivation will impact on the behaviour of the tourist
because they will be motivated to recognise the destination. Then they will search the
information about the destination like attractions, locations and communities and more. The
evaluations of the destinations will be implemented and best one will be selected. After taking
the service they will analyse and give feedback of the work.

M2 assess the factors underpinning tourist behaviour and evaluate their

impact on the decision-making process
Some factors like technology, culture and historical sites, economy, religious and more others are
influencing to the tourists behaviour. From these factors, technological factor impacts mostly on
the tourist’s behaviour. Because people are engaged now in social media and connected with
internet, they can see anything whatever they want. Obviously they will be affected by
technology positively and negatively (Fisher et al., 2017). Affecting this factor some advantages
have been faced by the tourist and then motivate on the destination. Information and
accessibilities are very flexible that’s why they cannot face any obstacles. On the other hand,
according to media marketing the destination cannot fulfil the satisfaction of the destination.
That time, the tourist can be motivated negatively and this is the disadvantage for technological
factor that motivate the tourist behaviour. The historical sites and culture sometime can de-
motivate the people because of digging and looting in the destinations. Using social media what
they have seen, these cannot be founded because of digging marble and looting the arts. In this
time the factors works as negative method. And this is the disadvantage of using technology.


Identifying recent and emerging patterns and trends in the international

travel and tourism industry
London has become a place for tourism destinations for tourist all over the world for the rich
culture of the city. The main attraction of the city is the architectural beauties, Thames, Tower of
London, Buckingham Palace, the parliament house and the numerous museums that symbolises
the history and culture of the British people (Boniface et al, 2016). There has been a change of
the patterns and trends in global tourism because of the change of communication systems,
transportation systems, technological advances and changing taste of the people. London also
needs to adapt the destinations with the current and emerging trends in international tourism to
attract tourists all over the world and generate revenue for the economy of the UK.

The recent and emerging trends in international travel and tourism industry are identified and
discussed below:

Solo travel: The recent trends in the international travel and tourism is that people like to visit
different places solo and in the trip, they want to enjoy their leisure far away from the madding
crowd and the pressure of work of the person (Hiltunen et al, 2013). Tourists nowadays want to
go on hiking, camping or visiting rural areas for enjoying the natural beauties solely.

Eco-travel: The eco-travel trend has become the emerging trends of the international tourists all
over the world and the people want to enjoy the natural beauty in their leisure time and explore
more about enjoying the time in quiet places (Hiltunen et al, 2013). For example, the coral
beaches, safaris both jungle and deserts, mountains and the places with vast natural resources and
beauties have become the main attraction for the tourists in the global tourism industry.

Local experience:The international tourists mainly want to learn about different cultures, foods
and history of the places they visit. The attraction of the tourists to learn and explore the local
experiences is an emerging trend in travel and tourism industry globally. For example, huge
number of people visits India to explore the different local cultures and experience of the country

and the diverse local cultures and experiences has made India as one of the most visited
international visited tourist destination (Papatheodorou et al, 2010).

Personalisation:The interests of people in international tourism depend on the personalisation of

individuals. For example, the people who like to explore history and historical places will visit
London for the rich history and the museums of London will be the centre for the attraction of
the people. That is why in the promotion of travel and tourism, the personality of people is
needed to be understood to promote the destinations to the consumers internationally.

Bleisure Travel: The team Bleisure has emerged in recent times where the businessman comes
to the destinations for business purposes and the destinations also provide leisure for the tourists.
For example, a huge number of people come to visit London in business purposes as the
destination also provides comfort to the tourists in many ways (Papatheodorou et al, 2010).

Artificial intelligence and technology:The use of artificial intelligence in the promotion of the
destinations and the services available with AI and modern technology helps the tourists to visit
and explore the places effectively and provides comfort to the people. For example, the tour
operators of the UK needs to provide AI and technological supports to the tourists so that they
can easily book services and enjoy their leisure with the effective use of modern technologies in
the destination (Evans et al, 2012).

Virtual reality and augmented reality:The virtual reality and augmented reality helps people to
explore nature and reality with the use of technologies. The use of VR and AR in the promotion
of the tourist destinations will help tour operators to promote the destinations to the consumers
effectively and the people can explore the services to know about the services and attraction of
the destination and make mind for visiting the destinations.

Organic food:The internationaltourists have become very hygienic in recent days and the
availability of organic foods in the tourist destinations helps in attractinginternational tourists
(Evans et al, 2012). For example, the organic foods available in London and the promotion of the
availability of the food will help in attracting international tourists in London from all over the

Customer satisfaction:The travel and tourism marketing has changed over time’s as the people
want to explore consumer satisfaction and share their experiences bad or good in the means of
review of the services and place. For example, if London gets a good rating by the previous
consumers about the services available in the destination, more people will come to visit the
destination internationally.

