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A Thesis Proposal

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Sastra








TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................i
CHAPTER I................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Study...................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem..................................................................................3
1.3 Scope of Limitation...........................................................................................4
1.4 Goals of the Study.............................................................................................4
1.5 Functions of the Study......................................................................................5
1.6 Systematical Presentation.................................................................................5
CHAPTER II..............................................................................................................7
2.1 Related Studies..................................................................................................7
2.2 Review of Literature.........................................................................................9
2.2.1 Sociolinguistics..............................................................................................9
2.2.2 Bilingualism.................................................................................................10
2.2.3 Code Mixing................................................................................................11
2.2.4 Types of Code Mixing.................................................................................12
2.2.5 Functions of Code Mixing...........................................................................15
CHAPTER III...........................................................................................................16
3.1 Approach of the Study....................................................................................16
3.2 Data Source.....................................................................................................17
3.3 Data Collection...............................................................................................17
3.4 Method of Data Analysis................................................................................17



1.1 Background of the Study

Linguistics is scientific study of language that do work on specific

language for understanding the nature of language in general, and

language in social context. In the social context, language is not only a

means of communications, but also it is a means of creating and

mantaining social relationship among the speakers of the language. For

example, there are two persons in the waiting room of railway station, at

first, they do not know each other. And then, they begin to make a talk to

avoid their boredom. They talk many things. They give information to one

and another. This is the function of the language as a means of

communication and at the same time as a means of creating social


In the process of time, language develops and has many changes

and variations depending on its influence. In large society, people need to

master English as international language to communicate with people in

the entire world. Moreover, it is also possible for bilingual or multilingual

people use more than one language in communication. Nababan

(1993:27) says that bilingualism is habit to use two languages interaction

to others.


In bilingual communication, two or more languages are often used

along together. One of the language phenomenon especially in the study of

bilingualism problems is called code mixing. (Holmes,2013:35).

Code mixing is one of the sociolinguistics that studies about using

other elements such of the words or phrases in conversation. The

characteristics of code mixing are marked by the relationship between the

role and function, the role means who is using the language, while the

language function means what the aim of the speaker is in speech. In this

manner, the specific characteristics of the speaker are, among others, his

social background, level of education and solidarity of region. However,

all of these specific characteristics will often color his code mixing. On the

other hand, the language function determines how far the languages used

by speaker give an opportunity to mix codes. Finally, a speaker who

masters many languages will have a greater opportunity to mix codes,

because what a speaker of his utterance achieves is extremely determined

by his language choice.

Language in the society has relation to language variety. Language

variety is an orientation to study of language that is related to language in

social life. That is not something new for people to use language variety or

use more than one language in the same time. Today the usage of

language variety is very common especially for youth. Most people who

are able to use more than one language will use them together. There are

common people who use more than one language or code mixing in their

job, for example , author, youtuber, singer, etc. Many authors use code

mixing in their book to make them more interesting or easy to be

understood. Many youtuber in Indonesia use code mixing of their content

to make their listener interested in their topic.

Supernova (Akar) is one of the novels that consists full of code

mixing. The novel was written by Dewi Lestari (Dee). Dewi Lestari is a

singer and a writer from Indonesia. She was born on 20th January 1976,

Bandung, West Java. She has married and has two children. She is

graduated from Parahyangan University of Faculty of International

Relations in Bandung.

Dewi Lestari has written many literary works. There are series of

Supernova novels, a story of Rectoverso, and Perahu Kertas novel. One of

novels that the writer chooses to be the objective in this study is

Supernova (Akar) novel. It is choosen because the writers thinks that

Supernova (Akar) novel is full of code mixing and it has not observed

before by the students in Pamulang University.

In this novel using more than one language, the example from this

novel that can be categorized code mixing. The sentences is as follow :

“Pergi siaran, Bod ? Gun, salah satu fans fanatikku, menyapa”

The sentence above indicate the existence of code mixing because

the speaker used one word or phrase of English into Indonesia language.

Based on the example above, the writer is interested in the style of

code mixing by Dewi Lestari’s novel entitled “Supernova (Akar)”. The


writer is really motivated to conduct a research entitled : “An Analysis of

Code Mixing in Dewi Lestari’s Supernova (Akar) Indonesia Novel.

