CIA Exam Syllabus, Part 1
CIA Exam Syllabus, Part 1
CIA Exam Syllabus, Part 1
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The revised CIA exam Part 1 is well aligned with The IIA’s International Professional Practices
Framework (IPPF) and includes six domains covering the foundation of internal auditing;
independence and objectivity; proficiency and due professional care; quality assurance and
improvement programs; governance, risk management, and control; and fraud risk. Part One
tests candidates’ knowledge, skills, and abilities related to the International Standards for the
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, particularly the Attribute Standards (series 1000, Candidates from the following countries
must refer to their local IIA Institute web-site
1100, 1200, and 1300) as well as Performance Standard 2100. or contact their local representative for
more information about local certification
Cognitive Level Page 1 of 4
CIA Exam Syllabus, Part 1 02/06/2020, 3(01 PM
Cognitive Level
Cognitive Level
A Describe the required elements of Basic
the quality assurance and
improvement program (internal
assessments, external
assessments, etc.)
B Describe the requirement of Basic
reporting the results of the quality
assurance and improvement
program to the board or other
governing body
C Identify appropriate disclosure of Basic
conformance vs. nonconformance
with The IIA’s International
Standards for the Professional
Practice of Internal Auditing
Cognitive Level
A Describe the concept of Basic
organizational governance
B Recognize the impact of Basic
organizational culture on the overall
control environment and individual
engagement risks and controls
C Recognize and interpret the Basic
organization's ethics and
compliance-related issues, alleged
violations, and dispositions
D Describe corporate social Basic
E Interpret fundamental concepts of Proficient
risk and the risk management
F Describe globally accepted risk Basic
management frameworks
appropriate to the organization
(COSO - ERM, ISO 31000, etc.)
G Examine the effectiveness of risk Proficient
management within processes and
functions Page 2 of 4
CIA Exam Syllabus, Part 1 02/06/2020, 3(01 PM
Cognitive Level
A Interpret fraud risks and types of Proficient
frauds and determine whether fraud
risks require special consideration
when conducting an engagement
B Evaluate the potential for occurrence Proficient
of fraud (red flags, etc.) and how the
organization detects and manages
fraud risks
C Recommend controls to prevent and Proficient
detect fraud and education to
improve the organization's fraud
D Recognize techniques and internal Basic
audit roles related to forensic
auditing (interview, investigation,
testing, etc.)
Additional noteworthy elements related to the revised CIA Part One exam syllabus:
IPPF elements such as the Mission of Internal Audit and Core Principles for the
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing are included.
The syllabus features greater alignment with The IIA’s Attribute Standards.
The exam covers the differences between assurance and consulting engagements.
The exam covers appropriate disclosure of conformance vs. nonconformance with the
The largest domain is “Governance, Risk Management, and Control,” which makes up
35%of the exam.
A portion of the exam requires candidates to demonstrate a basic comprehension of
concepts; another portion requires candidates to demonstrate proficiency in their
knowledge, skills, and abilities. Page 3 of 4
CIA Exam Syllabus, Part 1 02/06/2020, 3(01 PM
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