Gravastar Solutions With Continuous Pressures and Equation of State
Gravastar Solutions With Continuous Pressures and Equation of State
Gravastar Solutions With Continuous Pressures and Equation of State
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We study the gravitational vacuum star (gravastar) configuration as proposed
by Cattoen et al (2005 Class. Quantum Grav. 22 4189) in a model where the
interior de Sitter spacetime segment is continuously extended to the exterior
Schwarzschild spacetime. The multilayered structure of Mazur and Mottola
(2001 Preprint gr-qc/0109035, 2003 Proc. 6th Workshop on Quantum Field
Theory Under the Influence of External Conditions (Oklahoma) (Princeton,
NJ: Rinton), Preprint gr-qc/0405111 (2004 Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. 111 9545)
is replaced by a continuous stress–energy tensor at the price of introducing
anisotropy in the (fluid) model of the gravastar. Either with an ansatz for the
equation of state connecting the radial pr and tangential pt pressure or with
a calculated equation of state with non-homogeneous energy/fluid density,
solutions are obtained which in all aspects satisfy the conditions expected for
an anisotropic gravastar (Cattoen et al 2005 Class. Quantum Grav. 22 4189).
Certain energy conditions have been shown to be obeyed and a polytropic
equation of state has been derived. Stability of the solution with respect to
possible axial perturbation is shown to hold.
1. Introduction
Recently it has been proposed by several authors that objects other than black holes could be
formed by gravitational collapse of a massive star. Black hole horizons introduce a number of
core crust atmosphere
r=0 r
rg r 0 rmax R
Figure 1. Sketch of the gravastar as proposed by Cattoen, Faber and Visser [1].
theoretical problems and a consensus of solutions of those problems has not yet been reached
[2, 5].
One proposal, which was initiated recently by Mazur and Mottola (M–M) [2–4] is the
so-called ‘gravastar’. In this scenario, quantum vacuum fluctuations are expected to play a
non-trivial role in the collapse dynamics. A phase transition is believed to occur yielding a
repulsive de Sitter core which helps balance the collapsing object, thus preventing horizon
(and singularity) formation [5, 6]. It is expected that this transition occurs very close to the
limit 2m(r)/r = 1 so that, to an outside observer, it would be very difficult to distinguish
the gravastar from a true black hole. Since this proposal, different versions of the original
gravastar model have appeared with all variety of ingredients. For example, it has been shown
how a gravastar structure can form from a Born–Infeld scalar field such as that predicted by
low energy string theory [7]. In the multi-layer structure of the M–M model with de Sitter
core and asymptotical Schwarzschild outside region, additional features have been added. In
[8] gravastar solutions have been studied in a generalized (Reissner–Nordström) exterior and
solutions of the model stemming from the original Mazur–Mottola model have been analysed.
Gravastar type solutions in the context of solutions to Einstein’s equations with tube-like cores
have also been recently considered [9]. Pioneering in-depth studies of spherically symmetric
systems with de Sitter asymptotics may be found in [10–13].
It has recently been shown [1] that the gravastar configuration (see the next section for the
elaborated physical model of it) has to have anisotropic pressures which, in addition, should
obey some of the energy conditions of general relativity. In this context, one would ideally
construct such a spherically symmetric model of an anisotropic fluid with a corresponding
equation of state. The model, by the definition of the gravastar, should not possess a horizon, it
should to be stable and its (anisotropic) pressures and density ideally would not violate energy
conditions. Certainly this last requirement is somewhat relaxed in the sense that configurations
constructed in this way will violate some of the (usual) energy conditions from its very initial
In this paper, we present solutions for the gravastar as proposed by Cattoen, Faber and
Visser (CFV) [1]. In their paper an attractive sketch (see figure 1 drawn here for the convenience
of the reader) is given as a guide to all the future gravastar model builders. In the next section
a general description of gravastars as anisotropic fluid spheres is presented.