M3 Analysing the recent patterns in international travel and tourism and

highlighting their significance to the development of the global travel and
tourism industry
There has been a huge change in the international travel and tourism patterns and trends and the
changing trends help in developing the global travel and tourism industry as well. The emerging
trends of solo tourism and eco-tourism have made the industry to develop the facilities and
services for visiting the natural beauties and the transportation systems have also been developed
so that the people can easily visit the destinations (Ruhanen et al, 2015). The people are more
likely to use the modern technologies and the promotional campaigns and services of the global
tourism industry have also been developed with artificial intelligence and internet of things in
order to promote the destinations and designing the services for the international tourists. The
globalisation has increased the businesses all over the world and the tour operators have
developed the transportation and the service systems in such manner that the businessmen
around the world can easily conduct the business and find leisure in the destinations and the
development of the destinations with the current trends has also helped to attract the travellers
and tourist internationally (Ruhanen et al, 2015). The advertisements of the global destinations
are also planned in the light of the personality of the consumers in the market to attract them and
the destinations such as London also provides the services for organic food and consumer
satisfaction in order to attract the travellers and tourists from all over the world. The use of the
technology in advertisement and services of the destination has helped to achieve consumer
satisfaction and the whole process of addressing the current trends in global tourism has helped
in developing the travel and tourism industry globally (Schuckert et al, 2015).


Examining the factors affecting the popularity of a range of global

The popularity of a global destination depends on a few factors and the factors affecting the
popularity of a range of global destinations are examined below:

The human factor: The human factor in global tourism is that main factor that affects travel and
tourism globally. For example, the socio-cultural attitude of the people in the European countries
has changed as the people have developed the taste for visiting countries and destinations
globally in their leisure (Ashworth and Page, 2011). The human factor in Europe and the
developed countries have developed international tourists in those countries. The services in the
global tourist destinations also depend on human skills and the skills human resources help in
providing effective and quality services to satisfy the consumers. For example, the employees in
the UK arehighly skilled and the services of the human resource of help in achieving the
consumer satisfaction and the factor attract the global tourists to visit different destinations in the

Geopolitical factor: The geopolitical factors affect global tourism all over the world and the
international touristsselect international tourists' destinations based on geopolitical factors. For
example, Iran is an extremely rich place for global tourists to visit the destination and the rich
culture, food and services of the destination attracts the global tourists but the European and
American tourists do not visit the destination because the geopolitical relation of Iran is not
friendly with the American and European countries (Crouch, 2011).

Economic factor:The economic factors help in developing the travel and tourism industries all
over the world. For example, the strong economy of the UK ensures employment and income of
the people living in the country and the economic advancement and stability helps in developing
global tourists within the country. On the other hand, India gets a lot of revenue from the tourism
industry of the organisation that is why the organisations and government of the country develop
global tourism to develop the economy of the country (Ashworth and Page, 2011).

Technological factor:The technology is a must to address by the tourist destinations to meet the
needs of the global tourists and the technological advancement helps in providing quality
services to the tourists travelling internationally. For example, Thailand is a famous global
tourism destination all over the world but the technological services and industry in the country
is not rich which loses a major amount of consumers of the country every year (Assaf and
Josiassen, 2012). That is why the government of Thailand has focused on the development of the
technology of the country so that the country can attract more global tourists and ensure
consumer satisfaction in the tourism industry.

Environmental factor:global warming and the changing environment of the world has become
a concern for tourists all over the world. The environment of the destinations needs to be friendly
and adaptable for the global tourists to satisfy the consumers and attract them in the destinations.
For example, in summer it becomes difficult to visit India and that is why the travels hardly visit
India in summer and the government of India is taking measures to preserve the environment of
the country and develop a healthy environment to attract the tourists globally (Assaf and
Josiassen, 2012).

M4 Analysing the factors affecting the popularity of different destinations and
assessing their level of importance to a destination’s popularity
The human resource of the UK is highly skilled and the skilled human resource of London helps
in providing quality services to the global touristsvisiting London. As the quality services are
provided because of the human factor of London, it also helps in developing the popularity of the
destination as the human factor helps in achieving consumer satisfaction. The geographical
positioning of UK and the position of the country in global politics makes the UK one of the
most influential countries in the world. The geopolitical factors of the UK also help London to
become one of the most attracted places in globaltravel and tourism industry (Liu and Zhang,
2014). The economy of the UK is stable that helps in taking the development planning of the
government and the business activities of London helps in attracting the business travellers in
visiting London and increasing the popularity of the destination. The technological advancement
of the UK helps in promoting London as a global tourism destination all over the world
increasing the popularity of the destination and technology also helps in developing the services
in travel and tourism in London and ensuring the consumer satisfaction. The environment of
London is good and the environment of the destination helps in increasing the popularity of the
destination in global travel and tourism industry and the government of the UK also has made
various environmental laws to protect the environment of London.

The changing trends of travellers and the popularity of a destination are linked. The popular
destinations such as London changes the services of the destinations based on changing
behaviour of the tourist all over the world and that helps London to maintain the popularity of
the destination as a global travel and tourism destination (Liu and Zhang, 2014). The advantages
of the link between changing behaviour and popularity of the destination are that it helps in
making plans for developing the global travel and tourism destinations and build the brand value
internationally. The disadvantages of the link between popularity of a destination and changing
behaviour of the tourists globally are that if the popular destinations fail to adapt the changes in
the destinations, the popularity of the destination will decrease rapidly and popular destination
will lose the brand value of global tourism and travel destination.

This paper has discussed development of travel and tourism industry and the paper has also
discussed the elements that help in providing the tourism experiences to the people visiting the
global destinations. This paper has also discussed different factors that change the behaviours of
tourists globally. The key patterns and trends in recent tourism have also been identified and
discussed in this paper and the factors that determine the popularity of a global destination for
travel and tourism has also been discussed in this paper.

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