Sulzer PDF
Sulzer PDF
Sulzer PDF
Sulzer Pumps has earned its reputation Through having our own foundries, we 18001 certified. Each and every pump
for providing advanced pumping solu- are able to ensure optimum pump ma- is rigorously tested before shipment,
tions that meet the critical demands of terial selection for each particular ap- and regardless of where in the world
our customers and business partners. plication. Our 14 manufacturing plants our pumps are made, the commitment
Attention to detail and an insistence on are strategically located throughout the to quality is unrelenting.
quality are paramount to all phases of world, and our production processes
our operations. are ISO 9002, ISO 14001 and OHSAS
Lifetime Service Solutions for the AHLSTAR™ Pump
Expanded AHLSTAR™ Process Pumps – Features and Benefits
Designed for pumping clean, abrasive
or corrosive liquids especially stocks of
various kinds.
N-Hydraulics W-Hydraulics
Non-clogging process pumps are the Wear-resistant pumps guarantee reli-
right solutions when the liquid contains able pumping when the liquid is very
large or long particles. corrosive and/or abrasive.
Self-Priming S Bearing Unit
Self-priming pumps with an internal Simplified heavy-duty bearing unit
vacuum pump are designed for self- design ensures reliability.
priming purposes and to pump gas-
containing liquids. Grease Lubrication
Temperature of pumped liquid
max. 120oC
Oil Lubrication
Temperature of pumped liquid
max. 180oC (EPP 210oC)
Air-Separating R Others
Air-separating pumps with an external AHLSTAR™ hydraulics are also utilized
vacuum pump are particularly applica- in NVP non-clogging vertical process
ble for pumping gas-containing liquids. pumps and NKP/WKP non-clogging
cantilever pumps.
NSP P metric dimensioning
P basic horizontal pump,
WPP S self-priming and
R air-separating construction
WRP A, N, W and E indicate the
basic hydraulics
Hydraulic Design
The AHLSTAR™ product line offers a The back vanes of the impeller keep The impeller hub design ensures a
wide range of hydraulic sizes to guar- the area between the impeller and the smooth flow and helps to avoid spin-
antee minimum power consumption. casing cover clean, and reduce the ning and plugging.
Pump hydraulics, casings and impellers axial load on the bearings.
are designed to optimize fluid han- The reverse sides of same size impel-
dling capabilities. Stocks are pumped Balance holes in the impeller are used lers on the APP, NPP and WPP pumps
like water. Particles in sludges do not to stabilize the pressure in the seal are of equal dimensions. It is possible,
accumulate in the pump, or slurries chamber. The balance holes can be therefore, to use the same casing cov-
are effectively channeled so as not to plugged to optimize the shaft seal ers for all impellers. This reduces the
cause wear. environment, should the application number of spare parts required.
demand it.
An Impeller Tailored to Each Liquid
Gas Handling Systems
AHLSTAR™ Gas Removal Pumps for The Effect of Gas Content in The Effect of Weakly Bound Gas
Various Applications Conventional Centrifugal Pumps Content in the AHLSTAR™ Gas
The patented AHLSTAR™ self-priming • Almost all impeller types can oper- Removal Pump
gas removal pumps are designed ate with a gas content of below 4 %. • Pump operation is stable.
to pump liquids containing gas, and However, the capacity and head will • For weakly bound gases, the abso-
for use where the inlet pipe is empty. be reduced. lute maximum value is 40 %.
These are situations where conven- • At a gas content level of above 4 %, • For strongly bound gases it is up to
tional centrifugal pumps fail. the duty point remains approximately 70 %.
10...100 % from BEP (Best Efficiency
With standard centrifugal pumps, Point).
gas bubbles which are formed in the Pumping is unstable since the duty
impeller eye impair pumping. With the point varies heavily and excessive over-
AHLSTAR™ pump, these gas bubbles dimensioning of the pump becomes
are removed by an internal or external necessary.
vacuum pump, or through sufficient
inlet pressure. By removing the gas
bubbles from the impeller, the opera-
tion of the pump system is stabilized
and efficiency is greatly increased.