Gravastar solutions with continuous pressures and equation of state 2305
In section 3 we describe the evolution of the anisotropic gravastar model and one of
the solutions (model 1) which reproduces the CFV sketch of the anisotropic gravastar. The
value of the surface redshift is calculated while a more elaborate analysis of this important
quantity is relegated to a future work. Section 4 is devoted to the solution (model 2) which
starts from the construction of an equation of state and consistently solving the remaining
generalized Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff equation. Stability of this solution with respect to
axial perturbations is calculated. Finally, we conclude with comments and possible extensions
of the anisotropic gravastar solutions.
Einstein’s field equations, being exceedingly complicated because of their nonlinear character,
have one most important closed form solution outside a spherical star of total mass M, namely
the Schwarzschild metric. Its line element in curvature coordinates is
2M dr 2
ds = − 1 −
dt 2 + + r 2 d2 , (1)
r (1 − 2M/r)
where d2 := dθ 2 + sin2 θ dφ 2 .
For the interior of the star one has to choose a ‘physically reasonable’ stress–energy
tensor. One attractive possibility is to use the perfect fluid model of matter where
T µ ν = (ρ + p)uµ uν + p δ µ ν , (2)
with ρ and p being the energy density and pressure respectively in the co-moving frame of the
fluid, and uµ being the fluid four-velocity. In the static case, which is studied here, the interior
metric may be written as
ds 2 = −eν(r) dt 2 + eλ(r) dr 2 + r 2 d2 . (3)
The Einstein equations, G ν = 8π T ν , give a system of equations:
µ µ
ν 1 1
e−λ + 2 − 2 = 8πp, (4a)
r r r
1 1 1 2 ν − λ
e−λ ν − λ ν + (ν ) + = 8πp, (4b)
2 4 4 2r
−λ λ 1 1
e − 2 + 2 = 8πρ. (4c)
r r r
These are supplemented with the conservation law T µ ν;µ = 0, which, in this case, yields only
one non-trivial equation:
2 r 1 2
T 1 1 + 1 + ν T11 − λ T 0 0 − T 2 2 = 0. (5)
r 4 2 r
Elimination of the function ν(r) from the above under-determined system leads to a
convenient form of the conservation equation, i.e., the Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkov (TOV)
[14, 15] equation:
dp(r) [ρ(r) + p(r)][m(r) + 4πp(r)r 3 ]
=− , (6)
dr r 2 [1 − 2m(r)/r]
m(r) := −4π T00 (r̃) r̃ 2 dr̃. (7)
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One may also specify an equation of state which relates pressure and density. If, for simplicity,
we adopt at this stage a constant density profile function (with built-in boundary conditions)
ρ0 for r < R
ρ(r) = (8)
0 for R < r,
then it turns out to be an oversimplification which leads to analytic integration of (6) and
the corresponding field equations but pressure and density do not obey the energy conditions
which are analogous to the requirement of mass positivity in the Newtonian mechanics.
With the isotropic fluid and the above homogeneous energy density static solutions are
allowed for objects with a restricted total mass M to radius R ratio, i.e. 2M/R 8/9 [16].
2.1. Anisotropy
The idea of anisotropy in the spherically symmetric geometry was perhaps first introduced by
G Lemaı̂tre [17] and suggested by Einstein (as quoted in [17]). The limiting case of pr → 0
is mentioned there and the remaining transversal pressure was said to be enough to support a
(stable) sphere (see also [18]). Further development has brought different refinements of the
original anisotropy notion (see [19–30] for studies and further references).
The perfect fluid requires that the pressure in the interior of a star be isotropic, leading
to calculations of isotropic polytropes for descriptions of objects like white dwarfs or neutron
stars. Another option giving more freedom to the equation of state within the spherical
symmetry is the introduction of the stress–energy tensor which is anisotropic in its principal
pressures. The anisotropy is sometimes (spontaneously) produced by extending the notion
of a (perfect) fluid to phenomenological models, including, e.g., scalar fields, or strongly
interacting matter, although it is not known how large this anisotropy may be in realistic
The stress–energy tensor for an anisotropic matter/fluid distribution is given by
T µ ν = (ρ + pt )uµ uν + pt δ µ ν + (pr − pt )s µ sν , (9)
where pr is the radial pressure in the co-moving frame and (again) due to the spherical
symmetry, the angular components are identified and are denoted as transversal pressures, pt .
