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Lyceum of The Philippines - Davao: Classroom Instruction Delivery Alignment Map

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Km 11, LPU Town Center, CP Garcia Highway, Buhangin District, Davao City


Grade Grade 11 School Year 2019-2020
Course Principles of Marketing Semester 2nd Semester
Course Description The course deals with the principles and practices in marketing goods and services. It also focuses on the Pre-requisite Economics, Organization and Management
development of integrated marketing programs that will help grow businesses.
Culminating Performance Standard Midterm The learners demonstrate an understanding of the value of customer relations and customer service.
Finals The learners shall be able to orally defend the mini-marketing plan to a group of marketing professionals.

Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in

Developing the Highest Thinking Skill to
Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Assess
Content Standard Performance Learning Competencies KUD
Content Standard Classification Assessment Enabling Teaching Strategy
RBT Level Technique General
Chapter 1: The learners The learners shall be The learners...
Marketing Principles and demonstrate an able to...
Strategies understanding of… Knowing Understanding / / Representation Interactive Lecture
1. What is marketing and plot marketing goals 1. define and understand
its traditional approaches? the marketing and approaches for marketing
2. Goals of marketing principles, goals, product or service Knowing Remembering / / Representation Group Discussion
3. Contemporary and traditional and 2. describe the traditional
approaches to marketing contemporary approaches to marketing
approaches to Knowing Understanding / / Representation Group Discussion
marketing 3. discuss the goals of marketing
Understanding / / Representation Group Discussion
4. identify and explain Knowing
contemporary marketing
Chapter 2: the value of develop a program 5. define “relationship marketing” Knowing Remembering / / Representation Interactive Learning
Customer Relationship: customer relations for customer service
Customer Service and customer
service 6. explain the value of customers Knowing Understanding / / / Representation Cooperative Learning

7. identify and describe Knowing Remembering / / Representation Interactive Lecture

“relationship development

8. illustrate successful customer Understanding Applying / Connection Cooperative Learning

service strategy in the Philippine
business enterprise
Chapter 3: the importance of conduct marketing 9. distinguish between strategic Understanding Analyzing / / Communication Group Discussion
Market Opportunity information, the research, interpret and marketing planning in terms
Analysis and Consumer market market buying of objectives and processes
Analysis characteristics behavior on product
1. Strategic Marketing affecting consumer or service, and 10. analyze the elements of Understanding Analyzing / / Communication Inquiry-based learning
versus Tactical Marketing behavior, and the identify the product or macro- and micro-environment
2. The Marketing bases of market service target market and their influence to marketing
Environment segmentation planning
3. Marketing Research
4. Consumer and Business 11. define marketing research, Knowing Remembering / / / Representation Interactive Lecture
Markets its importance to a business
5. Marketing Segmentation, enterprise and identify the steps
Market Targeting, and in marketing research
Market Positioning (STP)
12. describe the consumer and Knowing Remembering / / Representation Interactive Learning
business markets

13. differentiate the buying Understanding Analyzing / / Communication Cooperative Learning

behavior and decision making of
individual/ household customer
versus the business
(organizational) customer

14. identify and segment market Understanding Analyzing / Communication Cooperative Learning
for a product or service

15. select the appropriate target Understanding Analyzing / / / Communication Cooperative Learning
market segment and its
Chapter 4: the essence of the design a new product 16. define a product and Understanding Analyzing / / Communication Cooperative Learning
Developing the marketing new product or service, decide differentiates the product,
mix development, types of pricing services, and experiences
pricing, placing approach, and
(distribution), and choose distribution 17. identify and describe the Knowing Remembering / / Representation Group Discussion
promoting a product methods and factors to consider when setting
or service promotion tools that prices and new product pricing
respond to market and its general pricing
trends approaches

18. discuss the structure of Knowing Understanding / Representation Group Reporting

distribution channels, its /
functions, and the nature of
supply chain management

19. define and identify relevant Knowing Remembering / Representation Interactive Learning
promotional tools, namely, /
advertising, sales promotion,
personal selling, public relations,
and direct marketing to create
awareness and persuade the
target market to buy the product
or patronize the service
Chapter 5: the necessity of a create a new product 20. explain the relationship Knowing Understanding / / Representation Group Discussion
Managing the Marketing marketing plan in or service design and between market analysis,
Effort (The Marketing business pricing, and planning, implementation, and
Process) promotion and control
1. Market analysis distribution strategies
- SWOT Analysis 21. analyze the company’s Understanding Analyzing / Communication Inquiry-based
2. Marketing planning situation, markets, and Instruction
3. Marketing environment (the marketing audit
implementation and SWOT analysis)
4. Marketing control
22. identify target market and Knowing Remembering / / Representation Interactive Lecture

23. explain the significance of Knowing Understanding / Representation Group Discussion

the marketing mix to motivate the
potential market to buy the
product or service (the marketing
Chapter 6: and proper orally defend the 24. integrate the marketing Understanding Applying / / / Connection Experiential Learning
Workshop and interpretation of mini-marketing plan concepts and techniques learned
Presentation of Marketing marketing strategies to a group of by preparing a marketing plan
Plan through workshop marketing
and presentation professionals 25. present a mini-marketing Understanding Applying / Connection Student-Led
plan, orally and in writing Classroom

Culminating Midterm: Present a Develop Program for Customer service, orally and in writing.
Performance Task
Finals: Present a Mini-Marketing Plan, orally and in writing.

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Subject Teacher Coordinator, Junior College Department Dean of Junior College Department

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