1.2 Statements of the problem

With the reference to the statements of the problem, the objectives

of this research, which are:

1. What are the types of Code Mixing in Dewi Lestari’s Supernova (Akar)

Indonesia Novel ?

2. What are the functions of Code Mixing in Dewi Lestari’s Supernova

(Akar) Indonesia Novel ?

1.3 Scope of Limitation

The scope of this study is Linguistics focuses on Sociolinguistics.

The writer chooses sociolinguistics for the thesis and take a novel as a

subject for the study to explain about the types of code mixing and

function from uses code mixing in the novel. There a lot of conversations,

dialogues and narrations that contain in English in this novel, but the

analysis only focuses on the dialogues in Indonesia which contain English.

1.4 Goals of the Study

The goals of the study are :

1. To find out the types of Code Mixing in Dewi Lestari’s Supernova

(Akar) Indonesia Novel

2. To analyse the functions of Code Mixing in Dewi Lestari’s Supernova

(Akar) Indonesia Novel


1.5 Functions of the Study

The functions of the study are :

1. To improve the writer’s knowledge related to Code Mixing

2. To introduce the phenomena of Code Mixing in society to


3. To be reference for the next college students who are interested

in analyzing Code Mixing

1.6 Systematical Presentation

This study consists of three chapters. Chapter I is introduction

which consist of background of the study, statement of the problems,

scope and limitation of the study, goal of the study, function of the study,

and systematical presentation.

Chapter II consists of related studies, review of literature, and

theoretical framework. Related studies is some result of studies that

similar or correlate to the writer’s study. Review of Literature is

mentioning the theories that writer uses to support the analysis of this

study . Theoretical Framework is some theories that are related to the


Chapter III consist of research methodology which consists of

approach of the study, data source, collecting data, and method of data




2.1 Related Study

The analysis of code mixing has been discussed by other

college students and there are other students have conducted research

with the same topic, such as :

The first study was conducted by Rochim Achmad Bustanur

(2012) entitled “ An Analysis of Code Mixing in the Movie Punk in

Love”. He was a student of IAIN Tulungagung. This study focused on the

analysis of code mixing in conversation which were taken from Punk in

Love movie. He analyzed about the forms of language mixing used by the

actors in the movie Punk in Love and the reasons of using code mixing in

the movie Punk in Love. He used Arifin theory for the forms of language

mixing and the reasons of using code mixing. In his analysis he found five

forms of code mixing, they are : code mixing in form of word, code

mixing in the form of phrase, code mixing in the form of repetition word,

code mixing in the form of idiom, and code mixing in the form of clause.


There are three reasons of using code mixing, they are : role

identification, variant identification, and desire to explain and


The second thesis was done by Santika Rizky Lestari (2013)

entitle : “ an Analysis of Code Mixing Used by Blackberry Users

Through Blackberry Messenger”. She was a student of STKIP

Silwangi Bandung. This study focused on the analysis of code mixing

in their status or personal message and broasdcast in blackberry

messenger. She analyzed about the types of code mixing and the

reasons why the blackberry messenger users used code mixing in their

status or personal messange and broadcast. To analyze about the types

of code mixing and the reasons why the blackberry messenger users

used code mixing in their status or personal messange and broadcast,

she used Hoffman’s theory. The types of code mixing are : the

blackberry users tended to use insertion code mixing, alternation code

mixing, and congruent lexicalization. She found reasons why the

blackberry messenger users used code mixing in their status or

personal messange and broadcast, that are : because of real lexical

need, talking about a particular topic, and because of speech content


The third, the study by Anita Puspita Sari (2012), entitle : An

Analysis of Code Mixing Found in Novel Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 2 by


Habiburrahman Al – Shirazy. She was a student of Wijaya Putra

University Surabaya. In this study she focused on one phenomenon

above that is using code mixing by characters in novel. She

analyzed about type of code mixing and the reasons of using code

mixing by characters used in Novel Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 2 by

Habiburrahman Al – Shirazy. To analyzed about type of code

mixing and the reasons of using code mixing by characters used

in Novel Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 2 by Habiburrahman Al – Shirazy,

she used Muysken’s theory. She found the types of code mixing,

that are : insertion of word, insertion of phrase, insertion of word

repetition, insertion of idiom or expression. And than she conclude

the reasons why the characters used code mixing are : because of

language attitude phenomenon, situational factors, show about

their relationship with the other and than education degree and

group identity.