The vector s µ is orthogonal to the fluid four-velocity (s µ uµ = 0).
In the gravastar model, the core interior is assumed to be given by a de Sitter solution; so
the appropriate pressure/density ratio value equal to minus one should be implemented as an
initial condition for the density profile function, as well as a corrector to an equation of state
connecting the pressure and density.
For the moment we assume constant energy density ρ0 . In addition to the (energy) density
in a prescribed form, a relation between the radial pr and the tangential pt pressures should
be given. An ansatz for the anisotropy measure,
pt − pr
:= , (10)
will be used following the hints given in [1]. Bounds on the anisotropy measure are calculated
and are expressed in terms of the ‘compactness’ 2m(r)/r, so our ansatz has the following
α 2 2m(r)
= . (11)
12 r
The constant α 2 /12 will simplify the (numerical) calculation and it is a measure of anisotropy
for this version of the gravastar model. The TOV equation now assumes the following form:
Gravastar solutions with continuous pressures and equation of state 2307
4π r 3 2 2 3[ρ0 + pr (r)][ρ0 + 3pr (r)]
r 2 pr (r) = α ρ0 − (12)
9 1 − 8r 2 πρ0 /3
with the initial condition pr (0) = p0 , requiring also that pr (0) = pt (0).
The radial pressure pr (r) is given by
ρ0 2(α − 2)
pr (r) = −1 + α 1 − µ(r) −1 + √ (13)
3 α − 2 + (α + 2) exp[α(−1 + 1 − µ(r))]
where the ‘compactness’ is µ(r) = 2m(r)/r = 8π r 3 ρ0 /3, while the transversal pressure can
be obtained through (11), and is given by
pt (r) = 4 −1 + α 1 − µ(r)
2(α − 2)
· −1 + √ 2
+ µα . (14)
α − 2 + (α + 2) exp[α(−1 + 1 − µ(r))]
For all α > 0, both pressures start at −ρ0 in the centre of the gravastar. At µ = 1 (if one
would allow such a density profile) the values are pr = −ρ0 /3, pt = ρ30 (α 2 − 1). Only for
values α > 4.111 72 does the radial pressure reach positive values before returning back into
the negative pressure region. It is also worth noting that this simple model does not lead to an
equation of state, since the energy density does not change within the star.
As previously mentioned, this oversimplified model with the constant (energy) density
function as given above cannot reproduce the sketched figure 1, i.e., it cannot provide a
gravastar in the proposed model without the surface layer structure as required by junction
conditions. The most obvious extension is to use perhaps the same ansatz for the equation
of state connecting the behaviour of radial and tangential pressures as given in (11). For
the density one takes some non-homogeneous distribution which will give a more complex
dependence of pr (r) and lead to a possible solution (see model 1 below).
Certainly the ansatz could be replaced by a calculated equation of state and introduce
again an inhomogeneous density distribution (see model 2 below). On these two possibilities
the new results of this paper are based.
Another commonly studied energy condition is the strong energy condition (SEC) which
states that, for our static system,
ρ + pr 0, ρ + pt 0 and ρ + pr + 2pt 0. (20)
Since gravastars possess a de Sitter core, it is not possible to satisfy this energy condition.
Within the normal range of the gravastar it could be reasonable to propose that the speed
of sound shall not exceed 1 (speed of light). This requirement is reasonable to apply in the
region where one could expect that the unusual physics govern most of the physical processes
(i.e. where the matter possesses the least exotic behaviour). From the sketch in figure 1 this is
expected to be in the gravastar atmosphere, so
vs2 = 1. (21)
dρ atm.
In this region one should be able to derive a polytropic equation of state which should be
expressed by parameters which are in accordance to the requirement involving the speed of
sound (see next section).
In this section the solution of the gravastar non-layered model (i.e. the model sketched in
figure 1 [1]) is sought by prescribing an equation of state relating the pressures, i.e., an
equation which connects the radial pr (r) and tangential pt (r) pressure. An improved ansatz
of the form
˜ = ρ (22)
is assumed, where is as given in (11). The (inhomogeneous) density function profiles will
be chosen to be either of the exponential form or of a polynomial form.
