Mid-Term Management Plan 2020: January 30, 2018 NEC Corporation
Mid-Term Management Plan 2020: January 30, 2018 NEC Corporation
Mid-Term Management Plan 2020: January 30, 2018 NEC Corporation
January 30, 2018
NEC Corporation
Mid-term Management Plan 2020
* Net profit refers to net profit attributable to owners of the parent for the same period.
1. Looking Back at the “Mid-term Management Plan
2018” and New Mid-term Management Directions
Transformation into a Social Value Innovator
The “Mid-term Management Plan 2018” aimed for the
“Reorganization of Profit Structure” and “Getting Back on the Track
to Growth” in order to realize the transformation into a
Social Value Innovator
Blockchain mounting
Collaboration by SBI Holdings,
A safe and Efficient and Efficient and SBI BITS, NEC
Focus on key businesses
Getting back on the track to - Safety business 41.8
growth - Global carrier network business
- Retail IT service business
FY2017/3 FY2019/3
FY2016/3 Result FY2018/3 MTP
Status Evidently underperformed in existing businesses Result Forecast
* Forecasts and targets as of January 30, 2018
7 © NEC Corporation 2018
Profit structure reorganization plan at time of MTP formulation and current progress
Back office efficiency +25.0 +14.0
Further reinforce:
・Improvement of fixed costs
Cost/ IT cost efficiency +10.0 +12.0
・Optimization of production system
91.4 Optimization of development and
manufacturing functions +10.0 +5.0
Reorganization of profit structure +82.0 +56.0
Evidently underperformed in
Changes in business mix -23.4 -77.4 existing businesses
Impact of suspension from
contract bidding process
-10.0 Difficulty in achieving business growth
Changes in business mix, etc. -23.4 -87.4
+58.6 -31.4 FY2018/3 Forecast
Result *Forecasts as of January 30, 2018
8 © NEC Corporation 2018
Mid-term Management Policies
Implement fundamental reform of profit structure, including reduction
of fixed costs, to be able to carry out investments needed to get
back on the track to growth
Reform of profit structure
SGA (Personnel expense reduction/cost cutting)
Business structure (Telecom carrier business/ Energy business)
Production system
Achievement of growth
• Securely capture growth opportunities in Japan market
Japan • Shift to service business
• Focus on safety business as the growth engine
Global • Reorganize global structure supporting growth
Reform Japan
Sustain Growth
Telecom Carrier Global
Business ICT Service Business
Drive growth by establishing
Transform business model,
Energy Business and create and capture new over-100B-yen scale businesses
growth opportunities
Reform business Japan
structure Social Infrastructure
Business Category
Implement investments to
gain competitive edge and
solidify profit structure
Platform Business
Enhance competitiveness
while ensuring optimization Business synergy
(Technologies, Customers, Solutions)
+60.0 structure
Cost cutting, business process optimization
+13.0B yen
reform Issues Business improvement +17.0B yen
International * +20.0B yen
Safety business +12.0B yen
+90.0 +30.0 Business others +8.0B yen
growth Japan * +10.0B yen
FY2017/3 FY2018/3 FY2021/3
Results Forecasts * Improvement of underperforming businesses is
Targets included in “Structural reforms"
Deploy the network strengths cultivated in the telecom market to other areas
Respond to the diversifying network needs and offer integrated services that cover products from devices and applications
Software &
Construction, Transportation Police
Applications &
Business applications/ Data ×
Value analysis
・Knowhow across wide-
Proposition ・・・
Added-value services NEC’s total ranging industries
・AI analytics
Optimized network capability ・Biometrics
Network Current Wi-Fi LPWA
infrastructures main business LTE 5G ×
Telecom Carrier Enterprise Public
Customer Segment
Formation of a sustainable,
Safe and comfortable connected cars
smart supply chain
Provision of NEC’s technologies and resources in AI, IoT,
Food supply and demand optimization, traffic and networks to increasingly sophisticated onboard
alleviation, cashless transactions, non-stop systems
factories and plants
program Service business 2,000* DX specialists
Accelerating profitability of
Safety global business through
selection of business
Prevention of
identity theft
Detection of
Educational Government
institutions agencies buses
Trends analysis
Event IC card
Improvement of
citizen services
Incubation through diverse schemes, such as venture In collaboration with external innovation ecosystem:
capital investment, spin-out, carve-out, etc. Accelerate commercialization of core technology
Drug discovery Smartphone-based
convenience store payment service ・Establish a new company responsible for incubation in
Establishment of CYTLIMIC, inc. Joint investment with SMBC
North America
Creation of new social value beyond existing
Software product delivery service in collaboration
with global vendors outside NEC channels
In collaboration with various stakeholders:
Object fingerprint Advanced Analytics
authentication technology Strengthening of public relations functions
(Government, international institutions, standardization bodies,
Services on GE Predix Inspection solution services NGOs/NPOs, etc.)