Both those related study have similarity in analysis of code

mixing. In this study, the writer discuss about code mixing in the

novel. From the related study above the writer learn and study

about the same topic about code mixing but with different context

and the theory from studies above.

2.2 Review of Literature

2.2.1 Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics is concern with investigating the relationship

between language and society with the goal being understanding of

the structure language and how language function in

communication. (Wardaugh, 2006:13).

Language in society has variety and the use of languge

depends on the user of the language, language is used as

communication tool, to give information and opinion and to

express what the speakers feels.

When talking about sociolinguistics, we will have a

curiosity about factors that cause the different language accurs in

every society. Saville Troike (2006:43) points out “Appropriate

language choice may depend on setting (including locale and time

of day) and participants (including their age, sex, and social

status)”. By understanding the theory of Saville Troike, we know

that the society use language choice depend on the place where

they are talking and the participants who they are talking to.

Based explaination above, it can be conclude that

sosiolinguistics is one field in language study that focuses on

discusses the language related to society, variety, function and the

user of language.

2.2.2 Bilingualism

Many young generations do not use their parent’s

vernacular (bahasa daerah) and use Indonesia language. This

situation can be seen in big city nowadays.

Nababan (1993:27) said that bilingualism is the habit using

two language in interaction with other people. Many countries in

this world are called bilingual because they have more than one

language. They also have ability to speak more than one language.

In this era people speak in two different languages at the

same time. This concept of bilingualism raises some problems,

first, measuring one’s some mastery toward two languages he used

is difficult. Second, it’s questionable whether it is possible for

speaker to use second language as well as he uses his native

language. Bilingual who are capable of using their second

language. Bilinguals mix two languages and switch back and forth

between two languages and what triggers them to mix and switch

their languages when they speak.

2.2.3 Code Mixing

Code Mixing is combining or inserting. Wardhaugh

(2006:103) mentioned that code mixing occurs when conservant

uses both of two language together to extend that they change from

one language to the other in the course of single utterance. It

means that the speaker inserts other languages to the language

while he is speaking in one language.


The phenomenon of code mixing happens not only between

local language and Indonesian language, but also among local

language, Indonesia language and English language. The

phenomenon of code mixing does not only occur in daily life

situations. It is also used by some authors to create novel. Code

mixing occurs when people mix two languages between mother

tongue and English. Nababan (1993) said that code mixing is found

mainly in informal interactions. When someone in society use mix

two languages to communicate with others, it means that they use

code mixing. People that use code mixing is usually they use in

daily activity to communicate with others.

2.2.4 Types of Code Mixing

There are some types of code mixing, there are :

According to Poplack, 1980 devided three kinds of code

switching, there are :

1.Intersentential switching

It occurs when each clause or sentence in one language or the

other. For example : “hungry banget perut gue”.

2.Intra-sentential switching

It occurs within a clause or sentence boundary. For example :



Is the switching of either a tag phrase or a word, or both, from

language-B to language-A, common intra-sentential switches. For

example English tag are : “you know”, “I mean”, “right”.

Muysken (2000) mentioned there are three types of code

mixing, there are:


The concept of insertion is defines as insertion of material such as

lexical items or entire constituents from one language into a structure

from the other language. According to Muysken (2000), approaches that

depart from the notion of insertion view the constrains in term of the

structural properties of some base or matrix structure. Here the process of

code mixing is conceived as something similar to borrowing: the insertion

of an alien lexical of phrasal.


Approaches departing from alternation (associated with the Poplack

(1980)) view the constrains on mixing in terms of the compability or

equivalence of the languages involved at the switch point

(Muysken,2000). Conjunctions and appositions are incorporated through

adjunction rather than insertion (Muysken,2000). Verbs are often

incorporated through adjunction to a helping verb.

3.Congruent Lexicalization

Congruent lexicalization is connected to language variantions and

style shifting: switching is grammatically unconstrained and can be

characterized in terms of alternative lexical insertions, Linguistic

convergence feeds into congruent lexicalization and the two processes

may reinforce each other.