The gravastar is a static configuration with a prescribed behaviour of the (radial
and tangential) pressure. As sketched in figure 1, the radial (and tangential) pressure
originates at r = 0 with the initial value conforming with the de Sitter interior definition
(pr (r = 0) = pt (r = 0) = −ρ(r = 0)). Investigations concerning a possible analytic form
of the (energy) density have produced stringent bounds on the allowed functional behaviour.
In the first approach to the gravastar model we start from the anisotropic TOV equation.
Following the requirement imposed on the density profile, we will be using a simply behaving
function of the form
ρ(r, r0 ) = ρ0 e−(r/r0 ) ,
where r0 has an appropriate dimension and n is chosen to be a positive integer. Motivations for
the exponential form of ρ may be found in [13, 31], where they chose n = 3, which simplifies
some calculations. The values of the central density, ρ0 , and of the fall-off constant, r0 , may
not be set arbitrarily, since one must make sure that the compactness does not exceed unity.
Alternatively, one may require a certain total mass of the configuration, and set the upper limit
to the compactness within the star. Then the values for the parameters ρ0 and r0 would follow.
In this (and the following) model we will restrict our (numerical) procedures to a general total
mass M and r0 by keeping the corresponding quantities as ratios.
When requirements of anisotropy are being imposed we use the anisotropic fluid stress–
energy tensor (9) T µ ν = diag(−ρ, pr , pt , pt ). As before, we have from equations (4a)–(5)
m(r) = 4π ρ(r̃) r̃ 2 dr̃ (24)
Gravastar solutions with continuous pressures and equation of state 2309
pt 0
1 0
M 2M 3M
pr 0
Figure 2. The gravastar model with the energy density profile ρ = ρ0 exp[−(r/r0 )n ] and
anisotropy (pt − pr )/ρ = α 2 (ρ/ρ0 )µ/12: radial (lower solid line) and transversal (upper solid
line) pressures, energy density (dashed line) and the compactness (dotted line). M is the total mass
of the configuration. In this example the parameters are n = 3, maximal compactness within the
gravastar µmax = 0.822, and α = 6.69. M = 1 here, so for a body of mass 10 km distances are
measured in units of 10 km.
3.1. Model 1b
As the next example of the gravastar model construction we will use the density profile function
of the form
ρ(r) = ρ0 [1 − (r/R)n ], n 2, (26)
and with the ansatz given in (11). Again the values of the central density, ρ0 , and of R are
adjusted to make sure that the compactness does not exceed unity. As an example we used
n = 4 in (26) to construct a gravastar of total mass M = 1 with maximal compactness within
the gravstar µmax = 0.93. For these parameters, we obtained ρ0 = 0.037 and R = 2.31, and
the compactness at the surface µ(R) = 0.864. If M is measured in decametres, the central
density in this model is approximately 4 × 1024 kg Dm−3 , approximately 1000 times neutron
2310 A DeBenedictis et al
M 2M R
pt 0
pr 0
Figure 3. The gravastar model with the energy density profile ρ = ρ0 (1 − (r/R)n ) and anisotropy
(pt −pr )/ρ = α 2 (ρ/ρ0 )µ/12: radial (lower solid line) and transversal (upper solid line) pressures,
energy density (dashed line) and the compactness (dotted line). M is the total mass of the
configuration. In this example the parameters are n = 4, maximal compactness within the
gravastar µmax = 0.889, and α = 6.10. Surface compactness is µ(R) = 0.864.
star density. The gravitational repulsion of the near de Sitter type core region is supporting
such densities.