40 %
Shaft Sealing
To ensure maximum reliability against • All stainless steel structures for ex-
corrosion we offer material selection tremely corrosive situations. All parts
options from our own steel foundries. including the adapter and bearing
• All parts in contact with the pumped unit are made of stainless steel.
liquid can be produced from the • Additionally, stainless steel can be
same construction material as the selected for the bearing unit auxiliary
pump casing. Materials available for equipment to give longer operating
this option are 41, 4L, 4T, 4G, 43, 4U life in corrosive environments.
and 4J.
Main Dimensions A
~L DN2
Dimensions EN 22858:1993 (ISO 2858:1975)
up to size 44-200 DN1 H
Weight Weight
Size DN1 DN2 B2 1) H 1) L 1) A H1 Size DN1 DN2 B2 1) H 1) L 1) A H1
kg 2) kg 2)
A 11-32 50 32 500 480 1240 80 300 125 E 31-65 100 65 755 780 1790 140 465 390
11-40 65 40 500 480 1260 100 300 125 31-100 150 100 795 820 1830 160 465 400
s 11-50 80 50 630 540 1330 100 340 160 s 32-100 150 100 875 965 1910 175 555 480
e 21-65 100 65 630 640 1580 100 415 230 e 41-150 200 150 940 1000 2010 195 590 530
r 21-80 125 80 630 665 1600 125 415 240 r 41-200 250 200 1010 1105 2070 200 640 600
i 22-32 50 32 630 620 1490 100 395 230 i 42-150 200 150 1010 1100 2100 195 640 600
e 22-40 65 40 630 670 1710 100 445 250 e 42-200 250 200 1050 1155 2520 200 640 650
22-50 80 50 630 640 1600 125 415 235 42-250 300 250 1150 1230 2640 220 657 760
s s
22-65 100 65 720 730 1820 125 480 275 43-100 150 100 1010 1100 2040 175 640 660
22-80 125 80 720 760 1820 125 480 280 43-150 200 150 1050 1150 2510 195 640 690
23-40 65 40 630 740 1700 125 460 280 52-350 400 350 1600 1950 3160 355 1100 2560
23-50 80 50 720 800 2020 125 520 350 53-100 200 100 1200 1240 2870 195 740 1000
31-100 125 100 730 835 2290 140 555 420 53-200 250 200 1200 1305 2870 220 740 1030
31-125 150 125 730 910 2290 140 555 430 53-250 300 250 1200 1360 2870 220 740 1100
31-150 200 150 630 840 1670 160 465 340 53-300 350 300 1350 1420 3040 220 800 1300
32-65 100 65 730 835 2270 125 555 420 54-300 350 400 1480 1590 3080 270 870 1550
32-80 125 80 730 870 2270 125 555 410 54-500 500 500 1600 1980 3180 355 1100 2960
32-100 125 100 730 915 2400 140 600 480 55-300 400 300 1480 1620 3090 270 870 200
32-125 150 125 730 955 2400 140 600 500 61-500 500 500 1800 2260 3260 400 1200 3550
33-100 125 100 720 820 1780 140 465 370
33-125 150 125 720 900 1860 140 500 400 N 21-50 80 50 720 680 1820 125 480 260
41-200 250 200 730 980 2100 200 530 510 21-80 100 80 720 705 1865 160 480 270
41-300 300 300 730 1175 2150 225 615 630 s 22-50 80 50 720 705 1830 125 480 275
42-150 200 150 730 930 2100 160 530 460 e 22-80 100 80 630 715 1785 160 465 260
42-200 250 200 730 980 2100 180 530 500 r 31-100 150 100 720 745 1835 180 465 310
43-250 300 250 830 1175 2600 225 615 660 i 32-80 100 80 720 760 1875 160 480 335
43-300 350 300 880 1365 2700 250 735 870 e 32-100 150 100 730 870 2365 180 555 440
44-150 200 150 830 1005 2350 160 555 570 33-80 100 80 730 910 2140 160 555 480
44-200 250 200 880 1175 2650 180 675 740 33-100 150 100 730 910 2355 180 555 480
51-250 300 250 880 1295 2850 200 735 840 42-150 200 150 880 1070 2710 200 670 680