Introduce an evaluation and compensation system for rewarding those who take action
Reform Japan
Sustain Growth
Telecom Carrier Global
Business ICT Service Business
Drive growth by establishing
Transform business model,
Energy Business and create and capture new over-100B-yen scale businesses
growth opportunities
Reform business Japan
structure Social Infrastructure
Business Category
Implement investments to
gain competitive edge and
solidify profit structure
Platform Business
Enhance competitiveness
while ensuring optimization Business synergy
(Technologies, Customers, Solutions)
Bio-IDiom Privacy
2830.0 3000.0
2665.0 150.0
+2.0% 76.0
766.2 955.0 41.9 60.0
424.0 パブリック
Public 33.2 53.0
ズ 408.6 405.0 エンタープライ 40.0
テレコムキャリ Enterprise 39.7 34.0
580.0 ズ
Telecom Carrier
600.4 570.0 18.1 13.0
ア 50.0
System Platform 29.6 32.0
700.0 他, 0.0 ム 8.0
System Platform 719.8 710.0 その他
Others -20.0 -15.0
Others 170.0 190.0 309.0 Adjustment
消去・配賦不能 -58.7 -57.0
(Billions of yen)
987.0 CAGR Increase by securing opportunities for
Revenue -FY21/3 solving social issues, despite contraction of
existing ICT market
766.2 +1.1%
‐ Healthcare
‐ City management
76.0 ‐ Public safety
Operating 53.0
▌Operating profit
33.2 7.7%
5.5% Improve due to a sales increase and
Operating 4.3% minimizing unprofitable projects
(Billions of yen)
Revenue FY18/3 Growth in key areas
408.6 405.0
424.0 -FY21/3
‐ Automotive
‐ Manufacturing
‐ Retail
Operating ‐ Transportation IC card
39.7 38.0
▌Operating profit
9.7% 9.0%
Ratio 8.4% Improve profitability while continuing
investments in new areas
(Billions of yen)
Revenue FY18/3 Expand business in software & services area
with high market growth
580.0 - Revise strategies and business structure and
accelerate growth centering on TOMS business
Operating 40.0
▌Operating profit
Operating 13.0 6.9%
Optimize resources in accordance with
profit revenue volume
Ratio 3.0% 2.3% Turn to black in
FY17/3 FY18/3 FY21/3 Mobile Backhaul business
(Forecasts) (Targets)
(Billions of yen)
Revenue ▌Revenue
719.8 710.0 700.0 FY18/3
Shift to offering platforms that support
business transformation from the offering
of conventional ICT products
‐ AI
50.0 ‐ IoT × Image analysis
Operating ‐ Cyber security
(Billions of yen)
FY18/3 Expand safety business
‐ Accelerate M&A
‐ Expand business area
Focus on global energy SI business
- Divest from the electrodes business, and
309.0 discontinue development and production of small
Revenue energy storage system
The factors that may influence the operating results include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Effects of economic conditions, volatility in the markets generally, and fluctuations in foreign currency exchange and interest rate
• Trends and factors beyond the NEC Group’s control and fluctuations in financial conditions and profits of the NEC Group that are caused by external factors
• Risks arising from acquisitions, business combinations and reorganizations, including the possibility that the expected benefits cannot be realized or that the transactions
may result in unanticipated adverse consequences
• Developments in the NEC Group’s alliances with strategic partners
• Effects of expanding the NEC Group’s global business
• Risk that the NEC Group may fail to keep pace with rapid technological developments and changes in customer preferences
• Risk that the NEC Group may lose revenue due to problems with the production process or due to its failure to adapt to demand fluctuations
• Defects in products and services
• Shortcomings in material procurement and increases in delivery cost
• Acquisition and protection of intellectual property rights necessary for the operation of business
• Risk that intellectual property licenses owned by third parties cannot be obtained and/or are discontinued
• Risk that the NEC Group may be exposed to unfavorable pricing environment due to intensified competition
• Risk that a major customer changes investment targets, reduces capital investment and/or reduces the value of transactions with the NEC Group
• Risk that the NEC Group may be unable to provide or facilitate payment arrangements (such as vendor financing) to its customers on terms acceptable to them or at all,
or risk that the NEC Group’s customers are unable to make payments on time, due to the customers’ financial difficulties or otherwise
• Risk that the NEC Group may experience a substantial loss of, or an inability to attract, talented personnel
• Risk that the NEC Group’s ability to access the commercial paper market or other debt markets are adversely affected due to a downgrade in its credit rating
• Risk that the NEC Group may incur large costs and/or liabilities in relation to internal control, legal proceedings, laws and governmental policies, environmental laws and
regulations, tax practice, information management, and human rights and working environment
• Consequences of natural and fire disasters
• Changes in methods, estimates and judgments that the NEC Group uses in applying its accounting policies
• Risk that the NEC Group may incur liabilities and losses in relation to its retirement benefit obligations
The forward-looking statements contained in this material are based on information that NEC possesses as of the date hereof. New risks and uncertainties come up from
time to time, and it is impossible for NEC to predict these events or how they may affect the NEC Group. NEC does not intend to update or revise any forward-looking
statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
Note: In this presentation, the accounting periods of the fiscal years for March 31, 2017 and 18 were referred as FY17/3 and FY18/3 respectively. Any other fiscal years
would be referred similarly.
46 © NEC Corporation 2018