By adjusting the value of α we could obtain a solution in which both pressures vanish at
r = R, thus obtaining a gravastar. The appropriate value was α = 6.10, while for lower/upper
values the pressures end up at negative/positive values at the surface of the gravastar; such
solutions were not considered any further (although the tangential pressure and energy density
need not vanish at the surface). The pressures, the density profile and the compactness of this
model are shown in figure 3.
pfit 0
pr 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
− 0.5 fit
Figure 4. The equation of state resulting from the solution shown in figure 2: radial pressure
(thick solid line) and its derivative with respect to the energy density (thick dashed line). The
polytropic fit computed in the range indicated by the marker and extrapolated over the whole range
of densities: radial pressure (thin solid line) and its derivative (thin dashed line). The parameters
of the polytropic fit are κ = 9.16 and γ = 1.70. The atmosphere corresponds to the left region of
the graph.
pfit 0
0.5 fit
M 2M 3M
− 0.5
pr 0
Figure 5. The radial pressure of figure 2 (solid line) and the polytropic fit radial pressure (dashed
line) versus r.
One method of determining a star’s properties is the measurement of its surface redshift,
Z, of spectral lines produced in the star’s photosphere. It is defined by the fractional change
( λ) between observed (λ0 ) and emitted (λe ) wavelength compared to emitted wavelength:
λ λ0
Z := = − 1, (28)
λe λe
and, according to our notation, its surface value becomes
ZR = e−ν(R)/2 − 1. (29)
In the context of the presented model calculations it is important to recall that anisotropy
affects the (surface) redshift so that for the static perfect fluid sphere the surface redshift is not
larger then Zs = 2 [16, 23] whereas in [23, 26] and references therein the maximal surface
redshift for anisotropic sphere is found to be 3.842. Model 1a (see figure 2) provides the
value Zs = 1.230 (with maximum compactness µmax = 0.822). Model 1b (figure 3), with
µmax = 0.889 and surface compactness µs = µ(R) = 0.864, gives the value Zs = 1.712.
Both values are well within expected values for a realistic (neutron star) object.
2312 A DeBenedictis et al
fit pfit 0
pr 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
− 0.5
Figure 6. The equation of state resulting from the solution shown in figure 3: radial pressure
(thick solid line) and its derivative with respect to the energy density (thick dashed line). The
polytropic fit computed in the range indicated by the marker and extrapolated over the whole range
of densities: radial pressure (thin solid line) and its derivative (thin dashed line). The parameters
of the polytropic fit are κ = 38.0 and γ = 2.18. The atmosphere corresponds to the left region of
the graph.
pfit 0
0.5 fit
M 2M R
− 0.5
pr 0
Figure 7. The radial pressure of figure 3 (solid line) and the polytropic fit radial pressure (dashed
line) versus r.
4. Model 2
Here we select a density profile of the form (23). Specifically, for numerical calculations, we
ρ0 = , r0 = (12)1/3 M, M = 6000 m.
16π M 2
The energy density is related to the radial pressure via a Mbonye–Kazanas (MK) equation of
state [31]:
ρ(r) m ρ(r) 1/n
pr (ρ) = s − (s + 1) · ρ(r). (30)
ρ0 ρ0
The MK equation of state possesses several desirable features (with appropriately chosen
parameters), namely, the speed of sound is less than one in the atmosphere and the WEC and
DEC are satisfied. The model considered here utilizes (30) with the parameters m = 2 and
n = 1. The tangential pressure will then be given by the anisotropic TOV equation (25).
In figure 8 we plot pr /ρ (solid) and pt /ρ (dashed) in order to study the DEC.
From figure 8 we see that there exists DEC violation with respect to the tangential pressure.
This violation occurs in the crust of the gravastar, where the physics is expected to be ‘exotic’
Gravastar solutions with continuous pressures and equation of state 2313
0.5 pr
M 2M 3M 4M 5M
− 0.5
Figure 8. The DEC with radial pressure pr (r)/ρ(r) and with tangential pressure pt (r)/ρ(r). The
parameters are as follows: s = 2.2135 and total mass M = 6 km.
M 2M 3M 4M 5M
− 0.5
and generally cannot be avoided, as noted in [1]. Note that in a model constructed via this
method, the DEC violation is minimal and the DEC can be respected in the outer layer of the
The expression for the anisotropy measure (which is now calculated and not prescribed
as in model 1), although in closed form, is not simple. Instead, for the specific model
considered here, we plot it in figure 9. Notice from this figure that vanishes in several
locations. It should be possible at these points to patch the solution to a perfect fluid yielding
a regular star-like structure in the outer region.