51-300 350 300 1160 1440 2900 250 770 1060 42-200 200 200 880 1120 2710 210 670 720
52-350 400 350 880 1645 2900 280 845 1190 44-150 200 150 880 1070 2710 200 670 710
52-400 400 400 1160 1770 2900 280 920 1420 44-200 200 200 880 1125 2710 210 675 740
53-100 200 100 880 1185 2700 180 685 740 53-250 250 250 1160 1370 2950 240 770 1125
53-150 250 150 880 1185 2800 180 685 780
53-200 250 200 1160 1330 2800 180 770 1000 W 22-32 80 50 630 640 1600 125 415 265
53-250 300 250 1160 1400 2850 200 770 1060 22-50 80 50 630 640 1600 125 415 265
53-300 350 300 1160 1590 3100 250 920 1110 s 23-50 80 50 720 800 2020 125 520 390
54-400 500 400 1160 1850 3000 355 1000 1600 e 32-80 125 80 730 870 2270 125 555 460
54-500 500 500 1160 2000 3000 355 1000 1780 r 32-100 125 100 730 915 2400 140 600 535
55-100 200 100 1160 1330 2850 250 770 1130 i 32-125 150 125 730 955 2420 160 600 555
55-200 300 200 1160 1415 2820 200 785 1250 e 33-100 125 100 720 820 1780 140 465 435
55-250 300 250 1160 1495 2850 225 785 1330 44-150 200 150 830 1005 2350 160 555 655
55-300 400 300 1160 1645 2870 250 845 1410 44-200 250 200 880 1175 2650 180 675 840
61-500 500 500 1340 2100 3180 400 1100 2350 53-100 200 100 880 1185 2700 180 685 845
61-600 600 600 1340 2280 3180 420 1100 2350 53-150 250 150 880 1185 2800 180 685 895
62-400 500 400 1340 1960 3135 355 1010 2020 53-200 250 200 1160 1330 2800 200 770 1150
53-250 300 250 1160 1400 2850 225 770 1230
Max. dimension for the largest IEC motor required in standard operation. 54-400 500 400 1160 1850 3000 355 1000 1910
With the largest steel baseplate and coupling but without motor. 55-300 400 300 1160 1645 2870 250 845 1700
AHLSTAR™ is available with both metric and US standard dimensions
61-600 600 600 1340 2280 3180 420 1100 3185
with compatible fasteners and fittings.
NOTE! Dimensions not to be used for construction.
Design Features and Installation Advantage
Various options are available for paint- Back pull-out design facilitates fast and Flexible coupling with spacer for quick
ing the pump. easy access when servicing the pump. service.
Grinding of the pump interior and Safety coupling guard is designed ac-
special cleaning offered for specific cording to stringent safety regulations.
applications where surface quality or
cleanliness is essential.
RIGBASE baseplates are of steel Removable adjusting screws permit Riser blocks allow the installation of the
or concrete with 3–point fastening. fast and simple alignment of the cou- next frame size of motor.
Distortion-free and easy to install. pling.
EPP centerline mounted.
Foundation Screws
Non-pressurized Pressurized
Fluid in/out Fluid in
Wide Hydraulic Coverage
1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 6008001000 2000
Capacity Q (l/s)
N-Performance Head H (m)
Head up to 90 m 200
Temperature max. 180oC 150
Capacity up to 550 l/s 100
Operating frequency 50 or 60 Hz 80
Pressure up to 1.6 MPa, 60
1 2 6 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 8001000 2000
Capacity Q (l/s)
Operating frequency 50 or 60 Hz 60
Pressure up to 1.6 MPa,
depending on material and size 40
2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 8001000 2000
Capacity Q (l/s)