Moreover types of code mixing :

Stockwell (2007:48) illustrates of various types of code

mixing that are as following :

1.Tag switching

Where a stock element in on language (often interrogatory or

exclamatory) is joined to an utterance in another. It occurs when a

bilingual inserts short expression (tag) from different language at the

beginning or the ending of his/her sentences utterance.

2.Intrasentential mixing

It is found when a word, a phrase, or a clause of a foreign

language is found within the sentences or utterance in a base language.

Stockwell gives an instance of this mixing that occurs at a clause


3.Intersentential Mixing

Where the change occurs at a sentences boundary. It is called

Intersentential Mixing, when there is another language uttered in

complete sentences before or after the base language used.


2.2.5 Functions of Code Mixing

According to Hymes in Saville Troike (2003:13), functions

of code mixing are :

1.Expressive (conveying feelings or emotions)

2.Directive (requesting or demanding)

3.Refential (true or false proporsional content)

4.Poetic (aesthetic)

5.Phatic (empathy and solidarity)

6.Metalinguistic (reference to language itself)

It can be conclude from the theory of Hymes that

language has aim. The aims are to convey, to request, to show that

it is proporsional content, poetic, phatic or metalinguistic. People

use language to communicate with others.

2.3 Theoretical Framework

There are many theories above that the writer have red. All of

the theories helps the writer in this study. However, in this study

writers uses a theory of code mixing by Stockwell (2007:48) to

analyzed the types of code mixing. And theory by Hymes in Saville

Troike (2003:13) to analyzed the functions of code mixing.



3.1 Approach of the Study

The study will use descriptive qualitative approach.

Regarding to Creswell (2003), mentioned that qualitative

researcher is the primary instrument for data collection and

analysis. Data are mediated through this human instrument, rather

than through inventories, questiomers, or machines. Qualitative

research is descriptive in that the researcher is interested in process,

meaning, and understanding gained words or picture.

Based on the statement, the researcher will get the data

from words or picture from the object that she/he analyzed. Related

to this study, the writer will get the data in form of texts, involving

words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. It can be conclude that

based on the descriptive qualitative research, the data cannot

measured by numbers.

3.2 Data Source

The data source of this study will take from the

dialogues that consists of English that are spoken by the

character in Dewi Lestari’s Supernova (Akar) Indonesia Novel.


3.3 Data Collection

In this study the writer collect the data by reading the

object of supernova (Akar) novel by Dewi Lestari. The writer

will read the novel more and more to understand of the story.

Then the writer will identify and classify its novel by code

mixing, after that the writer will break down those kinds of

code mixing in table.

3.4 Method of Data Analysis

The writer will take the data from Dewi Lestari’s

Supernova (Akar) Indonesia Novel in the form of dialogues

that consists of code mixing in English. To help the writer to do

this study, the writer will use theory by Stockwell (2007:48)

to analyze types of code mixing. Second theory is by Hymes in

Saville Troike (2003:13) to identify the function of code



Book sources :

Bustanur, R. A. (2012). An Anlysis of Code Mixing in the Movie Punk In Love.

Tulungagung: IAIN.

Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research Design : Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed

Method Approaches Second Edition. USA: Sage Publication, Inc.

Holmes, J. (2013). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. London and New York:


Lestari, S. R. (2013). An Analysis of Code Mixing Used by Blackberry Users

Through Blackberry Messanger. Bandung: STKIP Siliwangi.

Muysken, P. (2000). Bilingual Speech : A Typology of Code Mixing. United

Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Nababan, P. (1991). Sosiolinguistik Suatu Pengantar. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia

Pustaka Utama.

Poplack, S. (1980). Sometimes I'll start a sentence in Spanish y termino en

espanol. 581 - 618.

Sari, A. P. (2012). An Analysis of Code Mixing Found in A Novel Ketika Cinta

Bertasbih 2 By Habiburrahman Al-Shirazy. Surabaya: Universitas Wijaya

Saville, T. (2003). An Ethnography of Communication, Third Edition. Oxford:

Basil Blackwell.

Stockwell, Peter. (2007). A Resources Book for Students, Second Edition. London
and New York. Routledge

Wardaugh, R. (1986). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. USA and New York:

Basil Blackwell.

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