Following the calculation in the previous model, the specific model constructed here
possesses a surface redhift of ZR = 0.4.
referred to the book by Chandrasekhar [36] and the paper by Dymnikova and Galaktionov
[37]. Before proceeding, we shall establish some notation:
g00 = −eν(r) = −e−λ(r) e
(r) , (31)
e−λ(r) = 1 −
8π r 2 (ρ + pr )
(r) = h(r̃) dr̃, h(r) = (32)
r̃=0 r − 2m(r)
(these will be used below).
A more general line element may be written as
ds 2 = −eν dt 2 + eλ dr 2 + r 2 dθ 2 + r 2 sin2 θ [dφ − ω dt − q2 dr − q3 dθ ]2 . (33)
By comparison with (3), the unperturbed metric has ω = q2 = q3 = 0. Axial perturbations
correspond to these becoming non-zero. Our analysis is to linear order in these quantities.
We write
ω(r, θ, t) = ω̃(r, θ ) eiσ t , (34)
and similarly for q2 and q3 .
It can be shown that the system governing the perturbations can be reduced to a single
second-order differential equation, which can be solved by separating the variables r and θ
[37]. In brief, the perturbed field equations give a relation between ω and q2 and q3 , allowing
the elimination of ω. The quantity Q := eν r 2 sin3 θ (∂θ q2 − ∂r q3 ) is written as Q = R(r)(θ )
and the resulting radial equation is
d eν dR eν R
r 2 eν 2
− µ2l 2 + σ 2 R = 0, (35)
dr r dr r
where µ2l is the eigenvalue of the angular equation which can take on the values µ2l =
(l + 2)(l − 1) for l = 2, 3, . . . .
We can make a change of coordinates,
r∗ = e−ν dr,
We consider the limit as r → 0 which, for gravastars with de Sitter centres, gives
lim ν(r) = 0 and lim ν (r) = 0.
r→0 r→0
These conditions lead to
l(l + 1)
Vl → (38)
as r → 0. In the far region, r → ∞, we need to show that
(r) possesses finite limit. For
large enough r it can be seen (from figure 8) that r − 2m(r) 1 and that pr (r) < ρ(r); hence
h(r) 16π r 2 ρ(r). (39)
Since the integral of (39) has finite limit,
(r) will also have finite limit and therefore ν(r) also
possesses finite limit. In addition, rh(r) → 0 in the far zone so that rν (r) vanishes. Thus,
for very large r, Vl (r) has r −2 behaviour. This completes the argument for axial stability.
5. Concluding remarks
In this paper, we have constructed several models of gravastars which do not employ thin
shells. These models obey the conditions posed in [1]. The ‘stellar construction’ is based
on two methods. One method employs the prescription of the energy density and anisotropy
parameter, where the system can be shown to fit a polytropic equation of state in the stellar
atmosphere. In the second method, a prescription of the energy density is imposed, and then
the radial pressure is defined via a reasonable equation of state. A general model of the latter
type has been shown to be stable under axial perturbations. It is expected that similar models,
utilizing the former method, would also exhibit such stability. In closing, we should mention
that the models presented here are proof-of-concept models. That is, they are constructed to
show that gravastars, under the requirements set out by previous authors (for example [1])
can be explicitly achieved within the framework of general relativity theory. It would be of
interest to study whether the gravitational collapse of a heavenly body, with reasonable initial
conditions and undergoing the phase transition proposed in [2–5] at late times, will always
form an object without an event horizon.
DH is grateful to Simon Fraser University for their hospitality and support under which a part
of this work was carried out. This work was partially supported by the Ministry of Science
of The Republic of Croatia under the project number ZP0036-038 (DH) and the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (KSV). We would also like to thank
the anonymous referees for their comments.
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[4] Mazur P O and Mottola E 2004 Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. 111 9545
[5] Chapline G, Hohlfield E, Laughlin R B and Santiago D I 2003 Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 18 3587
[6] Gliner E B 1966 Sov. Phys.—JETP 22 378
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